Lan Ming Yue

Ghost House

The dense shrubbery was roughly torn open by someone, revealing a hole that could barely accommodate a grown man to crawl through. The bricks and wall paint of the opening were uneven, blocked by messy dead woods, it was even unknown whether it was dog hair or cat hair that could be seen swaying above.

Chong Heng pulled the dead woods away with the scabbard.

There was even a smell of rotten or feces in front of the entrance of the hole, it was pitch black making Wang Dian unable to see clearly.

Now he was convinced that this place was a dog hole, and with this smell, it was estimated that no one would have the curiosity to come closer and explore the truth.

Wang Dian raised his head to look at the moon, then at the high wall, and said sincerely, “Is it really impossible to fly over?”

Rather than crawl this dog hole, he was willing to temporarily betray science.

“There are claws and hooks to climb over, but it’s hard carrying a big living person.” Chong Heng ruthlessly broke his fantasy, “And halfway through the climb, you will be discovered by the watchtower guards, making you a live target.”

Wang Dian turned to look at Liang Ye.

This lunatic rarely had such a heavy expression on his face. He lifted his front hem and tucked it into his belt, with the determination to die in his eyes.

“Wait.” Wang Dian tried to stop him, “Maybe we can find a remote place in the palace to hide.”

Liang Ye acted as if he did not hear him, just stared at the dog hole and muttered, “Zhen should have earnestly learned the skills from the Master.”

After saying the heart-wrenching words, he quickly crouched down, gritted his teeth, and crawled over while holding his breath.

Wang Dian was shocked and said, “He still has a master!?”

“Of course, Master’s master can even carry two people across with just a few steps.” Chong Heng said proudly, “An expert!”

Wang Dian glanced at the high wall again, and murmured, “That’s really high.”

After speaking, he gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, held his breath, and crawled out. On the way, he was bitten by something on his hand, his breath became chaotic, and he was almost sent away by the smell. (TL: almost died)

Chong Heng followed closely behind him and crawled out, turned his head inside and blocked it by the dead woods again, got up and pushed a stone to block the exposed hole.

Wang Dian looked at the large pile of rubble next to the palace wall, the stone blocking the entrance of the hole was inconspicuous. Here was a lush forest, and forest insects were chirping. While simply waiting for Chong Heng to move the stone for a while, he was bitten by a few mosquitoes on his neck and face that grew into large bumps.

Liang Ye tugged his inner garment and wiped his hands.

Wang Dian was taken aback by his shamelessness, “Why don’t you wipe it with your own clothes?”

“Too smelly.” Liang Ye looked disgusted.

Wang Dian was so angry that he wanted to beat him, grasped his wide hem and wiped his hands vigorously, and said in a fierce voice, “You know that it stinks too!”

Liang Ye wiped with the inner garment while trying to pull the hem out of his hands. The two of them, with one move, were unwilling to suffer losses, each side pulling forward and creating a lump.

Chong Heng looked at the two of them somewhat lost. Saying that it was a fight, yet his master had no intention of fighting at all, even Wang Dian was not actually doing it, but supposing that it was flirting, who the hell would flirt in the rotten mud in the dark?

Doesn’t it stink?

Wang Dian had been nesting in the palace since he passed through. In his shallow knowledge, the ancient capital should be noisy and lively, brightly lit, bustling with activity, with its own prosperous and flourishing age.

But then he looked at the quiet, pitch dark streets and old buildings, as if he had stepped into some haunted film set, and even the wind had become silent.

“Nobody?” He heard his footsteps, and his breathing became lighter.

“Curfew.” Liang Ye narrowed his eyes, “You don’t even know this?”

“Oh.” Wang Dian felt that he might have lost his mind by killing someone, and even forgot about the curfew.

“As far as Zhen knows, both Northern Liang, Southern Zhao and Eastern Chen have inherited the curfew system of the Da’an Dynasty.” Liang Ye looked at him with a little scrutiny, “You are so unfamiliar with the curfew, isn’t it annoying?”

“That, you still pay attention to your body, hair and skin received by the parents. You also have short hair like mine, isn’t it annoying?” Wang Dian didn’t show any weakness.

(t/n: From “Pay attention to your body, hair and skin received by the parents and dare not harm it”- the beginning of filial piety)

“How could the Master possibly be annoying!” Chong Heng was very protective of his master, and retorted loyally for Liang Ye, “Master shaved his head because he met a very handsome monk, thus wanted to see if himself having bald head will also be very—— “


Under Liang Ye’s cold gaze, Chong Heng silently closed his mouth.

“I understand, it’s narcissism.” Wang Dian held back a smile and walked forward, ignoring Liang Ye’s murderous eyes behind him.

“What is narcissism?” Chong Heng didn’t quite understand.

Liang Ye said firmly, “He is indeed not from the Central Plains.”

“Then Master, we must be more—” Before Chong Heng could finish speaking, he saw his master chasing after him, shamelessly trying to touch his neck, but was slapped away with disgust, nevertheless he persevered and got up from the ground.

“…on guard.” Chong Heng sighed wearily.

Wang Dian thought that following Liang Ye into the dog hole was already outrageous, but when he watched the master and servant prying open locks one by one, he felt that it was too early.

“What are you doing?” He lowered his voice and asked while squatting beside Liang Ye.

The thin iron hook in Liang Ye’s hand turned twice flexibly, and the heavy lock in his hand snapped open. Liang Ye then looked at him as if he was looking at a fool, “Prying a lock.”

“Isn’t that not very good?” Wang Dian’s shaky sense of morality was on the brink of death, he really wanted to grab Liang Ye’s collar and shake the water in his mind, “You are the emperor after all.”

Liang Ye threw the lock away, patted the dust on his hands, and said confidently, “This world belongs to Zhen, a house, heh.” (TL: or “This world belongs to Zhen, what is even a house or let alone a house)

Wang Dian: “……..”

Liang Ye walked inside with an imposing manner.

When Chong Heng passed by, he whispered to him, “Ghost house, abandoned by others and nobody wanted.”

Wang Dian’s condemning eyes instantly became indescribable.

Liang Ye, the emperor, is really a bit miserable.

Wang Dian was thinking like this, when suddenly a hand patted him on the shoulder from behind, he subconsciously turned his head, and halfway through his turn, he immediately remembered that both Liang Ye and Chong Heng had gone in, then…..who tapped him?

A cold wind whizzed past, and mist rose in the surrounding forest, the sound of Chong Heng’s footsteps gradually disappeared, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Suddenly, a mask with blue face and fangs suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, making his hairs explode and he screamed out, “Ah!”

“Hahahaha!” Liang Ye laughed wildly while holding the mask.

Wang Dian pointed at him with a pale face, and after a while he cursed angrily, “Are you sick?”

He, miserable? B*****it!



  1. LiquidCeil says:


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