Lan Ming Yue


Wang Dian looked down at the wound on his arm, “Do you need to bandage this?”

Liang Ye ignored him, his arm still raised.

Wang Dian looked at him for a moment, sighed, and squatted down to hug him. He was careful of Liang Ye’s injury, just hugged him lightly for a moment, and was about to get up, but Liang Ye held his waist, and he stumbled and half-kneeled down, his whole body pressed against Liang Ye’s bloody clothes.

The blood on Liang Ye’s face rubbed against his neck, and he murmured in a fascinated tone, “You still smell good.”

Wang Dian held his shoulder, didn’t dare to push him too hard, “Where are you hurt?”

Liang Ye let him go, leaning lazily on the slope, and said lazily, “Look for yourself, Zhen is tired.”

Wang Dian’s forehead vein jumped, “Would be nice if bleed to death.”

Liang Ye chuckled, tore off his bloody outer shirt, and took off his middle and inner clothes cleanly, and threw him a bottle of medicine, “Apply it.”

Although Wang Dian had taken a bath with him before, most of the time he was in a state of alert and anger. It was the first time to look at him so closely – but there was nothing good to look at, it was not much different from himself, maybe because the martial artist’s body was more lean, and a bit weirdly awkward.

Liang Ye let him look at himself, his eyes staring at him, as if he wanted to skin, bone and swallow him, he handed his injured arm to Wang Dian, licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, and when Wang Dian raised his eyes, he slowly blinked, “Wang Dian, it hurts.”

Wang Dian looked at the bloody flesh that was turned out and felt a toothache. He frowned and held his wrist, sprinkled the medicine powder on his wound to stop the bleeding. He tried to tear off the inner clothes that Liang Ye had taken off, but the quality was too good, “Use your blade.”

Liang Ye obediently handed the blade to him.

Wang Dian cut the clean cloth of the inner clothes, helped him bandage the wound on his arm, Liang Ye looked at him applying medicine and bandaging the wound with novelty and excitement, raised his eyebrows, “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“Just wrapping it up, how can it not hurt? I don’t know witchcraft.” Wang Dian raised an eyebrow and looked at the prominent bone injury on his shoulder, “Does your shoulder hurt?”

“No, it doesn’t hurt.” Liang Ye didn’t understand what kind of witchcraft Wang Dian was referring to, and he leaned closer to try to kiss him.

Wang Dian placed his hand over Laing Ye’s mouth and pointed to his shoulder, saying, “You can see the bones there, but you don’t feel any pain?”

Liang Ye didn’t seem to care and slightly turned his head to glance at the injury, then looked up with a serious expression, “It hurts, bandage, just like before.”

Wang Dian looked at him and didn’t say anything, only sprinkling some medicine powder on the wound while observing Liang Ye’s expression. Liang Ye was calm and composed, showing no signs of discomfort, when he looked over, he raised his eyebrows happily, as if they were doing something particularly interesting.

The shoulder wound was difficult to wrap, so Wang Dian had to cut a few more long strips and kneel in front of Liang Ye to help him bandage it. “Move forward a bit, don’t lean against that pile of dirt, isn’t it unclean?”

Liang Ye cooperated and moved forward, his two long legs spread out, making him half-kneel in front of Wang Dian while Wang Dian was bandaging him. Laing Ye stuck to him like glue, leaning forward and licking the small wounds on Wang Dian’s face.

The wound that was already not painful was now bleeding again due to his licking, and Wang Dian pushed Laing Ye’s head away, saying, “Are you a dog, always licking and licking?”

Laing Ye furrowed his brows, “It hurts.”

“You hurt, fart!” Wang Dian tied the bandage into a knot, and Liang Ye didn’t even make a sound, bending his head to search for other injuries on his body in an attempt to have him bandage them.

“Here in the thigh…”

“Don’t move around!” Wang Dian watched helplessly as he stretched out his arms, and the wound on his shoulder started bleeding again. He quickly supported Liang Ye’s shoulder side.

Liang Ye followed his gaze and glanced at him, and with a serious expression, he said, “It’s bleeding, it hurts.”

Wang Dian really wanted to scold him, but he took a deep breath and said, “Don’t move, and it won’t bleed.”

Seeing Liang Ye’s eager expression, Wang Dian had no doubt that he might immediately climb a tree to perform a stunt. He quickly pulled him back, “Ancestor, behave yourself.”

Liang Ye was held still by him, staring at him for a while before he said contentedly, “You’ve just changed back now.”

“What do you mean ‘changed back’?” Wang Dian frowned, intending to wrap another bandage around his shoulder.

“Even though you called Zhen ‘Your Majesty’ before, it felt strange.” Liang Ye said, “Zhen still likes the current you.”

Wang Dian’s hand paused slightly as he tied the bandage, “Just an object, does Your Majesty also have feelings?”

“No.” Liang Ye subconsciously furrowed his brows, “You’ve changed back again.”

After tying it well, Wang Dian calmly looked at him, “Did you know about the chaos today?”

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that he wasn’t there, and he rushed over so hastily.

Liang Ye was about to laugh when he saw him, Wang Dian held his chin and said in a deep voice, “Don’t laugh, if you don’t say it now, never say it again, even if you do, I won’t listen.”

Liang Ye stopped laughing, stared at him expressionlessly, and didn’t speak.

Wang Dian waited patiently for a while, his gaze gradually sinking, and he laughed at himself, “Forget it.”

After speaking, he continued to treat the wound on his leg.

Liang Ye didn’t dare to move the injured arm, and poked Wang Dian’s shoulder with the other hand, “Don’t be angry.”

“I’m not angry.” Wang Dian’s voice was calm, “We have to return to the capital before noon tomorrow.”

