Lan Ming Yue

Dim Sum

Liang Ye seemed to find his expression quite interesting and boasted, “Everyone has tried their best to get into Zhen’s bed, all obediently so.”

Wang Dian tugged at the corner of his mouth, reaching out to caress Liang Ye’s face, half-smiling, half-serious, “Have you touched them?”

At these words, Liang Ye wrinkled his brow in disgust, but challenged, “Zhen is the Emperor, naturally—”

Wang Dian’s sword pressed against his lower abdomen, his face expressionless, “Naturally what?”

Liang Ye blinked, “Naturally, it’s sent back to where it came from.”

Wang Dian let out a cold laugh, and Liang Ye slowly followed the line of his arm, taking his Liu Ye sword back from him, curious, “When did you take this while touching Zhen?”

“When you couldn’t resist,” Wang Dian pushed his shoulder, disdainfully, “Get away, dirty.”

Liang Ye was shocked, “Zhen didn’t even let them touch the hem of Zhen’s robe.”

Wang Dian narrowed his eyes, “Really?”

“Disgusting,” Liang Ye frowned, as if recalling something unpleasant. He lowered his head and nuzzled Wang Dian’s mouth corner with his nose, his expression displeased, “Only you are allowed to touch Zhen.”

Although it was clear that Liang Ye was simply stating a fact, hearing these words from his mouth was still unavoidable for Wang Dian, causing his breathing to tighten slightly.

He embraced Liang Ye’s waist, pulling him down to lie on top of him.

Liang Ye collapsed on him like a boneless creature, hanging his head and yawning, “When you’re not in the palace, Zhen can’t sleep, can’t eat, and is very bored.”

“With your ten or so male pets, how can you be bored?” Wang Dian said coolly.

“Zhen has sent them all back,” Liang Ye’s fingers lazily poked Wang Dian’s waist, “They aren’t as interesting as you, nor do they smell as good.”

Wang Dian grabbed his hair, forcing him to lift his head. Liang Ye looked at him with a bit of confusion and annoyance, “Don’t grab Zhen’s hair.”

“Is it that one day, when you meet someone more interesting and better-smelling than me, you’ll keep them?” Wang Dian asked expressionlessly.

“Hmm.” Liang Ye thought carefully, his eyes slightly brightening, “Is there someone else who looks exactly like Zhen? Have you seen them?”

Wang Dian gritted his teeth, “Someone smarter, more interesting, and better-smelling than me? Shall I introduce them to you?”

“Sure.” Liang Ye looked at him excitedly, “Then Zhen will invite him to eat and live together, build him a palace, and make him Zhen’s empress.”

Wang Dian’s gaze at him was murderous, and he released his grip, casually saying, “Okay.”

Liang Ye reached out and poked his face, suspiciously, “Really?”

“Yes.” Wang Dian took a deep breath and smiled, “As an Emperor, enjoying the beauty of others is normal.”

Liang Ye stared at him for a while, and a brilliant smile slowly spread across his face, “Then shall Zhen peel off his skin and hang it on your bed?”

Seeing his smile turn sinister and eerie, Wang Dian coldly said, “No need, it’s better for you to sleep with him.”

Liang Ye lay on top of him and burst out laughing loudly. When he had laughed enough, he drawled, “Zhen only likes treasures that are one-of-a-kind. Having more makes it boring.”

He caressed Wang Dian’s face and chuckled softly, “If Zhen is good to you, Zhen will only be good to you. The empress can only be you, and even if someone else is better, Zhen will never look at them.”

Wang Dian’s gaze held a hint of disbelief.

“Zhen is just carefree, not stupid.” Liang Ye pouted, pinching his cheek, “Zhen is not as fickle as you.”

Wang Dian’s gaze darkened, and he stretched out his arm to pull the tassel of the curtain, isolating the two of them inside.

Outside, the candle flames flickered, casting shadows of the entangled figures on the curtain. Someone, impatient, hissed softly, and then a thin blade flew out, extinguishing the dancing, disturbing candle completely, plunging the room into total darkness, only the muffled panting and occasional curses could be heard.

