Lan Ming Yue

Palace Walls

However, this meal was destined to be unnerving.

As soon as Wang Dian put on his inner garment, the sharp sound of piercing through air rushed straight towards him. Before he could even realize what was happening, he was thrown to the ground by Liang Ye.

The long arrow was nailed to the pillar, and its surroundings cracked like spider webs.

Before he could even catch his breath, the sound of piercing through the air came again from all directions.

With sharp eyes and agile hands, Liang Ye quickly pulled off the robe next to him and wrapped it around his head, pulling him towards the area behind him, “Hold on tight to Zhen!”

Wang Dian firmly grasped his belt, trying to pull the robe on the front, halfway through the pull, he suddenly realized that if the other party found that there were two identical emperors, it would be worse than assassination, thus he retracted and wrapped his head tightly and only showed his eyes to see the way.

Liang Ye drew a soft sword from his waist, barely blocked the menacing sharp arrow, and led Wang Dian all the way back to the inner hall.

The sound of tiles shattering came from the roof of the inner hall, then a flaming long arrow fell from the sky. Liang Ye kicked over a heavy case to block in front of him, brought Wang Dian behind the case, and gave him a few sleeve arrows, “Stay still!”

Wang Dian took it hastily, then immediately saw Liang Ye flew up, the soft sword glowing piercingly cold, blood was sprayed on the window paper continuously, and the smell of blood in the hall became increasingly intense.

The roof of the hall broke open, and countless men in black fell down. Wang Dian clenched the sleeve arrow in his hand, and hit the nearest assassin on the forehead. Red and white paste splashed all over his face. The fishy smell and heat completely enveloped his nasal cavity, causing his stomach to suddenly roll.

“Master!” Cheng Heng’s voice suddenly got closer.

Wang Dian’s hand holding the sleeve arrow was trembling slightly, but his mind was surprisingly calm. He almost used the fastest reaction speed in his life, and none of the eighteen poisoned sleeve arrows missed their target. For a while, no one dared to approach him.

A long knife was then shot out from someone’s hand and went straight to the center of his eyebrows, suddenly, a soft sword flew out across the air, knocking the long knife aside, in the next moment, Wang Dian was pulled up from behind the case, and with a “bang” sound, thick smoke filled the surrounding area.

Liang Ye’s speed was too fast, and he tried his best to barely keep up. During this period, he didn’t know whether he was carried by Liang Ye or Chong Heng a few times, leaping over walls or roofs. When they finally stopped, Wang Dian’s throat and eyes began to burn with pain.

Under the thin moonlight, and under the shadow of the swaying trees, three people were either sitting or standing.

Wang Dian endured it for a long time, but still couldn’t hold it back. The blood and flesh on the face and body exuded a foul odor everywhere, he turned around while supporting himself against a tree and vomited.

Chong Heng was slightly gasping for breath, holding his sword and listening vigilantly to the movement around him.

Liang Ye sat cross-legged on the ground, holding a handkerchief and slowly wiping the blood from the soft sword, “First time killing someone?”

Wang Dian’s face was pale and he didn’t respond.

Liang Ye wrapped the soft sword back around his waist, stood up on his knees, walked in front of him, and lowered his head to grab the sleeve arrow that was still tightly held in his hand.

Wang Dian’s arm was shaking, and his joints were pale from excessive force. He wanted to let go of it, but his whole hand seemed to be out of control, and felt numb.

It took Liang Ye some effort to pull the empty sleeve arrow out of his hand, and stared at him with a smile on his face, “Can also be regarded to have some skills, 18 arrows killed 18 people.”

The smell of blood was all over Liang Ye’s body, and that smiling face stained with blood was particularly terrifying under the moonlight. Although Wang Dian knew that he was definitely no better, he still subconsciously wanted to stay away from him. Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved his leg, he stumbled for a moment, and was quickly supported by the man opposite him with sharp eyes and agile hands.

Liang Ye half-supported and half-hugged him, imprisoning him in his arms, then reaching out to wipe the blood and dirt on his face. He looked at him as if he was looking at a dirty collection, and  the voice that permeated through the night exuded a chill, “Not clean anymore.”

Wang Dian leaned in his arms, trying to force himself to calm down, but he had been a law-abiding citizen for more than 20 years and suddenly killing so many people in one breath, it really challenged his nerves and bottom line. He tried to find the rationality of his actions, “Who tried to kill us?”

“Dead men.” Seeing his face getting dirty and dirty the more he wiped him, Liang Ye tore off the sleeves of his robe impatiently, continued to wipe him carefully with the clean sleeves of his inner garment, and even asked him with interest, “Guess who sent them?”

(t/n: Dead men or Men of Sacrifice)

“Grand Empress Dowager?” Wang Dian’s chaotic mind turned a little slowly, but he knew the answer to this question without even using his brain.

“That old thing isn’t so stupid.” Liang Ye sneered, pinched his chin and looked at him, after confirming that his face had been wiped clean by himself, only then did he let go of his hand in satisfaction.

Wang Dian went through things in his mind, and said in disbelief, “The Empress Mother?!”

“Hm.” Liang Ye reached out to wipe the blood on his neck again.

“Don’t wipe, it won’t be clean.” Wang Dian pushed his hand away, “Why did the Empress Mother kill you? What’s her motive?”

Liang Ye, who was pushed away by him, was very unhappy, and said with a heavy expression, “It all smells like blood.”

“Just wash it up later.” Wang Dian was still out of breath at the moment, he obviously went to the gym every day, but he couldn’t run past Liang Ye, let alone Liang Ye, he couldn’t even keep up with Chong Heng who had thin arms and legs. 

“It hasn’t been a day or two since Empress Mother tried to kill Zhen.” Liang Ye didn’t care, “It’s not safe in the palace tonight, go and move out.”

Wang Dian looked at the tens of meters high palace wall almost into the clouds, and felt that his world view had been refreshed again, “You’re also capable of flying out?”

Liang Ye hugged him and laughed loudly, the blood-stained corners of his eyes exuded a seductive crimson color in the night, with arrogance and an unruly look at the world. Just when Wang Dian thought he was about to take off, the smile in his eyes disappeared, and then he said in a heavy tone, “Drill a dog hole.”


  1. LiquidCeil says:


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