Lan Ming Yue


“That Wang Dian’s martial arts skills are formidable, this lowly servant didn’t dare to get too close,” Jian Ling half-kneeled on the ground, “But Liang Ye’s actions with him were intimate, not like the usual monarch and minister, but rather like…”

He frowned, a trace of disgust flashing across his face.

“Like what?” Cui Yuxian feigned sleep with her eyes closed.

“Like a homosexual courtier,” Jian Ling said coldly.

Cui Yuxian chuckled, opening her eyes to look at him, “It seems the rumors are not unfounded. That Wang Dian, not only is his origin mysterious, but he can also bewitch Ziyu to the point of losing his senses, daring to oppose Aijia.”

Jian Ling said, “Your Majesty, this man’s martial arts are strong, he must be eliminated.”

“Ziyu’s favorite, how could Aijia move him.” Cui Yuxian closed her eyes, seeming uninterested in this matter, “But if the courtiers knew that he was obsessed with men and did not accept concubines, Aijia feared it would cause trouble…Ziyu is not young anymore, he should fill the harem and have descendants.”

Jian Ling understood, “This servant understands.”

“As for this Wang Dian,” Cui Yuxian casually tapped the table, “It’s a bit tricky.”

Jian Ling said, “This servant will go and take care of him.”

“You child, don’t always resort to violence.” Cui Yuxian pondered for a moment, “How long can such a favorite who serves with his beauty last? Since Ziyu likes him, send a few young and handsome men over in accordance with Aijia’s wishes, it will be fine once the novelty wears off.”

Jian Ling responded in a low voice, “Yes.”

When Jian Ling, with a dark face, came out of Xingqing Palace, he happened to run into Cui Qi who came to pay his respects. He took the initiative to step aside, perfunctorily saluting, “Second Young Master Cui.”

“Commander Jian.” Cui Qi gave him a faint glance, then pushed his wheelchair to leave.

“Second Young Master Cui, please wait.” Jian Ling raised his hand to block his path, his gaze lingering on his beautiful face for a moment, he sneered, “Everyone says that Second Young Master Cui is as precious as jade, with astonishing talent and looks. Now upon closer inspection, it’s indeed well-deserved.”

Cui Qi’s face showed little expression, “The world overpraises, Commander need not take it seriously.”

Jian Ling smiled at him maliciously, “His Majesty has a good taste in men. Instead of struggling to pass the imperial examination, why not offer yourself to serve His Majesty? Maybe you can win some favor. Cui’er, don’t you think so?”

Cui Qi’s eyes finally turned cold, “Commander Jian, watch your words.”

Jian Ling patted his numb leg, “If you ask me, your elder brother is ruthless. Rather than taking your life, it’s more satisfying to let you live a life worse than death.”

Cui Qi pursed his lips, “Thanks to Commander Jian’s advice to my elder brother back then.”

Jian Ling laughed without humor, “Second Young Master Cui, don’t slander people.”

“Whether it’s true or not, you know in your heart.” Cui Qi said calmly, “Excuse me, Commander Jian.”

Jian Ling’s malicious and cruel gaze fell on his thin back, twisting into a delighted smile. The black-armored guard next to him came up and flattered, “Boss, calm down, why bother with this cripple.”

“Heh.” Jian Ling retracted his gaze, holding the knife and striding forward, disdainfully said, “Isn’t Cui’er self-righteous? In the end, he still tried his best to get on the ship of the master, just a hypocrite.”

His subordinate nodded repeatedly, “Such a villain won’t live long.”

Jian Ling snorted, “Is that brat Yang Wujiu dead yet?”

“In the afternoon, he was still howling like a ghost. Yang Man sent people to inquire several times, but we all blocked them.” The man said, “Now he’s not crying anymore. I went in and took a look, he’s still breathing. Boss, should we…”

Jian Ling glanced at him, “Idiot, if the person really dies, do you think I can get away with it?”

It was just that Cui Yuxian used Yang Wujiu to strike the mountain to shock the tiger. Not only was she striking Yang Man, but she was also striking him. If Yang Wujiu really died in his hands, Yang Man and Cui Yuxian would definitely put the blame on him.

