Lan Ming Yue


Liang Ye leaned against the soft couch and looked at him with a smile.


Wang Dian sat up and wiped his face, wanting to speak but hesitating.


“You made Zhen the laughingstock of Chong Heng for a long time.” Liang Ye pulled open his collar to show him the hickey on his neck. “Wang Dian, you really have no shame.”


“But didn’t you kiss me back?” Wang Dian said with difficulty.


“Zhen kissing you and you kissing Zhen are not the same thing,” Liang Ye insisted on his unreasonable argument.


Wang Dian pushed away his paw that was trying to touch him and said seriously, “Your Majesty, I don’t like men, but if you keep teasing me like this, I can’t guarantee it completely.”


“Hmm?” Liang Ye looked him up and down and sneered, “You dare to have such thoughts about Zhen?”


Wang Dian couldn’t make him understand and gave an analogy, “It’s the same with anyone else. I’m not a gentleman who sits idle and waits for things to happen.”


Liang Ye’s smile faded, and a flash of killing intent passed through his eyes. “What do you mean by ‘It’s the same with anyone else’?”


Wang Dian realized that he might have touched a sensitive nerve of this lunatic again and tried to make up for it, “I’m just giving an analogy.”


Liang Ye stared at him with a smile that was not a smile, “Almost forgot, you seem to already have a wife and children.”


The Gu worm that crawled to his neck and shoulder trembled slightly and caused him some pain. Wang Dian’s mouth hardened, “What, is it not okay for me to have a wife and children?”


Liang Ye’s eyes darkened, and he said in a threatening tone, “You are Zhen’s thing.”


“I’m not a thing, I’m a person,” Wang Dian said, squinting in pain. He pointed to the hickey on Liang Ye’s neck and said, “Would a thing kiss like this?”


Liang Ye sneered and said, “Then Zhen will sew your mouth together.”


“If you sew it, we won’t be the same anymore,” Wang Dian said with a smile, touching the scar on Liang Ye’s neck lightly with his hand, then coaxed in a low voice, “I don’t have a scar here yet. Don’t you want to leave one on me? That way, we’ll match each other.”


This was probably very tempting for Liang Ye. His gaze lingered on Wang Dian’s side neck, and he licked his itchy canine teeth before narrowing his eyes and saying, “Zhen…”


“Before the Ancestral Worship Ceremony, come with me to the Shizai Mountain Palace, and I’ll let you bite me here,” Wang Dian said with a smile. “Bite an identical scar.”


Liang Ye’s Adam’s apple rolled uncontrollably.


He could completely disregard Wang Dian’s wishes and bite down. Wang Dian couldn’t resist him without martial arts, but the proposal Wang Dian made with a seductive tone made him feel very…..stimulated.


Unable to refuse.


“Okay, ” Liang Ye lightly pressed his neck.


The pain of the Gu worm subsided in time, Wang Dian hooked his mouth,  immediately after, he heard Liang Ye say, “Have you done this to your wife?”


Wang Dian was taken aback for a moment and asked, “Huh?”


Liang Ye’s slightly flushed fingertips touched his neck as he calmly asked, “Have you kissed your wife like you kissed Zhen last night?”


Wang Dian deeply felt that he had dug a big hole for himself and replied stiffly, “Of course not.”


Liang Ye sneered, “Zhen doesn’t believe.”


“You don’t believe me, then there’s no way,” Wang Dian said, suddenly feeling familiar with this phrase, like a standard line from a scumbag.


Liang Ye rubbed his chin. “Zhen has plenty of ways.”


Wang Dian’s scalp tingled from his touch. “I’m leaving for Shizai Mountain tomorrow. If you use the Gu again, I’ll die in pain halfway through the journey.”


Liang Ye laughed happily at his words and poked his face. “Then you beg Zhen.”


Wang Dian wanted to knock his head open, but he remained calm. “How to beg?”


“Zhen has never begged anyone before. You figure it out,” Liang Ye looked at him with interest, his eyes filled with anticipation.


Wang Dian carefully thought for a moment and spread out one palm in front of him. The other hand extended its index and middle fingers and took two steps in the palm like a small person, then knelt down with a thud and said, “Begging you.”


Liang Ye fell silent for a moment before saying, “You’re coaxing a child.”


Wang Dian controlled his fingers to stand up and knelt down on one knee, pinching the throat. “I beg Your Majesty forgiveness.”


Liang Ye squinted his eyes, extended two fingers, and stood on Wang Dian’s palm. He pretended to kick the little person’s knee and said, “Zhen approves.”


Then two fingers stepped on the back of Wang Dian’s hand and walked up to his arm. Stepped on his nose and vigorously flicked his forehead. “Hmm?”


Wang Dian twitched his mouth. “…..pushing the nose and hitting the face.”


