Lan Ming Yue


When Wang Dian woke up, he was almost suffocated by the scent of cosmetics that assaulted his senses.


Bian Yunxin held his hand tightly, and on the verge of tears, “Son, what’s wrong with you, falling ill almost every day, do you still want your queen mother to live?”


Wang Dian winced as her long nails dug into his hand, and his bones ached with the pain from the recent attack of the Gu worm. As he listened to Bian Yunxin’s nagging concern voice, he contemplated on how to dismember her real son.


This time, the pain from the insect was unbearable, far beyond what he could endure. It got to the point that he couldn’t stand it anymore, and he almost wanted to bite off a piece of Liang Ye’s flesh in a fit of madness. He had truly been driven mad by this idiot.


But later, Liang Ye held him too tightly, causing him to lose his strength. He lifted his head and looked at Liang Ye’s pale lips, probably thinking of wanting to bite in a different place….Sure enough, spending too much time with crazy people can easily rub off on you.


Wang Dian wiped his face with his hand and looked at the teary-eyed Bian Yunxin. Remembering the last time and the fierce assassination attempt, his emotions grew increasingly complex.


His mother was strong and resolute, a true strong woman who never shed tears in front of him. Although she was strict, she genuinely cared for him.


Liang Ye’s mother, on the other hand, seemed to want to kill him.


Poor guy.


“Ye’er, why did you ask for white jade soup from your imperial grandmother again last night?” Bian Yunxin held his hand tightly, the heartache in the bottom of her eyes didn’t seem fake, and was mixed with guilt and fear. “You, you had just drunk two bowls a few days ago. It’s only been a few days, and you want to drink again. You…how can you not cherish your body so much? Do you even want to forget even your queen mother just to be happy?”


Wang Dian looked at her somewhat bewildered. “White jade soup?”


What kind of thing is that?


Bian Yunxin was originally pretending to cry, but seeing his confused expression, she really started shedding tears now. She buried her head in his hands and choked out, “You just left and walked away, why did you have to come back…..why did you have to come back…”


These words sounded familiar. Before, Wen Zong had said something similar to him, asking why he had returned to the palace.


Liang Ye had disappeared for three months and had even planned to leave the palace for good. So why did he change his mind and return?


Wang Dian vaguely felt that it might have something to do with his own appearance, but thinking about Liang Ye’s unpredictable nature, he couldn’t help but feel he was overestimating his importance. In Liang Ye’s eyes, he was probably just a source of amusement.


“Drinking the white jade soup…” Wang Dian paused and spoke vaguely, “Zhen indeed can’t remember some things.”


Bian Yunxin lifted her eyes red, but didn’t refute him, and only cried softly.


Wang Dian’s heart sank, and he probed, “Last time Zhen went to imperial grandmother’s palace to drink two bowls?”


Bian Yunxin didn’t start wiping her tears yet, perhaps thinking he had forgotten due to frequent consumption, or maybe Wang Dian’s tone was just too gentle, making her even more distressed. “Since you were eight years old, you’ve been drinking a bowl every month. The people you’ve met, the things you’ve encountered, or the books you’ve read…….you won’t be able to remember anything clearly. You even suffered from a head illness because of it….but queen mother knows she can’t protect you, and can only watch you helplessly…..death is better than living like this…”


The blood in Wang Dian’s body suddenly turned cold. He remembered the last time Liang Ye returned from the grand empress dowager’s palace, he was looking at him with a playful yet unfamiliar gaze. But it turned out he had already forgotten about him.


Unfortunately, Liang Ye’s crazy temperament made it difficult to notice.


“Zhen drank last night as well?” Wang Dian asked her.


Bian Yunxin’s grip made his hand ache. “Your head illness is already hard to endure. Do you really want to die by drinking three bowls a month?”


Wang Dian opened his mouth but didn’t say anything.


Why did Liang Ye drink again last night? What was he trying to forget?