(t/n: Striking the mountain to shock the tiger-means to take indirect actions to intimidate or warn someone)

“Find a doctor to take a look.” Jian Ling said coldly, “The little bastard, even if he dies, let him die outside the Black Armored Guard.”


Liang Ye was carefully wiping Wang Dian’s hand with a wet cloth. Wang Dian was sound asleep, letting him handle it.

“Master.” Chong Heng silently fell from the beam, hesitating to speak.

“Speak.” Liang Ye switched to one hand to wipe Wang Dian.

Chong Heng glanced at the person lying on the dragon bed, “What if Wang Dian hears?”

“If he hears, he hears.” Liang Ye threw the cloth into the basin and played with Wang Dian’s fingers.

Chong Heng touched his nose, “Master, you’re really insightful. Jian Ling really saw it and wished he could fly straight to Xingqing Palace.”

“Hmm.” Liang Ye held Wang Dian’s finger and looked at it with interest.

Chong Heng worried, “Will the old lady know about you and Wang Dian, will it be detrimental to Wang Dian?”

“If it’s detrimental, so be it.” Liang Ye nonchalantly kissed Wang Dian’s fingertips, “Tell your Black Armored Guard to act tonight.”

“Yes.” Chong Heng looked at Wang Dian uneasily, but still obeyed the order and left.

When Liang Ye lay down, Wang Dian slowly opened his eyes, sleepily said, “In the Suixue Garden…did you deliberately seduce me?”

“What do you mean by seduce?” Liang Ye laughed softly, “It’s clearly you who are lustful and coveting Zhen.”

Wang Dian pushed away his wandering hand, lazily said, “Get lost, scum.”

“What does scum mean?” Liang Ye asked with curiosity.

“Toying with other people’s feelings.” Wang Dian pushed him away perfunctorily, “Break up.”

“Break up?” Liang Ye tilted his head, somewhat puzzled.

“It means I’m not with you anymore.” Wang Dian closed his eyes and turned over, “We’re done.”

Liang Ye’s eyes brightened, excitedly said, “You’re with Zhen? When did Zhen agree to be with you? You’re so shameless, Wang Dian.”

“..…” Wang Dian struggled with the person who was sticking to him like a plaster, “You have the guts not to only pick what you want to hear.”

Liang Ye buried his face in his neck and laughed, contentedly said, “Zhen is telling you now, don’t break up with Zhen, let’s continue to be good.”

Wang Dian said coolly, “Your Majesty, this isn’t called telling, this is called notifying.”

Liang Ye nibbled at his neck, “Don’t always say things Zhen doesn’t understand.”

“Give me a heads up next time.” Wang Dian sighed, “I’m not interested in letting others watch me mess around with you.”

Liang Ye was dissatisfied, “What kind of person do you think Zhen is? Zhen only let him watch after Zhen left the Suixue Garden with you.”

Wang Dian tugged at the corner of his mouth, “So I should praise you a couple of times?”

“No need.” Liang Ye said modestly, “Zhen always thinks things through.”

Wang Dian didn’t bother with him, and Liang Ye stubbornly stuck to him and nibbled, “Since you insist on being good with Zhen, Zhen will reluctantly agree.”

“Don’t.” Wang Dian was so annoyed by him, he half-closed his eyes and pushed him, “I take the time to schedule a meeting and it turns into overtime, no way.”

Liang Ye smacked his lips, as if savoring his taste, he didn’t know if he understood or not, he just hugged him and laughed foolishly.

Wang Dian was both sleepy and tired, too lazy to argue with him, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day at the morning court.

“Your Majesty, the case of cheating in the imperial examination has now been clarified.” Cui Yun stepped forward, “The person who leaked the test questions to Xun Yao and others is Wu Ming from Guangyuan County, Hexi Prefecture. He was originally a candidate for this year’s examination, but he abandoned the exam and did not participate. Xun Yao and the others did not know that the questions Wu Ming gave them were the exam questions, but Wu Ming frequently persuaded them to recite the answers he gave…..The details of the case have been written into the case file and presented to Your Majesty.”

