Lan Ming Yue


Liang Ye said that he was going to sleep, it looked like it was really his intention. He laid sprawled on the big bed that could accommodate five or six people, stretched his waist lazily, closed his eyes and began to breathe evenly.

Wang Dian was convinced from his heart.

He turned his head to look at the sleeve arrow and dagger thrown by Liang Ye to the side of the screen just now, walked over to pick it up, turned and pointed at the sleeping person on the bed.

“If Zhen were you, Zhen wouldn’t do that.” Liang Ye, with closed eyes, yawned, turned around, placed his arm under his head and faced Wang Dian, then opened his eyes and smiled, “Didn’t expect that, Zhen didn’t sleep.”


Wang Dian tied the sleeve arrow back to his wrist, but because his left wrist was dislocated, he could only use his teeth with one hand, and put the dagger back into the binding pocket on his calf, “You fed me poison, I won’t kill you.”

“It doesn’t have to be poison.” Liang Ye vowed, “Maybe it’s just an ordinary pill.”

“Can’t afford to gamble, I cherish my life.” Wang Dian picked up the outer robe on the couch, and tied the belt with one hand unskillfully.

Liang Ye stared at him with great interest, as if looking at something rare, “You don’t seem to be very afraid of Zhen.”

Wang Dian raised his eyelids and glanced at him, “Aren’t you sleepy?”

“Zhen was a bit sleepy at first, but Zhen thought you were interesting.” Liang Ye actually answered his question seriously, threw off the messy quilt, and sat cross-legged on the bed, “You haven’t answered Zhen’s question yet.”

Wang Dian felt powerless for the first time since transmigrating, and then said with a stiff face, “Afraid of you letting me go?”

“Of course not!” Liang Ye laughed, his eyes lingered on his face several times, and then he licked his lips, “Zhen is thirsty.”

Wang Dian lowered his head and put on his belt, but did not respond.

Liang Ye pulled the tassels from the side into a ball, and threw it on his dislocated wrist with perfect aim, “Did you not hear?”

Although Wang Dian was very busy with work, he never had the chance to suffer such a serious injury. His heart was on fire, but he still had to bow his head and give in. He walked to the table and poured a glass of water for Liang Ye, and handed it to him, “Drink.” 

Liang Ye raised his eyebrows, lowered his head to the cup in his hand, “Zhen suspects that you have poisoned it.”

Wang Dian stared at him for two seconds, picked it up and took a sip, Liang Ye snorted in disgust, “Zhen never drinks from the cup others have used.”

Wang Dian almost clasped the cup directly on his head. He tried to turn around holding back his anger, when his left wrist was suddenly grabbed, before he could react, he heard a click, and his complexion twisted in pain.

“Don’t need to thank Zhen.” Liang Ye gripped his swollen wrist maliciously, and rubbed the long and thin scar on the back of his hand with his thumb, “Did you also make this injury too?”

Wang Dian’s hairs stood on end after being touched by him, and he pulled out his hand abruptly, “I fell.”

“Speaking of which, Zhen also has a birthmark on the butt, do you have one?” Liang Ye looked curious, “Did you see it just now?”

“No!” Wang Dian felt that every word of this person was challenging his precarious nerves. Who the hell cares if you have a birthmark on your butt!

Liang Ye looked slightly disappointed, turned around and fell on the bed, crossed his legs and waved his hands, “Boring, go, busy yourself.”

Wang Dian felt that he should ask carefully about the poison, but now he didn’t want to stay with this psychopath for a moment, thus he turned around and put the cup from his hand heavily, and opened the door of the sleeping chamber after turning around.

Outside the door, Yun Fu and several palace maids and eunuchs were obediently kneeling on the ground. A handsome young man with a high ponytail was standing at the door holding a sword. Seeing him, his tone was not very kind, “Your Majesty, you should go to the study to approve the memorials.”

He doesn’t need to ask to know that this is Liang Ye’s person.

He took a deep breath, “Yun Fu, let’s go.”

Chong Heng watched his back disappear into the long corridor before pushing the door in, “Master, why didn’t you kill him?”

There was a big lump on the bed, and Liang Ye’s voice came from under the quilt, “Have already fallen asleep, don’t bother.”

“Can you still talk while asleep?” Chong Heng asked.

“Don’t you believe that you can kill people while asleep?” Liang Ye poked his head out with a mournful expression.


Royal study.

Wang Dian stared at the densely packed characters on the paper, and his thoughts were also messed up.

Yun Fu waited on him carefully. Since His Majesty lost his memory these days, it was the first time he saw His Majesty in such a bad mood.

