Lan Ming Yue


Shizai Mountain was located among a range of continuous mountains. The mountain was towering and the forest was lush, making it very cool. It was said that the palace here was usually a summer resort. Although Liang Hua was not a very good emperor, he was indeed good at enjoying life.


The palace was built halfway up the mountain, with a magnificent gate and pavilions and towers inside. It was built along the mountains and water, and the scenery was breathtaking.


However, Wang Dian was not in the mood to appreciate it. Although the injury on his finger was not serious, it still hurt from time to time. Even if the imperial physician came to apply medicine, it didn’t help much. It wasn’t so painful originally, but after being bitten by the pervert one by one until his flesh was torn apart, the pain doubled.


The pervert stood behind him with a fan in his hand, swaying it back and forth, it was unknown what he was thinking.


“This is not your fault.” Wang Dian helped Wen Yu, who was kneeling on the ground, and said, “You arranged the palace affairs well. Tomorrow, Zhen will go to the Tai Chi Temple to pray for the late emperor. Zhen still needs to trouble you with the rest of the matters.”


“This subject feels ashamed and unworthy of it. This subject will not disappoint Your Majesty’s trust.” Wen Yu held his wrist, moved, and said with red eyes, “Your Majesty should need to work less and recuperate well.”


Liang Ye’s gaze swept over Wen Yu holding Wang Dian’s hand, and his brows wrinkled involuntarily.


After sending Wen Yu away, Wang Dian found Wei Wanlin and explained a few things. It was already noon, and the cool breeze was blowing outside the hall. He looked at Chong Heng and asked, “Where is he?”


“Master said he’ll be wandering around the palace. You can have your meal by yourself.” Chong Heng said.


Wang Dian wished he hadn’t come. After finishing his lunch, the imperial physician came to change his medicine again, and he looked at the obvious bite marks on his finger, hesitating to speak.


“Imperial Physician Li, feel free to say whatever you want,” Wang Dian said in a gentle tone.


“Your Majesty, you cannot bite this wound. The method of using pain to relieve pain is not suitable for all injuries,” Imperial Physician Li said as he bandaged him properly.


“Has Zhen used this method before?” Wang Dian asked, following his words.


“When you were young and had those bitten wounds…alas, look at this old subject’s mouth, Your Majesty forbids me from mentioning it again, but I forgot again,” Imperial Physician Li smiled awkwardly and took out a box of ointment from the box. “Wait until tomorrow when it’s better, and apply this ointment to not leave scars.”


Wang Dian nodded and watched him leave, staring at his wrapped finger in a daze.


Using pain to relieve pain? Does Liang Ye thought that biting would make the pain go away?


What ridiculous logic.


Wang Dian opened the small box of ointment and smelled the refreshing fragrance. The scar removal ointment used by the imperial physicians in the palace was naturally good. He just didn’t know if it could remove the scar on Liang Ye’s neck that he had bitten, so as to spare his own neck by being stared at by the other. He was very worried that Liang Ye would go crazy and tear off a piece of his flesh.


“Your Majesty, it’s still early. This servant has heard that the lotus flowers in the Yao Tai Pond are in full bloom. Do you want to go and take a look?” Yun Fu approached and asked carefully.


Wang Dian didn’t bring any official documents this time, so it could be considered a vacation. Hearing him say that, he became a little interested. “Let’s go and take a look.”


Yu Ying and Yun Fu led a few palace maids and eunuchs behind them, and ten guards assigned by Wei Wanlin were arranged on both sides. Although Wang Dian was used to bringing a group of people every time he went out, he still felt a little uncomfortable.


Before they even reached the Yao Tai Pond, they heard a burst of cheerful laughter. Someone was running towards them while laughing and looking back, but stumbled on a brick on the ground. Wang Dian instinctively reached out to help.


Then, a soft and boneless hand grabbed his sleeve, and the person lifted their head, revealing a delicate and beautiful face.


“Are you okay?” Wang Dian helped the person up.


“Okay.” The little girl blushed and quickly let go of his hand, kneeling on the ground and saying, “This subject Cui Mimi greets Your Majesty.”


A group of young girls dressed in gorgeous clothes ran over and knelt down, “Greetings, Your Majesty.”


Wang Dian turned his head and glared at Yun Fu, who shook his head with a bitter face. “Your Majesty, this servant really didn’t know that these young ladies were also here.”


“It’s okay, you all get up.” Wang Dian said, “The Yao Tai Pond is beautiful, Zhen won’t disturb you anymore.”


“Your Majesty,” Cui Mimi looked up shyly, revealing her delicate face and fair neck. Her voice was soft and timid, “The lotus flowers in the Yao Tai Pond are in full bloom. Why don’t His Majesty join this subject for a stroll?”


Wang Dian estimated that she was only about fourteen or fifteen years old and probably hadn’t even finished junior high school. He felt uncomfortable and coughed lightly. “No need, Zhen has something else to do.”


However, Cui Mimi boldly grabbed his sleeve and looked up at him pitifully. “Your Majesty.”


Wang Dian’s face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice, “All are unmarried girls. How can Zhen go on a stroll with them?”


Cui Mimi’s face turned pale, and she trembled as she tightly held onto his sleeve.


“Please…please, Your Majesty, come with us…”


She sounded like she was about to cry.


Wang Dian frowned, then Yun Fu approached him and whispered, “Your Majesty, she seems to be a concubine’s daughter from the Cui family…these young ladies…are all of low status and not favored…”


Wang Dian took a glance and saw that they were all trembling in fear. He didn’t know what kind of crazy image Liang Ye had created, but even these noble families didn’t want to send their daughters to him. The ones who were sent were probably forced and helpless.


He guessed that if he forcibly left, these young girls wouldn’t get any good treatment.


