Lan Ming Yue


Liang Ye didn’t dodge, he pinched Wang Dian’s wrist. Wang Dian felt pain, and the token smeared on his face fell into his palm, “Zhen has always been upright and kind, you really know how to slander.”


Then he slowly opened Wang Dian’s front, threw the token in, and casually patted his chest, “Turns out it’s not too thin either.”


Wang Dian pulled his hand away, forcing himself to calm down, “Liang Ye, what do you mean by this?”


“What do you mean?” Liang Ye naturally rested his head on his shoulder and yawned lazily.


“If you want to cooperate with me, show your sincerity and attitude.” Wang Dian pushed his head to make him sit properly, and tore off the leg hanging around his waist, dealing with things in a serious manner, “Although my life is in your hands, you also need me, you don’t have to deny this.”


Liang Ye sat on the stone table, his eyebrows twitching slightly.


“Although Northern Liang is troubled internally and externally, the biggest obstacle in front of you now is Cui Yuxian and the inner court forces behind her. Your power is declining, the outer court is exhausted, there is a lack of talent, and you are even more restrained by Cui Yuxian…” Wang Dian said calmly, “Even if you wanted to leave at first, but now that you are back, I don’t believe you don’t want to turn the tables.”


Liang Ye, with his eyes down, was pulling the tassel of the jade pendant around his waist, and yawned again.


“I will help you.” Wang Dian pulled the tassel out of his hand, “But you must understand one thing, we are equal partners, you must first learn to respect me.”


Liang Ye frowned, “Your life is Zhens, and you are Zhens.”


“I am not your thing, nor your person, Liang Ye.” Wang Dian reached out and clasped his neck, slightly bowed his head to look into his eyes, smiled at him, “My conditions are simple, I will help you solve the trouble of Cui Yuxian, undo my Gu worm, give me a new identity, I will leave Northern Liang, and never appear in front of you again.”


As soon as his voice fell, the Gu worm in his body began to riot, causing him almost unbearable pain.


“You don’t need to threaten me.” Wang Dian was pale, but still smiling at him, “If you kill me, then you have come back for nothing.”


Liang Ye showed him a brilliant smile, “Zhen just like how smart you are.”


The pain suddenly intensified, Wang Dian swayed, and then was hugged by Liang Ye who stretched out his arm. Liang Ye had a faint fragrance on his body, probably some kind of special incense, which made him momentarily dazed.


“How do you want Zhen to behave, Zhen will learn.” Liang Ye affectionately rubbed his neck with his lips, tightened his arms to hold the person, and then slowly raised his head, staring at a certain void with no expression on his face. “Whether it’s a thing or a person doesn’t matter, but you are Zhens.”


Wang Dian was in so much pain that he had no strength to resist, gritted his teeth and said, “Can you… learn to speak properly when discussing things? I can’t fly or disappear on the spot, I’m a living person standing here and can’t run away, you stop the worm.”


Liang Ye held him for a while, seemingly confirming that he wouldn’t run or something else, then slowly stopped the Gu worm.


Wang Dian was soaked in cold sweat all over, leaning on him panting, and couldn’t speak for a long time.


Liang Ye let him lean on, sitting on the table with his head down, reaching out to touch his trembling fingertips one by one, looking genuinely puzzled, “Why can’t you be more obedient?”


Wang Dian slowly gave him the middle finger.


“What does this mean?” Liang Ye flicked his middle finger.


Wang Dian tugged the corner of his mouth and said weakly, “It means f*** you.”


“Really vulgar.” Liang Ye raised an eyebrow, “Even you, who are weak and unable to withstand the wind, are also given Zhen——”


Perhaps the emperor really thought it was vulgar, he paused, couldn’t say it, he reached out and pulled Wang Dian’s face, “If you dare to curse Zhen again, Zhen will cut you into a human pig.”


Wang Dian closed his eyes and frowned, ignoring his threat, “Since you have examined me and I have passed, you should reveal your plan to me so that I can cooperate with you well.”


“What plan?” Liang Ye turned his head, licked the corner of his mouth, the warm lips lingered from his cheek to his earlobe, and gently bit it.


Wang Dian pushed his face away, “Personally, I don’t like office romances.”


Liang Ye probably didn’t understand, and blinked at him blankly.


“Using violent means to oppress others and force them to submit is also very cowardly.” Wang Dian said seriously, “You want to use people, it is certainly guaranteed to threaten with life, but it is difficult to get the true heart of others, they will not do their best for you, and they are more likely to fall into the well and stab in the back after leaving your control, there needs to be trust between people.”


Liang Ye frowned, “Zhen allowed you to sleep by Zhen’s side, and also showed you the cave.”


“You should say to me, Wang Dian, I need your help, please help me.” Wang Dian pointed at the black Gu worm on his collarbone, “Instead of making me hurt half to death, succumbing to your despotic power, if you change someone, do you believe that the other party will hate you early?”


Liang Ye squinted, “You don’t hate me?”


Wang Dian closed his eyes and sighed, did not respond.


Liang Ye reached out and poked his neck.