Yun Fu took the thick case file and handed it to Wang Dian. Wang Dian looked at it and asked, “Where is Wu Ming now?”

“Your Majesty, Wu Ming was found dead on his way home yesterday, suspected to have been killed by bandits.” Cui Yun reported.

“Cui Daren has investigated this case quite easily.” Yan Ze stepped forward and laughed, “So who is this Wu Ming? How did he get the ability to get the exam questions? Who knows if there have been such leaks in previous years.”

“Yan Daren, watch your words.” Bian Cang spoke up, “According to you, even our exam results for entering the civil service are questionable?”

“This minister  naturally doesn’t mean that.” Yan Ze saluted Wang Dian, “But Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance, this minister thinks we should investigate it impartially. As for Xun Yao and others, we can’t let them off lightly, they must be severely punished to serve as a warning.”

Wang Dian nodded, looked at the case file and said, “Hmm? How come the second young master of the Cui family, Cui Qi, is also involved?”

Cui Yun reported truthfully, “Wu Ming once traveled with Cui Qi.”

“So that is what it is.” Wang Dian said, “Since Yan Daren wants to treat everyone equally, there are also many doubts about Cui Qi, let’s detain him along with Xun Yao and others first.”

“Please reconsider, Your Majesty!” Xu Xiude suddenly stepped forward, “The second young master of the Cui family is weak, and he is the grandnephew of the Grand Empress Dowager, how can he…”

“Xu Daren.” Wang Dian interrupted him coldly, “Even the emperor is subject to the same laws as the common people, what, is the Cui family bigger than the royal family?”

Xu Xiude was so scared that he knelt on the ground directly, “This, this minister misspoke, please forgive this minister, Your Majesty!”

Yan Ze also spoke up for someone, and the morning court was in an uproar over whether or not to detain Cui Qi. Just at this noisy moment, a brave man stood up and said, “Your Majesty! This minister asks Your Majesty to punish one person!”

Wang Dian raised his hand, looking curiously at this unfamiliar official, “Oh? Who do you want Zhen to punish?”

“There is someone in the harem who bewitches the sovereign, causing Your Majesty to be indifferent to politics, neglecting private virtues, and even making Your Majesty indifferent to accepting concubines, shaking the foundation of the country…” The man listed many crimes, “…This treacherous minister’s surname is Wang and his name is Dian, he is the scholar whom Your Majesty claimed to have invited down the mountain before.”

The court exploded again.

The treacherous minister himself sat on the dragon chair, feeling like his head was about to explode. Although Liang Ye hadn’t consulted with him before doing things, at least he had communicated with him last night, so he wasn’t caught off guard. When everyone was almost out of energy from arguing, Wang Dian finally raised his head and said heavily, “Zhen doesn’t know where you heard these absurd rumors, but some things are more black the more they are described.”

“Since you all would rather believe rumors than believe Zhen, Zhen has nothing to say.” Wang Dian, with a mix of disappointment, anger, regret, and helplessness, tried to make his eyes rich and emotional, “Zhen went to great lengths to invite the gentleman down the mountain, originally intending to arrange a good position for him, but didn’t expect him to be attacked by such rumors…”

“Living in the palace for a long time is indeed not a long-term solution, Zhen will send the gentleman out of the palace, appoint Wang Dian as the Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Households, concurrently as an assistant councilor, grant him residence in Ying Sufang, and allow him to attend court meetings.” Wang Dian said all in one breath, “Do any of you have any objections?”

“Your Majesty, absolutely not! This person has neither merit nor hereditary title, how can he be appointed as Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Households! Not to mention such an important position as assistant councilor!?”

“Your Majesty, think twice!”

“Your Majesty, no! This matter still needs to be considered in the long term!”

There was a chorus of opposition in the court, even Wen Zong frowned in disagreement.

Wang Dian slammed the table angrily, “Zhen wanted to consider it in the long term, so Zhen let the gentleman live in the palace, but what happened! You all made a big fuss about it! You made the relationship between Zhen and the gentleman unbearable! Now Zhen lets him leave the harem and enter the civil service, you all obstruct him, your own nephews and grandsons are all eager to take up big official positions! What, do you want Zhen to give you this throne! Kneel down and shout long live for you!”

