Lan Ming Yue


In the capital, Xingqing Palace.

A palace person dressed as a eunuch hurriedly lifted the bamboo curtain at the door, walked quickly to the front of the screen, knelt down and kowtowed, “Master, Liang Ye has run away.”

The woman who was dozing off slowly opened her eyes, her voice indistinguishable from anger, “Ran away?”

“The assassination in Shizai Mountain was originally very smooth, but who knew that a highly skilled person appeared halfway and directly rescued Liang Ye. This subordinate found out that he is Wang Dian, who Liang Ye has always claimed to be a hermit invited from the deep mountains. But the two of them are intimate, eat and live together, and behave like they are in a relationship. It’s this subordinate’s negligence, please punish, Master.”

“Punish you for what.” Cui Yuxian laughed lightly. “After all, it was Aijia’s miscalculation. not expecting that a small male pet would have this ability and could take Liang Ye away from the assassins of Feixian Tower.”

The person kneeling on the ground remained silent and did not dare to raise his head.

“Jian Ling, you are still young, and you need to ask Yang Man more about everything. You two are Aijia’s left and right arms. Aijia can’t bear to lose any of you. Do you understand?” Cui Yuxian said unhurriedly.

Cold sweat broke out on Jian Ling’s forehead instantly, “Yes, this subordinate understands.”

Cui Yuxian sighed as if she couldn’t bear it, “Zi Yu, this child, has always been the most obedient and sensible. Although his behavior is often out of line, he has never made any big mistakes. These days, it was unknown who he has been bewitched by, and he has made mistakes one after another. My great niece, although a daughter of a concubine, was carefully selected by Aijia for him. Such ignorance and even biting back really makes Aijia feel cold.”

Jian Ling only responded, not daring to say more.

“Aijia won’t pursue this mistake this time, it’s just a failed assassination.” Cui Yuxian said, “There are many assassins and men of sacrifice in the world, no matter what method you use, Aijia don’t want to see Zi Yu again.”

“Yes! This subordinate will make sure Liang Ye dies in Shizai Mountain!” Jian Ling said coldly.

The bamboo curtain was lifted and fell again, and Jian Ling quickly left the harem. The eunuch’s clothes on his body had long disappeared, replaced by the official uniform of the imperial guard. He held the token and counted the number of people, pointing to nearly a hundred people, and said sternly, “You all follow me to Shizai Mountain to help rescue the emperor!”

The well-equipped imperial guards responded in unison, and the echo lingered for a long time.

The guards on light horses galloped through the long streets of the capital. The steward of the Wen Mansion happened to return and couldn’t help but take an extra look. He invited the handsome young man who came down from the carriage behind him into the gate.

Wen Zong was sitting in his backyard fishing. There was incense burning and ice in the pavilion, but it did not reduce the heat at all.

“Le Hong is here.” Wen Zong looked at the calm water surface without turning his head.

“Student Qi Ming pays respects to the teacher.” Qi Ming respectfully stood not far away and saluted Wen Zong.

“Come, accompany me to fish for a while.” Wen Zong said, “Go and get a set of fishing gear for Le Hong.”

Qi Ming sat next to him and said, “The teacher suddenly called the student to come, there must be something important to tell.”

“People always say that you are more stable and low-key than Wen Bin, but they don’t know that you are more impatient than him.” Wen Zong slowly said with a fishing rod in his hand.

“Junior Brother Cheng An’s name is known all over the world, and this student is naturally inferior.” Qi Ming self-deprecatingly smiled, his eyes seemed a bit gloomy, “Why bother to humiliate oneself.”

“Self-deprecation.” Wen Zong finally turned his head and glanced at him, “Wen Bin is clean and proud, although he has great talents, but he does not know that being too rigid is easy to break, the way of being an official, the most taboo is not admitting defeat and not bowing.”

“This student is taught.” Qi Ming lowered his eyes.

“Don’t talk about this.” Wen Zong turned his head back and continued fishing, “Wen Bin was sent by His Majesty to relieve the disaster in Hexi. If there are no accidents, he will not be able to return to the capital in four or five years.”