Liang Ye didn’t seem to have any interest in the matter at hand. He was getting impatient and wanted to get closer to Wang Dian. However, even holding Wang Dian in his arms couldn’t satisfy his thirst, so he wanted to lean in and kiss Wang Dian.

Wang Dian smiled and let him do as he pleased.

Liang Ye backed off, staring at him with a fierce look in his eyes, and demanded, “Change back for Zhen.”

Wang Dian said lightly, “Alright, Liang Ye.”

Liang Ye sneered with a gloomy expression, “You did it on purpose.”

“Whatever you say is whatever it is.” Wang Dian sighed, sprinkling medicine on the wound on his leg. As a result, Liang Ye slapped the medicine bottle far away, smashing it against a tree trunk.

Wang Dian’s expression turned cold, “If you don’t want to apply medicine, then forget it. After all, you don’t feel any pain.”

Liang Ye stared at him in a dark and unclear manner, “Zhen came to save you, don’t push your luck.”

Wang Dian said coldly, “I ask you to come and save me?”

The gu insect on Liang Ye’s wrist was about to move, but Wang Dian was not afraid at all. The two confronted each other for a while, neither willing to back down first. The surrounding air seemed to solidify, making it hard to breathe.

The sound of horse hooves suddenly approached from afar, accompanied by noisy and angry scolding. Liang Ye reacted very quickly, pulling the person over and pressing him against the slope behind him.

“They definitely didn’t get far, search for them! I want to see them alive or dead!”

Immediately after, the sound of horse hooves mixed with footsteps scattered around.

Wang Dian held his breath nervously, lightly patted Liang Ye’s arm, and pointed to the porcelain medicine bottle not far away that he had just smashed.

Liang Ye narrowed his eyes, grabbed Wang Dian’s chin, and forcefully swept his tongue around his mouth. Wang Dian was furious and wanted to push him away, but he was afraid of making any noise that might be heard by people outside. His eyes were almost spitting fire.

Liang Ye gave him a satisfied kiss on the chin, picked up the soft sword on the ground, and suddenly flew out.

“Damn it!” Wang Dian was shocked for a moment by his unconventional actions. He peeked out from behind the slope and saw corpses and horse bodies everywhere.

Liang Ye, bare-chested, stood in a pool of blood holding a sword. He turned his head and hooked his mouth at Wang Dian. His profile was unclear in the boundary between shadow and sunlight, making it hard to see clearly. The bandage that had just been wrapped was already soaked with blood, not knowing whether it was his own or someone else’s.

Wang Dian’s breath hitched, and the smell of blood around him stirred his stomach, making him turn his head away and no longer look at the tragic scene on the ground.

Liang Ye walked towards him, wiping his still dripping soft sword on Wang Dian’s clean sleeve until the snow-white sleeve was stained with mottled blood. He leaned in front of Wang Dian, the blood on his nose bridge not yet dry, and whispered softly, “Change back for Zhen.”

Wang Dian clenched his back teeth, staring at him with a similarly gloomy smile, “I refuse.”

The suppressed anger and killing intent in Liang Ye seemed to be on the verge of surfacing again. He moved his wrist holding the sword slightly, then stopped, as if he had made a decision that went against his ancestors. He said in a stiff and slow tone, “Zhen knew early on that Cui Yuxian would try to kill Zhen at Shizai Mountain.”

Wang Dian’s eyebrows twitched slightly, “And then?”

Liang Ye didn’t seem to want to speak. He irritably coiled his soft sword back around his waist, “You only asked Zhen if Zhen knew.”

“That’s right.” Wang Dian nodded, affirming, “Because of Cui Mimi’s matter, I tricked Cui Yuxian once. You not only didn’t stop me, but also fanned the flames on the side. You deliberately didn’t drink the white jade soup in front of Yang Man, which made Cui Yuxian lose her composure. Then you used me and Wei Wanlin as bait to expose the chess piece Cui Yuxian had planted in the imperial guards.”

Liang Ye, with his eyes downcast, didn’t make a sound. He just rubbed his blood-stained hand on the still white part of his sleeve, ruining his sleeve.

Wang Dian nodded, “I understand.”

“Zhen came to save you.” Liang Ye impatiently threw off his sleeve, “Zhen also answered your question.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Dian showed a faint smile on his face. He reached out and wiped the blood from Liang Ye’s nose, sighed and said, “Your Majesty, feelings between people can’t be manipulated as you wish. I’m grateful that you came to save me, but I’m also angry that you pushed me towards death.”

Liang Ye might have felt that he was being played. He squinted his eyes unexpectedly, “You dare to deceive Zhen?”

“I didn’t lie to you.” Wang Dian leaned over and gently kissed his nose tip, smiling at him leisurely, “I’ve changed back.”

Liang Ye’s nose tickled from his kiss, and he unconsciously shrugged slightly. His gaze closely observed Wang Dian’s expressions and movements, testing, “Then you re-bandage Zhen’s wound for Zhen.”

Wang Dian looked at his blood-covered body, “Okay.”

Liang Ye stared at him warily.

“‘Okay’ is just a common word, don’t take it as a judgment standard.” Wang Dian somewhat sadly realized that he understood his meaning, “It’s not me cursing you, it’s being close.”

(TL: Okay (好) is sometimes translated as “good” or “fine” and is often used when scolding someone, ex. “Good, you’ve done it again. Let this Father beat you to let you get back to your senses.”)

“Zhen never gets close to others.” Liang Ye scoffed.

Wang Dian looked at his hand intertwined with his own, was silent for two seconds, and gave up continuing to argue with him, “As long as you’re happy.”

“Zhen is naturally happy.”

“Don’t come over, you’re covered in blood…Hiss, Liang Ye!”


  1. LiquidCeil says:


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