Wang Dian listened to the thunder outside and the sound of rain hitting the window, slowly opening his eyes. The curtain was still dark, and he subconsciously thought Liang Ye had left, just about to stretch his arms when he felt his arm sink. He looked down to see a black shadow snuggled up in his arms, fast asleep.

He subconsciously breathed softly, and Liang Ye, unusually not woken by him, only wrinkled his nose and hugged his waist.

About two minutes later, a thunderclap accompanied by a howling wind sound came from outside, and Liang Ye finally let out a faint sigh, unwillingly opening his eyes to look at him, then closing them again, resting his legs on Wang Dian’s stomach.

Wang Dian touched his back, his voice still hoarse, “Are you awake?”

Liang Ye let out a faint sigh, lazily saying, “Are you not the little servant from the Nanfeng Pavilion?”

“What?” Wang Dian thought he had misheard due to the loud wind outside.

Liang Ye leaned in close to his ear, whispering, “Then how can you have so many tricks, and Zhen has never seen them in the records? Last night, Zhen thought Zhen could—”

Wang Dian covered his mouth, awkwardly coughing, “Shut up.”

Liang Ye narrowed his eyes, displeased, “Zhen only praised someone else a bit, and you’re acting like this, truly petty.”

“You didn’t play enough?” Wang Dian patted away the paw he wanted to reach into his mouth, his throat aching, “Don’t be so reckless.”

“Hmph.” Liang Ye reached out and untied most of the scattered cloth around his neck, still unsatisfied, “Next time, use your mouth more—”

Wang Dian covered his mouth and his ears were a bit hot. He lowered his voice and said, “There are still people outside, be careful.”

Last night, he had only caught a glimpse, but he knew Liang Ye had brought many people out, and their martial arts were not low. Who knew if they could hear them talking in the room?

“You didn’t ask Zhen to be careful when you said those dirty things last night.” Liang Ye let out a mocking laugh, “Wang Dian, you’re truly promiscuous and so vulgar.”

“……” Wang Dian fell silent for two seconds, then covered his eyes with his hand.

Last night’s actions were indeed quite perverted, especially when he met Liang Ye’s shocked and excited gaze, and some even more perverted thoughts arose in his mind–making him jump in surprise.

Be a person, Wang Dian.

He sighed, kissed Liang Ye twice, trying to make him look at him with clear, innocent eyes, but Liang Ye’s gaze was naked and hot, as if he wanted to strip him with his eyes.

Wang Dian’s desire for a moment of tenderness with him was completely buried. As long as they were both sober, they would either argue or inexplicably mess around together. There was no room for tenderness.

He got up intending to take a bath. Liang Ye had left the room and Wang Dian didn’t know what he was up to. Seeing him walking into the rain like a fool with nothing better to do, Wang Dian called out to him, “Liang Ye.”

Half of Liang Ye’s body was already in the rain. He turned his head and looked at Wang Dian in confusion.

Wang Dian pointed at his wet shoulder, hesitated, and then said, “…Aren’t you going to use an umbrella?”

“Zhen doesn’t need…” Liang Ye scoffed lightly, but before he could finish, he was pulled under the corridor. Immediately, an oil-paper umbrella was stuffed into his hand.

“Only fools don’t use umbrellas.” Wang Dian casually wiped the water off his shoulder, pushed him out, and then stretched lazily, yawned, and went inside.

Outside the corridor, the sound of rain was rustling. Liang Ye stared at the umbrella for a while, opened it, and walked into the rain.


“Master, why are you carrying an umbrella?” Chong Heng asked, squatting on the wall with a puzzled look on his face.

Liang Ye raised an eyebrow, “Wang Dian is afraid Zhen will get wet. He insisted that Zhen bring it.”

Chong Heng looked at him as if he were a fool. Flying with an umbrella was simply a burden. The master was really blinded by love.

“The person who hurt Wang Dian entered Ying Sufang and then disappeared.” Chong Heng said, “Those two guards have confessed. One of them took silver from the people in the Grand Empress Dowager’s palace.”

“Kill them.” Liang Ye frowned, “From now on, Zhen will personally select the people around Wang Dian.”

“Yes.” Chong Heng responded.

Liang Ye was silent for a moment, “Forget it, exile those two wastes to the Northern Frontier.”

