Lan Ming Yue

Hot Water Bathing Pool

There were gusts of chilly wind outside the cold palace, and sounds of footsteps gradually increased from far to near.

“Boss, this is…His Majesty’s place, he doesn’t like outsiders coming.”

The door of the Cold Palace was closed tightly, and a faint person’s figure loomed through. The leader hesitated, then suddenly saw the hall door opened. Emperor Liang stood at the door, scanned them with a mournful expression, then spit out impatiently from his throat, “Scram.”

“Your Majesty, pardon the offense!” The leader subconsciously took two steps back, waved his hand back, and more than a dozen people rushed out one after another.

“We are following the orders of the Grand Empress Dowager, boss, why are you afraid of him?” Some people were puzzled.

“…..simply a lunatic, we are the ones who’ll suffer from it…” The leader lowered his voice. “Go search elsewhere.”

“What if Quan Ning hides inside?”

“Then he should seek for his own blessings. Our Majesty kills people without batting an eyelid, just in time to help kill him.”

Wang Dian slammed the door shut, and turned to look at Quan Ning. Quan Ning’s eyes were rather playful, “Cui Yuxian has controlled Liang Country for many years, and the previous puppet emperor died early in less than ten years of his reign. Liang Ye has been in power for over a decade now, although a long-lived one, it’s not useful either, yet it seems that it’s not entirely the case at present.”

“It is said that the favor of saving life should be repaid by a spring.” Wang Dian ignored his words and pointed out directly, “I saved you, so you should repay me.”

(t/n: From “The grace of dripping water should be reciprocated by the spring.”- means that even if you receive a small favor from someone in a difficult time, you should repay it twice (in action) 

“That’s natural. I have been wandering the Jianghu for many years, pursuing to repay kindness with gratitude and revenge for revenge.” Quan Ning pulled a wolf’s fang from his neck and threw it to him.

There was still a red rope wrapped around the wolf’s fang, and strange lines could be vaguely seen under the moonlight, like some ancient characters or patterns.

“If you want to get rid of the Gu on your body, I can help you and the person who has the mother Gu in their body will undoubtedly die.” Quan Ning said, “It will take me three months to get the things I need to get rid of the Gu. Fifteen days later, after three months, I will come here to find you.”

Wang Dian clenched the wolf’s fang in his hand, “Good.”

Being able to dispel the Gu worm and Liang Ye at the same time, it’s like killing two birds with one stone.

When he came out of the Cold Palace, he looked at the unfamiliar palace road outside, only to realize that he didn’t know the way back – Liang Ye had dragged him from the roof and they jumped all the way.

Helpless, Wang Dian had no choice but to choose a path at random, thinking that he would meet a eunuch or a place maid and let them lead the way back to the imperial study. Unfortunately, heaven failed to fulfill man’s wish, before taking a few steps, he collided with Liang Ye and Chongheng behind him.

(t/n: From “Heaven fails to fulfill man’s wish, man fails to fulfill man’s heart”- God’s arrangement does not obey man’s wish, and the development of life does not obey man’s inner wish. It means that things do not develop according to their own ideas.)

“Hm?” Liang Ye sized him up with interest, and said with a smile, “It’s kind of interesting.”

Liang Ye’s playful expression now was exactly the same as when they first met, Wang Dian felt his stomach hurt when he saw it. “Why don’t you wait until tomorrow morning to come back.”

Liang Ye walked in front of him with his hands clasped behind his back, and like playing a prank on someone, he stretched out his hand and grabbed his cheek, “Mmm, it’s quite soft.”

Wang Dian slapped his hand away unceremoniously, and Liang Ye tilted his head and stared at the pendant on his ear, “What kind of ugly thing is this?”

“…..” Wang Dian almost lost his breath and died, took off the earring and slapped it into his hands, “Since you think it’s ugly, keep it well.”

Liang Ye held the gaudy earring in his hand and admired it for a while, then Chong Heng came up and said, “Master, Wang Dian has gone far away.”

“He’s quite interesting.” Liang Ye threw the pendant in his hand, “In the future, don’t urge Zhen to buy such ugly things, it’s shameful.”

Chong Heng twitched his lips, and said to himself—you clearly bought this at the Nanjiang Market after haggling with the owner for half an hour—but his master’s gaze was too righteous, thus he could only swallow his anger, “Yes.”

“How many bowls did Zhen drink?” Liang Ye asked again.

Chong Heng stretched out two fingers, “Originally, Master, you want to drink three bowls.”

“Drink three bowls, is Zhen crazy?” Liang Ye looked at him incredulously, “Why?”

“I don’t know.” Chong Heng shook his head, then pointed to Wang Dian who was standing at the fork of the road, “Master, he doesn’t know the way.”

