“My father was Wang Si, and I am his eighth daughter, Wang Xusui.”
Wang Dian looked at the name in the letter and found it familiar. He vaguely remembered seeing it in history books. “Who was Wang Si?”
Liang Ye narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment. “He was a powerful noble minister during Liang Cong’s time. He was executed along with his entire family for forming political factions. From that time on, Liang Cong wanted to reduce the power of noble families, and the Wang family was among the first to suffer this misfortune.”
Liang Ye’s grandfather, Emperor Liang Cong Huixian, was a controversial monarch. As crown prince and in his early reign, he was diligent and wise. Under his leadership, Northern Liang’s economy and military reached their peak. The country was prosperous and powerful, and Northern Liang even had the ambition and strength to unify the four countries. He astutely recognized the threat noble families posed to imperial power and began to suppress them. The Wang family, the most powerful of the four great noble families at the time, was made an example of.
However, in the middle and later periods of Liang Cong’s reign, he suddenly began spending time in his harem and became obsessed with Buddhist and Taoist practices seeking immortality. By the later period, Cui Yuxian and the Cui and Jian families behind her held great power. They watched as Cui Yuxian gave the Huadong Prefecture to Eastern Chen. From then on, Northern Liang rapidly declined from its peak. The imperial in-laws interfered in politics, noble families became too powerful, and Liang Cong himself died in his harem from consuming too many elixirs. Cui Yuxian began to hold absolute power and supported Liang Hua, the least prominent among Liang Cong’s many sons, to ascend to the throne.
Wang Dian quickly recalled and frowned. “Of the four great noble families – Cui, Wang, Yan, and Bian – only the Cui family remained. The Wang family was executed entirely, and the Yan and Bian families declined from that time. By the time Liang Ye ascended to the throne, the Yan and Bian families had few descendants left and were no longer counted among the noble families.”
“Who knows what those old fellows did,” Liang Ye seemed to look down on Liang Cong, and naturally didn’t like Liang Hua either.
Wang Dian lowered his eyes to read the next part of the letter, raising his eyebrows in some surprise.
As Wang Si’s most beloved youngest daughter, Wang Xusui was betrothed to Bian Rufeng, the son of the Bian family, at an early age. When the Wang family was condemned and executed, Wang Si secretly entrusted the young Wang Xusui to his good friend Bian Cang.
Bian Xin, Bian Rufeng, and Wang Xusui were of similar age and grew up together in the Bian household. Although Wang Xusui was an orphan, Bian Cang and his wife treated her extremely well, no different from their own daughter. She was naturally lively and adventurous, and brave. She often dressed as a boy with Bian Xin and followed Bian Rufeng to practice martial arts and study. She even wanted to take the imperial examinations with Bian Rufeng, but was stopped by Bian Cang.
It was clear she very much enjoyed her youthful time at the Bian residence, as she wrote extensively about it. Her writing style carried a lively and joyful tone. She frequently praised Bian Xin and Bian Rufeng. These twins were intelligent and quick-witted. Both loved reading and writing – the sister was cheerful and outgoing, while the brother was gentle and modest. Like their father, they cared about the world. Since Wang Xusui and Bian Rufeng were already betrothed, they naturally were well-matched, just waiting for Bian Rufeng to pass the imperial examinations before getting married.
At this point, Wang Dian looked up at Liang Ye. Liang Ye’s eyes showed no emotion, but his brows were furrowed even deeper as he continued reading.
But before Bian Rufeng could take the examination, during the Lantern Festival, Emperor Huixian Liang Cong suddenly summoned Bian Xin and Bian Rufeng to the palace for an imperial audience. The seventeen-year-old Wang Xusui waited for them to return to watch the lantern festival, but only received news of their deaths. No matter how much she questioned Bian Cang, he refused to speak of it. That night, Bian Cang’s wife hanged herself in her room.
Since Bian Cang wouldn’t tell her, Wang Xusui investigated on her own. However, before she could uncover anything, Bian Cang found her and asked if she would help him seek revenge, though he didn’t say against whom.
