Lan Ming Yue


When Yun Fu saw that His Majesty came back, he was so moved that tears and snot flowed down all over his face and almost threw himself directly onto Liang Ye, “Your Majesty, you have finally returned to the palace, this slave has been waiting bitterly for you!”


Liang Ye glanced at him inexplicably, “Where did you come from Little White Fatty?”


“Ah?” Little White Fatty looked at him with a shocked and hurtful expression, with two tears in his eyes and whimpered, “Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this servant is Yun Fu ah, you used to boast that this servant’s face has great blessing.”


This round, rolling white and chubby was indeed very festive, no wonder Wang Dian was with him every day.


Yu Ying came up to serve tea at the right time, “Your Majesty, during your absence these two days, a lot of memorials have piled up. Imperial Preceptor Wen and Zeng Daren from the Ministry of Officials came to see you several times. General Wei also knelt outside the palace gate for two hours last night wanting to see you…..and earlier, the map has also been completed by someone, and is only waiting for you to check”


After speaking, Yu Ying leaned her body aside, revealing a table full to the brim with memorials, “This servant had sorted it out and arranged properly, waiting for you to review.”


“…..” Liang Ye put down the tea cup in his hand with an expressionless face, “Zhen still has something to do.”


“Your Majesty, Imperial Preceptor Wen is requesting for an audience.” Outside, a palace maid notified.


Liang Ye got up and was about to leave. But as soon as he reached the entrance of the palace, he met Wen Zong face-to-face.


“Trespassing into the palace without being summoned,” Liang Ye had a headache when he saw the old man with a white beard, and said none too politely,  “You—”


“Your Majesty, it was you who gave the order that the Imperial Preceptor Wen could come and go freely in the meeting hall and the study.” Yun Fu tugged at his sleeve and reminded in a low voice.


Wen Zong looked at him with a smile.


Liang Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, “Zhen still has something to do, suit yourself.”


“Your Majesty.” Wen Zong grabbed hold of his hand and said in a low voice, “this old subject has something important to tell you.”


Then, with a “not to be rejected” and great momentum, he dragged Liang Ye back to the study.


This old man was over eighty years old, but he was still as strong as a bull. Liang Ye thought of the days when he beat him every day when he was young, and then felt a dull pain on the palms, the back of his hands and his head.


The mouth that opened and closed seemed to have turned into a large, fierce-looking mouth, with a loud voice and slow intonation. The habitual drowsiness began to spread, making it impossible to hear what the old man was babbling at all.


Wen Zong looked at the familiar impatient and irritable expression on Liang Ye’s face, and the tip of his eyebrows moved slightly, “Your Majesty is tired?”


“Hm.” Liang Ye supported his head up and looked at the incense burning before the table. The old man had been talking for half an hour now, yet he couldn’t hear a single word, and only had his brain stuffed with thinking about how to deal with Wang Dian.


He didn’t get dizzy in the morning nor in the evening, yet after ordering to come to the study, he simply got dizzy, as he was forced to come this time.


Good Wang Dian, you are blatantly plotting against Zhen.


Wang Dian sneezed, continued to read the book in his hand nonchalantly, and asked Chong Heng while reading, “What do you mean when you said you didn’t plan on coming back before?”


Chong Heng sat opposite him holding the sword, then looked up at the beam of the room, “Did I say that? I didn’t, you must have misheard.”


“Don’t worry, I told you, I heard you crystal clear.” Wang Dian slowly flipped through a page of the book and said, “Don’t be nervous, just a casual chat nothing more, and it won’t reach Liang Ye’s ears.”


Chong Heng looked at him vigilantly, “Master simply ordered me to keep an eye on you, you will never worm facts out of my mouth!”


Wang Dian smiled, “My life is now in Liang Ye’s hands, neither have martial arts nor anyone to use, and nothing but a puppet double in your hands. It wouldn’t really matter to you guys how much I know, what do you think?”


Chong Heng shut his mouth tightly and refused to speak.


“Okay, then let’s talk about something else.” Wang Dian looked at the writings and said, “You martial arts practitioners need to practice at an early age. At what age did you start learning? Thirteen or fourteen?”


