Lan Ming Yue

Night Exploration

Liang Ye waved his hand in front of him, and then out of nowhere, grabbed his uninjured right hand, “Pull Zhen up.”

Wang Dian pulled him up from the ground expressionlessly, seeing the dust petals and grass leaves on his clothes, he wanted to let go of his hand in disgust.

Liang Ye’s strength was so formidable that he didn’t even give him this chance at all, and instead leaned into his neck and sniffed, “Mmm, this is the smell, can Zhen have a taste?”

Before Wang Dian could answer, there was a warm and damp sensation coming from the skin around his neck, and a chill rushed from the tailbone to his scalp like lightning. Wang Dian couldn’t bear it anymore and struck his lower abdomen with a knee. Liang Ye suddenly felt pain, he clutched his stomach and raised his head to look at him in shock.

Wang Dian was also a little shocked.

According to Liang Ye’s reaction speed before, 99% of the strike would definitely miss him all at once.

The smile on Liang Ye’s face gradually turned dark, and he said in a cool voice, “Very well, Zhen hasn’t been beaten for a long time.”

This kind of domineering CEO style harsh words sounded familiar to Wang Dian, but he couldn’t also conceal his anger at all, “Are you sick!?”

“Zhen just thinks it smells good.” When Liang Ye saw that he was a little angry, he didn’t quite understand. Then he licked his lips like an aftertaste, “but it doesn’t have flavor either.”

Wang Dian’s temples were throbbing with anger. This person’s brain circuit was completely different from normal people. What kind of psychopath would lick other people’s necks to play with when he had nothing to do!

The feeling of being powerless and freaking out at Liang Ye surged back up again.

“You—” Wang Dian took several deep breaths, struggling to bring back the rationality that had jumped three miles away, “Take me to see the inner court.”

Fucking just lick things, absolutely not simply falling ill without any reason.

“Zhen always keeps his words.” Liang Ye let out a soft snort from his nasal cavity, and rubbed his lower abdomen unhappily.

The swear words that Wang Dian had accumulated for more than 20 years erupted at this moment. If eyes could kill, Liang Ye would definitely be killed by him.

He coldly looked at Liang Ye for a while, then turned and left.

Large expanses of blooming peonies like a stream of water were knocked open and closed by him, and its fine scent entangled in the air. The originally light scent was stacked one after another, making it sweet and greasy to the extreme.

Liang Ye folded his arms and looked at the back of Wang Dian leaving, frowned and licked his lips.

“Master, why are you being frivolous with him?” Cheng Heng’s voice sounded from behind him, full of puzzlement.

“Zhen isn’t.” Liang Ye said confidently, “Zhen simply have a taste.”

“Tasted already? Is it more fragrant than pig’s trotters?” Chong Heng was curious.

Liang Ye’s bright eyes were like a vicious hungry wolf that had finally found his desired food. He stretched out his hand and held Wang Dian’s shrinking figure amongst the flowers in his palm, with an excited smile on his face .

“It’s much more fragrant than pig’s trotters.”


“Your Majesty, it’s late at night, it’s time to rest.” Yun Fu knelt beside the desk, reminding the person who was reading, with a low voice.

Wang Dian turned the history book again. These traditional characters made him dizzy, and his voice was a bit muffled in the silence, “Two hundred years ago, there was internal turmoil in the Da’an Dynasty, and warlords fought fiercely. The Liang family was originally a family of Da’an in the east, why did they end up building a country in the north?”

“It is said that they migrated from the north back then, as there were many frictions within their clan, the original clan in the east. Later, civil strife simply happened again in the north, and then their clan established the Eastern Chen Country in the east.” Yun Fu had also followed him and had read a lot of books during this time, and a native person, he was already familiar with some things, “The uncle of the current empress dowager was once the monarch of their family.”

Wang Dian said, “The empress dowager’s surname is Cui, and Zongshu Ling Cui Yun is her half-brother, yet the two have always been at odds.” (TL: Zongshu Ling-same as head of the secretariat)

“Correct.” Yun Fu replied, “Cui Daren is an upright person, and abhor evil as deadly foe. During the reign of the late emperor, he investigated and dealt with many absurd things about the Cui family, he is an example of punishing one’s own relations in the cause of justice.”

“Punishing one’s own relations in the cause of justice.” Wang Dian rolled up the book in his hand with effort, leaned on the chair and closed his eyes wearily.

The first emperor Liang Hua was not the biological son of the Empress Dowager Cui. During Liang Hua’s reign, the Cui family managed the state affairs and controlled the court. By the time it was Liang Ye at present, the Cui family was already in control. It was said that the inner court she controlled could rival the outer court, but in fact the inner court completely crushed the group of ministers from the external court. After observing for a month, he found that the supreme role of the group of people under him was to only quarrel, and there were only a handful of people who could do practical things, all relying on Wen Zong’s support. It’s not difficult to imagine that when the old man finally kicked the bucket, the rickety frame of the outer court may not be able to hold up anymore.