Wang Xusui didn’t refuse. She dressed as a man, took up a spear, and assumed Bian Rufeng’s identity to go to the northern frontier. She achieved great military accomplishments and, after seven years of hardship, gradually came to understand some things. For instance, seven years ago Liang Cong had been near death, but after Bian Rufeng and Bian Xin entered the palace, he mysteriously recovered. However, within three years, Liang Cong’s health declined sharply again, while Bian Cang’s relationship with Empress Dowager Cui suddenly became close. Soon after, Liang Cong died, and the new emperor Liang Hua ascended to the throne.
Four years after Liang Hua’s ascension, he gradually revealed his ambitions, arousing Cui Yuxian’s suspicion. At the celebratory banquet after returning to the palace, she was identified as Bian Xin by Bian Xin’s former personal maid. With her female identity exposed and multiple factions vying for power, it was beyond her control. So, under Bian Xin’s identity, she removed her armor and entered the palace as Liang Hua’s empress.
“Liang Hua was cunning and treacherous, with deep schemes and extremely skilled at deception,” Wang Xusui clearly had no good feelings toward Liang Hua at first, and was even quite wary of him. “I wanted to take his life but was deceived several times.”
Initially, under Bian Cang’s instructions, she was to kill Liang Hua first, then Cui Yuxian. However, Liang Hua was crafty and devious. Wang Xusui’s several assassination attempts failed, and instead she was frustrated by his schemes.
Wang Dian couldn’t help but glance at Liang Ye.
Liang Ye looked back at him nonchalantly and said solemnly, “Zhen is virtuous and gentle, caring and considerate, not at all like Liang Hua.”
Wang Dian reached out to touch his chest.
“What are you doing?” Liang Ye’s eyebrows twitched slightly.
“I’m checking if your conscience hurts when you say that,” Wang Dian said seriously.
“Heh.” Liang Ye gave a cold laugh and grabbed his hand, tucking it into his own sleeve.
The tone of the letter gradually became heavier, and Wang Xusui seemed to have omitted many details. Her evaluation of Liang Hua suddenly changed.
“However, Liang Hua cared for the world, and everything he did benefited the common people. I fought on the frontier for seven years and saw countless refugees and disaster victims. I used to think it was the emperor’s incompetence that made Great Liang like this, but now I see I was greatly mistaken.
My soldiers died in the desert sands and their bones lay on the frontier so that the people behind could live in peace and prosperity. If Liang Hua could ensure the frontier soldiers had no worries about their families, if he could make the common people live better lives, why should I kill him?
But Liang Cong killed my father, killed Bian Rufeng and Bian Xin, and it’s hard for me to say I’m helping his son. Not hating him is already being magnanimous… That day when we spoke openly, we fought from the council hall to the imperial kitchen. He cursed his father as a bastard, and I cursed him and his father, along with eighteen generations of Liang ancestors – except for you, son, as you were still in my belly at the time. Thanks to your mother’s good martial arts skills that could beat him until he begged for mercy, otherwise that bastard would have kicked you away with one foot…”
Wang Dian gave a dry laugh. “Your parents were both people of strong character.”
“……” Liang Ye’s mouth twitched.
Liang Hua and Wang Xusui reached some kind of cooperative relationship. They initially wanted to bring down Cui Yuxian and the Cui and Jian families behind her, even risking using the hidden forces of the Tan family and Bian Cang. Wang Xusui existed like a double agent moving between various power factions. The two of them, isolated and without support, actually created such a massive underground force as the Dark Division and raised a considerable number of private soldiers.
Unfortunately, heaven did not favor their plans. Just as they were about to succeed, Bian Cang discovered Wang Xusui’s betrayal. Greatly angered, he switched sides to Cui Yuxian at the critical moment. The two failed in their endeavor, but fortunately they had left Liang Ye as a backup plan. In the end, even though Liang Hua and Wang Xusui died, they forced Cui Yuxian to make the only remaining Liang Ye emperor.
On the last page, the letter writer was clearly exhausted, as the handwriting became floating and rough.
