Lan Ming Yue


Liang Ye wiped his face, his gaze seemed to carry little knives, only this time there were no hooks, all was displeasure.

Wang Dian lowered his voice and said, “This is the Imperial Study, can’t you think of something serious?”

Liang Ye wiped his face, “Zhen wants to do it here, on the table.”

Very well, he even specified the exact location.

“In the future, you should read less of these messy booklets.” Wang Dian wanted to laugh out of anger, “Even the table, why don’t you just treat the blue sky as a tent; treat the earth as mat!” (TL: open air; all over the place)

“That works.” Liang Ye thought this was a good idea, “Zhen planted an orange tree by the wall of the Imperial Garden, going to the Suixue Garden is also good, you lie in the flower bed——”

“Stop.” Wang Dian saw him getting more and more outrageous, and quickly made a hand gesture to signal him to shut up.

“Call Zhen’s name.” Liang Ye innocently completed the sentence.

Wang Dian pointed to the memorial in front of him and said, “Today, only read the memorials, don’t think about anything else.”

Liang Ye sighed in disappointment, but he didn’t force it. He probably had already figured out that Wang Dian didn’t eat hard, and when the time came to irritate him, he would still have to rack his brains to coax him.

(t/n: didn’t eat hard-from “吃软不吃硬是一个谚语”=amenable to coaxing but not coercion)

Really hard to raise.

Liang Ye’s somewhat helpless and indulgent gaze made Wang Dian’s scalp numb, he cleared his throat and said, “Hurry up and finish reading these few memorials and go to eat.”

Liang Ye read at a not slow speed, just before noon he had just completed the task assigned by Wang Dian, sticky and muddled he leaned in, his paws even dishonestly went to untie his waistband. Wang Dian didn’t even lift his eyes, accurately caught his hand, unhurriedly finished reading the last memorial in his hand, then lifted his head.

“Well done, Your Majesty.” Wang Dian pulled him up from the chair, “Let’s eat.”

Liang Ye unhappily poked his waist, after leaving the door Wang Dian let go of his hand, Yun Fu and Yu Ying stood by the door and respectfully saluted them, Yun Fu leaned in and said, “Your Majesty, lunch is ready.”

Liang Ye clenched his empty hand, quickly took a step to walk side by side with Wang Dian, relying on their wide sleeves, shamelessly intertwined his fingers with Wang Dian’s.

Wang Dian gave him a warning glance, and this fellow instead scratched his palm with a face full of enjoyment. Yu Ying and Yun Fu on the side kept their heads lowered, pretending not to see.

So Wang Dian once again affirmed his opposition to office romance. This was thinking about dating every day, it would be strange if work efficiency was high, targeting employees like Liang Ye…um, the boss.

But it can’t be considered as love, at most, Liang Ye to him was——

Wang Dian lowered his head and glanced at the boot hooked around his calf. This boot shamelessly rubbed against his calf, with a strong upward trend.

Wang Dian grabbed his ankle, thinking that this at most could be considered as ambiguity, it was really unnecessary to talk about feelings with Liang Ye.

“Just eat your meal properly.” Wang Dian looked at him across the table.

“Boring.” Liang Ye picked up his chopsticks and turned around in a picky manner, picked up a piece of tofu and threw it into his bowl.

Wang Dian picked up the spoon and scooped it up into his mouth. Only then did Liang Ye start to eat the tofu unhurriedly. Wang Dian glanced at him, tasted all the dishes in a leisurely manner, and Liang Ye followed him to eat dish by dish. In the end, he commented, “Today’s dishes are quite fresh.”

“We have hired two new chefs from the south.” Wang Dian worked hard, but he didn’t want to wrong his stomach. Moreover, he was very good at taking care of himself comfortably and properly. His everyday food and clothing were all fine and comfortable. Many times, he was more particular than Liang Ye, the legitimate emperor.

As for Liang Ye, who either subtly or blatantly robbed him of his reformed inner clothes, robes, beds, quilts, handkerchiefs, sleeve arrows, and so on, Wang Dian was too lazy to argue with him.

Upon hearing this, Liang Ye just nodded, ate another piece of tender tofu, and then put down his chopsticks contentedly.

As soon as the two of them returned to the study, Liang Ye dismissed the palace people and enthusiastically inspected every table in the study. Wang Dian knew what he was thinking in his head. Looking at him like this made his eyes hurt. He made up his mind not to fulfill his wish, sat behind the desk, and started reading the memorials, occasionally making annotations.

Liang Ye looked at him suspiciously, “Didn’t you say you were going to sleep after lunch?”

“There are too many memorials, I need to work overtime.” Wang Dian said without lifting his head.

“Overtime?” Liang Ye propped up his hand and sat on the table, almost knocking down the memorial next to him.

Wang Dian reached out to steady the teetering memorial, calmly explaining to him, “It means to work during the original rest time.”

Liang Ye probably understood the meaning, disagreeing, “Rest is rest, this is not good.”

“But it can produce results.” Wang Dian pointed to the pile of memorials, “If you finish reading an hour earlier, you can——”

“Rest earlier?” Liang Ye interjected.

“Summon Wei Wanlin, he just happens to be on duty at Shenshi today, let him come by the way.” Wang Dian said. (TL: Shenshi-period of the day from 3 pm to 5 pm)

“What about the original planned time to summon him?” Liang Ye raised an eyebrow.

