Lan Ming Yue

Palace Maid

After the end of the court session, Wang Dian met Yu Ying in the study.

Yu Ying was born bright and charming, but there was a long scar that extended from under the left eye to the neck. It was scratched by the late emperor himself with a hairpin when he wanted to take her in. This strong temperament made her suffer a lot in the harem, but she still managed to climb up to the position of a female official with her skills.

Wang Dian saved her once while wandering in the imperial garden, and Yu Ying decided to repay him for saving her life. Wang Dian happened to be short of people, therefore she was asked to stay in the harem to inquire about some information.

But when Yu Ying handed in a clear and well-organized table, Wang Dian was still shocked, “This, you did this?”

“Answering to Your Majesty, this servant has seen Eunuch Yun Fu use it before, and thought it was simple and clear, thus boldly made a copy according to it, to make it convenient for His Majesty to look at.” Yu Ying replied with her head lowered, “This servant is stupid, Your Majesty, please pardon this servant’s offense. “

“Not bad.” Wang Dian glanced at it roughly, “Where are you currently on duty now?”

“This servant is in the Inner Palace Punishment Division, a maidservant in charge of sweeping.” Yu Ying replied.

Wang Dian glanced at the information in his hand again, “From today onwards, you will stay by Zhen’s side.”

Yu Ying raised her head in shock, while Yun Fu was greatly frightened, “Your Majesty, Your Majesty, do you want to take Yu Ying as your concubine?”

“Huh?” Wang Dian froze for a moment.

Yu Ying knelt down and fell to the ground with a thud, “Your Majesty, this servant’s appearance is disfigured, this servant fears that she’ll be unable to serve the emperor’s side. Begging His Majesty to recall the order!”

After speaking, she began kowtowing with a “thud” sound.

“That’s not what Zhen meant.” Wang Dian was taken aback by her agitated reaction, “Help her up, rise to your feet.”

Yun Fu quickly went forward and helped the person.

“What Zhen means is that you stay by Zhen’s side as a female court official.” Wang Dian shook the paper in his hand, “You should first follow Yun Fu and get acquainted with him.”

The material is well written, the ability to summarize information is strong, and the mind is clear. She’s very suitable to be an assistant.

Yu Ying was stunned by the sudden news, she knelt on the ground and stared at him blankly.

Yun Fu whispered beside her, “Thanks His Majesty first.”

“This servant Yu Ying…Thanks Your Majesty for the recognition!” Yu Ying kowtowed excitedly.

“Okay, don’t just kneel at every turn.” Wang Dian was still not used to them kowtowing always, especially every time he saw a group of old men kneeling down, he always felt that his life was being shortened because of being too favored, which made him want to kowtow to them in return.

Yun Fu and Yu Ying stood up, Wang Dian said, “Yun Fu will tell you the rest, about the salary and the specific things to do.”

Yun Fu hesitated a little, “Your Majesty, Yu Ying is a female official, should we let her be a Shuyuan Aunt?”

(t/n: Shuyuan-female official name, one of the female officials and it’s rank is higher than that of a Jiu Qing (the nine main official positions of the central government in the Qin and Han Dynasties, and it usually refers to the entire imperial court)

“It’s not to have civil and military skills, she’s completely capable of doing the things you do, teach her.” Wang Dian said, “Free up your hands and do other things for Zhen.”

Not being disliked by his immediate boss, Yun Fu immediately became happy again, “Yes.”

Yu Ying was a quick learner, and did things better neatly than Yun Fu, she was an upright person as well. Within two days, she had trained the unconvinced palace maids and eunuchs into obedience. Wang Dian felt that he had used the right person.

“Your Majesty, this servant has heard some rumors recently.” Yu Ying said while sorting out the memorials for him.

“What rumor?” Wang Dian looked at the memorial presented by Hexi County, with still furrowed brows.

After the flood, there was a sudden outbreak of plague, which killed nearly ten thousand people. Baili Cheng’an, who had originally planned to return to the capital, was also trapped inside.

“That, that Your Majesty can shape-shift, and come and go like a shadow.” Yu Ying whispered. “A little eunuch kept on proclaiming that he just saw you when he went to clean the bath in the sleeping chamber, and while carrying water and passing by the study, he saw you again. “

Wang Dian tightened the hand holding the memorial, and said with a sneer, “Ridiculous, Zhen doesn’t know spells, I’m afraid it’s just nonsense talk of being drowsy.”

“This servant thinks so too.” Yu Ying said with her head down, “This servant has already had their mouths blocked, if they dare to discuss this matter again, they will be sent to the Punishment Division.”

“En.” Wang Dian got up and said, “Zhen will go back to the sleeping chamber to rest tonight, you don’t have to wait upon Zhen, go back and rest.”

