Sephiel slowly opened her eyes, recalling the scene she had seen before sleeping.
‘Where is this?’
The first thing that came into view was the face of an unfamiliar man.
Startled, Sephiel hiccupped.
“Are you okay?”
Sefiel thought for a long moment about who the man might be before speaking.
“Did you… get younger?”
At those words, Elton let out an “Ah,” and rummaged through his belongings.
“Do you recognize me now?”
Elton held a fake mustache to his nose.
‘A disguise?’
Elton lowered his mustache again.
When Elton removed the mustache again, the face revealed was not that of a middle-aged man but rather a delicate-looking young man in his early twenties.
“As you can see, I have a youthful appearance, so I only put on the disguise when meeting outside guests.”
Sephiel was left speechless.
‘More than that…….’
Sephiel slowly looked around.
Sephiel was now lying on a long chair. And then, memories surfaced—Mitara’s mother being attacked by a beast.
“Dwid she die?”
Sephiel asked without realizing it.
“Who are you talking about?”
“The pewson bwitten by the blvack crewature at the banquyet earwlier…” (The person bitten by the black creature at the banquet earlier)
Elton seemed to have just remembered it.
“Ah, you mean Baroness Shiron. No, she didn’t die. People can live even if they lose a limb. Haha.”
Baroness Shiron was Mihara’s mother.
Seeing Sephiel’s wide, startled eyes, Elton nodded knowingly.
“You’re surprised, aren’t you?”
“Yes, it is truly amazing. That someone who dared to speak against the young master….. survived.”
“In any other situation, Black would have surely finished her off. But perhaps there were too many people around, and Black got nervous. Black will be undergoing intense training.”
‘Hmm. That made sense.’
‘Even the servants here are crazy.’
Sephiel quickly grasped the situation.
“Is it always like that?”
“Does it….. just bwite peovple like that?” (just bite people like that)
“Oh, no. As long as they don’t rebel against the young master, no one will be hurt. The princess is especially precious, so don’t worry. Black would never attack a member of the ruling family.”
Elton said.
‘Okay, so as long as I don’t rebel against the young master, I won’t get bitten by a wild beast.’
Sephiel had spent her entire previous life being tormented by her family simply for being born.
So, a well-founded madness seemed more reasonable.
Sephiel carefully observed her surroundings.
“I…. passed, wight?” (I passed, right?)
“Yes, that’s right.”
Elton nodded without any hesitation.
‘Then is it okay for me to stay here?’
Sephiel’s heart pounded.
‘A dream of three meals a day…’
The sweet dream was right in front of her.
But Sephiel held back, recalling her past hardships.
‘I am evil and I am not fooled by small things.’
‘If I had asked them if I could eat three meals a day here, they might have treated me worse.’
‘The weaker your position, the quieter you should be. Honestly, even two meals a day would be enough.’
‘Because adults are kinder to children who have guardians to look after them.’
Sephiel had already prepared for the possibility of being treated worse than Mitara.
“There is only one final procedure left.”
The corners of her lips, which were about to smirk, lowered.
“Prowceduvre…?” (procedure?)
“Yes. I understand that Princess passed the bloodline test when Princess came in, but the way Princess came in here was a little suspicious, so our young master said that we must question you.”
“There are many who seek the dragon’s bloodline. If the princess were sent here under someone’s orders, that would be problematic. But don’t worry, it’s all just a formality. It will be over quickly.”
Elton added lightly, “As long as the princess has nothing to hide, of course!”
Sephiel tensed up a little, fiddling with her small hands.
“Then let’s do it right away.”
Elton clapped his hands together.
Sephiel flinched.
The door opened, and what crawled inside with a sly grin was the snake that Erga had been carrying around earlier.
“This snake’s name is Green. This snake has the ability to sense the truth.”
Elton said.
“If the person wrapped by this snake tells a lie, the snake will….”
“Bite them. Hard.”
Elton said without a change in expression.
Sephiel’s eyes widened.
“Don’t worry, the poison is injected in moderation. You won’t die instantly.”
‘So does that mean I’ll die slowly?’