“It can be used to do more things.” Wang Dian held down his paw that was itching to untie his belt, “I heard that the new emperor of Southern Zhao, Zhao Qi, is diligent and upright, he reviews memorials until midnight before sleeping, the rooster hasn’t crowed yet he’s already at the morning court, on the first and fifteenth of each month he will personally go to the suburban farmland to farm, the emperor of Eastern Chen, Shen Yao, although old, still insists on attending court every day, although he is learned, he still insists on reading for half an hour every day, getting up half an hour early to practice sword to strengthen his body, Your Majesty, in the time we are talking, they may have already issued new decrees, read several more memorials, we have two people, we can’t lose to them.”

“…” Liang Ye stared at him with a stern face, not wanting to let go, but also not intending to use force.

Wang Dian said earnestly, “Your Majesty, if the king of a country falls behind by a small step, the country will fall behind by a big step.”

Liang Ye finally reluctantly let go of his paw, turned his head to look at the heavy pile of memorials, Wang Dian relievedly made room for him to indicate that he should also come and read.

“Makes sense.” Liang Ye got down from the table, propped one hand on the back of the chair and showed him a brilliant smile, the dark gaze fell on his lips, “Your mouth is really hard to deal with.”

“Give me too much credit.” Wang Dian laughed, wanted to reach out to take the memorial, but met Liang Ye’s pair of aggressive eyes. He hadn’t had time to react, and was suddenly caught off guard and carried on the shoulder by Liang Ye.

“Liang Ye!” Wang Dian hit him in the lower back, “What are you doing?”

Liang Ye carried him with one hand and grabbed a few memorials with the other, walked towards the most spacious table in the study, happily said, “Although what you said makes sense, but their diligence is because they are incompetent, if you serve Zhen comfortably, Zhen will be a hundred times more spirited, can do three times their work in the same time, isn’t that more useful than working overtime?”

Wang Dian was thrown onto that table by him, angrily said, “Do you have no shame?”

“No.” Liang Ye blinked, “Having shame is not comfortable.”

Wang Dian was left speechless by him, Liang Ye threw those few memorials into his arms, his eyes carried a bit of playful mischief, “Since you are so eager to review the memorials, go ahead, Zhen will be busy with Zhen’s own things.”

Wang Dian was shocked by his shameless words, he held the memorial and wished to slap the scoundrel’s face with it. Liang Ye enjoyed watching him turn red and his neck flush crimson, “You can still recite it for Zhen.”

“Recite your uncle!” Wang Dian kicked him in the stomach. Liang Ye grabbed his ankle, effortlessly dragged him off the table with one hand, and twisted Wang Dian’s arm behind his back. He then kissed his neck firmly, somewhat regretful, “Zhen really wanted to hear it. After all, the two of us cannot lose to the emperors of Southern Zhao and Eastern Chen.”

Gritting his teeth, Wang Dian’s forehead veins bulged with anger, “You can f*cking go find someone else!”

Liang Ye bit his collar, tugged it to the side, then grabbed his inner garment and pulled it out, mumbling, “Zhen doesn’t want anyone else, disgusting.”

“I still find you disgusting as hell!” Wang Dian fumed, feeling like every time he thought Liang Ye had finally become a somewhat normal person he could interact with, this idiot would shatter his delusions with various behaviors.

As Liang Ye pulled down his inner garment, Wang Dian felt a chill on his shoulder, still bearing the faint bruises from Liang Ye’s bites the night before. Liang Ye’s eyes darkened, he leaned down and kissed him leisurely, then lifted his head with a joyful smile, “Were you that enthusiastic about being disgusting last night?”

The words were sticky and ambiguous, Wang Dian, disheveled and pinned down on the table by Liang Ye, was furious. He desperately tried to remind himself to stay calm, but Liang Ye’s actions became increasingly audacious. Unfortunately, Liang Ye’s strength was greater than him, he not only couldn’t break free but his struggles also fueled this madman’s excitement even more.

“Liang Ye!” Wang Dian said coldly, “Stop messing around! I don’t like this!”

Liang Ye looked up, and after seeing the coldness in his eyes, he was slightly stunned. He used his knee to press against his lower abdomen and pulled up the corner of his mouth to smile, “You say one thing but mean another, you obviously——”

“That damn thing is purely a physiological reaction!” Wang Dian gritted his teeth, “It doesn’t conflict with my dislike.”

The smile on Liang Ye’s face faded slightly, and the corners of his mouth were pressed flat, “You don’t like it?”

“I don’t like it.” Wang Dian answered decisively, knowing that it was useless to beat around the bush with him, he bluntly said, “I really don’t like it.”

Liang Ye’s eyes became moist and dark, and his eyebrows were pressed very low, he asked unexpectedly, “What about last night, didn’t you like it?”

“Last night… was a moment of impulse.” Wang Dian’s tone paused slightly.

Liang Ye looked at him silently for a long time, then finally let go of his hand that was restraining him.

Wang Dian straightened up, reorganized his inner and outer robes that had been torn and bitten into a mess by him, didn’t look at him again, picked up the scattered memorials on the table, walked to the previous desk, and said in a deep voice, “Your Majesty, if you don’t like reading memorials, I won’t force you, please go back.”

Liang Ye didn’t respond, just stood in front of that table in silence. After a long time, so long that Wang Dian felt the ambergris incense in the incense burner was somewhat choking, Liang Ye finally turned around to look at him.

Wang Dian calmly met his gaze, prepared to deal with any possible crazy behavior from him, but Liang Ye didn’t say anything, just gave him an ambiguous look, and then pushed the door and left.

The door was pulled open and then closed again, Wang Dian threw the memorial he was holding tightly in his hand, but didn’t feel any relief or pleasure.




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