Liang Ye immediately exclaimed with joy, “It’s good to not know the way, Zhen knows it.”

Wang Dian looked at the identical palace path in front of him, without even a sign on it, and was tangled in which way to go, when suddenly someone came over and grabbed his wrist, dragging him down the palace path on the left.

Liang Ye’s palm felt cold, Wang Dian, whether twitching or not, simply left him alone. This lunatic did things directly without careful consideration, and he was too lazy to argue with him. He lowered his voice and asked, “What did the Grand Empress Dowager called you to do?” 

Liang Ye lowered his head and rubbed the thin skin on the inside of his wrist, and as if with a thirst that was not quenched, leaned towards the tip of his nose and sniffed, “You put on a face powder? Zhen smelled that it’s not very similar.”

The veins on Wang Dian’s forehead were throbbing, “If you keep being so willingly controlled by her, then forever don’t talk.”

Liang Ye tilted his head and stared at him for a while, as if he was thinking, but also as if he was simply letting go, and smiled suddenly, “Zhen forgot.”

“Liang Ye, is it very interesting to play with people?” Wang Dian said in a deep voice.

Liang Ye squeezed his fingers, and there was a hint of genuine doubt in his mournful voice, “Did Zhen spoil you too much, making you pampered and arrogant, and be fierce like this.”

Cheng Heng, who was following behind, staggered and almost fell.

Wang Dian suspected that something was wrong with his ears.

Immediately afterwards, Liang Ye suddenly said, “The old woman asked that Baili something, to stay in Hexi and be a county magistrate.”

“You agreed?” Wang Dian immediately ignored his groping paws and let half of his body lean against his.

“Should, in return for silver.” Liang Ye lowered his head and leaned against his neck, “Mmm, this place smells the most fragrant.” 

Wang Dian pushed his head away and said sternly, “Baili Cheng’an has made great achievements in flood control this time. She sent people to assassinate him before, but failed. Although Baili Cheng’an is trapped by the epidemic, he will inevitably gain prominence when he returns. I originally intended to transfer him to the Ministry of Household to replace Xu Xiude. Nevertheless, it seems that, Baili Chengan’s endurance is greater than we imagined…..How much did the Grand Empress Dowager allocate to Hexi?”

“Didn’t listen carefully.” Liang Ye said righteously and confidently.

“It would’ve been better if I went.” Wang Dian became annoyed when he saw that he looked like a fool who didn’t care about anything, pushed him away and continued to move forward, “The authority of the county magistrate is too small, but it doesn’t matter which county it belongs to, Baili Cheng’an staying in Hexi County may not be a bad thing. Tonight, I will find Imperial Percptor Wen to discuss about it.” (TL: I’ll change Hexi Prefecture → Hexi County)

Liang Ye walked behind, stretched his arms and hooked Wang Dian’s belt with his index finger. Wang Dian was thinking about something, and being caught off guard, he almost vomited his stomach out.

“Zhen is hungry.” Liang Ye said lazily.

After he said this, Wang Dian remembered that he hadn’t eaten anything except the piece of cake he chewed at noon. The neglected hunger surged like a sea, but he still didn’t want to eat with Liang Ye.

“Go eat if hungry, I’ll go back to the study first.”

Liang Ye stared at him with an unhappy expression, and just when Wang Dian thought he was going to make trouble out of nothing, Liang Ye unexpectedly let him go, “Chong Heng, send him back.”

“Yes.” Chong Heng responded, and walked to the front to lead the way for Wang Dian.

Wang Dian felt something was wrong, turned to look at Liang Ye, but as a result, the place was already empty.

“What happened to him today?” Wang Dian wondered, “Did the Grand Empress Dowager embarrass him?”

“I don’t know, I was waiting outside the palace.” Chong Heng held his sword and said, “perhaps haven’t eaten enough.”

Wang Dian frowned, but didn’t ask any more questions.

When he returned to the study, Yun Fu and Yu Ying rushed to greet him. Yun Fu was a bit scared and trembling in fear at first, but when he saw Wang Dian raise his hand to ask for tea, he immediately relaxed, and asked cautiously while serving tea, “Your Majesty, what difficulties did you encounter today?”

“Why ask that suddenly?” Wang Dian took a sip of tea, his stomach increasingly becoming more empty.

“This slave saw that you are not in a good mood this morning.” Yun Fu apologized and said with a smile, “None of the servants were let to serve you personally.”

“It’s nothing.” Wang Dian took the wet handkerchief Yu Ying handed over to wipe his hands, “You two don’t need to be busy, it’s not yet morning, go back and rest.”