“Go find Imperial Physician Li and tell him to come over.” Wang Dian threw the memorial in his hand.

“Yes.” Yun Fu turned and walked halfway, but was suddenly stopped again.

“Forget it.” Wang Dian pondered for a moment. Let alone whether Liang Ye, that lunatic, was lying to him, it would still be difficult for him to get out of the current situation. Also, whether he was truly poisoned or not, would the Imperial Physician be able to detect it. Even if it was verified but without giving any clues as to why, it was still troublesome to ask the imperial physician to test the poison.

“Your Majesty, Hexi Prefecture, a letter from Baili Daren.” Someone came in with a letter, and Yun Fu took it and handed it to Wang Dian.

Wang Dian was so busy during this time that he almost forgot about it. He only remembered writing down records every time the Ministry of Households came to cry for poverty. Although his heart was in turmoil at the moment, he still opened the letter and read it.

Baili Cheng’an did have some ability. Not only did the disaster ease in just one month, but he also went on to transport provisions and investigated several corrupt officials. In the letter, he also tactfully pointed out that a group of people had been assassinated many times, and that the assassins were acting unlike ordinary assassins.

Unlike ordinary assassins? Assassins can be classified into different types these days?

“Baili Daren said that if there is no accident, he will be able to return to the Capital next month.” The messenger reported.

“Zhen is aware.” Wang Dian put the letter aside and waved the person away. The fact that the real emperor came back made him feel a little unmotivated. The first meeting was too sudden, and this person also did not play cards according to common sense at all. 

Wang Dian rubbed the center of his brows vigorously. In the final analysis, he was indecisive and missed the opportunity. He obviously planned well. Once the real Liang Ye appeared, he would kill him immediately, but the first arrow was still deliberately missed. Even if he didn’t hesitate, with Liang Ye’s skill, he could still dodge it.

It was he who underestimated Liang Ye. The previous information only included how absurd and crazy Liang Ye was, but no one mentioned that Liang Ye knew martial arts and had extraordinary skills.

Wang Dian became depressed for a moment, then opened his eyes and pulled himself together. Regardless of whether Liang Ye was crazy or not, it would be useful to keep him now, as long as he was alive, he would have a chance to turn the tables around. Moreover, he and Liang Ye looked exactly the same, this was his natural weapon.

“Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager sent someone to deliver lotus seed congee.” Yun Fu led an old eunuch in.

The old eunuch was not tall and thin. Appearing to be at the age of fifty or sixty, with a frightening amount of wrinkles on his face. The maidservant behind him was carrying the food box. 

“This slave, Yang Man, greets Your Majesty. The Empress Dowager, she misses you, therefore, she asks this old slave to bring you her words, telling you not to work too hard, and to take care of your dragon body.”

“Imperial Grandmother has a heart.” Wang Dian smiled, “Yun Fu, take it.”

Yun Fu stepped forward to take the food box, and Yang Man said in a timely manner, “This congee tastes good when it’s hot.”

Wang Dian’s eyebrows moved slightly.

Before, the empress dowager would send someone to deliver congee every few days. He drank it without paying attention, but after drinking it, he had a headache and nausea, but the imperial physician could not find anything, thus he never touched the congee that was sent later again.

After hearing from Yun Fu that Liang Ye had headaches before, it was hard for him not to make any associations. When he met Liang Ye today, a large portion of him was more than somewhat abnormal.

“Bring it up.” Wang Dian thought for a while, and asked Yun Fu to bring up the congee. Yang Man stood aside without having the intention of leaving.

He stirred the congee slowly, scooped it up and put it near his mouth to sip it. He was about to seize the opportunity to lose consciousness, but he suddenly felt a cramping pain in his abdomen, his limbs seemed to lose strength suddenly and he fell to the ground. The jade bowl full of congee was smashed to pieces.

“Your Majesty!” Yun Fu became shocked.

Yang Man also looked surprised, “Hurry up, quickly call the imperial physician!”

Wang Dian only felt a heart-rending pain in his limbs, but his mind was terribly sober. His face was pale from the pain, and the back of his hand was a little itchy. He looked down and saw something strangely wriggling in the skin on the back of his hand. This cyan black thing looked particularly frightening.

He remembered the bitter pill Liang Ye had given him.

Good, Liang Ye.

When the imperial physician arrived in a hurry, the heart piercing erosion bone like clutching pain seemed to pass away, and Wang Dian lay on the bed in a collapsed state, letting the imperial physician take his pulse, looking as if he had been fished out of the water.

