Lan Ming Yue


This ghost house occupied quite a large area. After entering the door and passing through the back wall, there was a spacious and empty courtyard. The ground covered with green bricks was overgrown with weeds. Chong Heng used a fire fold to light the four corner lights, making the spider webs vaguely seen, which were blown to pieces by the wind, drifting on the ground half-dead.

“Master, I’m going to boil the water.” Chong Heng walked to the backyard with familiarity.

Wang Dian had first committed murder, but later was startled by Liang Ye, now, his face looked paler than a ghost. He followed Liang Ye into the door weakly, and slumped on the chair closest to him without moving.

When he closed his eyes, he saw the ferocious protruding eyeballs and cries of pain of those men in black after being shot by arrows. The sticky flesh and blood sticking to his body couldn’t be washed off. He never imagined that one day his hobby of archery, which he used to exercise his body, would be used to kill people.The moving targets in his memory were intertwined with the assassins in reality, emitting a frightened and piercing roar.


Wang Dian, you murderer!

Just wait, you will sit on the floor of the prison for so long that a hole will be drilled in it!

Your files will be stained indelibly!

Hiring a lawyer will not prevent you from being executed!

You will never get that piece of land in the east of the city!

Liang Ye lit the lamp, extinguished the fire fold in his hand, and walked up to Wang Dian with his hands behind his back, staring at his frowning face with interest.

Chong Heng appeared from behind him mysteriously, “Master, the water is ready.”

“Hm.” Liang Ye didn’t move, stared at Wang Dian and muttered to himself, “Is he having a nightmare? A mask can scare him like this?”

“Isn’t it because he killed someone for the first time?” Chong Heng felt that his reason was more reasonable.

“Impossible. There’s nothing to be afraid of killing people. If he doesn’t, the one who’s going to die will be him.” Liang Ye reached out and stroked his trembling eyelashes with his fingertips, sighing, “Hmm, how pitiful.”

But there was a weird and excited smile on his face, as if he was staring at something extremely interesting.

Chong Heng silently moved a little further away, the last time his master showed such an expression, none of the passing dogs in Piaoxue Villa was spared, and were ruthlessly slapped twice.

Wang Dian vaguely heard them talking while he was half asleep and half awake, but he couldn’t hear them clearly. It wasn’t until the entire person was submerged in the water, drowned in the mouth and nose and was suffocated alive.

He struggled upwards, grabbed the edge of the barrel, and gasped heavily with a big mouth through his wet hair.

Liang Ye seemed to have finished freshening up, and stood in front of the barrel in only a thin inner robe, looking at him with a smile, “Zhen helped you take off your dirty clothes, you don’t have to thank Zhen.”

Wang Dian raised his hand and wiped the water from his face. He was obviously looking at him, but he was also obviously lost in thought. Liang Ye was quite dissatisfied, “What are you thinking?”

“Thinking about the reason why the Empress Mother wanted to kill you.” Wang Dian forcefully suppressed the nausea of killing someone, raised his arms to rest on the edge of the barrel, and leaned back relaxedly, “You are her own son and the only one she can rely on. Even though she, the empress dowager, was forced to bend under the pressure of the grand empress dowager, there is no need to attack you either.”

Liang Ye raised his foot and hooked the stool on the table, sat down and laid face to face with him on the edge of the barrel, and said in high spirits, “Not entirely, for example, she is very disgusted with Zhen, though this biological son also can’t say for sure.”

“Why—” Wang Dian looked at his excited eyes that were about to catch fire and twitched the corners of his mouth, “there’s also a possibility.”

This person detests things that dogs detest, his own mother may have also found it an eyesore.

Liang Ye stared at the red spot on his neck, stretched his arms wanting to touch it, “This is a mosquito bite bump?”

Wang Dian slapped his troublesome hand away, grabbed the soap pod next to him to wash the bloodstains on his neck, “The empress mother was originally the Bian family daughter’s dowry maidservant, but there are very few records about the Bian family’s daughter, how much do you know about her?”

Liang Ye was still adamant on the red spot on his neck, laid on the edge of the barrel and reached out to sprinkle water on his face, “If you let Zhen touch it, Zhen will tell you at once.”

