Lan Ming Yue


Liang Ye took a solid punch to his stomach, but instead of getting angry, he laughed. The corner of his lips curled up in a pleasant arc, “Zhen went to great lengths to help you out of your predicament. Biting you was something you agreed to early on. Now you’re getting angry, Zhen really have spoiled you to the point where you don’t know how high the sky is or how thick the earth is.”


Wang Dian was burning with anger, he lowered his voice and roared, “I did agree, but why do you have to pick this time when there are so many people outside?!”


“It’s clear that you were stupid enough to fall into someone else’s trap.” Liang Ye didn’t care, he lifted his lower robe and grabbed it, laughing, “Hmm, this antidote is so slow to take effect, or is it that you are exceptionally talented?”


Wang Dian was so angry that his brain felt like it was going to explode. He stared at Liang Ye’s opening and closing lips, which were still stained with his blood. Every word that came out of his mouth made Wang Dian’s anger surge. Before he knew it, he had grabbed Liang Ye’s chin and kissed him.


He was absolutely furious. This lunatic wasn’t afraid of pain and didn’t care about other people’s emotions. He always teased him and then acted like nothing had happened. He couldn’t beat him up or reason with him, which made Wang Dian extremely angry and frustrated. Who the hell did he think he was?


Wang Dian almost vented all his anger in this kiss, or rather, it wasn’t even a kiss, but a violent and bloody revenge. He took advantage of Liang Ye’s moment of shock and pressed hard on his Adam’s apple, forcing him to open his mouth. He attacked and conquered, holding Liang Ye’s waist tightly and pressing him hard against the stone.


Liang Ye was initially dazed and instinctively tried to avoid him, but soon he reacted on his own and gasped, wanting to kiss back.


Wang Dian didn’t give him a chance. He held the back of Liang Ye’s neck, forcing him to step back, and then kissed his ear, his voice hoarse, “I do have exceptional talent. If you have the ability, try it yourself, you idiot.”


Liang Ye’s ear, like him, couldn’t handle the stimulation. He seemed to want to turn his head away, but also didn’t want to. He hugged Wang Dian’s waist and kissed his neck, his voice carrying an almost uncontrollable excitement, “Kiss the other ear too.”


“…..Damn it!” Wang Dian fell silent for two seconds, then cursed through gritted teeth.


Liang Ye leaned against the stone, smiling with a seductive and wicked air. The two of them were very close, their breaths entangled. He nudged Wang Dian’s nose with his own, looking genuinely puzzled, “Was the antidote ineffective? Zhen still has one. Stop poking Zhen’s thigh all the time.”


“You keep it for yourself to eat.” Wang Dian lifted his eyelids to glance at him, snatched the hem from his hand, turned around to straighten his somewhat disheveled clothes, and remained calm for a while before leaving the artificial cave.


“Yun Fu, take these girls to the Weiyang Palace to sit. Yu Ying, go and invite Imperial Physician Li. Zhen wants to see who is so insistent on using such despicable means in public! Return!” Wang Dian’s angry voice resounded outside the cave, followed by the panicked cries of the girls and the scolding of the palace attendants.


Liang Ye lowered his head, tugged at his robe, and looked at the antidote in his hand for a while. Then, as if tossing a candy, he threw it into his mouth and chewed.


When Chong Heng found him, he was sitting cross-legged on top of the artificial hill, enjoying the breeze.


“Zhen seems to have also taken an aphrodisiac.” Liang Ye’s first sentence almost made him fall off the artificial hill.


“Even taking the antidote doesn’t work.” He frowned.


Liang Ye’s expressionless face always made people feel a bit distant, but Chong Heng wasn’t afraid of him. He found a rock and squatted down beside him. “Master, why is your mouth swollen? It’s even bleeding.”


“You wouldn’t understand even if Zhen told you.” Liang Ye reached up and touched his lips. “Have you ever kissed your wife?”


Chong Heng’s pale face turned red instantly, and he stuttered, “N-no! We follow the rules of propriety! I-I definitely haven’t kissed…kissed her.”


Liang Ye snorted lightly, savored it for a moment, and then said, “As expected, written  in storybooks are very boring.”


“Huh?” Chong Heng looked at him somewhat bewildered.


“Wang Dian disrespects Zhen.” Liang Ye said lazily, “This is really outrageous.”


Chong Heng was troubled for a moment, “But Master, you often disrespect him too.”


“Zhen has never disrespected him, every time it is him who boldly disrespects Zhen.” Liang Ye sighed, “Zhen has been tolerant again and again, but he oversteps, he is very low and shameless.”


Chong Heng blushed even more, not knowing what he was thinking of, “Master, do you like him?”


“Zhen certainly adores him.” Liang Ye looked at him inexplicably, “If he wasn’t mine, he would have died eight hundred times already.”


