Lan Ming Yue

Sinner’s Edict

Wang Dian’s fingertips touched the slight protrusion of the scar. Liang Ye’s face was too close, as if he was taking the initiative to push his neck towards his mouth, forcing him to look away uneasily.


This lunatic has no idea what a sense of boundaries is.


Liang Ye was very dissatisfied with his stubborn resistance. He grabbed his chin and forcefully turned his face back, saying in a deep voice, “Zhen asked you to take another bite, don’t understand?”


Wang Dian frowned, “Why would you let me bite you when you’re the one who’s hungry?”


Liang Ye was at a loss for a moment, and then impatiently said, “Where are all these ‘whys’ coming from, you just need to listen to Zhen.”


Wang Dian looked at him with a deep gaze for a moment, then suddenly placed his other hand on his lower back. Liang Ye almost immediately tried to push away the hand that had approached him, unexpectedly, that hand moved up his back, brushed against his spine, and pressed against the back of his neck with a slight force, forcing him to lower his head.


Liang Ye said displeased. “Do you not want to live——?”


Wang Dian bit down on the side of his neck.


It wasn’t necessarily a bite, as Wang Dian hadn’t used much force with his teeth. Liang Ye was more aware of the softness and warmth between his lips, as well as the almost imperceptible breath.


Wang Dian seemed more like he was licking him, but it was somewhat different.


Feeling no pain, Liang Ye was very dissatisfied. Moreover, this kind of biting that was neither painful nor itchy but could not be ignored was a bit weird, but it was not detestable. He even felt a little comfortable.


He lay on top of Wang Dian, squinting his eyes, and was suddenly taken aback when Wang Dian rolled him over and pressed him down. He became instantly alert and quickly grabbed Wang Dian’s neck. “Presumptuous.”


It’s just that his voice sounded lazy, and it was hard to discern how angry he really was.


Wang Dian pointed to his neck calmly, “No biting anymore?”


Liang Ye let go of his hand, wiped his neck with his robe sleeve, and said disgustedly, “Zhen has drool all over the neck, can’t even bite properly, wanting you to, what’s the use.”


Wang Dian glanced at the hickey on his neck that he had “bitten” and humbly accepted the evaluation, “Was the bite uncomfortable?”


Liang Ye obviously didn’t want to answer his question, he wrapped his arms around his waist and with  a force, collapsed the person to the side, “Stay away from Zhen.”


Wang Dian gave him a curious glance and happily rolled to the innermost part of the dragon bed. Although kissing Liang Ye’s neck made him a little inexplicably excited, it was quite evident that drowsiness prevailed, and his eyelids gradually grew heavy.


When he was about to fall asleep in a daze, someone hugged him from behind. It was still that familiar bear hugging a wood embrace. He opened his eyes briefly but didn’t fully open them, simply going along with it.


Unfortunately, Liang Ye was not a quiet man. In his sleep, Wang Dian suddenly felt that someone was kissing him in his dream, kissing him very forcefully. There seemed to be a big stove around him, covering him and making him sweat all over.


He struggled to open his eyes and realized that his dream had become a reality——Liang Ye, the lunatic, was hugging him tightly from behind and kissing his neck just like what he did a while ago.


“Liang Ye…what are you doing?” Wang Dian wanted to turn around, but found himself held tightly by this guy.


Liang Ye let out a sticky snort and kissed the thin skin behind his ear. Wang Dian’s spirit stirred immediately and he said dryly, “You don’t have to bite me.”


Liang Ye laughed softly and whispered into his ear, “Wang Dian, do you think Zhen is easy to fool? Unable to distinguish between biting and kissing, hm?”


Damn it, he actually knew…Wang Dian felt that his brain might be rusty, feeling that this idiot Liang Ye didn’t have a sense of the ways of the world.


“Although Zhen is not good at male homosexuality, Zhen can’t also let you be frivolous in vain.” Liang Ye took his earlobe and bit it, “This time, Zhen is returning the frivolous, let’s forget it. If you dare to be disrespectful to Zhen again, Zhen will kill you. ”


Wang Dian sadly realized that he was almost immune to Liang Ye’s threat. Not only was he not afraid, he even dared to jump on the thunder pond, “Are you still hungry now?”


