Lan Ming Yue


Liang Ye looked at the small stone somewhat blankly, “What is this?”

“Forgot?” Wang Dian asked.

Liang Ye was silent for a while, “Hmm.”

Wang Dian thought of the white jade soup he had drunk before and still had lingering fears. He lowered his head to look at the small stone in his hand, which was taken away by Liang Ye. This person was also quite disgusted, “This ugly broken stone.”

Wang Dian spread his palm, “Don’t, give it to me.”

Liang Ye shook the small stone in his hand, and smiled maliciously, “Didn’t you say this is what Zhen gave you? Zhen won’t give it now.”

Wang Dian’s eyebrows twitched slightly, “As you wish.”

Liang Ye carefully looked at his expression, pursed his lips, put the stone in his hand, “Tsk, it’s just a broken stone, give it to you, so you don’t get angry with Zhen again.”

Wang Dian put the small stone back in his sleeve. Liang Ye took his fan and turned it around in his hand, opened it with a swish and closed it again, and bumped Wang Dian with his shoulder, “Zhen will take you to see the moon.”

Wang Dian looked up at the moon in the sky, and in the next second he was hooped around the waist by Liang Ye, the whole person rose into the air. Liang Ye held him lightly and stepped on the sturdy branches of the ginkgo tree, each time he borrowed strength, the leaves of the whole tree rustled.

The slightly cool evening breeze lifted the hem of the clothes gently and fell down. Liang Ye took him and landed on a branch with very few leaves above. Wang Dian looked down and felt a little dizzy, and remembered the experience of being pushed off the cliff by Liang Ye before, and quickly grabbed Liang Ye’s belt.

Liang Ye lowered his head to look at his hand holding his belt, licked the corner of his mouth, helped him to sit in the place leaning against the tree trunk, and then sat down himself, cuddling up with him warmly.

It’s actually a bit hot to be so close in the summer, but Liang Ye’s body was cold, not much better than an ice cube, and it’s more comfortable to be close. Wang Dian leaned on the tree trunk and looked down, and saw the vast palace and the rolling mountains in the distance. The cold moonlight was sprinkled down, like an endless ink painting.

Liang Ye, although he said he would take him to see the moon, was clearly more interested in Wang Dian. He held Wang Dian’s fingers, feeling each joint, then spread his hand and held it. Sensing that Wang Dian had no intention of pulling away, he brazenly took it a step further and kissed his earlobe.

Wang Dian subconsciously turned his head to the side, and when he turned to look at him, he met those smiling eyes. “You…How much do you remember from before?”

Liang Ye clearly didn’t like this topic. He leaned in to kiss his neck, but was pushed away by Wang Dian’s hand.

“Zhen doesn’t know.” Liang Ye was somewhat surprised by the push, but still reluctantly answered, “Some remember, some don’t remember.”

Seeing that he didn’t want to answer, Wang Dian didn’t continue to ask and changed the subject. “Why did you drink the white jade soup yesterday? Yang Man didn’t personally see you drink it, so he might have brought you another bowl.”

Liang Ye, as if he hadn’t heard, first looked at the moon, then grabbed his hand and gently licked his neck, without saying a word.

Wang Dian lowered his eyes and said, “Of course, you don’t have to tell me, I have no right to know either.”

“Zhen—” Liang Ye said in a deep voice, “Not drinking it will make the headache worse.”

“You didn’t drink it for three months before leaving the palace, which means you can endure it.” Wang Dian said slowly, “Letting me drink it and then taking it away in front of me, really know how to act.”

Liang Ye remained noncommittal, only leaning in to kiss his neck intermittently.

Wang Dian raised his hand and lifted his chin, and Liang Ye raised an eyebrow. Wang Dian hooked the corner of his mouth and kissed him.
It was a gentle and slow kiss, and Liang Ye finally seemed to get what he wanted. He held onto his waist tightly and returned the kiss. Wang Dian pinched his chin, his voice slightly hoarse, “Breathe.”

Liang Ye gently breathed near his ear, and Wang Dian pulled his hand out from his front, “Your Majesty, please pay attention to yourself.”

