Lan Ming Yue

Sober Up

Upon reaching the entrance of the tavern, Wang Dian, with his hands leisurely tucked into his sleeves, watched as Liang Ye and Yang Wujiu entered. Yang Wujiu turned back, puzzled, “Brother Wang, why aren’t you coming in?”

“I won’t go in.” Wang Dian, with a smile on his face, looked at Liang Ye, “There are some things that are better left unheard.”

Liang Ye tugged at the corner of his mouth, saying to Yang Wujiu, “Wait a moment, I have something to discuss with my brother. Let the waiter take you to the private room upstairs.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the waiter came up, “This way please, young master.”

Yang Wujiu, feeling uneasy, looked at Wang Dian, but found that Wang Dian’s gaze was fixed on his younger brother. He had no choice but to follow the waiter upstairs.

Liang Ye strode over the threshold, grabbed his wrist, and took him to the alley next to the tavern, throwing him against the wall. Wang Dian, a bit dazed by the throw, took a while before he raised his head and dusted off his sleeve.

“These days, Zhen has let you become more and more presumptuous.” Liang Ye stared at him with a heavy gaze, “You do what Zhen tells you to do, don’t defy Zhen.”

Wang Dian, with his sleeves tucked in, leaned against the wall, and jerked his chin towards the entrance of the alley, “Then you go. You used my name to invite Yang Wujiu out, surely you have important matters to discuss with him. I’m just a small pawn, how can I listen to your state affairs? Go ahead.”

“Wang Dian.” Liang Ye gritted his teeth, approaching him, “Don’t make Zhen unhappy.”

“I see you’re quite happy.” Wang Dian, with drooping eyelids and a light, floating smile, said, “Carefully asking you a question might get me killed. If I go in and listen, wouldn’t I be ground to dust and scattered in the latrine? I dare not.”

“Wang Dian.” Liang Ye looked at him with a bit of a headache, “You’d better know your place.”

“I’m quite clear about my place. I absolutely don’t ask or look at what I shouldn’t. In the future, if you tell me to go east, I will never go west. If you want me to beat a dog, I will never chase a chicken. Whatever you say is what it is.” Wang Dian, feeling the pain from leaning against the wall, stood up straight and stared at him with a forced smile, “Are you satisfied, Your Majesty?”

Liang Ye looked at him suspiciously, “Have you sobered up yet?”

“I’ve damn well been awake for a while!” Wang Dian suddenly raised his voice and shouted.

Liang Ye was stunned by his roar and wanted to grab his hand, “Then come in with Zhen.”

“Not going in.” Wang Dian harshly slapped his hand back, making his own fingers numb.

Liang Ye was momentarily stunned, then lowered his head to look at the back of his hand, which was red from being slapped. He looked up in displeasure and was about to get angry when suddenly Wang Dian pushed him unexpectedly.

“Who was the bastard that invited me to dinner before, I’ve even crawled through a dog hole and now you’re just going to treat me like this?” Wang Dian’s mind was on fire, already feeling light-headed, his mouth running uncontrollably, “Next time you need me to do something, just say it straight, don’t make it sound so grand, do you think it’s cool, Liang Ye?”

Liang Ye frowned, “Zhen gives you—”

“You give me fart.” Wang Dian sneered, “Do whatever you want in the future, I’ll find out on my own, then just slit my own throat and send myself away, I’m this f*cking cheap.”

Liang Ye stared at him with an indiscernible expression for a while, then raised his hand and gave him a light tap on the back of his neck. Wang Dian’s eyes suddenly darkened and he lost consciousness. He reached out and grabbed the person into his arms, breathing a sigh of relief with lingering fear.

Drunken Wang Dian is truly unreasonable.

He poked Wang Dian’s furrowed brow, instinctively wanting to lift him onto his shoulders, but then thought better of it, slipping his hand into Wang Dian’s clothes to feel his stomach, decisively lifting him up horizontally.

Not only delicate but also with a bad temper, truly difficult to raise.

Yang Wujiu was startled to see Liang Ye carrying Wang Dian in, “He, what happened to him?”

“Passed out from being drunk.” Liang Ye lied without changing his expression, laying him on the couch behind the folding screen, “Will be fine after a nap.”

