Lan Ming Yue


Wang Dian walked several hundred meters in one breath before his senses and rationality returned. The surroundings were pitch black, with gusts of cold wind. The air was filled with a damp, decaying smell. He didn’t even know where he was.


When people are driven mad, they really aren’t afraid of anything.


Wang Dian raised his hand to wipe his face, feeling a cold sweat, his hand still trembling slightly.


As a modern person who grew up smoothly in a peaceful society, Liang Ye’s “joke” was indeed a challenge to his nerves. At the moment of falling off the cliff, he really thought he was going to die. But when Liang Ye held him, his blood was boiling, and his heart was beating faster than ever in his 27 years.


Damn idiot.


He took a deep breath for a long time before he suppressed the feeling of fear, despair, and excitement that made his whole body tremble. However, before he could calm down, he felt as if something cold and slippery had wrapped around his ankle.


Wang Dian instinctively held his breath and stayed still. The next second, the sound of a blade cutting through the air brushed past him. The sound of metal piercing into flesh sounded under his feet, and the smell of blood instantly filled the surroundings, rushing into his nostrils.


In the darkness, someone came up behind him. A slightly warm hand held his hand hanging under his sleeve. Like a prank, mischievously squeezed his palm, and a voice that deserved a beating, teasingly sounded in his ear. “It’s just a little snake, but ahead is a snake den. Do you want to go in and take a look?”


Wang Dian’s throat was dry, and he didn’t want to talk to him at all. He shook off his hand angrily.


However, Liang Ye rested his chin on his shoulder, poked his waist with his hand, and his voice was full of laughter, “Then why are you running so fast? Zhen thought you knew the way.”


For a moment, Wang Dian wanted to drag him and die together.


The dim light slowly moved from behind. Chong Heng came over with a fire fold, seeing his master affectionately sticking against Wang Dian from behind, very indecent. He was torn between whether to put out the fire fold and let his master take advantage of it for a while.


Liang Ye rubbed his earlobe with the tip of his nose and sighed helplessly, “Alright then.”


Wang Dian’s veins on his forehead were throbbing. He kicked off the snake’s corpse on his foot, turned around, and walked to Chong Heng, asking, “Where is this?”


“Master’s cave.” After Chong Heng finished speaking, he saw Liang Ye staring at him gloomily. He scratched his head in confusion.


“What are you doing here?” Wang Dian naturally took the fire fold from his hand, shone it around, and saw that the cave was not high, but it was spacious. The stone wall was uneven, and from time to time, unknown bugs crawled by. It didn’t look like a good place.


“Master said—” As soon as Chong Heng opened his mouth, he met Liang Ye’s threatening gaze. For once, he became smart, “I don’t know, you ask Master.”


“Don’t know, then forget it.” Wang Dian turned around, looked at the fork in the road ahead, and passed Liang Ye expressionlessly with the fire fold in his hand, heading towards the other path.


Liang Ye raised an eyebrow as he stood in place.


Chong Heng asked cautiously, “Master, Wang Dian has gone in. He doesn’t know there are traps inside.”


“Presumptuous,” Liang Ye scoffed lightly, glanced at Chong Heng, and coldly said, “Is Zhen your master, or is Wang Dian your master?”


Chong Heng answered without hesitation, “He’s just a counterfeit. As long as you give the order, when necessary—”


He made a throat-slitting gesture.


Liang Ye bent down to pull the Liu Ye Sword out of the snake’s body, wiped the blood off with a cloth, and said firmly, “Zhen is keeping him because it is still useful.”


Chong Heng nodded as if he understood.


“Did he deliberately not talk to Zhen just now?” Liang Ye frowned. “Zhen only played a harmless joke on him. This person is really petty.”


Chong Heng nodded. “He should be taught a lesson.”


“He’s delicate, weak, and has no martial arts. He could easily die.” Liang Ye shook his head in distress, put his hands behind his back, and strolled in. “Zhen better go and see for himself.”


“Oh…” Chong Heng watched him fly at a speed that seemed like he was flying, the corners of his mouth twitched.


Not long after Wang Dian left, he heard footsteps behind him. Then Liang Ye’s lazy voice came, “Take one more step forward, and you’ll be hit by a poisoned arrow.”


He immediately stopped in his tracks.