The people below instantly knelt down in a large area, “Your Majesty, calm down! We dare not!”

“What else do you dare not do!” Wang Dian said in a deep voice.

After a long time, it was still Wen Zong who stood up and said, “Your Majesty, it is not unreasonable to appoint Wang Dian as an official, but the matter of official position still needs to be considered.”

Wang Dian sat back on the dragon chair, slowed down his tone and said, “Then according to the Imperial Preceptor’s opinion, what position should he be appointed to?”

“There are still four vacancies for the position of Zhongshu Sheren in the Zhongshu Sheng, Wang Dian could be appointed to one of them first,” Wen Zong suggested.

(t/n: (中书舍人) Zhongshu Sheren denotes an official who served in the Secretariat or Zhongshu Sheng (中书省), often assisting with administrative tasks and document preparation)

Wang Dian was not very satisfied and remained silent for a while, then sneered, “Then let’s do as the Imperial Preceptor suggests.”

He then got up and left with a flick of his sleeve, full of anger.

The remaining people had different expressions, all curious about what kind of person this Wang Dian was.

Wang Dian returned to his study and took a sip of the tea that Liang Ye handed him. He looked like he enjoyed watching the excitement and came over, “You just want to leave the palace? A small Zhongshu Sheren can satisfy you?”

“The Ministry of Households and the position of an assistant councilor are too conspicuous, Zhongshu Sheren is just right.” Wang Dian glanced at him, “It’s clear that you want me to leave the palace, don’t play innocent after taking advantage.”

Liang Ye took a sip from his teacup, neither admitting nor denying, “But Zhen does have the position of assistant councilor in mind.”

“It’s not appropriate now, not to mention that Yan Ze and his group will definitely try their best to stop it.” Wang Dian looked up at him, “You previously announced that you wanted to make me your empress, now you’re adding fuel to the fire by using Jian Ling’s eyes to provoke Cui Yuxian. She lost the prince she was raising, so she has to keep a close eye on your harem. Now she’s using this as an excuse to stuff people into your harem… In fact, you want to take this opportunity to let me enter the court and choose to leave the palace. You’re playing this game really well, Your Majesty.”

Liang Ye blinked, “Zhen does want to make you my empress, but you’re not willing.”

Wang Dian waved his hand tiredly, “I want to live a few more years, spare me, Your Majesty.”

Liang Ye’s eyes flashed with excitement, “Zhen wants to hear you say this in bed.”

Wang Dian choked, and said angrily, “Stop talking nonsense when we’re discussing serious matters.”

“Zhen is just telling the truth.” Liang Ye was dissatisfied, “Once you leave the palace, it won’t be convenient for Zhen to find you.”

Wang Dian took a sip of tea, feeling satisfied, “That’s really great.”

“Why not make you a eunuch and keep you by Zhen’s side.” Liang Ye took out the Liuye sword at some point, and laughed sinisterly, “Zhen has seen how they castrate, come here.”

Wang Dian wished he could throw the cup in his face, “Get lost!”

“You can stay by Zhen’s side even if you become a eunuch, and you can still serve Zhen, becoming a powerful eunuch.” Liang Ye reached out to pull his belt, feeling more and more that this was a good idea, “Don’t worry, Zhen won’t let you hurt for too long.”

Wang Dian held onto his belt tightly, and shouted angrily, “Liang Ye, what’s wrong with you!”

Liang Ye cut his belt into a strip, and sullenly pulled at his jade pendant tassel, “…Zhen doesn’t want you to leave the palace.”

“You——” Wang Dian felt like he was choking, wanting to say that you planned it all yourself and who are you performing for, but he also felt that he was truly reluctant, and was angry that he made decisions on his own without discussing with him properly. In the end, he could only say harshly, “You can come out of the palace to find me.”

Liang Ye looked at him with a lonely face, and said seriously and heavily, “It’s not as interesting outside the palace as it is inside.”

Wang Dian stared at him for a long time, and felt that trying to have a normal conversation with him was a big fool, “F*ck!”



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