Lan Ming Yue

Return Journey

Shizai Mountain Tai Chi Temple.

Liang Ye sat on a cushion, munching on fruit. The head of the Tai Chi Temple, Xiang Meng, was meditating nearby and opened her eyes to glance at him.

“Junior Martial Uncle, why aren’t you leaving?” Xiang Meng snatched the plate away as Liang Ye tried to steal some snacks from the offering table.

“There’s something haven’t figured out.” Liang Ye quickly grabbed a snack.

“Oh, you’re thinking about something.” Xiang Meng took a bite of the snack, “It’s really not tasty.”

Liang Ye snatched the plate back.

“Have you seen Master?” Xiang Meng asked.

“I did.” Liang Ye frowned in disgust, “He said I’m too violent, beating the dog from Piaoxue Mountain Villa to death.”

Xiang Meng laughed so hard she almost couldn’t stand up straight.

Liang Ye ignored her, holding the snack plate. After Xiang Meng had laughed enough, she wiped away her tears, “Piaoxue Mountain Villa is Cui Yuxian’s pawn in Eastern Chen. You slaughtered it, she’s bound to retaliate.”

Liang Ye didn’t speak, just slowly nibbling on the snack.

“That Wang Dian—” Xiang Meng thought for a moment, “I can’t figure out his background, but looking at you two, you should have been like parallel lines, never meeting. Now that you’ve met, it’s bound to stir up waves. It’s a death tribulation, Junior Martial Uncle.”

Liang Ye said, “Has Zhen encountered few death tribulations?”

“The Master saw that you had the roots of wisdom and the fate of an immortal, so he took you as a disciple. But now you insist on rolling in this mortal world.” Xiang Meng seemed somewhat regretful, “If you had followed the Master and your Senior Martial Uncle, you would have had a great fortune.”

Liang Ye lifted his eyelids to look at her, “Did Senior Martial Uncle ask you to persuade me?”

“You know what kind of person your Senior Martial Uncle is.” Xiang Meng laughed a little guiltily, “The Master is cold on the outside but warm on the inside. He doesn’t say it, but he always worries about you, his little disciple. He sees the Master worrying and wants to kidnap you and take you away… but he’s afraid the Master will get angry.”

Liang Ye lowered his eyes and didn’t speak.

“The mortal world, wealth and honor, are all but a fleeting dream.” Xiang Meng sighed, “I think, to be stained and dyed, to roll in blood and frost, it’s not bad. After all, that’s what being human is.”

Liang Ye chuckled, his Liu Ye Sword spinning on the last remaining piece of pastry.

“Still haven’t figured it out?” Xiang Meng turned her head to look outside, “If you keep thinking, the one below will leave the Shizai Mountain. Cui Yuxian is determined to make this trip a one-way journey for you. Are you really planning to let Wang Dian die for you? Immeasurable Tianzun, what a sin.”

“If he dies, I might just go with Master.” Liang Ye said.

“Might?” Xiang Meng hinted, “Junior Martial Uncle, do you want him to die or not?”

“Is there a difference? Life and death are but a moment.” Liang Ye said lazily, “If he’s lucky, he’ll survive. If he’s unlucky, he’ll die.”

“Listen to what you’re saying.” Xiang Meng got up from the cushion, “Close the door, close the door, hurry up and leave.”

Liang Ye sat on the cushion without moving.

“Little Chong Heng.” Xiang Meng looked up at the beam, “Don’t gnaw on pig’s feet in front of the Master, or I’ll send you to the monk’s temple next door.”

Chong Heng licked the greasy corner of his mouth and jumped down, “Sister, is there tea?”

“What are you calling sister, I could be your grandmother.” Xiang Meng rolled her eyes, looking at the steady as a rock Liang Ye, “Junior Martial Uncle, ‘might’ means there’s no certainty. If you had made up your mind earlier, you wouldn’t be sitting here thinking fruitlessly.”

The wind blew through the mountains, rolling up the endless green waves, bringing the coolness into the hall.

The empty cushion was already devoid of people, only the crumbs of the pastry that had been nibbled to pieces remained in the plate.

“What a sin.”


Wang Dian sat in the carriage, after Quan Ning left, the chaos outside did not stop, and even seemed to be getting worse.