“…..” Wang Dian restrained his urge to curse, “Have you never been bitten by mosquitoes?”

“No.” Liang Ye said confidently. “You look exactly like Zhen, what’s wrong with Zhen touching you?”

Obviously, a perfectly normal thing, but when put in this guy’s mouth, the taste changes. Wang Dian tilted his head and exposed his neck, and said impatiently, “Hurry up and touch.”

A big man with so many things to do, if he is to be placed in his company, he will be fired on the first day!

Liang Ye raised his hand that was sprinkling water in the barrel, touched the little red bump on the side of his neck that was bitten by a mosquito, and asked seriously, “Itchy or not?”


Liang Ye’s fingertips were a little hot after being wet with water, with a hint of roughness. Wang Dian retreated to the side with some discomfort.

“Exposing your neck to others without warning, how the hell did you grow up so big?” Liang Ye, not yet fully satisfied, still wanted to touch it.

“We don’t have people stabbing and wiping necks every now and then.” Wang Dian grabbed his wrist in anger, “You’re done touching, quickly explain.”

Liang Ye flipped his wrist and took the opportunity to lightly pinch his Adam’s apple. Wang Dian swallowed a bit unconsciously, and abruptly backed up to avoid him, “Where are you touching!”

Liang Ye fetched some water, sprinkled it on his face, and said indifferently, “Zhen is also ticklish here.”

Wang Dian thought to himself: ‘This is not nonsense. Liang Ye is either his past life or him in a parallel world. It would be strange not to be afraid’.

“You and Zhen seem to be the same person.” Liang Ye propped up his head, continued to sprinkle water on his face, and said in a happy mood, “—you are not afraid of Zhen at all.”

Wang Dian couldn’t bear it anymore, and wanted to fetch a handful of water and pour it on his head, but to no avail. This fight relied on his own strength and quick reaction, his wrist was clasped, and was mercilessly mocked, “But you are lazier than Zhen, and have never learned any martial arts skills.”

Wang Dian was too lazy to argue with him, “Don’t say anything and just go out.”

Liang Ye let go of his hand, and laid down by the barrel again to watch him take a bath, “Zhen is thinking about where to start.”

Wang Dian frowned and wiped the blood on his arm in disgust, and reminded him, “For example, what is the relationship between the empress dowager and the current Bian family?”

“There is basically no communication on the surface. The Bian family thinks that she killed Bian Xin who was sent to the palace. Along with it, they are very dissatisfied with Zhen as well.” Liang Ye said aggrievedly, “Oftentimes when Zhen goes to court, Zhen will be scolded severely.”

“Is it not possible that you really owed a scolding?” Wang Dian, after speaking, realized that his mouth was too fast, and raised his head to look at Liang Ye.

Liang Ye smiled ominously at him and was about to straighten up. Wang Dian slapped him on the shoulder to make him continue to lie on the side of the barrel, and stiffly changed the subject, “Bian Cang is now a subordinate attendant, and Wen Zong, Cui Yun and several are also listed as prime ministers, however, the history of Bian family that worship martial arts has been passed down to Bian Cang’s generation. He has only one son and one daughter under his knee. His son Bian Rufeng died in the battle in his 26th year, and his daughter Bian Xin also married into the palace, which fell like jade, and withered like a flower, who has no heirs so far. He may be of use to you.” 

(t/n falling like jade, withering like a flower-a metaphor for the death of a young woman)

Liang Ye shook his head, “Bian Xin and Bian Rufeng are one person.”

Wang Dian was stunned, “–one person?”

“Bian Xin has been disguised as a man since she was a child. Later, she went to the Northwest to join the army and became a general. After being exposed, it was passed on to the old woman’s ear. With various forces competing below, she restored her identity as a daughter again and was forced to enter the palace.” Liang Ye’s drooping hand entered the barrel and lazily stirred the blood, “and then died.”

Wang Dian was silent for a moment, “Then Bian Cang should really hate the grand empress dowager and your royal family.”

A woman who is as courageous and daring as a man in the world who can fight on the battlefield, is forced to be trapped in the palace to have children to kill her fighting spirit, just thinking about it makes one feel aggrieved.