‘It gets worse!’
A thick green body wrapped itself tightly around Sephiel’s body. The coldness of its scales made her shudder.
“Princess, think carefully. Did any adults send you here to do something bad?”
‘So basically, they were asking if someone was behind this.’
Sephiel quickly understood.
“Hmm, let’s put it this way—did you come here of your own will?”
Fortunately, it was an answer that Sephiel didn’t need to lie about.
“No one syent me! I… cawme becawuse I wantved to.” ( No one sent me! I came because I wanted to)
“Is there a particular reason?”
Sephiel hesitated anxiously.
Green opened its mouth. It was about to bite!
Sephiel squeezed her eyes shut and then quickly spoke.
“My famwily locvked me up and bweat me. Thvey said I was curvsed.…” (My family locked me up and beat me. They said I was cursed)
Elton’s movements were frozen.
Green was still wrapped around Sephiel’s body.
It was all true.
“So you came here alone?”
“The knight who was watching me helped me.”
The way she said it made it sound like Lotto was some noble hero.
“I see. So there is a knight who helped the princess escape.”
“Yes, I down’t know whvere he is now.” (Yes, I don’t know where he is now)
“Even knights of the lower ranks have loyalty.”
“Then..…Green will draw some blood for a final blood test.”
Green bit Sephiel lightly. Sephiel flinched.
Green released Sephiel. It slithered over to Elton, wrapping around his arm.
Green let out a low hiss, and Elton nodded.
“You certainly have the blood of the Allegro royal family in you. This is an important part, so I double-checked.”
“Okay, it’s over now.”
Elton said confidently.
Sephiel was dumbfounded.
“Yes. The verification process is complete. Now, enjoy some delicious food and get some rest.”
Elton said kindly.
“Is this reawlly the eynd?” ( Is this really the end?)
“Yes. Why?”
“…..Why down’t ywou ask any mwore queystions?” ( Why don’t you ask any more questions?)
“Ah. Have you received permission from your family? Is there a dowry? What are the wedding procedures and processes….Are you asking about such difficult things?”
“There is no need for a dowry, and the rest of the circumstances do not matter.”
Elton said softly.
Sephiel concentrated.
“Whatever the lower species’ royal family says, the young master won’t care. I was actually worried that no one would be chosen today. Haha, this turned out really well, didn’t it?”
“Oh. Was that explanation too difficult for the young princess? To put it simply…..”
“The Grand Duke of Remdragon is the strongest. That should put you at ease, right?”
At that moment, Sephiel’s thoughts were:
‘This family is the best.’
It wasn’t just a matter of borrowing a name.
Respect and admiration for the Remdragon family welled up inside Sephiel.
It didn’t matter if it was bluster or not.
The Allegro royal family had ruined Sephiel’s previous life.
It was the first time Sephiel had met someone who treated that family as nothing more than stray dogs on the street.
Before she realized it, Green had approached and tilted its head while looking at Sephiel.
“Ywou workved hard on the inspwevction.” (You worked hard on the inspection)
Sephiel hugged the snake tightly.
“Oh, ywou’re so petty. Ywou’re so kind. Ywou’re a capvable snawke.” (Oh, you’re so pretty. You’re so kind. You’re a capable snake)
For the first time, Sephiel realized that even a snake could make a bewildered expression.
‘Yes, my ability to switch sides is faster now.’
‘The snake on our side is a good snake. A kind snake.’
‘Loyalty, loyalty. I love you, Remdragon.’
Sephiel felt like raising both hands above her head to form a heart and spinning around in joy.
And then—
A fierce sound came from Sephiel’s stomach.
Elton, who had been dazed, chuckled and turned his head away.
“Please wait a moment.”
This time, Elton rang a bell. The door opened, and the maids entered.
“Escort the princess. She must be tired, so carry her to the annex.”
The maids spoke at the same time and smiled kindly.
“They seem kind.’
They looked almost identical, like twins. But one had blue eyes and the other had brown.
Sephiel made eye contact with them and then shyly lowered her gaze.
“Elton, should we address this person as ‘Princess’?”