Liang Ye narrowed his eyes, probably judging whether he was really angry. After reaching a conclusion, he skillfully clasped the back of his neck, pressed him against the tree trunk, and then kissed him again, feeling pleased.

Wang Dian didn’t push him away. He raised his arm and hugged him. Liang Ye’s body stiffened for a moment, but he only bit his lips in dissatisfaction, and then reached his paw into his front, fiercely touching his waist.

Liang Ye was being very clingy, and the kissing didn’t stop. Wang Dian finally pushed him away and warned, “Don’t go too far.”

Liang Ye licked his lips, his gaze lingering on him, and said bluntly, “Zhen wants to kiss every inch of your body.”

Wang Dian was almost choked by his own breath. “…..If you’re unsatisfied with your desires, you can choose a consort by decree. Even in this current clear form, there are plenty of officials who will want to send their daughters to the palace.”

Liang Ye frowned in disgust. “Zhen doesn’t want anyone else.”

Wang Dian turned to him. “Are you really that clueless, or are you pretending to be?”

“Hmm?” Liang Ye pinched his side.

“Your Majesty, the way we are now…” Wang Dian blew air into his ear and chuckled softly. “It’s like we’re cut sleeves. Did you read those books and storybooks for nothing or forget them all?”

Liang Ye’s ears twitched sensitively. “Zhen doesn’t like men, and you don’t like men either.”

“Ah.” Wang Dian laughed. “Disliked you kissing so passionately?”

Liang Ye’s voice turned cold, and he smiled sinisterly. “If Zhen say it doesn’t, then it doesn’t.”

“No, after that, it’s better not to kiss anymore,” Wang Dian sighed softly.

Liang Ye grabbed his neck. Wang Dian didn’t move, just looked at him with an indiscernible expression.

“Zhen has indulged you so much that you truly do not not know the immensity of heaven and earth,” Liang Ye’s hand tightened slightly. (TL: Describes arrogance and ignorance, not knowing the complexity of things.)

Wang Dian tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Your Majesty, I know the immensity of heaven and earth, you on the contrary, don’t, even a three-year-old wouldn’t be so unreasonable.”

Liang Ye’s hand, which was clasping his neck, exerted more force, but suddenly loosened at the last moment. He seemed puzzled, “Why are you not afraid of Zhen?”

“There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Wang Dian raised his hand to rub his sore neck, looking at a dim lantern in the distance with his eyes downcast, “You don’t want to kill me.”

Liang Ye stared at him unhappily, “How do you know Zhen doesn’t want to kill you?”

“I just know.” Wang Dian smiled, “I will play the role of a substitute and pawn well. After all, only when your days are better, can my days be better.”

Liang Ye lowered his head to tug at the tassel of his jade pendant, “Zhen won’t move the gu worm at will.”

Wang Dian turned his head to look at him, wanted to say something but stopped, in the end, he just showed him a calm smile, “Alright.”

The two of them watched the moon in the tree for most of the night. Wang Dian, who had slept all day, had no sleepiness at all. On the contrary, Liang Ye, probably because he didn’t sleep well, leaned on his shoulder and fell asleep in a daze.

They were more than ten meters above the ground. Wang Dian was afraid that he would fall and even lose his innocent life. One arm was tightly wrapped around his waist, and the other hand was holding the branch above his head. He watched the moon slowly fall from the west, and the faint morning light poured out from the east.

Half of his body was also numb.

“Liang Ye, wake up.” He called out to Liang Ye, who then opened his eyes and lazily yawned.

“We should go down.” Wang Dian said, “We have to set off in half an hour.”

“Hmm.” Liang Ye stretched lazily on the tree branch, then with a teasing smile, he jumped up from the branch and landed on the one below, opening his arms to him, “Jump down, Zhen will catch you.”

Wang Dian swallowed the curse in his mouth and said with a wooden face, “No.”

Liang Ye’s eyes sparkled with a malicious light, “Then you climb down.”

“You go back by yourself.” Wang Dian raised his head expressionlessly, “I want to watch the sun a little longer.”

Liang Ye clicked his tongue, “So delicate, insisting that Zhen carry you down.”

Wang Dian twitched the corner of his mouth, but didn’t say a word.

Liang Ye, like a madman, jumped up again, wrapped his arms around his waist, and took him down from the tree.