“Huang’er! Huang’er!” The empress dowager arrived first before her voice fell. “My miserable Huang’er, what’s going on!”

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of clanging hairpin rings and the strong scent of powder.

Wang Dian felt a pain in his head when he heard it, so he simply closed his eyes. His other weak hand was held in someone else’s hand, then was followed by a scream, “Why is Huang’er’s wrist swollen like this! Take care of him! Imperial physician, look at Huang’er’s wrist!”

“Empress Dowager, this servant will take His Majesty’s pulse first.” Imperial Physician Li was sweating profusely, “You put first His Majesty’s hand down.”

The empress dowager let go of her hand in resentment, and took the handkerchief to wipe the sweat on Wang Dian’s forehead. Her long fingernails poked him straight on the forehead.

“……” Wang Dian, who was suffering in pain and had to open his eyes.

“Thank God, Huang’er, you finally woke up!” The empress dowager stretched out her hand to pinch his thigh again, Wang Dian looked tired, and didn’t want to hear her wail, thus he grabbed her hand, “I’m fine.”

The empress dowager froze for a moment, the expression of pretending to cry froze on her face. She carefully took out her hand, and awkwardly said, “Fi, fine. That’s good.”

It’s like she’s afraid of him.

Wang Dian didn’t have the energy to take care of her, he just felt that all his strength in his body was drained suddenly, then he closed his eyes again in a daze.

“..His Majesty is in good health, it’s just that he’s overworked these days and fainted due to exhaustion…” The words of the imperial physician rang vaguely in his ears.

“….wrap around my Huang’er’s wrist…Yun Fu, how did this happen…”

“…this slave doesn’t know…”

Wang Dian fell into a drowsy sleep, and his dream was full of strange things. Sometimes he was at the bidding meeting, sometimes he was on the way to the winery, and sometimes Liang Ye, who had turned into a mad dog, showed a toothy grin at him, making him so angry that he snatched up a wine bottle. 

“Ah, tossing and turning like this, very fierce.”

Wang Dian opened his eyes with difficulty, and for a moment he thought he was looking at a mirror, but the vile smile on the other person’s face immediately woke him up, and then was followed by indignation.

Liang Ye threw his thickly wrapped wrists onto the quilt, and teasingly said, ” –a small bug can make you sleep for so long.”

The face illuminated by the flickering candle was extremely detestable.

Wang Dian stared at him coldly, “Sure enough, it’s your doing.”

Liang Ye seemed to be pleased by his angry appearance, sat cross-legged on the bed, and then rolled up his sleeve to show him his wrist. There was a small blue-black bump under the pale blue veins, it was almost the same as what Wang Dian saw on the back of his hand before. Then he briefed Wang Dian enthusiastically, “This is a Gu worm Zhen got from Southern Xinjiang some time ago. It took a long time to consult with those people from Southern Xinjiang before agreeing to teach Zhen. This is still Zhen’s first time using it. How about it, isn’t it powerful?”

Powerful you big head ghost! (TL: a kind of swear)

When Wang Dian thought that there was a disgusting bug in his body, the whole person felt ill, “Liang Ye, are you sick?”

“The group of Southern Xinjiang people refused to teach at first, and it wasn’t easy forcing them. Thus Zhen killed ten of them with one stick of incense, and then Zhen learned it in less than half a stick of incense.” Liang Ye said to himself, lowering his head and stroking his wrist, he then frowned as he recalled, “This kind of thing seems to be called mother-child Gu, if mother dies, the child will also die, but if only the child dies, the mother still lives. Zhen doesn’t believe it very much. You said that you will kill Zhen, then can you still live after that?”

Liang Ye seemed to find this idea very interesting, the smile on his face slowly widened, whereas Wang Dian’s back only felt cold, and his scalp tingled.

Liang Ye’s eyes full of interest stared at him quietly and sighed with emotion, “Zhen is afraid it is like this.”

Wang Dian’s face darkened, “What exactly do you want me to do?”

Liang Ye casually played with his fingers, pinched his index finger and poked the Gu worm on his wrist, lowered his head and muttered, “Zhen haven’t figured it out yet, why don’t you tell Zhen what your name is and where you come from first.”

Wang Dian felt a chill when he poked the bug with his finger, and wanted to pull his hand out, however, it didn’t even twitch.

Liang Ye leaned down and blew on his face, “Do you want to feel hurt again?”

Wang Dian tilted his head, “Wang Dian.”

Liang Ye glanced at his fair and slender neck, he pinched his fingers and poked it on the side of his neck, laughing happily.


  1. jyhuy says:


  2. guide says:

    thank you for the chapter

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