“Oh, that’s good, that’s good.” Yang Wujiu peered behind the screen, “Brother Wang’s alcohol tolerance is really poor.”

“Alcohol isn’t good either.” Liang Ye raised his swollen hand back, “Just now even hit me and still scolded me.”

Yang Wujiu’s gaze towards him suddenly became sympathetic, “You’re really good to your big brother.”

Liang Ye curved his lips into a smile, stood up and blocked his view towards Wang Dian, “Don’t mind him, good brother Yang, this way please.”

They had a meal until it was dark. Yang Wujiu held the wine pot, crying with snot and tears, “Brother Wang Lang, you will be my life-saving benefactor in the future! Brother Wang was right…sob sob…you are so reliable!”

Liang Ye dodged his arm, “That Jian Ling is just the son of a criminal, he is not as good as you.”

Yang Wujiu nodded heavily, wiping his face fiercely, “I want to fight for my father’s breath! Isn’t it just a Black Armor Guard! I believe it! I must kill that bastard Jian Ling!”

Liang Ye turned his head to look at the outside sky, “It’s not early, you should go back first.”

Yang Wujiu got up swaying, made a big bow to him, “Brother Wang! Great kindness, great kindness does not say thank you!” (TL: Literally means “I can’t repay your great kindness just by saying thank you. I will try my best to help you with anything in the future”)

Liang Ye glanced at the incoming waiter, and the waiter smiled and helped Yang Wujiu, “Young Master Yang, let me take you home.”

After Yang Wujiu left, the boss came to clean up the table with people, and asked with a smile, “This young master, the table of dishes you ordered earlier is still warm, when do you want it to be served?”

Liang Ye glanced at the person who was still sleeping behind the screen, “Make a new one.”

“Eh, okay.” The boss happily agreed, after all, the value of that table of dishes was not cheap, making another table would top their income for three months, who would think that money was too much.

After everyone left, Liang Ye went around behind the screen, squatted in front of the couch and covered Wang Dian’s mouth and nose. It didn’t take long for Wang Dian to be suffocated and woke up, his eyes were still a little confused when he opened them.

For safety’s sake, Liang Ye asked cautiously, “Are you sober now?”

“…Hiss.” Wang Dian moved his sore neck and took a cold breath.

Liang Ye, not being scolded, happily sat down on the couch and scooped the person into his arms, thinking he was being thoughtful and as he massaged his neck. However, his touch was too heavy, causing Wang Dian to wince in pain and grab his sleeve, scolding, “You slaughtering a pig?!”

Following Wang Dian’s force, Liang Ye put down his hand and carefully observed his expression, asking repeatedly, “Are you awake now?”

“I am.” Wang Dian rubbed his throbbing temples vigorously, sighed, “The alcohol is a bit sinister.”

Although he had felt quite clear-headed before, he found himself unable to control his thoughts and actions, feeling like he was floating, and in normal times, he would never argue with Liang Ye about such things–things that couldn’t be resolved through arguments were completely meaningless.

Liang Ye breathed a sigh of relief, eagerly looking at him, “zhen had ordered a table full of delicious dishes for you, but you suddenly got angry. Helpless, Zhen had to knock you out and let you sleep well, now the food is cold. But Zhen had them prepare another table.”

Wang Dian, who was drunk before but still remembers very clearly: “……I thank you.”

Liang Ye happily replied, “No need to be so polite with Zhen.”

Wang Dian glanced at him, pressed his forehead with his hand. Liang Ye leaned in to kiss him, but was coldly pushed away. “Dishes?”

“Still being prepared.” Liang Ye held onto his wrist, refusing to let go, “Come here and let Zhen kiss you.”

Wang Dian glanced at him for a moment, then leaned down to kiss the corner of his mouth. Liang Ye’s palm rested on the back of his neck, applying a bit of pressure as he pressed him down on the couch, kneeling beside his waist to kiss his neck, a mix of light and heavy touches with an inexplicable irritation.

“Alright,” Wang Dian gently lifted his chin, saying softly, “I don’t have much energy today.”

Liang Ye stared down at him, his slightly flushed Adam’s apple moving slightly, “Today, truly intended to treat you to a meal, seeing Yang Wujiu by the way.”