“Five years old.” Chong Heng had reached the end of his forbearance, “It would be too late if already a teenager.”


“Oh, I see you jump from eaves to walls like the wind, your master’s martial arts must be very good.” Wang Dian praised.


“Of course, my skill was personally taught by Master.” Chong Heng had a proud expression on his face.


“So that’s how it is. It’s rare to see someone with as agile and strong skills as you.” Wang Dian said in admiration, “You must have suffered a lot too.”


“Of course, there is no way to practice martial arts without suffering.” Chong Heng felt bitter when he thought about it.


“But your master is exceptionally gifted, surely he must not have suffered much.” Wang Dian nodded.


“How could it be, my Master’s master was rigid and stern. At that time, everyday in the middle of the night—” Chong Heng stopped abruptly in the middle of his speech, and glared at him with anger, “You’re trying to set me up again!” (TL: not directly asking what he wants to know, but can get the answer he wants to know through other seemingly irrelevant questions, and obtain the information he wants to know without you knowing.)


Wang Dian shook the book in his hand not knowing whether to laugh or cry, “It’s just reading and chatting, even if I set you up, it’d be of no use.” 


Chong Heng narrowed his eyes and said, “Even if you inquire, it’d still be useless. Master can pinch you to death with one finger.”


“That’s right.” Wang Dian flipped another page of the book, “Therefore I should be extremely obedient, I will do whatever your master says, and never exceed the distance.”


“You are sensible.” Chong Heng snorted coldly, but when he thought of the master who had to go to the imperial study to show his face on behalf of Wang Dian, he fell into a little confusion again.


In the imperial study, Liang Ye watched the stick of incense before the table finally burnt out, then he breathed a sigh of relief without a trace, “The palace gate will be locked soon, Imperial Preceptor Wen, please go back.”


Wen Zong stood up and saluted him, saying, “Before leaving, this subject has one more thing to say to His Majesty.”


“Speak.” Liang Ye stood behind the table with his hands clasped behind his back, wishing he could knock open his head with a paperweight to see inside why he had so much to say.


“Your Majesty is now twenty-six, but the harem is still empty—”


“Let’s discuss this matter again.” Liang Ye impatiently interrupted his words, and said in earnest, “Could it be that the Imperial Preceptor really wants to become Eastern Chen’s son-in-law?” (TL: served as the emperor’s close servant and managed the horses that pulled the auxiliary chariot)


Wen Zong choked and almost fainted because of him, yet he still firmly stabilized his figure, “The day before yesterday, it had been circulated among the court and the public causing uproar. It was said that Your Majesty spent a long time bathing in the pool with a good-looking man, and their behavior was very intimate. Your Majesty, the precedent Da’an subjugation will become close at hand. It was because of the emperor’s doting on a male concubine that led to the downfall of the country and his family. Your Majesty, now that you have the intention to revive the imperial court, you must never indulge in a male lover and abandon all your efforts!”


“……” The veins on Liang Ye’s forehead throbbed, but it was hard to refute the matter of taking a bath together, thus he just gritted his teeth and said, “Zhen is not homosexual.”


Wen Zong looked at him from top to bottom, and his eyes gradually changed from doubtful to “His Majesty is young and unrestrained and wants to try new things, but it is normal that he will soon find it boring, this old minister can now be rest assured“. The heart of the elderly was comforted. “Your Majesty is wise.”


Liang Ye didn’t want to stay with this white-bearded old man for a moment, and left without waiting for him to retire.


Wen Zong looked at his back, with more doubts in his heart.




Wang Dian was sleepy from reading, and didn’t know when he leaned on the couch and fell asleep, until he felt a burning breath on his neck, and instantly opened his eyes with a start.


Immediately afterwards, he met Liang Ye’s dark eyes.


Although this face was his own, and he had seen it countless times since he was a child, yet there was always an indescribable strangeness and oppression when placed on Liang Ye’s body, it’s just that it was also mixed with innate familiarity and intimacy. When pieced together, it finally merged into a strange and awkward feeling.


