Lan Ming Yue


The next day during the morning court session, Wang Dian saw Yun Fu anxiously giving him a meaningful look, which puzzled him.

It wasn’t until he saw Liang Ye, dressed in a dragon robe, sitting cheerfully on the dragon throne that the previously noisy discussion hall instantly quieted down.

“His Majesty…is smiling,” an official standing next to him whispered nervously to his colleague on the other side, his voice trembling slightly.

“It’s over, it’s over,” someone muttered softly, “His Majesty hasn’t smiled like this in a long time… Who’s he planning to behead now…”

“Shh, don’t speak, keep your head down! Don’t make eye contact with His Majesty!” The official in front wished he could bury his head in the ground.

Wang Dian, who had just looked up to see who was whispering, found himself meeting Liang Ye’s gaze. “……..”

Liang Ye tapped the armrest neurotically, his smile brightening further as he listened to Zeng Jie report on the new officials’ appointments. “Oh? This one named Xun—”

“Your Majesty, Xun Yang,” Zeng Jie replied.

“This Xun Yang, is he related to the previously corrupt Xun Yao?” Liang Ye lazily asked.

“Your Majesty, Xun Yang and Xun Yao are both students of Changlin Academy in Guangyuan County, Hexi Prefecture, but they are not closely related by blood; they just happen to share the same surname,” Zeng Jie answered.

“Zeng Daren, although they aren’t kin, it seems they studied at the same academy?” Yan Ze said with a smile.

Soon, someone chimed in, “Then they should be considered fellow disciples, right? How could the Ministry of Rites overlook this during their review? Who knows how many students from Changlin Academy participated in the examinations?”

Minister of Rites Feng Qing said, “Upon investigation, the previous corruption case involved only three people. The other students from Changlin Academy were unaware.”

“Minister Feng, your words make little sense. They all came from the same academy. Were they truly unaware, or pretending to be?” Xu Xiude sneered.

“Your Majesty, this minister had already submitted the case files earlier. The remaining thirty-six students from Changlin Academy are indeed innocent,” Cui Yun stepped forward and said coldly, “Xu Daren, are you questioning my thoroughness in handling the case?”

“Oh, this lowly official didn’t mean that,” Xu Xiude laughed, “this lowly official just heard that Zeng Daren also studied at Changlin Academy?”

“Yan Daren, Xun Yang ranked in the top ten in the previous imperial examination. His Majesty has ordered strict invigilation this time, and the results cannot be falsified. Moreover, Xun Yang’s answers are well-founded, his writing is exquisite, and his literary talent is truly outstanding, worthy of his title as Tanhua.” Zeng Jie spoke up again, “Although this lowly official did socialize at Changlin Academy for half a year, Xu Daren, that was over thirty years ago. Bringing it up now seems a bit far-fetched, doesn’t it?”

(t/n: Tanhua=name of the third place winner of the imperial examination)

Xu Xiude smiled insincerely, “This lowly official is just reminding His Majesty to be cautious, without any suspicion towards Zeng Daren——”

“Oh?” A teasing laughter echoed from above, and the disputing crowd immediately quieted down, looking towards the figure on the dragon throne. Liang Ye leaned back with a smile, “Minister Xu, are you suggesting that Zhen lack caution?”

Xu Xiude knelt down with a pained expression, “This subject dare not! This subject has no such intention!”

“It seems like you do,” Liang Ye straightened up, his playful gaze landing on Wang Dian as he said in a leisurely manner, “The suggestion not to involve the other students from Changlin Academy was given by Wang Dian. Zhen believes, since can persuade Zhen, he can certainly persuade all of you, right, Wang Daren?”

He lingered on the last three words, dragging them out slowly and heavily, with a hint of a teasing upward curl, like he had curved a beautifully dangerous hook, provoking yet enticing.

Wang Dian looked at him expressionlessly and said coldly, “In this subject’s humble opinion, even if the three involved in the cheating case are innocent, let alone those classmates who were completely unaware.”

His words caused an uproar.

“Absurd! Wang Daren, do you even know what you’re saying!?” Someone stepped forward to refute him.

“Li Daren, imagine if you had diligently studied for over a decade, only to be barred from officialdom for a lifetime because some classmates copied answers. How would you feel?” Wang Dian looked at him.

The other person was speechless for a moment, “Well, this, uh—”

“Wang Daren, how can you equate this with the matter of fraud in the imperial examination…” Several others chimed in to argue against him.

Wang Dian remained unfazed, brushing his sleeve, refusing to back down, and systematically refuted their arguments with logic and evidence, showing no hint of defeat or compromise, speaking resolutely and forcefully.

Liang Ye watched with a smile as the people on the court stood tall and argued passionately, and the lingering irritability and hostility in his heart gradually dissipated, replaced by a more relaxed posture. His gaze remained fixed on Wang Dian, unwilling to shift away even slightly.

Wen Zong followed his gaze and indeed landed on Wang Dian. He adjusted his gray beard, and behind him, Yan Ze let out an almost imperceptible sneer. Cui Yun furrowed his brow, while Bian Cang, who had been silent, listened attentively, occasionally nodding in agreement.

“What a crowd-pleaser,” Xu Xiude sneered, while Feng Qing next to him silently rolled his eyes, “Xu Daren doesn’t seek favor, that’s for sure.”

“I’m not here to argue like a child!” Xu Xiude, who had refrained from cursing earlier, huffed and distanced himself from them.

Zeng Jie occasionally interjected with a few words, and in the midst of it, someone said something that prompted Wen Yu, who had been standing at the back, to suddenly step forward and unleash a torrent of criticism, almost leaving an elderly man speechless with indignation.