Seeing him unusually quiet and lost in thought, Bian Yunxin became even more certain that he had drunk himself into a stupor. She cried bitterly once more, almost fainting. Wang Dian quickly had Yun Fu send her back.


Finally, with some rest, Wang Dian granted Yun Fu and Yu Ying some time off and went to the imperial garden with a young eunuch.


He sat in the pavilion, basking in the sun. The sweet potatoes and green beans that Liang Ye had planted seemed to have grown a bit. Apart from the sound of the wind and chirping of birds, there was almost no other noise.


Although he didn’t want to admit it, Liang Ye had been almost inseparable from him during this period. He clung to him, occasionally falling ill, leaving him to deal with things in a hurry, making his teeth ground with frustration. But to say how much he really disliked Liang Ye, it wasn’t to such an extent.


Liang Ye was like another version of Wang Dian from a different world. They looked identical, and their likes, dislikes, habits, and even those inadvertent little actions were nearly the same. How could he possibly hate him for real?


It just felt uncomfortable.


“Since you were eight years old, you’ve been drinking a bowl every month. The people you’ve met, the things you’ve encountered, or the books you’ve read…….you won’t be able to remember anything clearly. You even suffered from a head illness because of it….but queen mother knows she can’t protect you, and can only watch you helplessly…..death is better than living like this.”


“That old lady is quite troublesome….Wait here for Zhen to come back…”


Wang Dian rubbed the center of his brows vigorously.


The wind rustled the leaves, and he stared at the grass on the ground for a while before getting up. He said, “Return to the sleeping chamber.”


He wanted to see if Liang Ye remembered.


Chong Heng opened the door, followed protocol, and called him “Your Majesty.”


The door opened and closed, and Wang Dian looked at the empty room. He turned to Chong Heng and asked, “Where’s Liang Ye?”


Chong Heng replied, “Master said he was feeling stifled in the palace and went out to clear his mind.”


Wang Dian paused. “He left the palace? Where did he go?”


“I don’t know.” Chong Heng’s tone was stiff. “Master didn’t allow me to follow him.”


He grew up with his master from a young age and followed him everywhere he went. His master had forgotten everyone but not him. However this time, he didn’t let him follow, insisting that he stay in the palace to watch over Wang Dian closely…….Chong Heng’s gaze at Wang Dian grew increasingly dissatisfied.


Wang Dian furrowed his brow. “Did he say anything about coming back?”


“Nothing,” Chong Heng replied with an unpleasant expression. “If anything happens to Master, don’t expect to live either.”


Ignoring his threat, Wang Dian asked, “Does he remember the way back to the palace?”


“Master isn’t a fool,” Chong Heng said, giving him a puzzled look.


Wang Dian reluctantly gave up. “Why don’t you go out of the palace and find Liang Ye. I don’t need you here.”


“I only take orders from Master alone.” Chong Heng refused without hesitation. “Master told me to watch over you, so I’ll watch over you.”


“…….” The corner of Wang Dian’s mouth twitched and he turned back to the study.


If Liang Ye wasn’t around, he could finally have some peace and quiet.


He picked up a book and held it in his hand. Those traditional characters were squeezed together side by side, watching it made people gasp for breath. Liang Ye held him so tightly last night that he almost suffocated him…


What kind of twisted mind could make an eight-year-old child drink some ridiculous white jade soup? Drinking a bowl every month for over a decade, it would be strange if it couldn’t drive anyone insane! To forget everything they read, to forget what happened and the people they met, to forget what was said yesterday… What kind of emperor is that!


Wang Dian stared at the very close characters in the book with a dark expression and let out a heavy sigh.


The young eunuch serving him cautiously stood nearby, his legs trembling uncontrollably beneath his robe. He mustered the courage to speak, “Your Majesty, it’s, it’s time for the evening meal.”


The Emperor didn’t respond but held the book tightly in his hand, his gaze resembling that of someone ready to kill.