“Your Majesty!” Wei Wanlin rode on a horse and shouted into the carriage, “This subject will escort Your Majesty to leave first!”

Wang Dian pushed open the carriage window, and saw soldiers fighting each other, and immediately realized that Quan Ning didn’t need to make such a big fuss, it was obvious that the other party had been lurking for a long time, and the only one who could reach their hands into the escort army besides Cui Yuxian was no one else.

Wang Dian made a decisive decision, took off his outer robe, went straight out and jumped onto the horse that Wei Wanlin had brought over, “How many people does the other side have?”

“It’s unknown!” Wei Wanlin put a chest protector on him, “As soon as we left the Shizai Mountain, there was suddenly a rebellion. The clothes were all the same, no one reacted at first, but the helmet feathers of the rebels were blue, ours were red!”

Wang Dian took a look, and basically didn’t see many red helmet feathers.

“Your Majesty, this place is not suitable for a long stay, the retreat routes have been cut off, we can only retreat to the mountains on the side!” Wei Wanlin said anxiously.

“Go!” Wang Dian clenched the reins in his hand, “Drive!”

“Protect the Emperor!” Wei Wanlin’s long sword danced in the wind, cutting off the flying arrows. Hundreds of soldiers came over to clear the way, Wang Dian was protected in the middle by several horses, and someone handed him a sword in a hurry.

The palace ladies and eunuchs were unarmed, and there were screams everywhere. The team was too long, and the ministers and their families behind didn’t know what to do, but it was much quieter than here. It seemed that Cui Yuxian just wanted Liang Ye’s life and didn’t intend to offend these court officials.

Wang Dian’s riding skills were not proficient, just like archery, it was just a hobby. In the light of swords and knives, he could only feel that the road ahead was getting harder and harder, the soldiers around him were getting fewer and fewer, and the pursuers behind him were endless, clinging to them, like a group of wolves staring at their prey and refusing to let go.

“Your Majesty, be careful!” The soldier who had just handed him the long sword suddenly leaped in front of Wang Dian, an arrow hit right in the middle of his forehead, and the crimson blood sprayed out, and he fell heavily to the ground with his horse.

The sound of arrows breaking through the air became more and more urgent, and there were fewer and fewer people around Wang Dian. He didn’t even have time to look closely, and the bodies were thrown far behind in the pool of blood.

“Your Majesty, go quickly! This subject will hold them off!” Seeing more and more pursuers, Wei Wanlin shouted angrily, and the whip in his hand fiercely whipped Wang Dian’s horse, and the horse Wang Dian was riding on galloped into the depths of the forest.

“Wei Wanlin!” Wang Dian hurriedly turned his head while holding the reins, only to see Wei Wanlin being chopped in the shoulder by someone, and a dozen soldiers with red helmet feathers were obliterated by the pursuers like cutting melons and vegetables.

“Your Majesty, go quickly!” Wei Wanlin shouted angrily, standing up against the knife, the long sword in his hand was full of vigor, knocking down a large group of people, “Go!”

“Drive!” Wang Dian squeezed the horse’s belly hard and rushed into the forest.

The wind whistled past his ears, and the sound of horse hooves behind him gradually approached. The sound of sharp blades breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and his back was suddenly cold. He bent over and lay on the horse’s back without thinking too much. He raised his hand and triggered the sleeve arrow on his wrist. The horse that came up neighed long, and both the man and the horse fell to the ground.

Wang Dian dared not slack off at all, the road ahead was getting narrower and narrower, and finally came to an end. He turned the reins and rushed directly into the dense forest next to him. His face and neck were scratched by low-hanging branches, but he didn’t pay attention to these minor injuries at all, only hoping that the horse under him could run faster.

A long arrow grazed his cheek, and he pulled the reins abruptly. He saw countless people suddenly appearing on the trees around him. They were all dressed in dark brown tight clothes, holding swords or crossbows in their hands, and they flew down and rushed towards him without a word.

Wang Dian dodged the flying arrows, rolled off the horse, and the sleeve arrow in his hand flew out, but obviously these people were highly skilled in martial arts, his hit rate was extremely low, and he soon ran out of arrows. The fastest person directly chopped at his neck with a knife.