“To this day I have not discovered why Rufeng and Bian Xin died. Cui Yuxian might know something but keeps silent. Bian Cang’s ambitions run deep. Liang Hua and I guess the people behind him are related to what Liang Cong did. You can inquire with old members of the Cui family. Please investigate thoroughly.”
“I, Wang Xusui, in this life, have failed my parents who gave me life, failed the Bian couple who raised me, failed Rufeng and Xin who accompanied me in youth, failed Liang Hua who loved me deeply, and most of all failed my son, who from birth must deal with evil spirits and fierce tigers.”
“If son sees this letter, you must be wary of Bian Cang. When necessary, kill him quickly and remember to eliminate the root of the problem.”
“Also, that pair of little tortoises is for you. If your father and I have time, we’ll bless you from the underworld. Remember to burn more spirit money.”
The last part was written in connected strokes, even missing a dot, showing she was indeed very busy.
After reading this letter, Wang Dian felt mixed emotions, and finally asked a very irrelevant question, “Did you burn spirit money for them?”
“No,” Liang Ye said with a straight face. “When people die, they’re like extinguished lamps. Dead is dead.”
“…That makes sense.” Wang Dian put the letter away and tucked it into his sleeve, “But let’s burn some this year anyway, and send my regards too.”
“How to send regards?” Liang Ye stood up, pulling him up as well.
“Just say, father mother, I’m married,” Wang Dian turned to pick up two tokens and a large bunch of keys from the table, and said seriously, “My husband treats me extremely well, you two can rest assured over there.”
Liang Ye clicked his tongue. “Husband?”
“Yes, here,” Wang Dian answered with a smile.
“How dare you,” Liang Ye said this, but held his hand tightly, and after a long silence finally spoke slowly, “Her name was Wang Xusui, I only learned this today.”
Wang Dian squeezed his palm, “By that count, my mother-in-law and I share the same surname.”
Liang Ye couldn’t help but laugh.
Wang Dian watched as he cleared his throat, “Just now…..while flipping the peace pendant, I found a small thing.”
“Hmm?” Liang Ye walked forward holding his hand, clearly distracted thinking about other things, “There is indeed one old member of the Cui family still alive.”
Wang Dian suddenly stopped, pulling on his hand. Liang Ye turned back puzzled, only to see him kneeling on one knee before him, then said half surprised and half teasing, “Why does my beloved official perform such a grand gesture?”
Wang Dian took out a plain gold ring, calmly saying, “Nothing much, just suddenly wanted to propose marriage to Your Majesty.”
Liang Ye stood before him, one hand held by him, the other arrogantly behind his back, raised an eyebrow, “Propose marriage?”
Wang Dian felt inexplicably nervous, holding the ring and asking him, clearing his throat, “Liang Ye, will you marry me?”
Liang Ye pinched the oddly styled ring, “Do you have one?”
“…Yes.” Wang Dian very consciously added. “Exactly the same.”
Liang Ye nodded with satisfaction, “Then Zhen will perm–”
“Oh, what’s going on here?” A man’s amused voice suddenly sounded behind him, interrupting Liang Ye’s words.
Wang Dian frowned in displeasure and looked over to see a man in Taoist robes walking leisurely out from behind a shelf, his fox-like eyes examining them, revealing a somewhat uncomfortable smile.
Wang Dian lowered his eyes, clutching the ring in his palm as he stood up and brushed the dust off his clothes.
“Martial Uncle?” Liang Ye was quite surprised, “Why are you here?”
Xiao Chunhe watched as the extremely thin red thread that had formed between the two suddenly dispersed into red mist, and his smile deepened, “Naturally, because it’s time for me to come.”
There were parts that were confusing.
So Bian Rufeng was a man, and had a sister named Bian Xin.
Wang Xusui first pretended to be Bian Rufeng to go to the frontier.
Then coming back to the palace, she was identified as Bian Xin by Bian Xin’s former personal maid? Since the Bians are twins, and she was disguised as Bian Rufeng, the maid must have mistook her for Bian Xin because of her physique…or something must have happened to expose her gender..
Afterwards, should be what we already know “Bian Rufeng is a female general, married to Liang Hua and had a son named Liang Ye, the current emperor of Great Liang”.