Thinking about it and wanting to show some respect, Wang Dian met eyes with him. Wen Yu gave him a determined look, prompting Wang Dian to drop his reservedness and politeness. He didn’t use foul language while cursing, but occasionally, when he got worked up, he would glare fiercely at the figure sitting on the dragon throne, watching the spectacle.

Liang Ye found great joy in this.

He also became more certain that Wang Dian had indeed restrained himself considerably during their earlier exchange.

After the morning court session dispersed, Wang Dian, enduring the resentful and angry gazes of the crowd, was politely invited by Yun Fu to a side chamber in the study.

Wang Dian drank two cups of tea before feeling his thirst quenched. Not seeing Liang Ye arrive, he asked Yun Fu, “Where is His Majesty?”

“His Majesty is in the main hall of the study. He’ll be here soon,” Yun Fu said somewhat nervously.

“Hmm?” Seeing Yun Fu acting strangely after spending time with him, Wang Dian knew something was being concealed. He furrowed his brow, stood up, and said, “I’ll go take a look.”

“Ah, Wang Daren!” Yun Fu wanted to stop him but didn’t dare, so he could only call out desperately, “Wang Daren! You don’t need to rush over! Wang Daren!”

Pushing aside Yun Fu’s arm, Wang Dian was about to open the door when it was pushed open from the outside. Liang Ye stood there with his hands behind his back, raising an eyebrow with a smile. “Are you so eager to see Zhen, Wang Daren?”

Wang Dian glanced behind Liang Ye and only saw Yu Ying with several palace maids and eunuchs tidying up memorials, nothing out of the ordinary. He withdrew his gaze, smiled insincerely, and said, “Thank you very much for today, Your Majesty.”

“Entering the court for the first time, Zhen had to let you display some authority,” Liang Ye walked in with his hands behind his back. The door was closed by the eunuch outside, and Yun Fu, bending slightly, urged Wang Dian to go back.

Wang Dian couldn’t help but glance back again, but everything seemed normal, except for a faint strange smell he caught.

“What’s the matter, missing Yu Ying?” Liang Ye said coolly, “Should Zhen assign her to your residence?”

“That would be most welcome,” Wang Dian turned around and bluntly retorted.

Separated by a door, Yu Ying directed the palace maids and eunuchs to clean the floor, whispering, “No trace of blood should be visible. Open your eyes wide and clean thoroughly! Xiao Fu, light another incense, and open the windows wider!”

“Yes, yes,” the young eunuch’s voice trembled slightly.

Several timid palace maids, with trembling hands while cleaning the floor, had tears in their eyes. Yu Ying’s expression was icy cold, “If you want to live, keep your mouth shut and close your eyes. Don’t look or listen to anything. Keep your hands and mouths in check, and stay away from His Majesty. Understand?”

“Yes, Aunt,” the palace maids replied with tearful voices, nodding vigorously.

Yu Ying turned around and pointed to the curtain, speaking in a low voice, “Why hasn’t this been changed!? Can’t you see the bloodstains on it? If Wang Daren sees it, not even ten of your heads will be enough! Change it immediately!”

Next door, Wang Dian felt something was amiss and suspiciously stared at Liang Ye, asking, “What were you doing in the side chamber just now?”

Liang Ye chuckled darkly, staring at him, and lightly touched Wang Dian’s face with his clean and slender fingers, whispering, “Murder.”

Wang Dian, not wanting to indulge his madness, said dismissively, “Forget it.”

Liang Ye paused for a moment, then smiled and placed his cold hand on Wang Dian’s neck, exerting a slight force, leaning in to whisper in his ear, “Just like this, crushing their throats with your fingers, watching them fall to the ground with eyes wide open, unable to make a sound except for coughing up blood, their faces full of fear—”

Wang Dian slapped away his hand, coldly saying, “Stay away from me.”

Liang Ye lowered his head and rubbed his reddened hand back, grinning at him. Wang Dian looked at him expressionlessly and took out a letter from his sleeve, placing it on the table. “This was left by Zhao Qi before he left. I forgot to give it to you earlier. It’s a letter written by him personally for you.”

Liang Ye leaned back lazily in his chair, “Read it to Zhen.”

“Since the letter has been delivered, I won’t bother Your Majesty further.” Wang Dian nodded politely, “this subject will retire first.”

Seeing Wang Dian leaving without any reluctance, Liang Ye straightened up, calling out to him coldly, “Wang Dian!”

Wang Dian stopped and turned around, “Does Your Majesty have any further instructions?”

Liang Ye’s expression darkened slightly as he glanced at the letter on the table, “What are your thoughts on forming an alliance with Southern Zhao?”

“Your Majesty, you heard all my conversations with Zhao Qi yesterday,” Wang Dian said seriously, “Forming an alliance with Southern Zhao is the most beneficial choice for Northern Liang now. Forming an alliance with Eastern Chen is like seeking skin from a tiger.”

“Cui Yuxian will undoubtedly form an alliance with Eastern Chen,” Liang Ye narrowed his eyes.

Wang Dian pondered for a moment, “Then why don’t we use a strategy within a strategy?”

“Oh? What strategy within a strategy?” Liang Ye reached for his jade tassel.

“Your Majesty should marry the princess of Eastern Chen, make her the empress, pretend to form an alliance with Eastern Chen to stabilize them and Cui Yuxian, but in reality, use a feigned move to cover a real one, and slowly plot against Southern Zhao,” Wang Dian said calmly.

Liang Ye paused in his attempt to grab the tassel, a sinister and dangerous smile appearing, “What did you say?”



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