(t/n pushing the nose and hitting the face-one party gives face to the other party and does not care about the other party’s certain outrageous behavior, but the other party not only does not appreciate it, but becomes more arrogant (TL: don’t know if WD meant this or the literal ‘pushing the nose and hitting the face’))


Liang Ye supported his shoulder and laughed so hard that he couldn’t stand up straight.


Wang Dian stared at him with a stiff face, and then he heard his own laughter.


Fuck, you’re insane, Wang Dian.


Their fucking sense of humor was the same.




The emperor’s departure from the palace was grand, with luxurious horses and carriages, flags and banners of the guards, accompanying palace maids, eunuchs, and several important officials and their families. Wang Dian even personally selected the Eastern Palace’s Six Rates to accompany the emperor’s entourage. The long procession extended for more than ten miles, and it was impossible to see the end at a glance.


Wei Wanlin, wearing armor and riding a tall horse, was in front of the imperial carriage. He saw the plump little eunuch who had been serving by the emperor’s side running up to him and said, “Commander Wei, His Majesty said that the sun is high, and there happens to be a forest ahead. Let everyone rest and have lunch.”


“His Majesty is wise.” Wei Wanlin bowed towards the direction of the carriage and went to give the order.


Yun Fu ran back to the front of the carriage but didn’t dare to get on.


“Is Gentleman Wang still inside?” He whispered to Yu Ying.


Yu Ying nodded and looked at Chong Heng, who was silent beside her. She whispered, “Lord Chong Heng is highly skilled in martial arts. We don’t have to worry.”


Inside the carriage, Wang Dian looked at Liang Ye, who was dressed in a flamboyant manner, and felt a toothache.


“Big red and big purple, you really have a good eye.” Wang Dian said.


Liang Ye occupied the most spacious couch and lay there bonelessly. Upon hearing Wang Dian’s comment, he said, “Zhen’s aesthetic has always been good.”


Wang Dian remembered the eye-catching earrings and twitched his mouth.


“In fact, you shouldn’t go to the palace,” Liang Ye suddenly said without any context.


“Why?” Wang Dian knelt in front of the desk and peeled grapes.


“Liang Hua was assassinated on the way to the palace,” Liang Ye got up from the couch, leaned over, and took away the grape that Wang Dian had just peeled. He said disdainfully, “This grape is too sour.”


“It’s not for you to eat,” Wang Dian said coldly.


Liang Ye sat cross-legged in front of him, holding the fan and pointing to the biggest purple grape. “Zhen wants to eat this one.”


“Peel it yourself if you want to eat it,” Wang Dian ignored him and slowly peeled a small grape. “Do you think Cui Yuxian will use the same trick to make you die on the road?”


“It’s very likely,” Liang Ye stared at the grape in his hand, as well as the juice-stained fingertips. He licked his lips and said, “She doesn’t allow Zhen to have offspring, and also wants to have Liang Hua’s seed in her possession.”


Wang Dian had already guessed this, so he handed the peeled grape to Liang Ye. “First, I don’t mean to offend, but why is your father named Liang Hua and you named Liang Ye? Overlapping characters is not a taboo?” (TL: It’s a taboo in some Chinese culture to have the same name as your living older ancestors)


Liang Ye lowered his head and bit the grape, even mischievously licking his fingers. “Hmm.”


Wang Dian picked up a handkerchief and wiped his hand with disgust.


“The name given by that old lady, probably to try use Zhen to kill him,” Liang Ye persistently pointed his fan at the biggest grape. “Zhen wants to eat this one.”


Wang Dian sighed and carefully peeled the biggest grape. When Liang Ye leaned in to eat it, he suddenly turned his wrist and threw the peeled grape into his own mouth.


Liang Ye probably didn’t expect this move, and his gaze towards Wang Dian was filled with shock. “That’s Zhens.”


“Whoever peels it, it’s theirs,” Wang Dian said confidently. “If you’re afraid of getting your hands dirty, then don’t eat.”


Liang Ye immediately resumed his boneless laziness. “Zhen don’t like to eat.”


“Is that so?” Wang Dian continued to peel grapes. “Anyway, I love eating grapes the most.”


Liang Ye raised his eyebrows and stared at him with an ambiguous expression. Wang Dian became instantly alert and stuffed the peeled grape into his mouth. “There are so many people outside, and there may be assassins lurking on the road. If the Gu acts up, I won’t even have the strength to run.”


Liang Ye rolled the grape in his mouth for two rounds and said sinisterly, “You ate Zhen’s biggest grape.”


“I’ll peel one for you,” Wang Dian promptly compromised.


Liang Ye hooked his mouth and leaned his head on his hand.


