Lan Ming Yue


It has been raining heavily lately. Outside, the sound of rain was pattering against the windows. Inside, Wang Dian was playing Gobang with Zhao Qi on the couch. (TL: Gobang= five-in-a-row (game similar to tic-tac-toe)

“These grapes are not bad,” Zhao Qi pondered his next move, “We don’t have such tasty grapes in Zhao Country, and even if we did, they wouldn’t come my way.”

“That can’t be right, you are the emperor after all,” Wang Dian picked a fruit and tasted it, sweet, similar to the fruits he had eaten in Shizai Mountain before. Unfortunately, it seemed there was no such fruit in modern society.

“I could be accused of ten major crimes just for eating an extra bowl of meat and vegetables!” Zhao Qi placed his piece heavily on the board, “Do you think Lin Yuan’s mother is sick? I’m generous and don’t stoop to his level, but he follows me around like a nagging woman, picking faults. If it weren’t for his entire family dying because of me, I would have exterminated the nine generations of his family!”

“Ah,” Wang Dian responded noncommittally and after a pause added. “You mention this Lin Yuan every three sentences, are you two—”

“I’d rather find a pig in the pigsty than sleep with him!” Zhao Qi’s anger had not subsided, he grabbed the grapes and ate them one by one without spitting out the skins, “Of all the men, women, and animals in the world, he is the most annoying. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have fallen to this state. When I return, I must kill him!”

“Calm down, it’s just a disobedient subordinate,” Wang Dian watched as two bunches of grapes went into his stomach without taking a bite himself. He silently picked another fruit to nibble on and casually won another game.

“Ah, how did I not see that!” Zhao Qi regretfully slapped his thigh and began to tidy up the chess game himself, “Come on, this game doesn’t count. Let’s play another round!”

“We’ve been playing all morning, aren’t you tired of it yet?” Wang Dian said helplessly but continued to pick up pieces with him.

“This is fun, those other games like Go or Pai Gow—I can never understand them, they always make me a laughingstock,” Zhao Qi rolled his eyes, “What can they do? They still kneel at my feet and kowtow like cowards.”

Wang Dian smiled, “When you’ve been in a high position for a long time, it’s natural to carry yourself differently. But what’s most important is your own comfort. Otherwise, living by the rules all your life isn’t much fun.”

“Hey, I like the way you talk,” Zhao Qi moved first, tilting his head as he spat out grape seeds onto the ground. After a moment’s pause, he apologized somewhat sheepishly, “Sorry about that, I forgot.”

“No problem, someone will clean it up,” Wang Dian smiled indifferently and continued to play chess with him.

After a few more games, Zhao Qi was squatting on the couch, pondering over the chessboard. After a long while, he raised his head to look at him, “Hey, to be honest, I’ve met so many high-ranking officials, princes and imperial grandsons, but you are the only one who doesn’t pretend, and truly don’t look down on me.”

“We all have a nose and two eyes, what’s there to look down upon? Besides, you are His Majesty, how dare they look down on you?” Wang Dian said.

“It’s different. I’ve farmed, begged, ran errands in a theater troupe, and even been a bandit…In short, all kinds of lowly deeds. Think about it, a scoundrel becomes emperor; who would respect that? No matter how well I pretend, there are flaws,” Zhao Qi touched his nose.

Wang Dian rolled up his sleeves and said. “The working people are the most glorious.”

“Ah?” Zhao Qi looked at him with some confusion.

“…In essence, it’s all exploitation, especially under such a feudal system. It’s always the common people at the bottom who suffer the most.” Wang Dian lowered his eyes and continued. “Although I live in the capital, I’m aware of the hardships of life. Since you’ve had this extraordinary opportunity to become emperor and have personally experienced the suffering of the people, you can empathize with them even more. Despite various strange looks, your becoming emperor is a blessing for the people of Southern Zhao.”

Zhao Qi’s gaze gradually changed from confusion to agreement and admiration. He slowly smiled at the previous chess game and said, “Whether it’s good or bad words, they all sound pleasant coming from your mouth. If only my officials could speak half as agreeably as you do, I wouldn’t be infuriated every day.”

“Truthful words are unpleasant to hear, Your Majesty,” Wang Dian smiled. “Besides, I’m from Northern Liang, when it comes to Southern Zhao, naturally I’m not concerned.”

“You’re not only smart but also charmingly so,” Zhao Qi sighed. “Why don’t I have such a good brother? Emperor Liang is truly fortunate.”

Wang Dian just smiled without saying anything.

