Lan Ming Yue

Side Hall

Wang Dian was reading a memorial, and Yu Ying with a few small eunuchs were drawing, when Yun Fu suddenly came in and reported, “Your Majesty, there is a gentleman named Wang Dian asking to see you.”


Wang Dian thought he heard it wrong, “Who?”


“He claims to be Wang Dian.” Yun Fu said, “It is said that you invited the gentleman to come out of the mountain to become an official, to discuss with you the strategy of governing the country. This slave also saw Lord Chong Heng there.”


Wang Dian came to his senses, “Let him in.”


Sure enough, it was Liang Ye who came in, but his figure had changed slightly. The face after his disguise was exactly the same as the one he used outside the palace before. Only that he wore a water green long sleeved robe and was covered with a layer of silver veil, literally raising that plain and unremarkable face to several layers of temperament——


To an extreme flaunting temperament.


Liang Ye looked around with a shred of having not seen other places than where he was. In the huge study, there were a dozen palace maids and court eunuchs busy bustling about, he didn’t know what they were busy with either, and came swaggeringly towards Wang Dian’s desk. “I specifically came to accompany you reviewing the memorials.”


Wang Dian glanced at him, the flaunting clothes made his eyes hurt. There was still a difference between an elegant like-immortal hermit and a flaunting peacock, but obviously Liang Ye didn’t realize this.


“Yun Fu, go move another table.” Wang Dian took back his line of sight.


“Yes.” Yun Fu stepped back in response.


“No need, I’ll just sit next to you.” Liang Ye glanced at the spacious dragon chair, and sat affectionately next to Wang Dian, staring at him with his head propped up, with a strange and excited light hidden in his eyes.


Wang Dian didn’t have time to talk to him, and conveniently took a few memorials and put them in front of him, “You read these first.”


“Okay.” Liang Ye surprisingly cooperated.


It didn’t take long for Yun Fu, who was ordered to lift a table to come, and he was startled when he saw Liang Ye sitting next to Wang Dian, “Your Majesty, this, this…”


“Don’t worry about him, put the table over there first.” Wang Dian waved his hand.


“Yes.” Yun Fu couldn’t help but look at the “beyond the mundane world master” again, and seeing the beyond the mundane world master placing his hand on His Majesty’s thigh in full view, he immediately closed his eyes in fright.


Dear mother, this is simply indecent.


Wang Dian gave Liang Ye a warning glance, he grasped his paw and lifted it up, then said in a low voice, “If you come to cause trouble, you don’t need to look anymore, our agreement is void.”


Liang Ye tilted his head and smiled at him, “I am precisely taking a good look.”


After speaking, he looked at it with a real and dignified expression.


Wang Dian got busy and didn’t have any extra thoughts on him. When Liang Ye reviewed the memorials, he would write instructions or comments on ten of them in a flash. Yu Ying, next to him, would blithely move away the finished ones and present the new one. Among this, there would also be a large piece of paper, which was the tables and statistical charts made by Yu Ying and others. Wang Dian stared at it for a long time, writing and drawing on the side blank space of the paper. When he was finished filling out one, Yun Fu with a strong, meaningful glance would come up and take it, then replace with new ones, and then be taken down again and be sorted together with several small eunuchs….it repeated this way, very busy.


Liang Ye felt bored after reviewing for half an hour, and suddenly hummed while holding a memorial in his hand.


“What’s the matter? What’s the problem?” Wang Dian asked without raising his head. He didn’t expect Liang Ye to come and really do anything, and just begging him to sit still in earnest, he didn’t have much hope for that either.


“Look at this, isn’t it interesting?” Liang Ye said, pressing an open book on top of Wang Dian’s memorial.


Wang Dian subconsciously looked at it, and saw two naked meticulously painted figures entangled in one place, and with scene annotations beside it, it was full of spring and extremely very revealing.


“Not too bad.” Wang Dian commented expressionlessly.


Liang Ye’s brows slightly twitched, Wang Dian’s calm reaction made him feel more interesting, and he said with a smile, “Have seen it?”


“Have never seen anything so boring before.” Wang Dian threw the book aside.


Liang Ye asked with interest, “Then what interesting things have you seen?”


Wang Dian thought for a while, there was really a wide variety of many different forms. He gave Liang Ye a pitiful glance and said, “Saying it, you won’t understand either.”


Yu Ying brought two cups of tea at the right time, and Wang Dian happened to be thirsty, thus he picked it up and drank it, when he heard Liang Ye speak next to him, “That’s not absolute, you can dictate it, I’ll draw it down, or find the Nanfeng Pavilion to let them demonstrate——” (TL: brothel)


“Pfft!” Wang Dian sprayed out his sip of tea.


“Your Majesty!”


“Your Majesty!”


The busy palace maids and eunuchs in the main hall stopped what they were doing one by one and looked towards them nervously.


Wang Dian coughed a few times and waved his hands, “No problem, you all continue.”


Liang Ye smiled meaningfully at him, and asked seriously, “How is it?”


Wang Dian’s temples were throbbing, he took a deep breath and said, “Not good, don’t bring this kind of thing to the imperial study in the future.”


Liang Ye glanced at Wang Dian uninterestingly, and reached out to touch his neck, but before he could touch, his wrist was grasped by someone. Wang Dian gripped hard, that the flesh was pressed to the bones and was slightly swelling in pain. He raised his eyebrows, but didn’t break free.


Wang Dian dragged him to the deserted side hall behind.


“You don’t want to come here in the future anymore.” Wang Dian deeply felt that he had made a wrong decision.


Liang Ye leaned against the couch like a boneless good-for-nothing, and casually picked up a fan on it to play with, “You are so unreasonable, if Zhen don’t come, you won’t sleep with Zhen, Zhen came yet you drive Zhen away, for what reason?”


Wang Dian said, “I asked you to help, yet as a result, you only come and cause trouble.”


The fan in Liang Ye’s hand twirled nimbly, and the tassel under the fan handle frivolously swept across Wang Dian’s wrist, “Come, tell Zhen quickly, about some interesting book you have read.”


Wang Dian wanted to stick the fan to his face, and said patiently, “It’s nothing, if you are really interested in men, you can go to Nanfeng Pavilion and call some prostitutes.” (TL: pinyin Qing Guan- formerly known as a prostitute who has not yet received customers.)


Liang Ye frowned in disgust, “Zhen is not homosexual.”


“If you’re not homsexual, then what book are you reading?” Wang Dian was completely puzzled.


Liang Ye took the fan and wrapped it around the jade pendant around his waist, and smilingly said, “Zhen is just curious about how two men do it.”


“It’s okay to satisfy curiosity. Don’t read these messy things in the future. Might as well read two more memorials.” Wang Dian tried to persuade him.


“Some were indeed drawn in a hideous mess, but when reading, Zhen replaced it with you,” the fan loosened his jade pendant, slid down slowly, lifted up the hem of his dragon robe and twirled it, and patted him lightly on the back of the waist .


Liang Ye smiled slightly, “Suddenly Zhen became interested in continuing reading.”


“……” Wang Dian stared at him blankly for three seconds, then took a step and walked away.


“After reviewing the memorials, remember to go back to the sleeping chamber to have an evening meal with Zhen.” The fan in Liang Ye’s hand was thrown away, and the thin fan surface reflected the back of Wang Dian leaving in a fit of anger. He raised his hand and casually depicted a scene while following his back and laughed happily.


He was answered by an angry slam of the door.


  1. LiquidCeil says:


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