“Tolerance of others is a beautiful virtue, self-tolerance is a human instinct, you probably are just stuck between others and self, this kind of feeling is difficult to define.” Wang Dian said in a low voice.


Liang Ye was silent for a long time, and said faintly, “Zhen doesn’t understand.”


Wang Dian opened his eyes and closed them again, “I can’t say hate, but I don’t like it either, I just feel guilty.”


Perhaps Liang Ye did too many unkind things in his previous life, so he came back to suffer a bit in this life.


When he was about to fall asleep in a daze, Liang Ye seemed to stuff something into his arms again, but he really didn’t have the energy to look again, he closed his eyes and patted his stomach randomly, “Don’t drink white jade soup anymore.”


The Liu Ye sword spinning on his throat paused.


“You finding me when you have a headache.” Wang Dian’s voice lowered, “It’s quite pitiful…”


Liang Ye’s eyes darkened, and the removed blade approached his neck again.


Wang Dian sighed, completely unaware that danger was approaching, “Foolish idiot.”


Liang Ye stared at him meaninglessly for a long time, the blade in his hand suddenly changed direction, disappeared between his fingers, and poked Wang Dian’s nose, “Let’s go, go back.”


“Can’t move.” Wang Dian had no intention of moving at all.


“Then you stay.” Liang Ye got up mercilessly, Wang Dian lost his support and fell on the stone table.


Liang Ye walked forward for a long time, didn’t hear him make a sound, and didn’t see him following. Chong Heng turned his head and glanced at Wang Dian who had already rolled to the ground, and said cautiously, “Master, he seems to be really unable to move.”


Liang Ye paused, and after a while, he turned around and squatted down next to Wang Dian, “Wang Dian?”


Wang Dian curled up on the ground, closed his eyes and frowned, and did not respond.


Liang Ye reached out and poked his face again, pinched his nose and covered his mouth.


Wang Dian finally opened his eyes.


“Get up, let’s go.” Liang Ye said.


“Although I understand the truth, I don’t want to do it.” Wang Dian pushed his hand away, his expression numb, “Leave, let me die here.”


Maybe he could still die back.


Even if he gave up the land in the east of the city, it would be better than serving this moody and unpredictable neurotic here.


Damn it, it hurts. It hurts everywhere. Liang Ye, this intellectually disabled person, can’t understand it and can’t cooperate. Let’s die.


Before, when Liang Ye went mad and almost killed him, he never thought of giving up. But just now, when Liang Ye got up coldly and heartlessly, causing him to hit his head on the stone table, he suddenly didn’t want to do it anymore.


Liang Ye looked at him, puzzled.


Wang Dian turned over, his back facing him.


Liang Ye reached out and turned him over, smiling faintly, “Don’t make Zhen repeat it a second time”


Laying on the ground, Wang Dian arrogantly and nonchalantly gave him the middle finger, “Come, kill me.”


Liang Ye thoughtfully glanced at his hand, picked him up in one go, threw him on the stone table, and bent down to undo his belt.


Wang Dian’s back was stabbed by some jade seal, and it hurt so much. He tightly held onto his own belt and said, “What are you doing?!”


“Listening to you.” Liang Ye smiled, it was chillingly terrifying, “Let you die here.”


Judging by his actions and expressions, this method of death might be a bit different from what Wang Dian originally requested. Seeing that he was about to pull off his pants, Wang Dian kicked him in the stomach, his eyes flaring with anger, “Liang Ye! Can you stop going crazy?!”


Liang Ye was kicked by him and staggered to the side. He glanced at the side of his forehead and looked at the swollen area for a while, “Did it hurt from being knocked?”


Wang Dian glared at him without saying a word.


“So that’s why you suddenly got angry with Zhen.” Liang Ye suddenly realized, leaned over and touched his wound.


Wang Dian impatiently swatted away his hand. His anger hadn’t subsided, but when he saw Liang Ye’s unexpectedly cold and indifferent gaze, he felt a chill run through his body and suddenly sobered up.


He was blinded by his own delusions, unable to see his own situation, foolishly fantasizing about seeking cooperation with an emperor from a feudal society, even foolishly empathizing because the other person looked exactly like him – obviously, Liang Ye was much more clear-headed than him, he wouldn’t tell Wang Dian his plan, because a chess piece didn’t need to know.


What he needed to do first was not to seek cooperation, but to recognize his own position and improve his own situation.


So he forcibly suppressed his anger and other complex emotions, forcing himself to calm down. His voice was finally calm and composed, “I dare not anger Your Majesty.”


“Zhen will apply medicine for you.” Liang Ye thought for a moment, and reached out to touch him again.


Wang Dian instinctively wanted to dodge, but forced himself to stay still, his expression calm, “I dare not, I have been offending Your Majesty before.”


He got down from the stone table, picked up his belt and tied it properly, and performed a standard monarch-minister salute to the somewhat stunned Liang Ye, saying coldly, “I apologize to Your Majesty for my previous actions. It is my great fortune to be trusted by Your Majesty. In the future, I will obey Your Majesty’s orders, and I will exhaust myself in service to Your Majesty, even if it means sacrificing my life.”


Liang Ye stood there, stunned.



  1. LiquidCeil says:


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