“When did you guess?” Zhao Qi asked curiously.

“Guess what?” Wang Dian feigned ignorance.

Zhao Qi laughed. “Stop pretending; you’ve known for a long time that I intentionally let you pick me up.”

“Even if an emperor really fell into hardship, with your caution and care, you wouldn’t carry a golden dragon token on you,” Wang Dian waved his hand modestly. “I just suspected, I didn’t expose it. You’re the one who said it was intentional.”

Zhao Qi looked at him meaningfully. “Aren’t you curious why I came to find you?”

“Curiosity killed the cat,” Wang Dian said nonchalantly. “Your Majesty doesn’t despise my humble home, so I will do my best to entertain you and fulfill the duties of a host.”

“I originally wanted to find Emperor Liang, but your emperor is indeed too capricious and difficult to approach,” Zhao Qi slowly said. “I only heard that he recently has a favored official. Seeing that it was you, I took a risk.”

“Your Majesty has a discerning eye,” Wang Dian unabashedly praised himself.

“But since you are Emperor Liang’s brother, why do you change your name and claim to be a subject?” Zhao Qi asked, puzzled. “If the relationship is not good, why does the Emperor of Liang value you so much?”

“That’s a long story,” Wang Dian said with a deep look, pointing to his face half-seriously. “He and I are twins, looking seven or eight parts alike. He ordered me to wear a mask every day and not to show my face in public, which once brought our relationship to a deadlock…”

Wang Dian felt he could set up a stall and tell stories for a living, he might even make some money by making up stories.

“No wonder,” Zhao Qi nodded and pondered for a while before speaking again. “But I wonder how Wang Daren views the Lintu Alliance?”

“In my humble opinion, Eastern Chen bringing up the Lintu Alliance at this time is purely trying to kill two birds with one stone,” Wang Dian said slowly. “It not only holds down Northern Liang but also slaps Southern Zhao in the face. Shen Yao is old and cunning, probably he has no patience to wait any longer. It’s just an excuse to send troops, I’m afraid he wants to ally with us in Northern Liang to attack Southern Zhao.”

Zhao Qi fiddled with the chess pieces, “Why couldn’t it be an alliance with Southern Zhao to attack Northern Liang?”

“Your Majesty really thinks too highly of Northern Liang,” Wang Dian laughed. “Everyone knows that Northern Liang is now under Cui Yuxian’s control. Shen Yao is Cui Yuxian’s maternal uncle. If my good-for-nothing younger brother doesn’t stand up for himself soon, Northern Liang will become Eastern Chen’s backyard. Whether Shen Yao swallows it or not is just a matter of time, naturally, he wants to use his resources wisely.”

Zhao Qi lined up five black pieces in a row.

“An alliance between Northern Liang and Southern Zhao would be joining the weak against the strong, thereafter, it should be an evenly matched situation where no one suffers losses,” Wang Dian took a white piece and replaced the middle black piece. “If either Northern Liang or Southern Zhao allies with Eastern Chen, it would be joining the strong against the weak. Whichever dies will lead to both suffering losses. If Your Majesty wasn’t clear about this point, why would you take the initiative to find me?”

Zhao Qi narrowed his eyes, “Having such a talent by Emperor Liang’s side, it seems rumors cannot always be trusted.”

“I am just an unknown pawn by his side, a target pushed out when necessary,” Wang Dian said with a carefree smile, “But to be fair, our emperor is indeed a good partner for cooperation.”

“Previously, I indeed fell into hardship, and your few pieces of silver were very timely,” Zhao Qi brushed his sleeve and said, “What I just told you was not false, I truly think highly of you. If you come to Southern Zhao, I will treat you with the courtesy due to a national scholar.”

“I am deeply grateful for Your Majesty’s favor, but a servant cannot serve two masters. Although my younger brother is annoying, I believe he will be a good emperor in the future,” Wang Dian said with a bow and a smile. “I also find Brother Zhao candid and straightforward. If you don’t mind, let’s be friends.”

“Of course not,” Zhao Qi pointed at the Gobang board, “I have never played such a simple yet interesting game.”

“Then you should return those few pieces of silver earlier,” Wang Dian’s eyebrows twitched slightly, “I need to go back and add to my sweethearts’.”

Zhao Qi was stunned for a moment, then burst into loud laughter, patting his shoulder and saying, “Good brother, wait until my arch-enemy arrives, then I’ll pay you back.”

When Zhao Qi left, the rain had already stopped.