Liang Ye walked over, wiped his shoulder, and turned to him with a smile. “Kidding you.”


Then he turned around, wanting to take the fire fold from Wang Dian’s hand. Wang Dian tightened his grip, then released it with a cold expression.


Liang Ye easily took the fire fold, but it felt dull to him. He clicked his tongue, then extinguished the fire fold with one hand. Wang Dian’s angry voice rang out, “What are you doing!?”


He’s crazy! Putting out a fire with his hand!


Liang Ye casually tossed the annoying fire fold away, then eagerly placed his hand near Wang Dian’s mouth. “Lick it.”


“Get lost!” Wang Dian angrily slapped away his hand.


He cursed Liang Ye, but instead he felt even more excited, finding his cold and silent demeanor thousand times more interesting. He pressed his hot palm against Wang Dian’s lips, then grabbed his hand and pulled him forward, happily saying, “Zhen will take you to see something good.”


Wang Dian struggled several times but couldn’t break free. He was dragged forward, and in a fit of anger, he squeezed Liang Ye’s hand so hard that he tried to crush his bones.


But obviously, Liang Ye didn’t feel any pain. He even had the leisure to change to a ten-finger interlocking posture. In the darkness, Wang Dian couldn’t see anything and could only be dragged forward by him. Liang Ye seemed to deliberately choose uneven ground to walk on, and every time Wang Dian stumbled, he would reach out to hold his waist or arm to help him up, or even deliberately make him fall on him…..It was as bad as it was.


Finally, when Wang Dian almost fell again and intentionally let him fall on the other’s arms, he was very angry.


“Can’t you walk properly?” Wang Dian grabbed his collar and suppressed his anger.


“Is it Zhen’s fault that the road is uneven?” Liang Ye refused to admit his mistake. “Clearly, you’re deliberately falling on Zhen.”


“You, what the hell do you want?” Wang Dian let out a sigh of exhaustion, afraid that he would give himself high blood pressure and heart disease from being too angry.


Liang Ye suddenly leaned forward and licked the corner of his mouth, saying with great interest, “You, kiss Zhen again like yesterday, stick out your tongue and put in a little more effort…”


Wang Dian hadn’t recovered from the shock of him kissing him yet, and the next second, he was stunned by his amazing words. “What…did you say?”


“Zhen actually wants to kiss you too, but found it a bit disgusting.” Liang Ye said confidently, “After all, Zhen is not as shameless as you.”


Wang Dian was neither angry nor furious, and was only left with a sense of powerlessness and confusion. “You’re sick…hmmm.”


In the darkness, Liang Ye bit his lips and imitated his previous actions, forcefully pressing his Adam’s apple to make him open his mouth, his heavy breathing sounding terrifying.


Wang Dian grabbed his arm forcefully, thinking that he might be suffocated by him if he went on like this. He kneed him hard in the abdomen, then grabbed his hair to force him to loosen his mouth, and gasped for air, cursing, “You don’t even know how to breathe!”


The pressure on his Adam’s apple almost broke his neck and sent him to the afterlife!


Liang Ye laughed in the darkness, then licked his lips, “Your mouth is really hot.”


This was the first time Wang Dian had received such a direct and blunt evaluation after a kiss. His lips moved, but he couldn’t say a word for a while. He just wished there was a crack in the ground to swallow Liang Ye up.


“Why is your face so hot?” Liang Ye rubbed his face with his nose, then pressed his face against Wang Dian’s to check his temperature, genuinely puzzled, “Feeling suffocated?”


Wang Dian felt like his head was about to explode. He grabbed Liang Ye’s collar and pushed him back, saying fiercely, “Liang Ye, I’ll tell you one last time, I don’t like men.”


“Zhen doesn’t like them either,” Liang Ye felt inexplicably and touched his neck, “Neck is also hot.”


“Kissing is something that can only be done between lovers,” Wang Dian patiently explained to him, “If you don’t like me, then don’t do this.”


“Who said Zhen doesn’t like you?” Liang Ye was shocked, “You’re the treasure in Zhen’s heart. If Zhen didn’t like you, why would Zhen allow you to be so presumptuous again and again?”


Wang Dian couldn’t believe it, “What are you saying?”