Yun Fu was not too rest assured and said, “This servant will still keep vigil for you.”

“No need, Chong Heng will keep watch.” Wang Dian stuffed the memorial he was holding into his sleeve, got up and left the study.

Sure enough, Chong Heng stood guard at the door of the sleeping chamber, and when he saw him coming, he asked suspiciously, “Master, when did you go out?”

Wang Dian was silent for two seconds.

Chong Heng reacted suddenly, and cautiously took a step forward to block him, “What do you want to do, fake?”

“I’m looking for Liang Ye.” Wang Dian said, “I have something to discuss with him.”

“Presumptuous, you dare to call the Master by his name.” Chong Heng wanted to draw his sword.

“Chong Heng, let him in.” Liang Ye’s voice came through the door.

Chong Heng put his sword back into its sheath and stepped aside.

Wang Dian clenched the memorial in his hand, reconsolidated his psychological line of defense, and pushed the door open.

Fortunately, this guy wasn’t taking a bath, or running around naked again.

Liang Ye was lazily leaning on the couch with his legs crossed, playing with a little blue bird in his hand, he raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw him come in, “What, miss Zhen?”

Wang Dian didn’t really want to get close to him, thus he deliberately chose a chair far away from him and sat down, “Come to discuss something with you.”

“Mmm, if you want to take in a concubine, feel free to do so.” Liang Ye let the little blue bird bounce on the back of his hand, and jokingly said, “Why must you wronged yourself and find a disfigured one, are you not afraid of having nightmares at night.”

Wang Dian frowned, “Yu Ying is astute and capable, she is an excellent female official, can you show her some respect?”

Liang Ye looked at him in disbelief, as if he had heard a big joke, “Zhen is the emperor, you asked the emperor to respect an unknown female official. Are you crazy?”

“I can’t persuade you to agree.” Wang Dian threw the memorial in his hand to him, “Look at this first.”

Liang Ye caught the memorial with one hand and flicked it casually. The folded paper was pulled long, and he propped his head up and glanced at it, “The embankment in Yun river in Hexi Prefecture broke, three counties were plagued by epidemic.”

Wang Dian asked, “What do you think should be done?”

Liang Ye threw the memorial away, stretched out his hand and scratched the little blue bird’s chin, “Hexi Prefecture is far away from the capital, the matter does not concern Zhen.”

Wang Dian suddenly felt sorry for the people of Liang Kingdom, “They are still your people after all, you just said that you are the emperor, but now you ignore them like this, don’t you feel ashamed?”

Liang Ye suddenly turned sideways, propped his head on one hand and smiled at him, “What are you, and you dare to teach Zhen a lesson, hm?”

There was a bit of anger in Wang Dian’s voice, “I think the existing inner court at present is a good thing, if Liang Kingdom really falls into the hands of someone like you, I’m afraid it might have long since been ruined.”

Liang Ye yawned slowly, pinching the little blue bird’s wings with downcast eyes, “Zhen is in a good mood today, and will not likely lower to your level, if you dare to talk to Zhen like that next time, Zhen will simply cut off your head to make a nest of it.”

Wang Dian said, “Baili Cheng’an was recommended by Imperial Perceptor Wen for disaster relief. The treasury of the outer court was almost emptied because of this. Now that there is a plague in Hexi Prefecture, there is not enough money and food. Moreover, Hexi Prefecture is adjacent to Southern Zhao. Once the situation cannot be controlled, Southern Zhao will likely take the opportunity to strike.”

Liang Ye lowered his eyelids and didn’t even snort. Wang Dian felt it was a bit strange, thinking that this lunatic was a little listless today, but he still continued, “Except for Baili Cheng’an’s assassination a few times at the beginning, there has been no movement in the inner court at present, which is unusual.” 

Wang Dian rubbed the handle of the chair, “Is there something wrong with Cui Shi, or is it that my abnormal behavior during this period has made her hesitant to act rashly for a moment…” (TL: Shi-form of address for a famous person (Cui is the surname of the empress dowager)

“Liang Ye, are you listening?” Wang Dian raised his head, he saw that he was still half asleep with his eyelids drooping, and knocked on the table grumpily.

“You’re annoying.” Liang Ye turned over again and lay on his back on the couch. The little blue bird was fluttering its feathers and bouncing around on his stomach. His voice was hoarse and lazy, “Compared to that old Imperial Perceptor, you’re long-winded, you are not the real emperor, why do you care so much?”

“You think I want to take care of it?” Wang Dian felt a toothache when he saw this boneless and lazy appearance. If his employees were like this, he would have hit him eight hundred times long ago. “Give me the antidote and let me go out of the palace. I promise that I will never appear in front of you again in this lifetime.”

Liang Ye closed his eyes and said, “You’re thinking beautifully. You are so interesting, Zhen hasn’t had enough fun yet.”

