Lan Ming Yue


Liang Ye stared at him intently, grinding his canine teeth hard on the wound on his fingertip before slowly releasing his mouth.

“You’re crazy.” Wang Dian looked at his bloody finger, wiped it casually with a handkerchief, and felt that he needed to get a rabies vaccine.

Liang Ye casually picked a leaf and scratched his earlobe, “Your blood is a bit sweet.”

“Blood is fishy.” Wang Dian glanced at him, “You might have a psychological problem.”

“Psychological problem?” Liang Ye repeated, but his expression clearly showed that he didn’t understand.

Wang Dian patiently explained, “It might just be that you think it’s fragrant, even the fragrance on my body might just be a hallucination you’ve imagined, understand?”

“Zhen smells it, so it’s there.” Liang Ye squinted his eyes and made a very domineering conclusion.

Wang Dian was noncommittal, pushing him a bit, “Don’t lean so close, aren’t you hot?”

Liang Ye stretched his arm around his neck and pulled him into his arms. He was strong, and Wang Dian stumbled, holding his waist to steady his figure, “Slow down, don’t tear the wound open again.”

Half of Liang Ye’s weight was pressing on him, he half-closed his eyes and said, “Zhen is seriously injured and has no strength, you carry Zhen.”

Wang Dian said indifferently, “You were just like a monkey flying up a tree to pick fruit, and you have no strength?”

Liang Ye nodded in agreement, holding his neck to prevent him from leaving, “Yes.”

“No carrying.” Wang Dian pushed him a bit, “You’re as heavy as a bear and you have the nerve to ask others to carry you.”

“First a monkey, then a bear, comparing Zhen to a beast, you’re getting more and more presumptuous.” Liang Ye held his neck and climbed onto his back.

Wang Dian swayed a bit, quickly reached out to support him, lest he bring himself down too.

“Weak.” Liang Ye said disdainfully, “Zhen can carry you as easily as carrying a chicken or a duck.”

“You’re the chicken or duck.” Wang Dian argued with him in a bored manner, propping him up a bit, Liang Ye very unceremoniously lay on his back, his chin pressing against his shoulder causing a faint pain.

Unusually, Liang Ye didn’t argue with him. Wang Dian carried him for a while, then suddenly felt that the breath spraying on his neck was not quite right, “Liang Ye, are you okay?”

Liang Ye hummed vaguely and didn’t move.

“Liang Ye?” Wang Dian paused, trying to put him down, but this guy clung to him like a koala, refusing to let go.

“Let go.” Wang Dian patted his thigh, but the person still didn’t move. He took some effort to peel him off his back.

Liang Ye looked as usual, but his originally rapid and tense breathing almost disappeared, had half-closed eyes, not knowing if he was still conscious, his forehead was full of sweat, and when Wang Dian reached out and wiped it, his hand felt cold.

“Liang Ye, what’s wrong with you?” He patted Liang Ye’s face, and then reached out to test his breath, but he didn’t get a breath at all, and was immediately shocked, “Liang Ye! Wake up!”

Liang Ye lay there silently, Wang Dian hurriedly laid him flat on the ground, tried his carotid pulse and heartbeat to no avail, wanted to do CPR for him, but when he opened Liang Ye’s shirt, there was a moment of stagnation–

He could completely ignore it and let Liang Ye die in this uninhabited mountain forest.

This thought quickly swallowed all his worries and urgency like a stormy sea. If Liang Ye was dead, no one could control his life, he could naturally become the emperor of the Liang Kingdom, even if he didn’t become the emperor, he could also leave Northern Liang…

Liang Ye was a capricious knife hanging over his head, which could take his life at any time. Even if he spared him a life, there were more problems between them than just the Gu worm, it was better to let Liang Ye die here.

Or simply add another stab to his heart to prevent him from coming back to life.

Wang Dian took out that little red box, stared at the pill for a moment. Putting it to Liang Ye’s mouth, if he ate it, Liang Ye should be able to die completely.

The scorching sun hung high above the sky, and the long wind in the forest returned to silence, leaving only the dull heat and the noisy cicadas. Wang Dian heard his own heavy breathing and intense heartbeat.

If Liang Ye doesn’t die, you will always be under his control. Wang Dian tried to convince himself, and the blood-colored pill in his hand got closer to Liang Ye’s lips.

But–Wang Dian suddenly clenched his fist, staring at Liang Ye’s suddenly hooked mouth, and saw him slowly open his eyes, smiling at him weakly, “Scared? Fooled you.”

Wang Dian looked at his smiling face, opened his mouth, and after a long while, he made a sound, which was probably mixed with anger, joy, and guilty conscience, and shouted angrily. “Are you f****** sick! Is it fun to pretend to be dead! What the hell are you thinking about every day! A three-year-old child is more mature than you!”

Liang Ye laughed twice and then coughed. A trace of bright red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He grinned and said, “Zhen just wants to tease you.”

Wang Dian clenched the pill in his hand, and a cold sweat of guilt or fear broke out on his back, “What’s going on?”

“The sword may be poisoned.” Liang Ye frowned and moved his neck, propped up the ground with his elbow, got up and leaned on Wang Dian, closed his eyes without any strength, and sighed comfortably.

“What do you mean by ‘may be poisoned’?” Wang Dian looked at the blood that he vomited more and more, and said with a bad face. “What should we do now?”

“Wait for death.” Liang Ye closed his eyes and laughed so that his whole body was shaking. When he opened his eyes, there was an excited and joyful smile inside, “If not dead completely…you can let Zhen eat the little thing in your hand again.”

Wang Dian stiffened all over, clenched his fist and stared at him without speaking.

“Zhen has no strength now, can’t resist.” Liang Ye seemed to not care at all, opened his mouth, “Let Zhen taste what it is.”

As soon as the voice fell, he vomited a large mouthful of dirty blood, he reached out to cover it, but the blood still overflowed from his fingers.

Wang Dian saw someone vomiting so much blood for the first time, his face turned pale and he hugged the person, his voice was a bit unstable, “Don’t you have antidote?”

Liang Ye tilted his head and rubbed his neck, “Hmm, Zhen forgot to bring it.”

“Why don’t you forget yourself!” Wang Dian watched him vomit blood and was frightened.

Liang Ye chuckled, slowly wiped the blood on his hand on his front, and looked at him eagerly, “This little thing…Zhen haven’t tasted it yet, won’t you give it?”

Wang Dian stared at him with a complicated expression, and it took a while before he said, “You don’t look like you can live long now.”

“Hmm.” Liang Ye nodded in agreement, “Zhen estimates it will only take about half an hour.”

“So I’ll send you on your way.” Wang Dian said solemnly. “The sooner you die, the sooner you will be reincarnated.”

Liang Ye grinned, showing his blood-stained teeth, and laughed enchantingly like a demon, “Okay, Zhen will take you along.”


  1. LiquidCeil says:


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