Lan Ming Yue


That night, a fast horse rushed out of the palace gates of the capital, heading straight south.

The next morning, the miserable Xu Xiude, with his big belly, looked at the noble young master Cui Qi sitting in a wheelchair, then at Wen Yu who was lost in the crowd, and desperately wanted to shave his head and become a monk like His Majesty.

What a diplomatic mission to Southern Zhao, it was more like taking these two to their deaths.

“Eunuch Yun Fu, I heard that His Majesty personally appointed a deputy envoy. Do you know where he is now?” Xu Xiude politely asked Yun Fu.

Yun Fu smiled and said, “Xu Daren, the deputy envoy has already set off on horseback. He’s gone ahead to scout the road for you all, so you can travel with peace of mind.”

Xu Xiude sighed deeply as he climbed into the carriage.

Yun Fu bowed to Cui Qi, “Cui Daren, the little young master is being cared for in the palace by this servant and Aunt Yu Ying. Please rest assured.”

“Thank you,” Cui Qi nodded.

Yun Fu exchanged a few pleasantries, then finally glanced inconspicuously at Wen Yu. The two exchanged a knowing look.

Five days later, in Shiyuan City, northwest of Southern Zhao.

Wang Dian dozed off leaning against the carriage, almost completely buried in his thick white fur cloak. Zhao Qi sat with his legs crossed, resting on a soft pillow while reading a folk storybook. He couldn’t help but ask, “Hey, how did you end up getting involved with Emperor Liang? He’s your own brother. Doesn’t your conscience hurt?”

“Mmm.” Wang Dian lazily lifted an eyelid, then closed it again weakly. “If you don’t have a conscience, it doesn’t hurt.”

“…Damn, that makes sense.” Zhao Qi’s eyes lit up as he threw the storybook onto the table. “What if I were to sleep with Lin Yuan—”

“Hiss.” Zhao Qi didn’t finish his sentence before he winced in pain, rubbing his cheek.

“Lin Yuan is of upright character and can’t tolerate any misconduct. You also have a strong sense of morality,” Wang Dian said. “I suggest you’d better take it slow and win his heart first. Don’t learn from me.”

“Why?” Zhao Qi felt a bit unconvinced.

“Because Liang Ye and I have no morals,” Wang Dian yawned, wrapping himself tighter. “You two care too much about face to make things too ugly.”

Incisive and straight to the point.

Zhao Qi was stunned for quite a while before admiringly saying, “This is the first time I’ve seen someone with such self-awareness.”

“You flatter me,” Wang Dian smiled with his eyes closed. After a pause, he said, “Once the matter in Shiyuan City is settled, I may need to leave early.”

“Are you afraid Emperor Liang will come after you?” Zhao Qi said seriously, “Zhen is, after all, the emperor of Zhao. Protecting you won’t be a problem. If Emperor Liang understands the bigger picture, he won’t openly challenge Zhen.”

“I appreciate Your Majesty’s kindness,” Wang Dian opened his eyes and thanked him sincerely. “But this is ultimately a private matter between Emperor Liang and me. I don’t want to put Your Majesty in a difficult position. Besides, we have a long future ahead. If I get the chance, I will visit the palace.”

Zhao Qi could indeed protect him without issue, but if Liang Ye went mad, he might challenge Zhao Qi. If the two rulers became too estranged, it wouldn’t be good. Wang Dian felt there was no need to be the cause of such trouble.

The year-end was approaching, and the court was on break. Liang Ye would definitely not miss this opportunity. The route Wang Dian took with Zhao Qi to Shiyuan City was too clear, but this concerned his future “cooperation” with Zhao Qi, so he had to come and take the risk.

Moreover, he might not be caught by Liang Ye. Wang Dian thought arrogantly that luck seemed to always be on his side.

“Very well,” Zhao Qi naturally understood the complexities involved. He could challenge Emperor Liang for the sake of his friend Wang Dian, but if Wang Dian didn’t need it, he was naturally happy to avoid the trouble.

After spending these days together, Wang Dian grew increasingly appreciative of Zhao Qi. Although he didn’t act like an emperor, being carefree and often foul-mouthed, he was pure-hearted and kind. He valued loyalty, emotions, and keeping his word. He also had strong empathy, genuinely cared for the people, and didn’t lack imperial wisdom or diligence. Wang Dian understood why proud people like Lin Yuan and Wen Liufang were willing to follow him.