“Alright, you all get up. The lotus flowers are blooming so beautifully. Come with Zhen and take a look,” Wang Dian signaled Yun Fu to help these girls up.


Yu Ying whispered to him, “Your Majesty, this servant saw Eunuch Yang just now, who was usually by the Grand Empress Dowager’s side.”


“What is he here for?” Wang Dian was a little puzzled.


“He came to send these girls,” Yu Ying whispered, “Your Majesty should be careful. This servant smelled some fragrance that was not quite right.”


Wang Dian had some thoughts in his heart, “Zhen will keep distance from them.”


The lotus flowers in the Yao Tai Pond were blooming beautifully, but unfortunately, the people who came to enjoy the scenery all had ulterior motives. Even the fresh lotus fragrance was mixed with the scent of powder and perfume, making it unpleasant.


Turning around a long corridor was a winding path paved with pebbles. The path was shaded by trees and very cool, but Wang Dian felt inexplicably hot.


He remembered the hand of Cui Mimi tightly holding onto his sleeve earlier, lifted his sleeve, and smelled it. As expected, there was a strong sweet fragrance. He subconsciously quickened his pace, turned around a rockery in front of him, as a result, he was suddenly pulled into a hollow in the rockery with one arm.


“Your Majesty?” Yun Fu caught up but didn’t see anyone, and was suddenly alarmed.


“What are you shouting for, guard outside, no one is allowed to get close,” Liang Ye covered Wang Dian’s mouth and said in a low voice.


“Yes, yes,” Yun Fu quickly responded and stopped the others who wanted to follow, shouting, “His Majesty has given orders not to approach. Wait here.”


In the dim light of the rockery hollow, Wang Dian met Liang Ye’s deep and cold eyes and whispered, “What are you doing again?”


Liang Ye sneered and made a slashing motion across Wang Dian’s sleeve, causing the embroidered golden dragon pattern on the half-sleeve to fall to the ground. “You were almost tricked by a little girl like this. If Zhen hadn’t come, you would have ended up rolling in bed with someone.”


Wang Dian: “I already found out and was about to take a cold shower.”


“Cold showers are useless against this kind of potent aphrodisiac,” Liang Ye grinned at him and the blade in his fingers glinted with a cold light. “Why don’t Zhen do you a favor, help you cut down the grass and eliminate the root, in order to prevent future troubles.”


As he spoke, he began to undo Wang Dian’s belt and was about to take action.


“Wait, wait! Hold on!” Wang Dian grabbed his wrist and angrily said, “Are you crazy?”


Liang Ye’s smile faded slightly. “Then how about Zhen find a woman for you?”


“No need,” Wang Dian gritted his teeth, his breathing became heavy. “You let me out, I’ll solve it myself.”


Liang Ye’s smile became sinister and terrifying. “There are plenty of girls outside. The abacus is falling, if someone gets pregnant at that time, you and Zhen can just die together.”


(t/n: The abacus is falling- probably taken from or is the same as “The abacus is beating really loud” meaning – you are too thoughtful and calculating, and you use it to plan for yourself. LY probably meant the Grand Empress Dowager here, for being crafty and calculating)


“I fucking told you I won’t…” Wang Dian felt Liang Ye’s aura was overbearing and dominant. He pushed him away, but didn’t actually use much force.


As soon as Liang Ye took away the blade in his hand, he eagerly admired Wang Dian’s restrained and forbearing demeanor. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something interesting and blew a breath on his face. “Didn’t you promise to Zhen before, Zhen will come with you to the palace and you will let Zhen bite you back?”


Wang Dian was so hot that he was about to explode. The veins on his forehead bulged, and he lowered his voice, “You really have to pick such a time?”


“It’s more interesting this way,” Liang Ye hooked his mouth and reached out to touch his hot neck. He didn’t need to use much force to press Wang Dian against the stone wall, found the right spot and bit down.


“Liang Ye——” Wang Dian grabbed his shoulder and suddenly gasped, unable to tell if it was pain or something else, letting out a heavy groan.


“Your Majesty? Your Majesty, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Yun Fu’s voice suddenly came from outside the hollow, followed by footsteps.


Wang Dian was suddenly startled and pushed Liang Ye hard. However, Liang Ye held him still and didn’t move, chuckled closer to his ear and licked the still bleeding wound on his neck.


“Stop…stop!” Wang Dian’s voice trembled a bit. “Wait outside!”


Yun Fu took two steps back worriedly.


The intense pain in his neck at that moment overwhelmed all other sensations, even bringing a strange sense of pleasure. Liang Ye exhaled on his neck and asked, “Still uncomfortable?”


Wang Dian glared at him, gasping for breath.


Liang Ye wiped his finger over his wound, tasted it on his lips, and said confidently, “Blood is also fragrant.”


“Fucking fragrant,” Wang Dian covered his neck with his hand. The heat that had subsided suddenly surged again, causing him to freeze in place.


“That dead old lady is quite ruthless,” Liang Ye clicked his tongue and stuffed a bitter pill into his mouth.


The pill dissolved instantly, and Wang Dian frowned. “What did you give me?”


“Antidote,” Liang Ye said calmly.


It took Wang Dian three full seconds to react. “Why didn’t you give it to me earlier?”


“Zhen just wanted to give it a try,” Liang Ye’s face rippled with laughter.


“Try…hiss, try what?” Wang Dian turned his head and pulled on his wound, causing pain in his neck and fingers. He was particularly irritable.


“Try biting you at this time and see what expression you make,” Liang Ye commented joyfully. “It suits Zhen’s taste.”


As soon as he finished speaking, he was caught off guard and was punched in the stomach.


“Suit your ass!” Wang Dian’s eyes were blazing. “You’re a complete lunatic!”



  1. LiquidCeil says:


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