Qi Ming was surprised, “How could it be? Cheng An has already become the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, Cui dared to act so absurdly! Aren’t they afraid of the world’s criticism!?”

“His Majesty’s order, His Majesty’s decree, the people of the world will only criticize His Majesty for being incompetent and unrestrained.” Wen Zong paused before saying. “Now His Majesty has the intention to compete with Cui for power, but after all, he is alone and unsupported, and His Majesty’s actions are too fierce, now angering Cui… not a good choice.”

Qi Ming pondered for a long time, “The teacher means——”

“His Majesty has no one in his hands.” Wen Zong looked at him, and a bitter smile overflowed from his old face, “The situation is hopeless, His Majesty originally had no intention, I am confident that I can stop the decline of the Liang Kingdom, but there is no significant effect, Heaven has eyes, let His Majesty have the heart to turn the tide, I am old, I always have to leave him a few satisfactory and usable people, so that when the day comes below the netherworld, I can also face the late emperor and the empress.”

Qi Ming was stunned.

“Although there is competition for the limelight, you and Cheng An are after all fellow students and brothers. I can teach you two students in my life, it can be considered as not a waste of this knowledge.”

“Le Hong, it’s time to become an official.”


Shizai Mountain.

Leaning on Wang Dian, Liang Ye was chatting with him intermittently, as if his blood had already run dry, leaving only the mottled bloodstains on his face.

Wang Dian, with his eyes downcast, was wiping the blood off his face with a handkerchief, “Where is Chong Heng? He’s always with you, doesn’t he have an antidote on him?”

“Didn’t you ask him to go to Ying Sufang to check on the child with the longevity lock? Zhen let him go, and by the way, bring some pastries to eat.” Liang Ye seemed to enjoy being taken care of by him, tilting his face towards his handkerchief, and even making demands like an uncle, “Neck is also sticky, wipe it for Zhen.”

“You arranged this really reasonably, Your Majesty.” Wang Dian wiped his neck unhappily, “You’re about to die here, and you’re asking him to buy you pastries.”

“You ordered to check on that child, Zhen naturally put it in the heart.” Liang Ye, who was about to be poisoned to death, was not very honest. He didn’t know when his hand had reached into his front, and pinched his waist, “Zhen wants to kiss your waist.”

Wang Dian stared at him for a full three seconds, shocked, “You’re about to f****** die, and all you think about are these trivial matters!?”

Liang Ye nodded happily, “It must be very fragrant too.”

“Fragrant your grandma!” Wang Dian grabbed his dishonest claws and threw them out, holding his breath in his throat, not knowing what to do.

Liang Ye didn’t mind being scolded, and happily patted his lower abdomen, swearing an oath, “You are unwilling to fulfill Zhen’s last wish before Zhen dies, you are really cold-blooded and ruthless.”

“You might as well die with resentment.” Wang Dian threw away his dishonest hand, looked up at the sky, “Why aren’t you dead yet?”

“….” Liang Ye was quiet for a while, and said seriously, “Maybe the poison they used is too bad, wait another half an hour.”

Wang Dian gritted his teeth, “Otherwise, why don’t you pee and take care of yourself glowing with health now?” (TL: It means satirizing people who cannot see their own shortcomings.)

Liang Ye lowered his head to untie his belt, “Excuse me, help Zhen hold it.”

Wang Dian’s forehead veins throbbed violently, and he grabbed his belt and tied a dead knot.

Liang Ye sighed with some regret, “Zhen really has no strength now, if you don’t hurry up and let Zhen eat that little thing, you will never find such a good opportunity again.”

Wang Dian twitched the corner of his mouth. He was sure that if he made a move now, Liang Ye would definitely have eighteen ways to break him apart. The best opportunity had already passed – or rather, there was never a good opportunity. He had exposed himself in a hurry and missed the opportunity.