Wang Dian was hit in the face by the morning mist, and not until his feet touched the ground did his heart, which had been hanging all night, reluctantly fall, and he let out a sigh of relief.

Liang Ye looked at him seriously, “Zhen didn’t carry you down, so your stomach wouldn’t hurt.”

“…Then you’re really considerate.” Wang Dian looked at his face begging for praise, and felt a pain in his eyes.

Liang Ye happily held his hand, “Zhen also had someone prepare grapes for you in your carriage.”

Wang Dian nodded perfunctorily, “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Liang Ye turned his head and stared at him without blinking, Wang Dian reacted, “Liang Ye.”

Only then was Liang Ye satisfied, and he sent him back to his sleeping chamber with a clear and refreshed look.

“Your Majesty, you’re finally back!” Yun Fu almost cried with joy when he saw him, wishing he could hold onto Wang Dian’s thigh and not let go. The expression on Yu Ying’s face also relaxed.

Wang Dian asked knowingly, “Why, haven’t Zhen been here all these two days, why is it like we haven’t seen each other for a long time?”

Yun Fu’s chubby face trembled, and he laughed awkwardly, “Haven’t seen Your Majesty all night, this servant will also miss it very much.”

Wang Dian snorted with a smile, and Yu Ying next to him said, “Your Majesty, the carriage is ready, please Your Majesty, get on.”

Half an hour later, Wang Dian looked at the big plate of grapes arranged on the carriage, a bit speechless and a bit amused. He picked up a grape and looked at it, but did not peel it to eat.

“Your Majesty, Gentleman Wang Dian said he has something to do, he will come over in half an hour.” Yun Fu poked his head in and said.

“Zhen knows.” Wang Dian nodded, and put the grape back on the plate.

About half an incense stick’s time later, there was suddenly a commotion outside the carriage. Wang Dian was about to open the window to look, and the tightly closed door in front of him opened and closed, he was even a bit unsure if the door had opened, and suddenly a person appeared in front of him.

Quan Ning’s half golden mask was particularly eye-catching, the half face that was exposed had deep contours, and those green eyes were teasing, “Long time no see.”

Wang Dian listened to the noise outside, “Did you cause this?”

“That Emperor Liang has been watching you too closely, I waited for two days to find such an opportunity.” Quan Ning looked at him meaningfully, “You two were kissing all night last night, it made my teeth ache. Twins disregarding human relations and getting together, it’s really interesting, I like it.”

“We’re not brothers.” Wang Dian’s brow twitched, “It’s not three months yet.”

“The materials were gathered in advance.” Quan Ning looked at him with interest, “Is he your older or younger brother? Your own brother put a mother-child gu on you, really knows how to play.”

Wang Dian gave up explaining to him, “How to solve the mother-child gu?”

Quan Ning took out a blood-red small box, after opening it, there was a very small red pill inside, “You can eat this thing and it won’t harm you, but if he touches a bit, the mother gu inside his body will immediately retaliate, causing him to die violently. You can completely let this medicine dissolve in your mouth and pass it to him, I see you two are quite affectionate.”

Wang Dian coughed a bit uncomfortably and reached out to take the box.

Quan Ning held the box down, his expression serious, “Have you thought it through, do you really want Emperor Liang to die? Or I can change it for you to a love gu or something else fun, guaranteeing that he can’t leave you and will listen to you.”

Wang Dian smiled slightly, took the blood-red box into his hand, “If it were you, would you keep a person who could take your life at any time by your side?”

“Of course not.” Quan Ning laughed heartily, “Heartless and ruthless, I’ve made up my mind to be friends with you.”

“You flatter me.” Wang Dian said, “Take care, no need to send you off.”

Quan Ning leaned on the door frame and asked persistently, “Can you really get hard for your own brother?”

“Gifted and talented.” Wang Dian smiled with his sleeves folded.

Quan Ning clicked his tongue, and like a gust of wind, he disappeared without a trace, and the commotion outside continued.

Wang Dian put the box into his sleeve, it collided with a small stone in the sleeve pocket, making a slight knocking sound.


  1. LiquidCeil says:

    <3 The writing of that last scene was superbly understated.

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