The servant came to clean the floor. Wang Dian leisurely packed up the Gobang board when he heard the sound of boots stepping on the wet floor. Without lifting his head, he said, “Take off your shoes before coming in, don’t get the floor all wet.”

“New flooring? I’ve never seen this style before,” Liang Ye curiously looked at the floor beneath his feet and deliberately stomped with his muddy boots, genuinely admiring. “It’s really sturdy.”

Wang Dian lifted his head and stared at him gloomily. Liang Ye kicked off his muddy boots carelessly to the side and strolled around inside and outside with his hands behind his back like a big tiger patrolling its territory, showing off its might. Finally, he approached Wang Dian and sniffed disdainfully. “Why does Zhen smell a foul odor?”

“Perhaps your nose is broken,” Wang Dian replied indifferently while continuing to pick up the white pieces from the gobang board.

“Who were you playing chess with?” Liang Ye grabbed his wrist and stared at the chess pieces on the board for a while, dissatisfied. “What kind of game is this? Why have you never played it with Zhen?”

Wang Dian stared back expressionlessly.

Liang Ye said in a mocking tone. “It’s bad enough that you’re hiding him, but to do so blatantly. Not only did you teach him chess, but you also gave him all the grapes and fruits that Zhen had brought for you, which Zhen hadn’t even wanted to eat himself. You’re really good at using Zhen’s gifts to curry favor, truly worthy of a great merchant, very shrewd indeed.”

Wang Dian picked up a cup of tea and handed it to him. Liang Ye took a few sips with his head lowered and sneered. “You’re even giving Zhen the tea he left behind.”

“Enough already,” Wang Dian put down the tea cup, “You even keep track of how many grapes he eats.”

Liang Ye curled his lips and brushed his shoulder forcefully, saying darkly, “Knowing that Zhen was watching, you still dared to let him touch you? You call him ‘Brother Zhao’ so affectionately, while Zhen has become that annoying younger brother. If he stays for another two days, are you planning to have a candlelit night talk and sleep with your feet touching?”

“There has to be a credible reason,” Wang Dian’s shoulder hurt from the patting, and he pulled away Liang Ye’s hand with a frown. “Even if we were to have a candlelit night talk, it would be—”

Liang Ye’s icy gaze was almost murderous. Wang Dian even felt the pain that preceded the activation of the Gu insect for the first time in a long while. He looked at Liang Ye incredulously as Liang Ye slowly twisted his mouth into a smile and gritted his teeth to suppress the stirring Gu insect, his face turning frighteningly dark.

The sharp pain on Wang Dian’s body was fleeting. Liang Ye reached out to help him but then awkwardly withdrew his hand and remained silent with a stern face.

Wang Dian took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, “I’m just making an assumption.”

“You are Zhen’s person,” Liang Ye said coldly. “There is no such assumption.”

“If you don’t like it, you come and talk!” Unable to bear it any longer, Wang Dian furiously overturned the Gobang board on the side, scattering the pieces all over the floor with a clatter, “I’m just talking normally to someone else. Is it that every time I take an extra look at a dog on the street, you have to go and bite it!?”

Liang Ye’s expression was unfazed as he said, “Zhen only knows how to peel its skin.”

“..…” Wang Dian stared at him for a long while, “Really sick.”

Liang Ye narrowed his eyes, annoyed, “You’ve never smiled at Zhen with such sincerity. You not only teach him how to play chess but also obediently call him ‘Your Majesty.’ The grapes that Zhen carefully selected and picked for you, you gave them all to him to eat. Zhen didn’t even dare spit seeds on your floor—and you still say you like him. Do you want to be with him?”

Wang Dian was so angry he laughed, “Yes, I want to be with him. He’s also an emperor; he’s more handsome than you, richer than you, and he doesn’t constantly try to kill me with Gu insects. Why wouldn’t I want to be with him?”

Liang Ye’s demeanor turned icy in an instant as he said gravely, “Wang Dian, Zhen didn’t do it on purpose just now.”

“So if you didn’t do it on purpose, I have to suffer?!” Wang Dian sneered coldly, “Liang Ye, in my place, official matters are official matters, personal matters are personal matters. If you can’t distinguish that at all, then we might as well part ways sooner rather than later. You be your ruler honestly, and I’ll be your subject dutifully. That way we won’t get entangled in personal feelings and hinder your grand plans.”

Liang Ye frowned and said, “Are you protecting that Zhao Qi so much?”

“Yes, at least his mind is sound!” Wang Dian left in a huff.

Liang Ye was slightly taken aback as he watched his angry figure disappear at the door.



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