Wang Dian stumbled and fell to the ground. The blade grazed his neck, bringing a chill. All the hairs on his body stood up neatly. He almost exhausted the fastest reaction speed in his life, grabbed a handful of soil and sprinkled it on the other’s face, and ran away. However, he didn’t run far before he was kicked in the chest by someone and hit heavily on the tree, vomiting a mouthful of blood.

The others just watched quietly without taking action.

Probably because professional killers want to earn commissions, cutting off his head would definitely earn a high commission… Wang Dian was somewhat admiring that he could still be distracted at this time. When the other party stabbed over with a sword, the reaction speed of his body could no longer keep up with his brain, and he subconsciously closed his eyes.


A soft sword wrapped around the long sword that was stabbed over, and with a flip of the wrist, the long sword broke into pieces and fell to the ground.

Wang Dian opened his eyes in panic, and saw Liang Ye, who was easy to pass by, standing in front of him with a smile, reaching out and wiping the wound on his cheek with his thumb, “Who scratched your face?”

Wang Dian was still in shock, and his mouth was not very obedient, “It was scratched by a branch, you should flatten this forest.”

“…” Liang Ye gave him a strange look, “Look, I’m not here, and these little minions can bully you.”

Wang Dian twitched the corner of his mouth, “If you come later, you can directly scatter my ashes.”

“Don’t be angry, I’ll cut off their heads for you to kick later.” Liang Ye touched his face, turned around and smiled at the people who came up, “A bunch of trash.”

Wang Dian saw Liang Ye kill someone for the first time, but last time in the palace he hid behind the table, and it was pitch black around him, so he didn’t look closely. But now in broad daylight, Liang Ye’s face was excited to the extreme and looked a bit weird. The soft sword in his hand seemed to have become a scythe that could harvest lives. With every move of his hand, almost every slash took a head.

After the head fell to the ground, the body was still convulsing. Wang Dian clenched the sword in his hand, standing in a pool of blood, instinctively stepping back.

Liang Ye’s soft sword, which had pierced the assassin’s heart, twisted fiercely, and blood spurted out, splashing half of his face red. The remaining assassins looked at him warily, but were also eager to move. Liang Ye hooked up the corner of his mouth, and a bloodthirsty smile spread across his face, “Come, do it together.”

“Kill him!” Someone shouted coldly, and the rest of the people rushed up all at once.

Wang Dian watched from the side, his scalp numb. The remaining assassins were even more skilled in martial arts, and it seemed that they were still setting up some formation. Each attack had a specific order. Liang Ye’s combat power was dispersed, making it difficult to kill one person in time. On the contrary, he was accidentally injured several times. When the tip of the knife grazed Liang Ye’s neck, Wang Dian’s heart almost jumped out of his throat.

When Liang Ye was chopped on the shoulder again, Wang Dian couldn’t help but get a little impatient. He picked up the crossbow that the unlucky guy had dropped on the ground, studied it for a moment, and aimed at the extremely fast figures on the battlefield.

With his eyesight and reaction speed, he couldn’t aim at all, so he gave up aiming at the assassins and directly shot the crossbow at Liang Ye. Liang Ye dodged, but the assassin who had just blocked his line of sight suffered. Liang Ye seized the opportunity, flew out of the encirclement, carried Wang Dian on his shoulder with one hand, and threw something back. There were a few muffled sounds, and thick smoke rose up around him.

When Wang Dian was put down, he almost vomited his stomach out.

Liang Ye was panting slightly, his white clothes were dyed red with blood, and it was unclear how many wounds he had on his body. He casually threw the soft sword in his hand aside, bent his knee and put his hand on his knee, leaning against the slope behind him, and smiled at Wang Dian with a face full of ripples.

Wang Dian turned his head to look worriedly, “Wouldn’t they catch up?”

“They can’t catch up.” Liang Ye stretched out an arm to him, there was a long wound on it, whether it was cut by a sword or a knife, the flesh was turned out and looked extremely shocking. His eyelashes were wet with blood, and his eyes still had the unshed murderous intent and madness, but his voice was lazy, “Come here, give Zhen a hug.”


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