Lan Ming Yue

Evening Meal

It was already late at night when Wang Dian finished reviewing the memorials, “What time is it?”


“Answering to His Majesty, it’s zishi, however tomorrow is a holiday.” Yun Fu reminded him, “Will His Majesty still stay in the side hall of the study today?” (TL: 9 pm-11pm)


Wang Dian remembered what Liang Ye said before, and thought for a while, “Zhen will go to the sleeping chamber to have a look.”


He didn’t want to see Liang Ye very much, but he remembered that at noon Liang Ye wanted him to go back to the sleeping chamber to accompany him for an evening meal. Although Liang Ye didn’t review many memorials, he still saw him read to some extent. Although it was very annoying, but after all, he agreed…however it’s so late, he should have already gone to sleep…


Wang Dian stood outside the entrance of the sleeping chamber, pausing in his steps, “Forget it, return to the study.”


Yun Fu looked at him suspiciously, “Your Majesty?”


Wang Dian furrowed his brows, looking at the weeds growing in the crevices of the stone slabs. He was in a rare state of mind, and he even wondered why he came over.


Before he could turn around, the door was opened from the inside by someone, revealing Chong Heng’s as cold as ice and frost face, “Your Majesty.”


Yun Fu, Chong Heng and others stayed in the outer courtyard of the sleeping chamber, and Wang Dian smelled the aroma of wine as he entered the room.


Liang Ye lazily leaned on the couch, shaking the wine pot in his hand, dissatisfied, “Zhen has been waiting for you for three full hours.”


Wang Dian felt a trace of rare guilt, “Too many memorials…”


Liang Ye stared at him with half a smile on his face, Wang Dian sighed, walked over and sat opposite him, glanced at the still warm food on the table, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.


Liang Ye took a sip of his wine and said with a smile, “Zhen thought you wouldn’t come anymore.”


Wang Dian lowered his head and ate the food without saying a word. He dragged the reviewing of the memorials until midnight. From the beginning, he had no intention of having dinner with Liang Ye, but in the end, he came to the door by a strange coincidence, and came to have a meal in the middle of the night.


Something is wrong.


But when he saw Liang Ye staying up late near a table of dishes waiting for him to eat, he couldn’t find any surprise in his heart, as if…he knew Liang Ye would wait for him.




Wang Dian took a sip of the warm porridge, Liang Ye poured him a cup of wine and pushed it over, but he didn’t necessarily ask him to drink it, and then he picked up his chopsticks and ate.


The taste preferences of the two people were surprisingly consistent, and even the gestures of holding chopsticks were almost the same. What’s even more bizarre was that they could almost always pick up the same dish.


Wang Dian put down his chopsticks and took a sip of wine.


Liang Ye picked up a green bean and threw it into his mouth, then frowned, “Zhen doesn’t like eating green beans.”


Wang Dian didn’t like it either, and stuffed one into his mouth in disbelief. It was so bad that he took two large gulps of wine after.


Liang Ye chuckled gloatingly at him for a while, then raised his cup to drink again, “However, Zhen thinks that you will definitely come.”


“Why?” Wang Dian was a little depressed, because he did come.


Liang Ye seemed to think about it seriously, licked the wine stains on the cup, and firmly said, “You, as expected, still want to read that erotic book.”


Wang Dian choked heavily as he took a sip of the wine. The pungent taste passed through the throat and tongue and went straight into the trachea, almost choking him to tears. He then pointed at him and scolded, “Are you sick!?”


Liang Ye laughed out loud, and when he had had enough, he stretched out his long arms, touched the corners of Wang Dian’s reddened eyes with his cold fingertips, and said in a low voice, “If you hadn’t return after a while, Zhen would have decided to plant another Gu worm on you, making you unable to stay three feet away from Zhen in this life.”


Wang Dian was frozen by his hand, and the smell of alcohol spread from his nose and invaded his brain, thus he also stretched out his hand and grabbed Liang Ye’s hand that was about to withdraw, which felt like holding a piece of ice in the cold winter months.


The gloomy smile on Liang Ye’s face slightly stagnated, “Who allowed you to touch Zhen?”


“Are you,” Wang Dian vaguely guessed, “suffering from another headache?”