Both of them liked to eat grapes, and soon after, the plate was only left with a skeleton. Wang Dian wiped his hands with a damp handkerchief and said, “There’s a carriage specially prepared for you outside. You’re always staying here, there may be rumors spreading.”


Liang Ye pointed to the kiss mark on his neck that hadn’t faded yet. “It’s not just rumors. You’ve been coveting after Zhen’s beauty for a long time, and finally couldn’t control your animalistic desires. You’ve exposed your true colors, Wang Dian. You’re a beast in human clothing, consumed by lust.”


Wang Dian took a deep breath. “You look exactly like me, I, coveting after your beauty?”


“Tsk tsk,” Liang Ye lamented. “This only shows that you have no bottom line as a person.”


Wang Dian wanted to throw the handkerchief at his face. “Isn’t it you who started it?”


“Zhen has always been proper and never crossed the line. Don’t spout nonsense,” Liang Ye deliberately adjusted his red and purple collar to make the mark on his neck more visible.


Wang Dian wanted to kick this colorful thing out of the carriage.


At noon, the carriage stopped in the woods on time. The palace maids, eunuchs, and guards were busy setting up camp and preparing lunch. Wang Dian felt suffocated in the carriage, so he got off. Liang Ye stuck to him like a big tail, smiling and fanning himself, like quite the real thing.


Wang Dian had been confined in the palace for over a month without coming out, so seeing the lush greenery made him feel like he could breathe fresh air again. He didn’t walk far, just strolling along the edge of the woods, looking at the sky and the trees. This natural oxygen made him feel much healthier.


Wei Wanlin and his men followed behind, alertly scanning their surroundings. He spoke up, “Your Majesty, this area is low-lying and easy to attack but difficult to defend. After lunch, it’s better to hurry on our way.”


Wang Dian nodded. “Then send an order——”




A cold arrow flew past his ear and landed on a tree trunk, its tail still swaying.


Immediately, a barrage of arrows rained down towards Wang Dian’s direction.


“There are assassins! Guard the emperor!” Wei Wanlin shouted angrily, drawing his sword.


“Protect His Majesty!”


“There are assassins!”


The camp was thrown into chaos.


Wang Dian was dragged behind a tree by Liang Ye, who had a soft sword in his hand that he had acquired who knows where. He blocked the flying arrows and Chong Heng flew over. “Master, there are people on both sides of the mountain.”


Liang Ye glanced at Wang Dian. “You have chosen a good place.”


Wang Dian smiled. “His Majesty still foretells things accurately. Wei Wanlin.”


“Yes!” Wei Wanlin blew a long whistle, and countless soldiers emerged from the mountains on both sides. The assassins who were hiding there had nowhere to run and were forced to fight against the soldiers.


The one-sided battle didn’t last long, only about fifteen minutes. All the assassins were killed, and when Wei Wanlin came to report, the blood hadn’t even dried yet. “Your Majesty, we captured twelve of them alive.”


“Interrogate them thoroughly,” Wang Dian stepped on a stool and got on the carriage. “Zhen will leave it to you, General Wei.”


“Your Majesty, rest assured!” Wei Wanlin saluted him and left with a fierce expression.


Liang Ye leaned against the carriage and wiped the soft sword that he hadn’t used much. When Wang Dian came in, he reached out and flicked the body of the sword. “It’s not very interesting.”


“Not Cui Yuxian’s people,” Wang Dian sat down. “And probably not Bian Yunxin’s people either.”


“We cast a wide net and caught only a shrimp,” Liang Ye used the soft sword to lift up Wang Dian’s loose sleeve. “It was a waste of effort.”


“It’s not a waste. At least we can go to the Shizai Mountain Palace without any worries,” Wang Dian looked at the soft sword. “Do you hide this thing around your waist?”


Liang Ye flipped his wrist, and the soft sword wrapped around Wang Dian’s waist in a circle and a half, the thin handle clicking into two pieces and holding the sword tail perfectly. “Hmm, your waist is the same as Zhen.”


Wang Dian reached out to touch the sword, but his fingertips were caught off guard by the coldness. When he lifted his hand, he saw four bloody cuts on his four fingers.


Wang Dian: “…………”


Liang Ye immediately retracted the sword, with a complicated expression. “Are you not using your brain?”


“No, you wrap such a sharp thing around your waist?” Wang Dian also felt that he had a hole in his brain, he was clearly touching the sword’s body.


“Zhen’s belt is a scabbard,” Liang Ye said inexplicably. “Zhen was just showing you how to use it. What were you touching?”


“I——” Wang Dian glared at him, feeling a sudden pain in his fingertips. He took a deep breath.


Liang Ye licked the corner of his lips.


Wang Dian hid his injured hand behind his back, looking wary. “What do you want to do?”



  1. LiquidCeil says:


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