Chong Heng was somewhat distressed, “Master, Wang Dian is not an object, and I’m not talking about that kind of liking, it’s another kind… liking.”


Liang Ye looked at him with disdain, “The matter of love is illusory, only a fool like you would take it seriously.”


Chong Heng scratched his hair, “I think it’s pretty good.”


“I think Wang Dian is a bit disobedient.” Liang Ye suddenly laughed.


“Hasn’t he always been disobedient?” Chong Heng was puzzled.


Liang Ye twirled the blade in his hand and jumped off the rockery.


“Master, what are you going to do?” Chong Heng quickly jumped down to follow.


Liang Ye happily said, “Going to cut off Wang Dian’s tongue.”




Inside the Weiyang Palace, more than a dozen young girls were trembling and kneeling on the ground, some of whom have already fainted from fear.


Wang Dian sat on the main seat, his face as calm as water. The people serving him next to him didn’t dare to breathe. Imperial Physician Li packed up his medicine box and stepped forward, “Your Majesty, this medicine is a potent… aphrodisiac that was from the Lou Fan. Just one drop can make a man lose his mind and even become addicted to it. It has been banned since the time of the previous emperor…”


Cui Mimi, pale as paper, knelt at the front, clutching her sleeves tightly.


“Cui Mimi, you are a young girl who has not yet married. Where did you get this medicine? And who instructed you to use this medicine on Zhen?” Wang Dian looked down at her, slowing his tone, “As long as you confess the person behind the scenes, Zhen will not pursue you.”


Cui Mimi looked up at him with a pitiful expression, then her gaze fell on the pillar next to her, and her eyes suddenly froze.


“Stop her!” Wang Dian shouted sharply.


Yu Ying, who was close by, quickly caught the person who was about to bump herself to the pillar. Cui Mimi suddenly screamed out, “Let me go! I would rather die than submit to this fatuous and self-indulgent ruler! Madman! The Cui family will not let you go! Fatuous and self-indulgent ruler!”


The remaining girls were so scared that they started crying.


Wang Dian’s eyes darkened slightly.


The Grand Empress Dowager really played a good game. If Cui Mimi’s matter was successful, she could take the opportunity to give birth to a child with Cui’s bloodline, and Liang Ye would become a discarded piece. If it was not successful, the news of Liang Ye’s lust and forcing this Cui lower-ranking lady to death would only lead to the world’s scolding, and he would not be able to avoid being poked in the spine. Both positive and negative were poisonous tactics, sacrificing only Cui Mimi, and making a lot of profit.


He looked at these young girls who were only fourteen or fifteen years old. From the moment they were sent to Yao Tai Pond by Yang Man, their tragic fate was almost destined.


Wang Dian felt a surge of disgust from his heart, towards Yang Man, towards Cui Yuxian, and even more towards this corrupt and cannibalistic feudal system. A group of young girls who couldn’t control their own destiny were being used as sacrifices for power struggles, insignificant and at the mercy of others.


“The matter of today, Zhen just had a headache when I was enjoying the lotus.” Wang Dian began, “As for this medicine, it is the fault of Cui Mimi alone and has nothing to do with others.”


The remaining girls looked at him in surprise and uncertainty.


“Speaking of which, the new list will be released in a few days. Zhen will let you marry soon, let your families prepare well.” Wang Dian paused, his gaze sweeping over them, “Do you have any objections?”


“This subject…thanks His Majesty’s kindness!” A young-looking girl said loudly, “This subject will pray for blessings and copy scriptures for His Majesty every day, hoping that His Majesty’s headache will heal soon!”


As her voice fell, the rest of the people woke up like a dream, gratefully kowtowing to express their gratitude.


Wang Dian’s move not only saved their lives and considered their reputation, but also arranged marriages for these low-ranking ladies who were not favored and thrown out as abandoned children. Otherwise, after this incident, even if they were sent home, they would either be forced to commit suicide or sent to the mountains to be alone for the rest of their lives…


“Thank you, Your Majesty, for the kindness, this subject Yan Shu will never forget!” The little girl who spoke first kowtowed three times, wiping the tears from her face fiercely.


Wang Dian took another look at her, “Yun Fu, send them out. If anyone asks, do you know what to say?”


“This servant understands, please rest assured.” Yun Fu nodded with a smile.


“As for Cui Mimi,” Wang Dian pondered for a moment, then said seriously, “Zhen suspects you have been in contact with Lou Fan and leaked the military secrets of Zhen’s Great Liang. From today, you will be confined in the Weiyang Palace. When returning to the capital, Zhen will personally bring this case to trial.”