Normally, Liang Ye was like a stove that was ready to be lit at any time, but when he was weak, like before, his whole body would be as cold as a piece of ice like now.


“Zhen thinks you don’t want to live anymore.” Liang Ye narrowed his eyes, “Let go.”


Wang Dian ignored him, and squeezed his cold fingertips, which was slightly different from touching his own hands, “Is your headache related to the Grand Empress Dowager? Is it poison?”


Liang Ye’s eyes darkened slightly, and the Gu worm on his wrist suddenly swam to his forearm.


The surging sharp pain caused Wang Dian to lose his strength almost instantly. His hand fell heavily on the table, causing the wine cup to fall and shatter on the ground.


Wang Dian’s mind was in a state of confusion due to the pain. Liang Ye walked in front of him at some point. He leaned over slightly, those pitch black eyes without waves stared at the person tormented by pain without emotion, and he twitched the corners of his mouth, “Ask less about things that shouldn’t be asked.”


The pain was sharper and more intense than the previous two times. It seemed that countless insects were gnawing at his flesh and heart. The pain was mixed with subtle itching, and the moans were broken and uncontrollable, like a dying person lingering on with his last breath of life.


Liang Ye stood in front of him, admiring his pain without much expression, and asked in a soft tone, “Why don’t you just learn to be obedient?”


Wang Dian raised his hand and grabbed his sleeve with difficulty. He clenched tightly, and veins protrude on his pale bony joints.


Liang Ye slowly pulled the sleeve out of his hand, leaned down and reached out to hold his chin, allowing him to look up at himself. He curled the corners of his mouth and coaxed, “You beg Zhen, Zhen will let the Gu worm stop.”


A sarcastic smile appeared on Wang Dian’s pale face, and he touched Liang Ye’s face with his wine-stained hand, “Foolish…no one is deserving….brain is going to explode in pain…”


The curved corner of Liang Ye’s mouth gradually flattened, and he looked at him as if looking at a dead person, and his voice carried a warning tone, “Acknowledge your mistake, Zhen will spare your life.”


Wang Dian reached out and grabbed the clothes on Liang Ye’s shoulders, straightened up with some difficulty, curled his lips and smiled, “Okay…”


Then he lowered his head and bit Liang Ye’s neck. How much the Gu worm in his body hurts, he simply bit as hard as he could, and the bloody smell kept spreading in his mouth.


Liang Ye probably didn’t expect that he would dare bite, as a result, he let out a muffled grunt in pain, while Wang Dian was almost pressed on top of him. For a moment, he felt so painful as if a piece of flesh on the side of his neck had already been torn by Wang Dian. 


However, he did not push Wang Dian away, instead, his arms uncontrollably strangled the person lying on his body tightly, wishing to squeeze this warm body into his flesh and blood. The blood roared and rushed wildly in his heart, thinking of making Wang Dian Dian come a little closer, a little closer, so that the pain would become vivid and clear, and to completely suppress the vicious and endless pain in his mind.


Wang Dian let go of his mouth and raised his head.


Liang Ye looked at him with a gloomy gaze, nervously pulled the corner of his mouth, but there was a hint of confusion in his voice, “Why not bite anymore?”


“Stupid…” Wang Dian’s teeth ached from biting and his eyes that were a bit hazy with pain, fell on his face that was exactly like his own, and his slightly trembling fingers pressed heavily on Liang Ye’s bloodless lips. He uncontrollably leaned forward, but when he was about to touch it, he completely lost consciousness.


Wang Dian’s blood-stained lips brushed against the corner of his mouth, and he laid on top of him, with his head resting weakly on his shoulder, which stung Liang Ye a little.


Liang Ye’s empty eyes wandered for a long time before finally returning to the substantial matter. He stopped the Gu worm that was about to swim up to his shoulder, and let it quietly hibernate back to his wrist.


He slowly raised his hand and placed it on Wang Dian’s neck, gradually tightening up.


The breathing that sprayed on his ear side gradually became difficult and weak.


Just a little bit.


Liang Ye licked the corner of his mouth and tasted the thread-like smell of blood.


Wang Dian struggled slightly in his arms, and suddenly, the hand squeezing his neck tightly loosened.


“Chong Heng.”




“Go and ask the imperial grandmother for a bowl of white jade soup for Zhen.”



  1. LiquidCeil says:


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