“This house used to be Bian Xin general’s mansion.” Liang Ye wearily patted the ground and yawned, “The old man with the white beard said that she can hold a seal of a commander-in-chief to protect the northwest of Great Liang from the Lou Fans for 30 years.”

Wang Dian was stunned for a while before realizing who the old man with the white beard he was talking about, and heartbrokenly said, “I heard that the imperial perceptor knows people quite well, General Bian Xin, it’s a pity.”

If Bian Xin was here, she would definitely be the backbone against the grand empress dowager and the Cui family, to no avail, she was trapped to death in the imperial residence early on……..He then suddenly reacted, “When Bian Xin’s identity was exposed, it couldn’t be the empress mother—”

Liang Ye pulled up the corners of his mouth and smiled, “Clever.”

“Then it is impossible for Bian Cang to join forces with us no matter what.” Wang Dian’s heart sank to the bottom of the valley immediately, “By the way, do you know Wei Wanlin—mmhmp!”

Liang Ye impatiently covered his mouth and said, “After finally coming out of the palace, can’t you just take a break?”

Wang Dian pulled his hand away, hating iron for not becoming steel, and said, “Your grandmother took power and controlled the court, and your mother wanted your life at every turn. Inner court and the outer court, it’s a mess inside and out, do you really not care at all?”

Liang Ye covered his ears irritably, and muttered, “You are very annoying, even more annoying than Wen Zong.”

Wang Dian stared at him for two seconds, “Then you get rid of the Gu worm on my body, and I will definitely disappear in front of your eyes immediately.”

Liang Ye said pleasantly, “Oh, that’s right, Zhen almost forgot that you still have the Gu worm on your body.”

“What?” Wang Dian suddenly felt a bit uneasy.

“Zhen will have a try—” Liang Ye raised his wrist and pressed the mother Gu under the skin.

“Wait!” Wang Dian grabbed his wrist and said sincerely, “Calm down!”

This guy didn’t mess around these few days because he forgot about the Gu worm thing!?

An excited smile appeared on Liang Ye’s face, and he grabbed his arm to see where the child Gu on his body was swimming. Wang Dian was both angry and anxious, grabbed his collar and pushed him down into the bath water.

Liang Ye didn’t expect him to be so bold, thus he was caught off guard, drowned in the water and choked on his saliva. Holding onto the other’s back neck and using his strength to lift him up, Wang Dian’s head suddenly fell heavily, and he was also submerged in the water.

“Master?” Chong Heng, who was guarding outside, heard the movement, pushed open the window, and saw the two of them were either naked or disheveled and were submerged in the water. After a moment of doubt, he silently closed the window again.

Wang Dian leaned against the barrel and coughed, while Liang Ye grabbed the side of the barrel with one hand and clasped the back of his neck with the other, then said with a gloomy expression, “Defying one’s superior and starting a rebellion, Zhen should teach you a lesson.”

“If you have the ability, kill me.” Wang Dian stared at him fiercely, “Just give a shout, I reckon I will lose.”

Liang Ye suddenly showed a bright smile, and rubbed the wet tip of his nose against his, “Zhen likes you just the way you are.”

The slightly cool nose tip touched his, and the warm breath was sprayed on his face. Wang Dian suddenly felt a chill, and stretched out his hand to push the person away.

Liang Ye caressed the back of his neck affectionately, “Let Zhen sleep in your arms overnight, or Zhen won’t let go of the Gu worm.”

“I refuse.” Wang Dian resolutely said.

Liang Ye was taken aback for a moment.

“The Gu worm is just a small pain. I can relieve it after two days of rest. I’m afraid your headache is much harder to bear than the pain of this Gu worm.” Wang Dian had already vaguely guessed that the smell on his body should be able to alleviate his headache. Now with what he said, it made him more certain.

The smile in Liang Ye’s eyes gradually became dangerous.

“Unless you promise to read the memorial with me every night.” Wang Dian said ruthlessly, “I will sleep with you every night.”

Just two big men sleeping next to each other, nothing more, but exchanging for a labor force like Liang Ye, it is a very cost-effective deal.

Except that this guy is a bit sticky, but it’s not a big deal.

Liang Ye greedily stared at his slightly reddish neck, and nodded happily, “Okay.”


  1. LiquidCeil says:


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