The young eunuch knelt down with a thud.


Wang Dian turned his head to look at him, his expression emotionless.


The young eunuch laid trembling on the floor with fear.


“Go down. Zhen will stay for a while,” Wang Dian said in a gentle tone.


The young eunuch immediately felt like he had been granted amnesty, and scurried out of the study.


Wang Dian leaned back on the chair, raised his hand to cover his face, and let out a long breath. His anger, frustration, and inexplicable emotions all converged into one question:


Why did Liang Ye drink the white jade soup last night?


There was no reasonable explanation.


But if it made him act like a fool, it was probably for the best, so he wouldn’t bother him anymore.


The wind caused the window to creak slightly, and Wang Dian’s hand, holding the book, paused. He removed the book from his face, glanced towards the window, and called out with uncertainty, “Liang Ye?”


Chong Heng hung upside down from the window, holding a sword. He stared at Wang Dian for a long moment before speaking softly, “Master also said that nothing from Xingqing Palace should be eaten. Otherwise, just wait for him to take care of you.”


“Why didn’t you mention this earlier?” Wang Dian realized it was Chong Heng, and with lack of interest, casually tossed the book he was holding onto the table.


“I just remembered,” Chong Heng seemed a bit annoyed. “Master speaks one sentence in the east and one sentence in the west. I can remember everything because I have a good memory.”


(t/n: one sentence in the east and one sentence in the west-describes a person who speaks in a disjointed or incoherent manner, where their words or sentences don’t seem to connect logically. It suggests that the person is not making clear or consistent statements, and their speech may seem scattered or random.


“I have a question.” Wang Dian smiled and waved him over, signaling him to come in.


Chong Heng watched him warily. “You can’t trick me with your words again.”


“Don’t worry, it’s not a trick,” Wang Dian assured him. “I’m just bored, so come in and keep me company. Besides, hanging upside down there must be making you muddle headed. Come in.”


Chong Heng flipped over and entered the room with caution.


“How old are you this year?” Wang Dian asked.


“Seventeen,” Chong Heng replied.


“How long have you been with Liang Ye?” Wang Dian inquired further. “Ten years? Twelve or thirteen years? It doesn’t seem like a very long time.”


“I was picked up by Master right after I was born at the mass grave,” Chong Heng retorted indignantly. “Master raised me!”


“Oh, that’s indeed quite a long time,” Wang Dian agreed with a nod. “But back then, Liang Ye was only ten years old. What was he doing at the mass grave? Seeking excitement?”


“Master was abandoned there!” Chong Heng retorted angrily. “It was not easy to survive!”


Wang Dian chuckled. “Don’t be angry. I was just guessing casually.”


Chong Heng snorted coldly.


“What do you like to do in your spare time?” Wang Dian changed the topic, speaking to Chong Heng as if he were a child.


To his surprise, Chong Heng’s fair face turned red. “I won’t tell you.”


Wang Dian’s eyebrows raised slightly, and teasingly asked, “Could it be that you have your eye on a little palace maid?”


Chong Heng jumped up from his chair as if stung by a scorpion, his eyes filled with malice as he glared at Wang Dian. “Master said you’re cunning and sly. I won’t chat with you anymore!”


With that, he rushed to the window, did a flip, and darted away.


Wang Dian picked up the book and continued reading in a bored manner. He was alone in the vast book hall, and occasionally, there would be wind blowing in through the unclosed window, causing the candlelight to flicker.


After a while, he got up to close the window, and when he raised his head, he saw the bright and shining moon.


The night was clear, the stars sparse, and the sound of insects filled the air. Suddenly, the memory of Liang Ye holding him last night with those confused and manic eyes resurfaced in his mind. His voice had been hoarse, yet excited as he asked:


“Why not bite anymore?”


Bite you fucker.


Wang Dian irritably slapped the window shut.










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