He was a rare, virtuous ruler.

Thinking about his own impulsive and arrogant emperor who kept people on edge and seemed to go mad all day long, Wang Dian felt somewhat frustrated.

Look at others, then look at yourself! What a disgrace!

Wang Dian very much wanted to grab Liang Ye’s ear and make this rebellious and willful troublemaker learn a lesson, but he also felt that Liang Ye had indeed tried very hard. One couldn’t expect a vicious wolf to turn into a gentle deer…

He was thinking about these things absent-mindedly in his head when they soon arrived at their destination.

The snow-covered charitable cemetery was gloomy and cold. He and Zhao Qi sat in the carriage, listening to the occasional noises from underground, both lowering their eyes in silence.

(TL: “义庄” (yì zhuāng) refers to a charitable cemetary or benevolent burial house.

Historically, it was an institution or a facility set up by wealthy families or clans in China to provide burial services for the poor and members of their clan who could not afford proper funerals. In some cases, it also served as a place to temporarily store bodies before burial.)

“Lin Yuan took some people to the outskirts of the forest,” Zhao Qi said in a muffled voice. “He insists on the death of the little imperial uncle, but Zhen believes the little imperial uncle had no choice. The blame is not on him. If we really trace it back, it was my old man who gained the throne improperly—”

Wang Dian quickly covered his mouth and said in a low voice, “Your Majesty, be careful with your words.”

Who knew how many ears were perked up outside, and how many people with ulterior motives were inside.

Zhao Qi removed his hand and said glumly, “Being an emperor is really troublesome. If the little imperial uncle dies, I’ll have killed my own lifesaver.”

“In this world, there are always many unavoidable and helpless situations. If Your Majesty constrains yourself with these, in the end, you’ll only hurt yourself,” Wang Dian poured him a cup of tea. “From Minister Lin’s standpoint, what he’s doing isn’t wrong. From Your Majesty’s standpoint, it’s not wrong either. It all depends on how Ji Huai chooses. If he has no intention of rebelling, then he won’t have let down Your Majesty’s planning and efforts.”

Zhao Qi drank several sips of tea and said, “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have thought of such a peculiar method even if I racked my brains.”

Wang Dian humbly said, “It’s just that my brain isn’t quite normal. Your Majesty is being too modest.”

“You really are…” Zhao Qi held his tea and pointed at him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, “An extraordinary person, a wonderful person! If I were Emperor Liang, I would never let you leave, even if it killed me.”

Having such an advisor by one’s side was truly a great asset.

Wang Dian sincerely said, “That’s why it’s best not to have office romances, especially with the boss. Otherwise, it’s easy to be taken advantage of.”

Zhao Qi seemed to half understand, but still nodded in agreement, “That makes sense. Lin Yuan often tricks me, yet I can’t bear to do anything to him.”

The emperor’s carriage was warm and soundproof. Wang Dian dozed off for a while until a loud noise came from underground, and the carriage began to shake violently.

“What’s going on!?” Zhao Qi was startled and suddenly lifted the carriage curtain.

Wang Dian was awakened by the sudden rush of cold air. With sleepy eyes, he followed Zhao Qi out of the carriage. His boots sank into the thick snow, and he wanted nothing more than to curl up and stuff himself back into the carriage, but he still forced himself to walk with Zhao Qi towards the collapsed lake shore.

“Your Majesty, the tomb passage has been blown up and collapsed—Your Majesty, be careful!” The ground began to shake violently again, and the ground under their feet started to cave in. A group of people protected Zhao Qi as they retreated towards the carriage. Wang Dian was also pulled back, when suddenly he smelled a damp, moldy odor. He turned his head alertly and met Quan Ning’s familiar eyes.

“Do me a favor,” Quan Ning said in a low voice. “Remind Zhao Qi later that the Seventh Young Master Ji is buried in the third tomb passage. Tell him to have someone dig him out quickly.”

Wang Dian raised an eyebrow.

“In exchange, I met Emperor Liang outside the city. You’d better run quickly.” Quan Ning squeezed his slender, beautiful wrist hard. “Until we meet again, Wang Dian.”

After saying this, he silently disappeared in the chaos.

After the ground settled, Zhao Qi angrily ordered people to dig everywhere in the tomb passage, determined to unearth Ji Huai from underground. Wang Dian then timely reminded him. Zhao Qi skeptically sent people to dig, and sure enough, half an hour later, they dug out a barely breathing handsome young man from the mud.