“You belong to Zhen, so Zhen naturally wants to kiss as Zhen please,” Liang Ye said impatiently, “Zhen doesn’t want to explain such a stupid question again.”


Wang Dian, with a wooden face, gestured towards him with his middle finger, “Damn you, you idiot.”


Liang Ye raised an eyebrow, “Don’t think Zhen doesn’t know you’re cursing.”


“I’m not cursing people,” Wang Dian said with a smirk, “If you don’t kill me now, I’ll kill you sooner or later.”


Liang Ye looked pleased, “Good! Zhen will be waiting.”


“……” Wang Dian  cursed eight hundred times in his heart, not wanting to argue with him anymore. He switched to a business-like tone, “What exactly is this place?”


“Oh, it’s the treasure cave and secret edicts left by Liang Hua.” Liang Ye casually patted the stone wall with a lack of interest. After a violent shake, the stone wall in front collapsed with a bang. A series of torches lit up one after another, and a large underground cave appeared in front of Wang Dian.


This cave, the size of a football field, was half filled with countless gold and silver treasures. The end was full of dusty weapons and armor. On the stone wall next to Wang Dian, there was a huge border map. The night pearls embedded in the ceiling of the cave illuminated the text and mountains and rivers on the map clearly.


This was not a map of the Northern Liang, but a map of the Da’an dynasty, including the four countries. Obviously, the person who drew the map was ambitious and had the determination to unify the world.


In front of the map on the stone table, there were two jade seals and a dark gold token. Wang Dian picked them up one by one to take a look. One of the jade seals was engraved with Da’an, and the other with Northern Liang. The text and pattern on the token were too complicated. He didn’t recognize the specific meaning, but he felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.


It would be a lie to say that he was not shocked. Wang Dian looked at Liang Ye, who was bored and using a blade to pick at the night pearl, “Is this what your father left for you?”


Liang Ye successfully picked off the night pearl, tossed it in his hand, and lazily said, “Hmm.”


“So this is the real jade seal of Northern Liang.” Wang Dian held the jade seal of NorthernLiang and examined it carefully, “The jade seal in the imperial study room with a small turtle carved on it is fake?”


“Something forged by the old woman.” Liang Ye took the blade and gestured on the jade seal, “It’s quite suitable to carve a turtle on it.”


Wang Dian held the jade seal and dodged his eager hand, puzzled, “Since Liang Hua left these things for you, why don’t you use them?”


“No use.” Liang Ye’s blade spun in his hand, making Wang Dian dizzy. His voice was slow, “All useless things.”


Wang Dian was stunned for a moment, and the fragmented fragments in his mind vaguely connected, “So, Liang Hua built this palace in Shizai Mountain not for summer escape, and now I am here not by accident…..Wen Yu is your person.”


Otherwise, why would he, a small official, dare to refute everyone, and why would he mention Shizai Mountain and Tai Chi Temple?


And the scale here is not an overnight effort. Just looking at this map and the jade seal of the Da’an Dynasty, Liang Hua is not a weak and incompetent puppet emperor as rumored. And Liang Hua died on the way to the palace, which also shows that the Grand Empress Dowager might have noticed something wrong with Liang Hua early on. However, it seems that she did not find out the truth of the Shizai Mountain.


“You are Zhen’s person.” Liang Ye was not satisfied with his statement, reached out to hook up the token on the case and threw it into his arms, “Play with it.”


Wang Dian squinted his eyes with the token, “What organization did you just say the secret department is?”


“A bunch of useless wastes.” Liang Ye propped himself up with one hand and sat on the stone table. He kicked his leg with his boots, then lifted his hem with his boots and slid up his leg leisurely, “But Zhen see you use it quite smoothly, so Zhen will give it to you.”


Wang Dian reacted belatedly and said in a deep voice, “Yun Fu and Yu Ying were also arranged by you.”


Liang Ye lifted his leg and hooked around his waist, forcing Wang Dian to take a step forward. The other leg immediately hooked up and wrapped him in his arms. He lowered his head and rubbed his brow with the tip of his nose, looking like he didn’t understand what he was talking about and said happily, “Look at you, you want to kiss Zhen again.”

Wang Dian slapped the token on his face and cursed through gritted teeth, “Kiss your uncle! You cunning, pretending to be crazy and stupid bastard!”



  1. LiquidCeil says:


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