“Huh?” Chong Heng was a bit surprised, “Exile?”

“Wang Dian doesn’t want them killed.” Liang Ye said contemptuously, “So as not to let him grab a handle to throw a tantrum at Zhen again. It’s hard to appease him.”

“Oh.” Chong Heng glanced at his master’s neck, full of red marks, and asked in confusion, “Master, are there so many mosquitoes outside the palace? Your neck is all bitten.”

“…Hmm.” Liang Ye looked at him as if he was a fool, “The mosquitoes are fierce at this time.”

“I have a sachet of mugwort leaves here.” Chong Heng took out two sachets from his bosom and reluctantly gave him one, “My wife gave it to me.”

“Kang Ning Palace distributes them to the palace maids and eunuchs every year.” Liang Ye ruthlessly pointed out.

“It’s different.” Chong Heng proudly showed him the one in his hand, “She personally embroidered a lotus on this one.”

Liang Ye raised an eyebrow, reached out and took the one in his hand. Indeed, there was a light-colored lotus embroidered on it, it was definitely Tan Yishuang’s craftsmanship.

“Master, give it back to me!” Chong Heng jumped down from the wall in a bit of a hurry to snatch it.

Liang Ye dodged nimbly, teasing him on purpose, “Zhen finds this pretty, it’s Zhens now.”

“No way! Master!” Chong Heng’s eyes were red with urgency, but Liang Ye was more agile than him, always making him unable to snatch it. He was so anxious that he circled around Liang Ye, finally pulling at his sleeve and almost crying, “Brother, give it back to me!”

“Have some dignity.” Liang Ye threw the small sachet back into his bosom.

Chong Heng carefully wiped off the rainwater on the sachet like a treasure, carefully put it into his clothes, raised his head and glared at him angrily.

Liang Ye lazily smiled at him, Chong Heng turned around and faced away from him, muttered, “The kid has been sick recently, can’t eat anything, the doctor’s visit was useless, master, you make a decision.”

“Zhen knows.” Liang Ye said, “Stay in the Black Armored Guards for a few days, don’t go to Kang Ning Palace.”

Chong Heng turned around and looked at him with grievance and defiance, “Why?”

“Why so many whys.” Liang Ye knocked on his head with the umbrella, “Keep a close eye on Jian Ling, get lost.”

“Yes.” Chong Heng agreed in a muffled voice, his eyes turned, and when he saw that Liang Ye was not paying attention, he grabbed the oil-paper umbrella and wanted to pull it away. Liang Ye’s wrist turned, and the umbrella slid out of his palm. He lost the initiative to grab it again, and almost got tricked into the mud by Liang Ye.

Liang Ye’s umbrella turned in his hand, lazily knocked on his wrist with the handle, it hurt so much that he held his hand and blew on it.

“Who knows how Wang Dian would slander Zhen if taken away.” Liang Ye opened his umbrella over his head, “It’s raining heavily today, Zhen will return to the palace tomorrow.”

Chong Heng grumbled, “Master, you’re afraid that the old hag would harm Wang Dian and kick him out of the palace, yet you let me join the Black Armored Guards and don’t allow me to go to Kang Ning Palace. Master, you’re biased.”

“…” Liang Ye’s forehead vein was throbbing, “You don’t understand anything, get lost now.”

Chong Heng was kicked, holding his buttocks he jumped onto the wall in grievance, “Master, you are biased!”

Before Liang Ye could fly up to kick him, he rolled and crawled away using his lightness skills.

Liang Ye laughed, holding his umbrella he leisurely walked towards Wang Dian’s mansion.

When he returned, he saw Wang Dian loosely wearing a robe, leaning against a pillar in the corridor, watching the rain in boredom. This man was so idle that his eyebrows and eyes were filled with a careless laziness, his body carried a sense of alienation from this world, even the hazy mist of water couldn’t reduce it a bit.

But when he saw him, his gaze was somewhat surprised.

Liang Ye stood outside the eaves with his umbrella, raised the paper bag in his hand filled with warm pastries towards him, “Want to eat?”

Through the thick and damp curtain of rain, Wang Dian rolled up his sleeves, revealing a gentle and good-looking smile towards him.



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