Elton made an “umm” sound.
“No, she is now someone who will become the lady of the house and the young madam of the Grand Duke’s family.”
“But she hasn’t officially become the madam yet, so she’s not the young madam either.”
“In cases like this, we usually address them as ‘young lady’ or ‘miss’…”
“But she’s completely a baby, though?”
The two maids examined Sephiel carefully, exchanging thoughts.
“Then, let’s call her ‘Miss Baby.’”
“Yes, since she’s the smallest and only young lady in this house. Miss Baby.”
They nodded and spoke almost in unison.
Elton seemed satisfied too.
“Ah, that sounds good. For now, we’ll call her Miss Baby, and once her name is officially registered in the family records, she will become the madam.”
The maids spoke at the same time. Sephiel was dumbfounded.
She had never been called with such an endearing title before, so her cheeks felt hot.
The blue-eyed maid lifted Sephiel up and carried her to another maid.
Sephiel’s ears turned red.
‘But, is this the end?’
Sephiel suddenly came to her senses.
“Uhm, but….”
“Whyen am I gettving mavrried?” (When am I getting married?)
Sephiel lifted her head while being carried on the back of the maid.
Elton’s expression became strange.
“Do you want to marry our young master quickly?”
‘Of course!’
That was the only way to erase herself from that cursed family’s registry.
In both dreams and reality, Sephiel had only one wish—to escape from the Allegro family.
“Yeah, of cowurse.” (Yeah, of course)
“Why? Weren’t you afraid of our young master?”
Sephiel shivered at that moment as she thought of Erga.
He was terrifying.
Maybe he even instructed his servant to ask that question.
‘He might have been disappointed in me because I’m so ugly.’
White hair, red eyes.
She recalled the princes who had looked at her with disgust when she first saw a boy her age with such an ominous appearance.
“But….. he’s havndsyome.” (But, he’s handsome)
After much thought, Sephiel gave a slightly flattering answer.
“How did you know the young master was handsome before applying?”
Sephiel used her brain to the max and found an excuse without much difficulty.
“I hweard dragvons are prwetty, I liyke prwetty faces.” (I heard dragons are pretty, I like pretty faces)
It was an excuse that made her ears burn even after saying it, but Sephiel, who had decided to become evil, now shamelessly lied.
Elton covered his mouth with his hand, as if holding back something.
“I see. Our young master will surely be pleased to hear that.”
“No nveed to twell him…. He alwready knovws he’s hawndsyome.” (No need to tell him. He already know he’s handsome)
“Pfft. Yes, of course.”
As Elton nodded, the maid carrying Sephiel spoke.
“Then, I will take you to the annex.”
After finishing that answer, the maid began to move mercilessly, and Sephiel left the room.
And the one left behind—Elton…
“Pffft. Hahahah.”
“Be quiet.”
Elton approached the wall.
What looked like an ordinary wall slowly revealed its true form as Elton approached.
In fact, it wasn’t a wall, but a curtain disguised as a wall by magic.
As Elton removed the curtain, Erga appeared, sitting in a silk-covered chair, her arm resting on the armrest and her chin resting on it.
At his feet, a beast crouched silently, barely making a sound.
“Really, you chose well. Even though she’s a bit short. Haha. A really interesting person has come to be the bride of the Grand Duke’s family.”
“I told you to shut up.”
“But she said it was because of your looks. Wow. She has excellent taste for such a young child. Is a five-year-old already pushing for marriage? It seems she’s truly….”
“That kid just needs to lend her name. When I become an adult and the time comes, our family will leave this world.”
“So keep your mouth shut.”
Erga spoke cynically.
Elton, who had been laughing, slowly lowered his smirk.
“Then, Young master, what should we do with Miss Baby?”
“What do you mean?”
Erga replied.
“Follow Father’s orders.”
“Understood. I will keep her in the annex, separated from the main house.”
“Just make sure she gets plenty of food.”
“She looks like a little raccoon. She probably eats well.”
“Don’t just understand—go.”
Erga said.
“Work. Like a proper servant.”
Elton bowed respectfully.
* * *