Liang Ye supported himself using the backrest with one hand, leaned over and trapped him between the couch and himself, staring at him gloomily, “Now everyone outside is saying that Zhen is pampering on a man, not only bathing with him intimately, but also making love with him day and night, licentious and disregarding court affairs.”


Wang Dian was still a little bit dazed, but quickly realized, “This kind of rumor is either spread by the Grand Empress Dowager or the Empress Dowager. The ruler of a country not only has no harem, but also pampers a man. Not to mention the court, but when it gets bigger, the rumor will rise from all directions and shake public opinion, making it extremely unfavorable to you.”


Liang Ye narrowed his eyes.


Wang Dian’s mind was spinning quickly, “In public opinion war, the fight is about who gets the news faster. They say it’s pampering a male lover, then we can say that the monarch and his ministers get along with each other. Drinking wine and chatting merrily while bathing together, sharing the same  bed with the like-minded, afterwards you can take two concubines into the palace, and the rumors will naturally be dispelled.”


The more he talked, the more he felt that it was feasible, “And you can also use this matter to investigate all the eunuchs and maids under you, and eliminate those around—what are you doing!?”


Wang Dian watched helplessly as he stepped onto the couch with his long legs, then squeezed him outward, stretched out his hand and pulled him into his arms, buried his head in the hollow of his neck and took a deep breath.


To be perverted is to be more perverted.


“Zhen went to the imperial study for you, and listened to the old man rambling for two hours,” Liang Ye said very dissatisfied, “And in order to save your reputation from being damaged, surprisingly, you even gloated and proposed devious schemes to Zhen. It can be said that the intentions are sinister.”


“How did I propose devious schemes?” Wang Dian struggled to get free for a moment, and just as he sat up, the other restrained his neck and pressed him back. He didn’t have much strength originally, thus he just simply let it be, pillowed on his arm, and said, “It’s not a solution for us to appear together at the same time. It’s better to fabricate a new identity. When one shows up, the other would appear in disguise, saying that it was a brought in hermit staff, exactly enough to debunk the rumor that you are a homosexual.”


“Not good.” Liang Ye’s paws caused trouble and pulled at his hair, “Since they dare to say that Zhen is fond of homosexuals, Zhen will just make this rumor true and make you a concubine tomorrow, no, Zhen will confer you the empress.”


Wang Dian was so shocked that it took him a long time to recover his voice, “Do you have a hole in your head!?”


Liang Ye touched the little Gu worm that swam behind his ear, and the more he talked, the more excited he became, “This way, even if you have a wife, it’ll be useless, and you will never thought of running away from Zhen’s palm, servant—”


Wang Dian covered his mouth with his hand, then someone outside responded, “What is Your Majesty’s instructions?”


“Everyone step down.” Wang Dian said sharply, “No one is allowed inside.”


The people outside all awkwardly retreated and went out.


Liang Ye lifted his palm away and stared at him with a half a smile on his face, “Not even satisfied with an empress’ position, truly insatiable.”


“Now is not the time to mess around.” Wang Dian lowered his voice and said, “Not all the ministers in the inner court are loyal to the Grand Empress Dowager. Before, it was nothing more than a comparison between you and the Grand Empress Dowager. They chose the one that is more promising, but in reality, not only are you younger than her, but also have the title and your words carry weight. Now, as long as they realize that you have changed your ways, the balance in their hearts will naturally tilt towards you. At that time, our side will provide more favorable conditions and won’t have to worry about them switching sides. Since ancient times, the harem has been a major tool for manipulating the previous dynasties, if you take this opportunity to marry the daughters of some important ministers…”


He was so thorough in his analysis that he didn’t hear Liang Ye’s voice for a while. Doubtfully turning around, as a result, he saw him staring eagerly at his own ears, and quietly asked, “Wang Dian, Zhen wants to have a taste of your ear.”


Wang Dian was at a loss for a moment, “What ear?”


Before his voice died away, Liang Ye leaned forward and bit his earlobe. The piece of soft flesh was lightly ground twice between his lips and teeth, and a tingling electric shock went from the tailbone to the top of the skull, causing Wang Dian to subconsciously grab his arm.