Zhao Qi’s expression finally improved somewhat.

Wang Dian, having completed his task, hurriedly bid farewell to Zhao Qi.

Zhao Qi asked in surprise. “You’re leaving already? Zhen hasn’t given you a proper send-off yet.”

“There’s no need for such formalities between us.” Wang Dian smiled and cupped his hands towards him, “Your Majesty, I’ll take my leave now.”

“Zhen will have someone escort you,” Zhao Qi said, somewhat concerned.

“More people would only draw attention.” Wang Dian politely declined, saying, “Your Majesty needs manpower here urgently, so it’s not necessary.”

Zhao Qi had no choice but to give a few more words of advice and provide plenty of travel expenses, then watched as Wang Dian left the charitable cemetery on horseback alone.

After leaving the city, Chang Ying and Chang Li quickly rode up to him. Chang Ying asked, “Young Master, where are we heading?”

Quan Ning had left in a hurry and hadn’t given detailed instructions. Wang Dian wasn’t sure which direction Liang Ye would come from, and Liang Ye had arrived four or five days earlier than expected. He had indeed lost the initiative this time, but Wang Dian didn’t remain discouraged for long. He decisively said, “You two should no longer follow me.”

“Young Master!” Chang Ying and Chang Li were immediately alarmed.

Wang Dian calmly said, “The situation has changed suddenly, and we don’t have enough manpower. If you follow me, we’ll all be caught in one fell swoop. You two should split up. One go back to Shiyuan City, the other head north to Sanliang County in Yunshui Zhongzhou, then do as I say…”

Wang Dian carefully instructed the two on specific matters, and then the three of them dispersed in different directions. Wang Dian rode at full speed towards the mountains and forests outside Shiyuan City. The mountains there were continuous with complex roads, which would likely disperse more of Liang Ye’s manpower.

As the sky darkened, the wind in the forest grew increasingly biting, painfully stinging the face and making one irritable. Wang Dian tightened the cord of his cloak, striving to discern directions in the hazy darkness. He raised his whip, about to crack it, when suddenly the horse neighed and reared back violently.

As Wang Dian was thrown off, he caught a glimpse of a willow leaf dagger piercing the horse’s neck, reflecting a cold glint in the night, revealing a pair of gloomy, smiling eyes.

Then he fell into a cold embrace, instantly engulfed by a familiar and domineering presence.

Wang Dian didn’t even have time to see the other’s face clearly before he was gripped by the neck and slammed hard against a rough tree. He let out a muffled cough, and just as he was about to speak, he was fiercely and violently silenced with a kiss, as if the other wanted to devour him whole.

In the overwhelming suffocation, he probably instinctively responded, but survival instinct made him stomp hard on the other’s boot. Liang Ye momentarily winced in pain, giving him a brief chance to catch his breath. Lowering his head and panting roughly, Liang Ye kissed his neck and collarbone as if his life depended on it.

Wang Dian, feeling pain from the kisses, raised his hand to grab Liang Ye’s hair and called out unsteadily. “…Liang Ye, you—”

Before he could finish, a cold hand forcefully covered his mouth.

Wang Dian’s clothes were torn open, and the cold wind on his skin made him shiver involuntarily. However, Liang Ye again didn’t give him a chance to speak, only madly kissing every inch of skin on his body.

Struggling and resisting seemed to act as a catalyst for the enraged Liang Ye. He quickly found Wang Dian’s weak spot, forcing him to tremble several times.

“Wait…” As the hand moved away, Wang Dian finally had a chance to speak. However, Liang Ye’s hand was misbehaving under the cloak, and that cold ointment in an unspeakable place made him somewhat angry and embarrassed. He was even more exasperated that Liang Ye carried such a thing with him. Grabbing Liang Ye’s shoulders, he tried to calm himself down. “Liang Ye—”

Liang Ye leisurely moved his fingers, satisfied to feel Wang Dian’s body trembling. Then he heard Wang Dian say through gritted teeth. “…Not here.”

Not only was it in the middle of nowhere, but who knew how many secret guards Liang Ye had hidden in the darkness. It was truly indecent.

Liang Ye finally slowly raised his head. He leaned close to Wang Dian, his cool nose tip barely touching Wang Dian’s still warm skin. With a brilliant yet twisted smile on his face, just like when they first met, his voice full of malice, he said, “Zhen insists.”



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