“Just now you scared me, and I don’t know where that thing fell.” Wang Dian opened his empty palm with a calm expression, “If you really want to eat it and don’t mind the dirt, I can help you find it.”

Liang Ye bent over and leaned into his arms, laughing loudly. His blood-stained hand clenched his sleeve, the pale knuckles covered with blood. He coughed a few times, and there was a joyful smile in his eyes looking at Wang Dian, “Zhen simply likes your cleverness and sense of timing.”

Wang Dian’s expression didn’t change, “If you can move, we’ll continue on our way.”

“Zhen can’t move.” Liang Ye weakly tilted his body, wanting to lean on his shoulder, but Wang Dian quickly held his waist to prevent him from moving.

“If you move again, the wound will split open.” Wang Dian frowned and let him lean properly.

Liang Ye tugged at his sleeve, and took the opportunity to touch his arm, ambiguously and simply rubbing the thin skin on the inside of Wang Dian’s wrist, and his voice was hoarse and a little expectant, “Back to Zhen.”

Wang Dian glanced at him, and Liang Ye leaned in and kissed the tip of his nose, grinning at him.

Although Wang Dian couldn’t understand why Liang Ye could be so affectionate and natural towards someone who wanted to kill him, he carefully avoided his wounds and carried him on his back.

In passing, he concealed the embarrassment and pitiful guilt after the attempted murder.

Who would have thought that Liang Ye, this guy, was naturally restless. It wasn’t enough for him to be carried, he also mischievously opened Wang Dian’s collar, his hand dishonestly touching him.

“Take it out.” Wang Dian said with a wooden face. “If you move again, I will throw you away.”

Liang Ye pinched him, and the person carrying him suddenly stiffened, his voice filled with anger, “Liang Ye!”

“I vaguely remember that in the Spring Palace Book they just——” Liang Ye looked at his ear with interest, “tsk, it’s so red it’s about to bleed.”

That’s not all, his actions were even more excessive. Wang Dian, whether out of anger or other reasons, his neck and face were flushed red. He grabbed his hand and wanted to throw him down, but before he could exert his strength, Liang Ye counter-grabbed his wrist, a huge force pulled him to roll on the spot, then he flew onto the trunk, and dozens of poisoned darts and short arrows were shot into the place where the two of them just stood.

The leaves rustled, Wang Dian turned his head and saw that there were people everywhere. These people were floating in shape and cold in their eyes, staring at him tightly, like looking at a dying prey, slowly approaching him and Liang Ye.

Liang Ye, didn’t know where he had found two sleeve arrows and buckled them on his wrists, wrapped his arms around his neck, pressed the person over and kissed him fiercely, and laughed in a low voice, “Two sticks of incense, if you can survive, Zhen will confer you the empress.”

Before the words fell, the person who was half-dead and wanted him to carry on his back flew down from the tree. The slender soft sword lightly floated over the swaying leaves, a long string of blood flowers bloomed from mid-air, sprinkling on the still rustling green leaves, dripping down.

Wang Dian couldn’t even capture Liang Ye’s figure, but his pupils reflected countless bodies falling from mid-air. Accompanied by the increasingly strong smell of blood around him, he saw the soft sword being frivolously twirled into a sword flower and charged at him, then pierced the assassin who was trying to sneak attack him from behind.

Liang Ye easily broke the neck of the assassin in his hand with a forceful pinch. Blood splashed on his beautiful brow bone. He turned his body and looked at Wang Dian from a distance, showing him a bloodthirsty and cruel smile, and moved his lips.

Although far away, Wang Dian miraculously saw his lip shape.

This guy was mouthing… “Empress.”

“Madman.” Wang Dian gritted his teeth and clenched his sleeve arrow tightly.


  1. guide says:

    thank you for the chapter

  2. guide says:

    please post more chapters

    1. BEE says:

      Aiyaa..thank you for reading. The updates for this novel is every Monday.😊

  3. LiquidCeil says:


  4. LianEr says:

    Dear translator, you are a miracle worker. Thank you for translating this gem. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you!

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