Lan Ming Yue

Court Meeting

Not seeing each other for two days, Wang Dian looked at the huge group of ministers below and felt cordial, and unconsciously put a smile on his face when he looked at them.


The ministers looked at their majesty sitting on the dragon chair wearing a fake smile, their hair were almost standing on end, fearing that he would go crazy again. They bowed their heads tremblingly and lowered their eyes, the whole meeting hall was silent. (TL: they thought WD was wearing a fake smile here)


“Not seeing for two days, Aiqing have nothing to report?” Wang Dian felt that the dull meeting atmosphere was not suitable for work, thus he said with a smile, “Zhen heard an interesting story recently, might as well let Aiqing listen to it.” 


(t/n: Aiqing-nickname of the monarch to his subjects)


Aiqing didn’t really want to hear it, but they all pricked up their ears one by one.


“Before Zhen left the palace for more than three months, Zhen originally wanted to invite a gentleman to come out of the mountain and become an official. However, this gentleman has no intention of fame and fortune. Zhen bitterly requested for a long time, and finally moved him, thus inviting the person to the palace and treating him as a distinguished guest. Zhen earnestly requests him to provide governance strategies for the Great Liang Dynasty. This gentleman felt Zhen’s sincerity and didn’t hesitate to give advice. But how come in some people’s mouths, it became Zhen and a male pet messing around day and night?”


Wang Dian stood up, while smiling slightly, “Zhen’s bad reputation, Zhen is aware, but if someone pours dirty water on the gentleman, Zhen will never allow it!”


“Your Majesty, cease your anger!” The ministers clattered to their knees.


“Okay, let’s all get up bah.” Wang Dian felt awkward seeing them kneeling, and sat back down again.


“Your Majesty, this subject has something to report.” The Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials, Zeng Jie, stepped out of the ranks and said.


Wang Dian exchanged glances with him, then looked at Wen Zong who was at the front, Wen Zong nodded imperceptibly.


“Speak.” Wang Dian raised his hand.


“The incident of the Yunshui River breaching the embankment has basically subsided. Although Baili Cheng’an Daren has made great contributions to water control, the epidemic in Hexi now is rampant…” Zeng Jie came up and listed Baili Cheng’an’s crimes, and finally insisted, “This subject thinks, that Baili Cheng’an Daren’s excesses outweigh his achievements and should be demoted.”


“Your Majesty, this subject believes that this is just Zeng Daren’s words!” Feng Qing, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, came out and said, “Baili Cheng’an Daren’s achievements in water control are obvious to all. If it weren’t for him, the people of Hexi County would have to suffer from floods for a long time. The epidemic is a natural disaster rather than a man-made disaster, if this is tied to Baili Cheng’an’s head, it would be a great joke to the world!”


“Ah, Feng Daren’s words are wrong.” Xu Xiude, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Households, said, “Baili Daren is talented, but how many people died in Hexi County? Our national treasury is almost emptied in letting him treat the flood. Look at what has become of everything under his treatment, Your Majesty, this subject believes that Zeng Jie Daren’s words are justified.”


“You!” Feng Qing glared at him angrily, and knelt on the ground, “Your Majesty, Baili Daren is dedicated to serving the country, Your Majesty, please examine clearly!”


Afterwards, several people came out to speak for Baili Cheng’an.


“Your Majesty, this old subject thinks that Zeng Daren’s words are justified.” Yan Ze, who seldom speaks on ordinary days, suddenly said, “Baili Daren is young and vigorous, and occasional deviations in his actions are understandable, but it concerns people’s livelihood. Hoping Your Majesty to think twice.”


“Yan Daren, Baili Daren has been an official in the court since he was fifteen years old. It has been thirteen years now, where is he young and vigorous?” Cui Yun frowned and retorted.


“Why, Cui Daren, although Baili Cheng’an has been immersed in the officialdom for many years, it is His Majesty’s preference after all, and have no decentralized training. It is normal for him to handle things in a less than satisfactory way, it is not a bad thing to let him be appointed as a magistrate now either.” Bian Cang smilingly counterattacked.


The big shots above have opened their mouths, while the ministers and other officials below naturally didn’t dare to intervene rashly, yet they could still vaguely see the factions they each followed.


Wang Dian just watched and listened in silence, and with the list he had seen in the Inner Court Political Affairs Hall before, he had some thoughts in his heart.