“Doesn’t smell either.” Liang Ye licked his lips, and his aggressive eyes lingered on him, “Why the hell are you so fragrant?”


While speaking, he stretched out his hand and flicked his earlobe, which was so red that it almost dripped with blood, “Hm?”


The calmness that Wang Dian had tried so hard to pile up completely collapsed. He grabbed Liang Ye’s collar, threw him on the backrest and said in a cold voice, “Can you listen carefully when I’m speaking! Are your ears just for display? Can’t you understand human speech!? You want to be killed by that old woman, but I still want to live!”


Liang Ye was taken aback by his roar.


“You and I are both big men, yet every day it’s that fragrant sh*t!” He irritably tugged his collar, pulled Liang Ye’s hair and forced him to look up, “Come, smell! You fucking smell it! Which of mine is fragrant and I’ll cut the meat for you! Smell!”


He pulled so hard that Liang Ye’s nose accidentally hit his collarbone, causing his nose to sore and ache. Although he was very tempted by Wang Dian’s proposal, he couldn’t smell anything right now, which was a pity.


“It’s quite fragrant.” Liang Ye raised his head with a smile, rubbed his sore nose, reached out and poked him in the face, and said in a good voice, “Don’t be angry.”


Wang Dian stared at him with a cold face.


Liang Ye blinked and said with a smile, “Zhen heard it all, you can do whatever you want, didn’t Zhen say you can do as you please?”


Wang Dian’s ‘had run away 300 miles rationality’ reluctantly returned to the cage, then followed by being a little bit surprised, as the person didn’t go crazy and didn’t use the Gu worm, still, he nevertheless had the habit of accepting the situation as long as it’s favorable to him, “I will discuss the specifics with Imperial Preceptor Wen.”


Liang Ye stretched out his hand and recaptured the man back into his arms, rubbed his cheek with the tip of his nose, and said lazily, “Zhen won’t bite your ear next time, why bother losing temper like this, it scares people to death.”


Wang Dian was not completely perplexed by his current appearance, and simply pushed his face away in disgust, “I’m going to sleep.”


Liang Ye closed his eyes and let out a hum.


“Let go.” Wang Dian patted his arm.


Liang Ye opened his eyes impatiently, “You promised to sleep with Zhen every night.”


“The premise is that you review the memorials.” Wang Dian looked at him with a smile on his face, “Did you review them today?”


Liang Ye’s eyes drifted away slowly, but his arms hugged him even tighter, “Zhen—”


“A monarch should mean what he says, if you cheat, then this agreement will be void.” Wang Dian threw away his arms and got up from the couch, and said with a smile, “I’m going back to the study first.”


After speaking, he walked away.


Leaning on the couch, Liang Ye stared at the closed palace door, and licked his canine teeth vigorously. The bloody smell filled his mouth, accompanied by a faint tingling pain.


“Master, will you really listen to him on accepting a concubine?” Chong Heng asked worriedly. 


Liang Ye collapsed on the couch, turned over face up and pillowed his arms, and came face to face with Chong Heng who was hanging upside down on the beam, “Step aside, Zhen don’t want to see you.”


Chong Heng moved aside and ensured that he was out of his line of sight, and asked persistently, “Master, will you really accept a concubine?”


“Go find some picture albums for Zhen.” Liang Ye leaned on his arms and crossed his legs, saying, “Zhen wants to take a look, how the hell a man and another man make love every day. Wen Zong, this old man doesn’t pay attention, and only has serious things in his mind every day.”


Chong Heng almost fell off the beam, and hugged the pillar next to him, “This is not very good.”


“Zhen will just take a look, not really a homosexual.” Liang Ye snorted lightly, “Go quickly.”


“Yes.” Chong Heng remembered that his own master was holding Wang Dian from top to bottom, and conveniently gnawing and biting just now. His small face suddenly turned red, and shook his head vigorously.


No, if Master says no, then he is definitely not.


It must be his eyes that have a problem.



  1. LiquidCeil says:


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