Cui Mimi, who was just seeking death, was stunned on the spot, shaking her head quickly, “No, I didn’t… I just… I just used that medicine…”


“Where did a little girl like you get this medicine!” Yu Ying understood, covered her mouth and scolded, “This medicine is only produced by Lou Fan, you must have been colluding with Lou Fan for a long time, if not you, it’s either your father and brother at home! Not only did you intend to harm His Majesty, but also betray the country and collude with the enemy?”


Cui Mimi shook her head in horror and began to struggle violently.


“Someone, tie her up and take her to the back hall! Keep an eye on her and don’t let her commit suicide!” Yu Ying shouted.


Wang Dian glanced at Cui Mimi and sighed, “But after all, she is from the Grand Empress Dowager’s family. Zhen really can’t bear it. Yu Ying, let Wei Wanlin take some people and report this matter to the Grand Empress Dowager. Just say that Zhen, as a grandson, can’t bear to make grandmother sad. This matter is entirely up to her to decide.”


“Yes.” Yu Ying nodded and said, “Should we let Commander Wei take more people? After all, on the way to the capital, in the streets and alleys, the Cui family has to be informed.”


“Good point.” Wang Dian smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes, “Zhen still has to worry about the Grand Empress Dowager, Zhen really feels guilty.”


“Your Majesty’s filial piety is commendable, the Grand Empress Dowager will definitely not blame His Majesty.”


After dealing with this matter, Wang Dian was physically and mentally exhausted. He planned to read the ancestral worship imperial edict sent by the Ministry of Rites after taking a bath, but he was so tired that his temples ached after flipping through less than two pages.


He lay down on the table intending to take a short nap, but fell asleep until something cold touched his face, which startled him awake.


Liang Ye pulled out the ancestral worship imperial edict and glanced at it, casually throwing it aside, asking him, “What’s so interesting about this thing?”


The person who had just kissed him in broad daylight was now talking to him with a normal face. Wang Dian was somewhat embarrassed and annoyed. After all, forcibly kissing someone was not a polite thing to do. He lowered his eyes uncomfortably, he was still angry and didn’t want to talk to Liang Ye.


Liang Ye poked the corner of his mouth across the table, coaxing him with a smile, “Speak.”


Wang Dian had always been yielding to a soft approach but rejecting force, and answered in a stiff tone, “It needs to be recited during the ancestral worship. If not familiar with it, you’ll stutter, which will damage the image.”


Liang Ye raised his eyebrows, squeezed onto the not-so-spacious couch with him, leaned on him without any bones, and lazily said, “You pushed the matter of the Cui low-ranking lady to the old lady. She definitely won’t let you go after suffering such a big loss.”


Wang Dian wanted to avoid him, but the place was narrow and there was nowhere to hide. He simply let it go and let him lean on him, “She made the first move, and I just responded. Besides, I didn’t say anything absolute, I left room for maneuver.”


“You should be careful. This old thing can be ruthless, and you might not be able to handle it.” Liang Ye leaned against him and yawned.


Wang Dian glanced at him. “If you’re tired, go to sleep. I still want to read for a while.”


Liang Ye leaned his body and rested his head on Wang Dian’s thigh, using his foot to push against the armrest on the other side. “You read. Don’t worry about Zhen.”


Wang Dian felt that this was too intimate, but he remembered that Liang Ye often hugged him while sleeping, so it didn’t seem like a big deal. Although he was reluctant, he let him be. He picked up the edict and carefully read it. When he lowered his head, Liang Ye had already fallen asleep with his head on his thigh.


Under the flickering candlelight, Liang Ye, with his eyes closed, seemed to have lost his craziness and looked calm and peaceful. His lips still had the wounds from biting during the day.


Wang Dian felt uneasy and looked away. Suddenly, something flashed, and he looked down to see a blade between Liang Ye’s fingers.


He wanted to help Liang Ye put it away, but as soon as he lightly touched Liang Ye’s fingers, Liang Ye suddenly jumped up, grabbed his wrist, and twisted it back hard. The cold blade was pressed against Wang Dian’s throat.


Everything happened too fast, and Wang Dian didn’t even realize what had happened. He met Liang Ye’s pitch-black and deep eyes, full of killing intent and vigilance, and had no doubt that he would kill him immediately.


Then Liang Ye moved his lips and spoke in a slightly dazed tone, “Wang Dian?”


Wang Dian instinctively held his breath. “I just wanted to help you put away the blade. It’s dangerous to hold it while sleeping.”


“Oh.” Liang Ye moved the blade away, released Wang Dian’s wrist, and put the blade in his palm. He yawned and said, “Zhen came tonight to cut off your tongue.”


“!?” Wang Dian looked down at the blade in his hand, and a chill ran down his spine.


“Why don’t you do it yourself?” Liang Ye leaned weakly against him, nuzzled into his neck, and sniffed. “Zhen is a bit sleepy.”


For the very first time in his life, Wang Dian had the thought of slitting someone’s throat.



  1. LiquidCeil says:


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