(t/n: thunder pond-boundary, limit (WD is taking risks or behaving recklessly, even in a potentially dangerous situation)


Liang Ye behind him remained strangely silent for a moment.


Wang Dian closed his eyes, “Don’t worry, I’m not good at male homosexuality either, sleep.”


Although he couldn’t find a reason for kissing Liang Ye just now, who cares, just consider kissing himself twice.


Liang Ye rubbed the back of his neck with the tip of his nose, and his breathing gradually became steady.


However, Wang Dian couldn’t sleep anymore, “Liang Ye, how many bowls of white jade soup did you drink last month?”


Liang Ye frowned, very annoyed at being disturbed while trying to sleep, but he still responded, “Forgot.”


“Do you still remember me?” Wang Dian asked again.


Liang Ye hugged him tighter, “You are very annoying.”


“Have forgotten everything, but still have some impressions. If the medicinal efficacy of the white jade soup is so bizarre, why do you still drink it——uhmp.” Liang Ye covered his mouth.


“If you talk again, Zhen will cut out your tongue.” Liang Ye impatiently placed his leg over his leg. “Sleep.”


Wang Dian didn’t know when he fell asleep. He only remembered that before falling asleep, Liang Ye kissed his neck again.




At dawn the next day, Liang Ye had disappeared without a trace.


While washing, Yun Fu took a wet handkerchief and glanced at his neck several times, hesitating to speak, and the palace maids next to him also blushed and lowered their heads, not daring to look at him, creating a somewhat awkward atmosphere.


After Wang Dian wiped his face with a handkerchief, he wiped his neck as usual. Unexpectedly, he felt a stinging pain. Then he remembered what weird things he and Liang Ye had done last night, and his temples suddenly started throbbing.


He was really crazy to kiss Liang Ye’s neck, and what’s even more outrageous is that Liang Ye, this fool, actually kissed him back in the same manner…


Perhaps it was Liang Ye’s persistent remark about his neck smelling nice that made him unable to resist seeking revenge.


Wang Dian rubbed the center of his eyebrows vigorously and told Yun Fu, “Change Zhen into a court robe with a higher collar.”


“Yes.” Yun Fu suddenly lit up with joy. Perhaps he sensed that Wang Dian was in a good mood at the moment and boldly asked, “Wonder which palace maid was fortunate last night with His Majesty, and whether she’d be granted a title?”


Wang Dian gave him a cool look.


Yun Fu was startled and hurriedly knelt on the ground and slapped his mouth, “This slave deserves death! This slave spoke out of turn! This slave spoke out of turn!”


The remaining two young eunuchs and three palace maids also quickly knelt down, trembling.


“If Zhen hears any rumors outside, none of you can run away, understood?” Wang Dian looked at them expressionlessly.


“Yes, yes…” Several people kowtowed.


Wang Dian frowned, “Okay, all go down.”


A group of people filed out, but Yun Fu stayed and dressed him carefully.


The morning court session was as lively as ever, but perhaps because Liang Ye had returned, Wang Dian couldn’t help but feel that the court was more complete.


“Your Majesty, in five days, it will be the Ancestral Worship Ceremony. According to the ceremony, Your Majesty and an Empress should be worshiping the ancestors together. However, that throne is still vacant. At that time, the people observing the ceremony, there’ll be a lack of etiquette…” The official of the Ministry of Rites, who was responsible for organizing the Ancestral Worship Ceremony, had a look of misery with knitted brows as he reported. “If His Majesty worships the ancestors alone, the duration will not be enough.”


“A few days ago, didn’t your Ministry of Rites swear that it was okay?” An official said angrily, “There are only five days left now, suddenly saying that the duration is not enough, do you want His Majesty to find an empress within five days!?”


“This subject does not dare!” The official knelt down and kowtowed. “A change in etiquette, this subject is afraid that the rumors and speculations among the people can’t be stopped, Your Majesty!”


Wang Dian glanced at the official, it was one among the list he found in the inner court, and realized that indeed this was a move orchestrated by the Grand Empress Dowager to create obstacles. “Oh? In your opinion, how should this matter be handled, then?”