Moreover, Liang Ye, the crazy emperor in reign, had a bad reputation in the court, not only that, he had never even accepted a concubine to be in his harem. Except for hearing that the Imperial Perceptor and others were anxious and angry, he had no intention of being anxious at all. As for Liang Ye’s mother, the Empress Bian, just a dowry maid sent into the palace by the Bian family, who gave birth to a son by accident, became the empress in a daze.

Why isn’t the Cui family not in a hurry or even unwilling for Liang Ye to have an heir?

The people in the outer court were all the leftovers of the empress, and the soldiers and money were in the hands of the inner court. Liang Ye was like a puppet whose hands, feet and joints were bound by countless silk threads. The people behind the scenes were even ready to abandon him at any moment. Turning over this situation was even more difficult than ascending to the sky.

What can I do to break this deadlocked situation……

Managing a company requires power, managing a country also requires power, in the final analysis, he needed military power.

Wang Dian opened his eyes, “Get the Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials.”

In the middle of the night, Zeng Jie, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials, was dragged out of his warm bed, and entered the palace against the huge moon. Half an hour later, the doors of various officials in the Ministry of Officials were knocked on one by one, and they rushed into the palace in great haste.

It’s to work overtime.

When the sky began to turn hazy and bright, Wang Dian finally finished the task arrangement, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, “It’s done, that’s all, Zhen wants to see it before today’s midnight.”

The officials sitting below looked at their immediate superior Zeng Jie in unison, looking as if their parents had died.

This is simply an impossible task to complete.

Your Majesty, what is this for?

Why is there such a hurry for something that is completely useless?

Boss, hurry up and say a word to His Majesty!

Zeng Jie raised his head tentatively, “Your Majesty.”

Wang Dian suddenly raised his hand to support his shoulder, and said in earnest words, “Minister Zeng, this matter is very serious and of great importance, you are also a veteran minister in the court while Zhen is still young and have limited manpower, therefore Zhen can only be rest assured by leaving this matter to you.”

Zeng Jie was stunned, shock and disbelief flashed in his eyes.

Heaven pities and protects us! The last time His Majesty spoke to him alone, he said, “Old ignorant man, the hair on your head is almost gone, don’t come here to obstruct Zhen’s eyes.”


Zeng Jie couldn’t tell what he was feeling, but seeing His Majesty’s sincere gaze, and hearing his calm and solemn tone in front of him, it was as if he was casted a curse, and his heart was filled with excitement.

“Subject Zeng Jie, will not disappoint His Majesty’s entrustment!”

The surrounding half-dead subordinates: ???

“Zhen is together with you.” Wang Dian gave Zeng Jie an affirmative look, and looked at the group of subordinates, “After this matter is over, there will be a lot of rewards!”

The surrounding atmosphere became lively as expected.

In their previous impressions, this His Majesty was eccentric and unreasonable, violent, and bloodthirsty, a madman that no one could avoid, but after getting along for a day, they found that this was not the case at all——

This His Majesty in front of them was calm, gentle, wise and decisive, and even very good at listening to other people’s opinions, simply the leader they’ve always dreamed in their hearts.

Even if what they were doing now was mediocre or even a cumbersome sorting out of information, it made people extra motivated because His Majesty stayed with them.

When eating at noon, His Majesty actually asked the imperial kitchen to deliver a delicious and appetizing imperial meal, didn’t mind following them at all, and sat on the steps of the hall with them to eat together. What an approachable person this is!

They kept busy until midnight, and finally sorted it out. Wang Dian flipped through the records in his hand, and everyone behind stared at him nervously, holding their breath.

After reading the last page, Wang Dian raised his head and showed them a faint smile, “Well done, all Zhen’s dear subjects, you have worked hard today, go back and rest now.”

A satisfied smile suddenly appeared on the faces of everyone, as well as an indescribable pride welling up in their hearts.

A group of people dispersed one by one, and a young man in an official uniform was the last one to leave, but he turned around suddenly before going out.

Wang Dian got up from behind the desk, feeling a little dizzy, thus he simply sat on the steps. Slowly raising his head, he happened to meet his gaze.

“Subject Wen Yu, plead guilty to His Majesty.” He suddenly knelt down.

Wang Dian was puzzled, “What is the crime?”

“This subject used to think that Your Majesty idle away his days, absurd and unreasonable, not interested in the nation’s politics, virtue does not match. But getting along today, this subject misjudged. Your Majesty is benevolent and generous, diligent and hardworking, a rare and benevolent ruler.” Wen Yu raised his head, and his gaze was firm, “This subject vows to follow His Majesty to the death, and to lay down his life for His Majesty!”

(t/n Virtue does not match- means that a person’s social status and treatment did not match his moral behavior.)

Wang Dian was stunned for a moment during this sincere confession, then got up and walked down the steps, and helped him up himself, “Zhen used to be preposterous, and is indebted to His dear minister not abandoning Him and simply wish the monarch and his subjects to get along well. Our Great Liang will prosper.”