Wen Zong was the first person under the emperor. Although he was a servant, he held the same position as the prime minister. Most of the officials in the court look up to him. The Youpushe Yan Ze, Zhong Shuling Cui Yun, and Men Xia Shizong Bian Cang, these three people were equivalent to deputy prime ministers, each person was his own way and restrained each other. Although Cui Yun was a member of the Cui family, he had already broken with them for many years. Strong and upright, he formed his own faction, with the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Works indistinctly headed by him. Yan Ze, this smooth and sophisticated fellow and Xu Xiude, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Households, was his student, the Ministry of War was also in his hands, thus he had a lot of ties to the inner court; while Bian Cang was a calm and taciturn person, obeying Wen Zong in everything, it was still difficult to see the details clearly…


“Okay.” Wang Dian knocked on the armrest, and the meeting hall suddenly fell silent.


“Baili Cheng’an has done meritorious deeds and also made mistakes, therefore will be delegated to Guangyuan, Hexi County to be the county magistrate.” Wang Dian casually patted the armrest, “Zhen made up his mind, whoever wants to be long-winded, then at once you accompany him to be the county magistrate.” 


Sure enough, it became really quiet below.


After a long time, Wen Zong spoke out, “Your Majesty, the epidemic in Hexi County has not been eradicated yet, who should handle this matter?”


“Exchanging and replacing is very troublesome. Before the epidemic is cured, still let Baili Cheng’an take charge of managing the epidemic.” Wang Dian pretended to be impatient.


“Your Majesty is wise.” Wen Zong stopped talking after stepping back, and exchanged a tacit look with Wang Dian.


“Your Majesty, the matter of silver for disaster relief…” Xu Xiude took the opportunity to speak up, trying to get rid of this trouble.


How could Wang Dian do as he hoped, thus he only said, “The Grand Empress Dowager remembered with gratitude the hardships of the people in Hexi County, thus she ook one hundred thousand taels of silver from the treasury of the inner court for disaster relief. This matter will be left to you to personally handle. Be sure to personally hand over the disaster relief money to Baili Cheng’an, if it can’t be done, Xu Daren doesn’t have to come back.”


Xu Xiude was dumbfounded immediately, and quickly knelt down and said, “Your Majesty, this subject—”


“That’s enough, end of the court meeting.” Wang Dian didn’t give him a chance to speak directly.


At the end of the court meeting, Xu Xiude chased after Yan Ze bitterly, “Teacher, what should this one do? The Grand Empress Dowager, that old woman is not muddle headed, how could she give him so much…Teacher, the epidemic in Hexi has not been eliminated, and this student’s body is weak. Going in person, this student is afraid that he’ll never come out alive!”


Yan Ze glanced at his sturdy and obese body, and the corners of his eyes twitched, “The Grand Empress Dowager has her own plans, to be able to let Baili Cheng’an stay in Hexi, a thousand silver taels is not enough.”


Xu Xiude wrinkled his face and said, “Anyway, His Majesty, he doesn’t remember…..What if he comes back, besides, Guangyuan County is a well-known holy place for literati, especially Changlin Academy, which is famous in all four countries, wouldn’t it be like a fish in water to let Baili Cheng’an go there, this student feels—”


“Do you think it’s useful?” Yan Ze interrupted him, “This matter has been decided, you still have to honestly figure out how to send the money there. His Majesty is moody at present, if he finds a mistake, you will be demoted to Hexi as well. “


Xu Xiude was shocked, “Please asking the teacher to give advice.”




Sleeping Chamber.


Liang Ye was flipping through the picture book in his hand with relish, and Chong Heng, who was squatting on the beam of the room was horrified and said, “Master, is it interesting?”


“Not too bad.” Liang Ye looked at the difficult poses posed by the two villains in the picture book and clicked his tongue, “It’s just that the painter’s technique is not good, and has no sense of beauty.”


Chong Heng glanced at the pile of booklets beside him, and cautiously suggested, “Master, you’ve been reading all night, it’s already noon now, why don’t you take a rest.”


“Zhen is not tired.” Liang Ye threw away the finished book, picked up another beautifully decorated one, and turned to the first page, “Oh, it’s still a book with a story.”


Chong Heng watched Liang Ye flip through the book with great interest, and asked a frightening question, “There are so many tricks between this man and that man, is it really interesting?”


What Chong Heng was most afraid of was his master finding it interesting. Generally speaking, once his master found someone or something interesting, he would certainly want to explore it.


Liang Ye tucked the exquisite picture book into his sleeve and got up to leave.


“Master, where are you going!?” Chong Heng suddenly felt that something was wrong.


“Zhen is hungry.” Liang Ye glanced at him inexplicably.


“That, during meal, is it still necessary to bring the picture book?” Chong Heng asked cautiously.


“Ah,” Liang Ye patted his sleeves and said beamingly, “Zhen plans to read it with Wang Dian.”



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