“If this subject may be bold, Your Majesty may read out after the Ancestral Worship Ceremony….a Sinner’s Edict.”


(t/n: Edict of Guiji or Sinner’s Edict or Sin Yourself Edict- is an oral edict or document used by ancient emperors to reflect on themselves or review their own mistakes, the mistakes when problems arise in the court, when the country suffers natural disasters, or when the political power is in danger.)


After the words fell, all the ministers knelt down and bowed their heads, and there was a deathly silence in the main hall.


Wang Dian, sitting on the dragon chair, joy and anger couldn’t be distinguished on his face. After a while, he chuckled softly, “What, is this what all of Zhen’s loyal officials think?”


“This subject dares not!” Everyone responded in unison.


“Don’t dare. Why don’t you all dare?” Wang Dian sat there and looked at the group of people below, feeling a little angry for no reason.


In fact, Sinner’s Edict is not a big deal in his opinion. Sinner’s Edict, isn’t it just the emperor himself writing a self-review document and telling everyone what he did wrong or not good, and sincerely admitting mistakes. Most often, it was issued during irreversible natural disasters. Earthquakes, landslides, a solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse, or a comet passing by, phenomena that cannot be solved with current scientific knowledge, or it could simply be a spontaneous idea of the emperor to reflect on his actions….


Liang Ye was absurd and foolish, but he couldn’t imagine Liang Ye reading out a Sinner’s Edict.


If it was Liang Ye sitting here today, he’s afraid that it’s just not about being driven mad due to anger. A Sinner’s Edict itself was nothing, but obviously, Cui Yuxian forcing him to confess his guilt at this point, was really revolting.


During the Ancestral Worship Ceremony, reading a Sinner’s Edict felt like having one’s face trampled into the ground.


Wen Zong slightly nodded to him.


Wang Dian pretended not to see it and coldly said, “Then, all of you can kneel here and think. When you come up with a solution, that’s when the court session will end.”


The group of people were silent.


Wang Dian sat on the dragon chair and did not move, staring at them with a neutral expression, “Yun Fu, bring a chair. Imperial Preceptor is getting old, invite him to have a sit.”


From the dim light of dawn to the full brightness of the sky outside, until the sun climbed three poles high, Wang Dian did not move, and everyone did not dare to act rashly either. During this period, some people came up with ideas, but Wang Dian rejected them all.


Until a small official at the end came forward on his knees and suggested, “Your Majesty, if this subject may be bold, during the reign of the late emperor, a palace was built at the Shizai Mountain, located about 150 miles outside the capital. There was a Tai Chi Temple on the top of the mountain, where the late Emperor’s Longevity Tablet is enshrined. Your Majesty could first proceed to the palace to pray for blessings in the late Emperor’s name, and then return to the outskirts of the capital for the Ancestral Worship Ceremony. Even if it’s a bit delayed, there should be no harm.”


“Wen Yu’s suggestion is very good.” Wang Dian patted the chair, “That’s it then, you can arrange it.”


“Sanchao——” Yun Fu called out loudly.


Wen Yu was momentarily stunned, not expecting that His Majesty would remember his name. He was overjoyed and promptly replied, “This subject accepts the decree!”


The main hall instantly erupted into chaos.


But the chaos was none of Wang Dian’s business. He sat motionless all morning and his back ached. After dismissing Yun Fu and others away, he collapsed onto the couch and had no desire to move.


“Zhen thought you would agree.” Liang Ye’s voice sounded faintly from somewhere.


Wang Dian snorted coldly, “Cui Yuxian’s plan is very well calculated. If really reading out a Sinner’s Edict by then, I’m afraid she will take the opportunity to impose constraints.”


“Why not just use the other party’s strategy to deal with the other party?” Liang Ye asked.


Wang Dian frowned and said, “It’s better to lure the snake out of the hole than to use the other party’s strategy to deal with the other party. Besides, is it honorable to read a Sinner’s Edict?”


Liang Ye’s voice suddenly sounded much closer, “Zhen wants to kiss you.”


Wang Dian choked on his own saliva.



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