“Okay,” Wang Dian curled the corner of his mouth.

“You’re not angry anymore?” Liang Ye’s fingers gently tugged at his hair.

“There’s nothing to be angry about,” Wang Dian said.

But Liang Ye intuitively felt something was wrong, yet he was somewhat helpless. He reached out and touched his face, frowning, “Zhen plans to let Yang Wujiu—”

“Is the food not ready yet?” Wang Dian supported his waist and gently pushed him aside, got up from the couch, turned around, grabbed Liang Ye’s hand and pulled him up.

Liang Ye opened his mouth, holding his hand somewhat blankly, and after thinking for a while, he asked him, “Did Zhen hurt you earlier?”

“Hmm?” Wang Dian didn’t react for a moment.

Liang Ye pointed at his back, somewhat annoyed, “Zhen didn’t control my strength well in the alley just now.”

Wang Dian moved his shoulder, “It’s okay, it’s not as painful as the one you gave me on my neck.”

Liang Ye suddenly realized, reached out to cover his neck, the palm of his hand was slightly hot, Wang Dian comfortably squinted his eyes, and then heard him say pitifully, “Zhen will be careful in the future, you don’t ignore Zhen.”

Wang Dian looked at him puzzled.

“When Zhen accidentally bumped your forehead in the cave before, you ignored Zhen.” Liang Ye complained, “Today Zhen just hurt your neck, you not only didn’t let Zhen kiss, but also didn’t listen to Zhen.”

“…” Wang Dian was amazed at his magical logic and understanding, “You better not drink white jade soup in the future.”

Liang Ye raised his eyebrows, “Why suddenly say this?”

“If you drink it again, you will really become stupid.” Wang Dian removed his claw and walked forward.

Liang Ye clung to him stickily, wrapping his arms around Wang Dian’s waist and leaning down to kiss the back of his neck, “Zhen is planning to have Yang Wujiu join the Black Armored Guard.”

Wang Dian struggled a bit but couldn’t break free, too lazy to exert effort, he dragged him forward, “What I said earlier was drunken talk, you really don’t have to talk to me about these things.”

In fact, even if they were said, it wouldn’t make much sense. He didn’t believe in Liang Ye, and Liang Ye couldn’t possibly trust him completely. It was nothing more than adding some ambiguousness to this mutually wary relationship, making them appear to be very close to each other.

Liang Ye, somewhat irritated, bit down on his shoulder and ground his teeth. The fact proved that this guy couldn’t pretend to be pitiful for long, and soon revealed his true nature and showed a dangerous face, very impatiently said, “You listen Zhen explain.”

“Whatever.” Wang Dian responded perfunctorily, and then suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder, he angrily said, “Liang Ye!”

Liang Ye lifted him by the waist and sat him on the clean table. He hooked one of Wang Dian’s legs with his hand, while the other hand went under his armpit to support his back, pressing him towards himself. Liang Ye almost had Wang Dian entirely in his embrace, dominating and forcefully kissing his neck and shoulder, as if he wanted to devour him whole.

In this position, Wang Dian couldn’t exert much force, so he could only grab a handful of Liang Ye’s not long but not short hair and yank it back hard, angrily saying, “What’s wrong with you again!”

Liang Ye licked his sore lips, not knowing whose blood was on them. He smirked with a sinister smile, a hint of red in his eyes, his voice low, husky, and pleased, “Zhen just wants to make you happy.”

But he didn’t know why he always made people angry.

Wang Dian looked at him with mixed feelings, touched the red corner of his eye with his fingertip, “Are you happy today?”

The smile on Liang Ye’s face became a bit gloomier, it seemed that he didn’t want to answer this question, “Zhen doesn’t like it when you ignore Zhen, Zhen’s head hurts.”

Wang Dian looked at him for a while, finally sighed, stretched out his arm to gently hug him into his arms, gently patted his back, and whispered, “How about now?”

Liang Ye’s tense shoulders and straight back suddenly collapsed, and he leaned against him, his breath through the clothes carrying a slight heat.

He didn’t make a sound, just clumsily learned Wang Dian’s movements to gently wrap his waist, and then grabbed the tassel of the jade pendant around his waist.






  1. LiquidCeil says:


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