“This servant will wait for you to wash up and then go rest.” Yun Fu smiled like a white bun, revealing a silly but cute appearance, “Your Majesty, will you take a bath today?”

“Soak, tired today.” Wang Dian said to Yu Ying, “You go first, and tomorrow pick up the memorial of the Six Rates of the Eastern Palace and give it to Zhen.”

“Yes, this slave will now retire.” Yu Ying intimately stepped down.

Wang Dian was drowsy from soaking in the hot water bathing pool, and his stomach was extremely empty, fortunately Yun Fu brought him food, yet it didn’t lift his appetite even for a little bit.

He leaned his back against the wall of the bath and slowly closed his eyes in the warmth.

It would be great if Quan Ning could really help him get rid of Liang Ye, but he maintained a skeptical attitude towards the credibility of Quan Ning, there was also the Grand Empress Dowager Cui Yuxian, the BOSS in front of him, merely at the age of over fifty, she’s been in power in North Liang for nearly 40 years, the tentacles of power had spread all over the palace from former dynasty and the imperial harem, even major county government. At the same time, she had maintained close ties with that of the Eastern Chen. Trying to trim her wings, it would not be an overnight achievement……

But although it seemed difficult, it was not without hope either. At least Wen Zong, Cui Yun and others were those who strongly opposed her in power. There were also several generals who held military power who had not yet surrendered. Not all of them were as unlucky as Wei Wanlin, who had been deprived of military power and was taken away. Liang Ye had reigned for over a decade, yet why was there a delay in taking action?

Or was this person really an unfettered lunatic who didn’t care about this monstrous power at all—the water flow in the quiet hot water bathing poll changed slightly. Wang Dian abruptly opened his eyes, stared at the slightly rippling water surface, and his arms resting on the shore suddenly tightened.

A pale hand protruded from the misty water, like a horror trailer for some kind of ghost movie.

With a loud splash of water, a person emerged from the bottom of the water. Wang Dian almost instinctively kicked the person with his lifted foot.

The bony hand with distinct joints was still stained with water droplets, and it clasped the thin ankle firmly. The water droplets slowly slid down the protruding veins on the back of the hand, and dripped on the water surface, causing circles of ripples.

Standing in the water, Liang Ye tilted his head, his eyes lingered on the instep of his feet, followed his slender legs to look into the water, and clicked his tongue.

“What are you doing here?” Wang Dian couldn’t believe it. He didn’t fall asleep, let alone hear the sound of someone entering the water. Even if Liang Ye’s martial arts were good, he couldn’t be silent.

“Obviously Zhen came first.” Liang Ye was very dissatisfied, “Zhen is understanding, afraid you would be shy, thus went underwater. Who knew you’d delay and refuse to leave, you almost made Zhen suffocate in the water. What should be your crime?”

Wang Dian choked on his unreasonable logic, “I didn’t know you were here.”

“You know now.” Liang Ye twitched his brows slightly, and glanced into the water again.

No matter how rough nerve Wang Dian was, he still made him feel uneasy, “Let go!” (TL: are pure in thinking, and not many things can surprise them.)

 Liang Ye squeezed his ankle and leisurely said, “Wearing a red string bell will definitely look good.”

Look good you fucker!

Wang Dian’s other leg gave him a sharp kick on the stomach, forcing him to let go of his hand.

Liang Ye laughed loudly, “The birthmark on your buttocks is exactly the same as mine.”

Wang Dian dived a few feet away from him in the water, turned around and prepared to go ashore, “Leisurely soak on your own, I’m leaving.”

There was no movement behind him, he turned around, and there was no one in the dense mist. Just as he was confused, Liang Ye suddenly jumped out from in front of him, splashing water all over his face.

Wang Dian was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out.

Liang Ye was very close to him, looking at him with his wet hair on top of his head without blinking, his deep black eyes reflecting his hopeless face. “Zhen is hungry.”

“Hungry, then eat.” Wang Dian reached out and wiped the water from his face, controlling his impulse to hold this guy’s head and drown him.

“Zhen can’t eat alone.” Liang Ye reached out to touch the red mole on his solar plexus, but Wang Dian quickly dodged it.

Liang Ye narrowed his eyes.

“I’ll accompany you to eat.” Wang Dian finally gave in. Fearing that the grandpa would be unhappy, he lifted him up to see if there were any moles on their bodies that were on the same spot as the other.

Liang Ye hooked the corners of his lips, and then happily climbed onto the shore.

When Wang Dian looked up, he was caught off guard and saw something he shouldn’t have seen.

“Bigger than yours.” Liang Ye justified, “After all, your kidneys are not good.”

Wang Dian wanted to poke his eyes, took a deep breath and smiled, “Yes, how can I compare to you.”


  1. LiquidCeil says:


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