Wang Dian’s mouth twitched. Every time he communicated with Liang Ye, he could deeply understand what it meant to waste time. He went to the couch and bent down to pick up the memorial scattered on the floor.

“Zhen is actually a little curious. Before Zhen came back, you stayed in the palace for more than a month. Why didn’t you think about running away?” Liang Ye’s drooping arm from the couch, pressed the other end of the memorial on the ground, opened his eyes and turned his head to look at him.

Wang Dian stood by the couch, holding the other end of the memorial and looking down at him, the smoke from the incense burner was winding around and misty, for a moment, and the entire sleeping chamber was quiet that a needle dropping to the ground would be heard.

Liang Ye closed his eyes, and his voice was low as if talking in his sleep, “That sleeve arrow is exquisitely crafted and dexterous, you wanted to kill Zhen and facilitate a takeover.”

Wang Dian twitched the corner of his mouth.

Passing through was not a fun thing, the feudal society cannibalized people, the emperor was the most powerful person and influential in the world, rather than being bound by many constraints of this backward era, he would rather do the killing and seize the power. 

“Slightly inferior. I’m willing to gamble and admit defeat.” Wang Dian took the memorial back in his hand slowly, “My life is in your hands now, so it’s natural to let you live first.” (TL: WD meant his strategy or himself is slightly inferior)

Liang Ye closed his eyes and didn’t speak any more. His breathing was so shallow that it was almost imperceptible. Now that Wang Dian was closer, he realized that his face was frighteningly pale, and his temples were wet with cold sweat. There was something wrong with him.

No wonder it’s so quiet today.

“Liang Ye?” Wang Dian stretched out his hand to poke him, but before he could touch the corner of his clothes, his wrist was tightly clasped, causing his face to contort in pain. “Let go!”

The little blue bird was frightened, and it flapped its wings in panic and flew around the room.

The force on the wrist suddenly increased, Wang Dian was caught off guard and staggered forward, and his calf hit the couch. Liang Ye grabbed his belt and dragged him onto the couch, before he could react, long legs were on his legs, and an arm was wrapped around his waist to prevent him from moving, this whole movement was done in one go.

The re-scattered memorial fell between the two, and the thin sheet of paper simply blocked the other’s face. Wang Dian stared at the blurred handwriting on the paper because it was too close, and said, “What’s wrong with you again, let me up!”

The breath of Liang Ye’s laugh made the layer of thin paper flutter slightly, “You smell good, sleep with Zhen for a while.”

Wang Dian naturally refused, then he heard the other say leisurely, “If you don’t accompany Zhen, Zhen will let the worm on your body come out to play.”

Wang Dian’s struggling movements froze immediately, trying to reason with him, “I will have to discuss matters with Imperial Perceptor Wen later.”

“Won’t discuss.” Liang Ye said.

“I didn’t ask you to discuss!” Wang Dian was close to him, which felt awkward and weird. If there wasn’t a piece of paper between them, they would have long kissed each other, “You want to find someone to sleep with you, I will find them for you, both fragrant and foul-smelling ones.”

“Zhen doesn’t care about palace maids with disfigured appearance.” Liang Ye sneered, probably feeling that the piece of paper was in the way, he picked it up and threw it on the ground, nuzzled on his neck and took a deep breath, looking exactly like a hundred percent pervert.

Wang Dian’s scalp went numb, and his forehead was frighteningly cold, “Did you suddenly suffer from some serious illness?”

Half of Liang Ye’s body was pressed heavily against him, and his breathing became even and long. No matter how much Wang Dian shouted, he didn’t open his eyes.

Wang Dian stared at the face exactly like his own for a while as if looking in a mirror, then silently moved his eyes away.

When this lunatic calmed down, he’s barely half as handsome as him.

Handsome and compelling, but is annoying, has a bad reputation, and vexing at first sight.


  1. Star says:

    Hello, I really appreciate you taking the time to translate but I’d like to give a suggestion to not add as many translation notes aside from those official terms left in pinyin or specific chinese culture facts or why you made a translation choice. I think that having many tl notes is very distracting and a lot of them are also unnecessary like explaining some common chinese sayings as it can be easily inferred if you just read it. You also tend to clarify what’s happening in the text or who or what a character is referring to and I think readers can just figure that out themselves.

    1. BEE says:

      Yes, hello as well. To address that, it’s exactly as that, I feared that perhaps the readers won’t get it😅. There might be those who read it for the first time and won’t be able to understand it directly, but I’ll keep your suggestion in mind. Thank you very much🥰🥰🥰

  2. guide says:

    thank you for the chapter

  3. LiquidCeil says:

    <3 I really find the translation notes extremely helpful and I would get lost without them. There are a lot of characters and positions and I like being reminded. Please continue to do as you have been!

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