Wen Yu’s face turned red with excitement, his eyes were full of tears, and bowed again upon leaving.

Wang Dian didn’t expect to be able to add another younger brother by working overtime together. He returned to the study in a good mood, leaned on the bedside to look through the records after bathing and washing.

“Your Majesty, those people you arranged a few days ago have sent news.” Yun Fu leaned over and said in a low voice, “Yu Ying asked if you would like to look now or tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow.” Wang Dian said, “Zhen is tired today.”

Later that night, he woke up with shortness of breath.

Under the dim candlelight, Liang Ye smiled like a ghost who just crawled out from hell, he loosened his hand covering his mouth and nose, and pinched his cheek, “Get up!”

Wang Dian hadn’t seen him for two days, and when not seeing him, he felt at ease physically and mentally. Waking up in the middle of the night felt like a nightmare, but he still slapped Liang Ye’s hand away and sat up, “What are you doing?”

He had just woken up, and his obscene clothing was untidily open. Liang Ye’s eyes lingered on his neck and chest, “Zhen can’t sleep.” (TL: obscene clothing- meaning inner garment or underwear)

Wang Dian was very upset after being woken up, “What does it matter to me if you can’t sleep?”

“You really don’t have the consciousness that your life is in someonelese’s hands.” Liang Ye was very dissatisfied with his attitude. He reached out to hook the side collar of his obscene clothing, and suddenly pulled it aside, revealing a large piece of fair skin under the clothes.

“It’s quite fair.” Liang Ye commented on his complexion, pointing to the small red mole on his chest and said, “Zhen has one here too.”

Wang Dian stared at him expressionlessly, and pulled back the obscene clothing.

Liang Ye felt bored for a moment, and unexpectedly asked, “Why aren’t you angry this time?”

“………” Wang Dian didn’t want to say a word to him at the moment, thus he pulled the quilt and planned to continue lying down to sleep.

He didn’t see the gradually gloomy smile on Liang Ye’s face, and before he could lie down, there was a sudden sharp pain in his limbs, which made him cry out in pain.

Liang Ye squeezed his wrist viciously, letting him look at the nauseating Gu worm wriggling under his skin, admiring his pale face and trembling lips, and said slowly, “Zhen said, Zhen can’t sleep.”

Wang Dian’s eyes were bloodshot from the pain, as he stared at his smiling face, trying to speak, but as a result, he could only gasp unsteadily with his mouth open. With only that sound coming out, he might as well just shut up.

After about half a stick of incense, the severe pain in the body gradually subsided, leaving only the collapse after the pain, while the instigator leaned on the other side of the bed to fold the records he had read before going to bed to play with.

Wang Dian wished he could shoot him with a gun.

Liang Ye got up and dragged him up, quite disgusted, “You sweated all over, go wash up.”

At this moment, Wang Dian’s throat was so dry that he couldn’t speak a word, so he could only be dragged by him and staggered to the bath, and then be mercilessly thrown into the pool as tall as a person.

Under normal circumstances, he would definitely be able to stand up, but after the attack of the Gu worm, he couldn’t find any strength in his body. Being caught off guard, he fell and choked on the water, leaving only a strong sense of suffocation in the end.

F**k you Liang Ye!

Someone grabbed his arm and jerked him upwards.

Wang Dian laid on the cold floor tiles and coughed violently. Liang Ye squatted aside and was puzzled, “Why are you so weak? Kidney deficiency requires more supplementation.”

Wang Dian raised his middle finger at him with trembling hands.

Liang Ye grabbed his cold fingers and asked with great interest, “What does this mean?”

Wang Dian twitched the corners of his mouth with a pale face, and said in a hoarse voice, “Praising you.”

Liang Ye squeezed his finger and rubbed it twice, then said with a smile, “Zhen doesn’t believe it.”

“Doesn’t believe…then drop it.” Wang Dian felt uncomfortable from the ice cold floor tiles. He curled up his legs and wanted to get up. Suddenly, a strong force came from his arms, and then his world spun, as he was carried onto his shoulders.

Wang Dian gritted his teeth and said, “What are you going to do again?”

“Zhen can’t sleep. Tonight, Zhen will take you to see the Political Affairs Hall of the inner court.” Liang Ye lifted him up and walked out easily.

Wang Dian’s stomach was pushed against his shoulder and almost vomited out, moreover, the weakness caused by the Gu worm made him unable to even struggle, thus he could only stare at the dragon pattern on Liang Ye’s clothes and said lifelessly, “…You came to see me tonight, because you want to take me to the inner court?”

“That’s right, truly clever.” Liang Ye said happily.

“You fucking—” Wang Dian, who nearly lost half his life, gnashed his teeth, “Why didn’t you say it earlier?”

Liang Ye walked out beamingly while carrying him, “Oh, Zhen forgot just now.”


  1. jyhuy says:

    Thank you sooo much! I’ve literally fallen in love with this novel !

  2. guide says:

    thank you for the chapter

  3. LiquidCeil says:


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