Koibito wo Netorare, Yuusha Party kara Tsuihou sa Retakedo

The key to liberation - 2

“Why am I in [Qliphoth]…?”
I looked around in bewilderment.
Last time, I had a choice whether to come or not.
But this time it was completely sudden.
【It’s because your power has increased dramatically, Master】
Rakshasa replied with an alluring smile.
“What do you mean?”
【The deeper the [Darkness] — the easier it is for you to be drawn to this world. Of course, with your [Darkness] this dense now. Against your conscious will, you’ll be randomly pulled into [Qliphoth] like this】
“Randomly… I see.”
I didn’t quite understand, but it seemed my arrival in this world was some kind of accident.
“… I was in the middle of fighting Margo. Take me back quickly.”
I had vanished from there, meaning only Shia and Yurin were left facing Margo.
If it were just an ordinary opponent, Shia with her two skills [Severance] and [Acceleration], along with Yurin’s [Demon] abilities, would certainly overwhelm them.
However, Margo was, after all, a member of the party that defeated the Demon Lord Virgarodomus.
The two girls would likely struggle in a confrontation.
【I’m afraid you must go through certain steps to leave this world. Unlike entering, Master doesn’t yet have enough power to freely come and go】
“Then lead me to the exit.”
I said to Rakshasa, frustrated.
While I’m stuck here, there’s a high chance Shia and Yurin will be attacked by Margo.
I need to get back quickly–
【You’re quite worried about those two girls, aren’t you】
Rakshasa chuckled.
【Protecting them… or perhaps you’ve come to care for them】
“Hurry up.”
I’m in no mood for jokes right now.
【Rushing won’t help, anyway when you return it won’t be much later than when you arrived here】
Rakshasa tried to calm me.
【Have I ever lied to you? That’s also taboo for Singularities】
Rakshasa said, then bowed gracefully.
【I — will never betray you. Absolutely】

【Let’s go, Master. The question you asked last time still hasn’t been answered…】
Encouraged by Rakshasa, I started walking following her guidance.
The last time I came here was during the battle with Mike, Valery’s disciple.
And here, I met Yuno again after so many years.
“But — surely he won’t be here this time?”
【That time you met the Hero was a coincidence of coincidences. I don’t think it’s possible this time】
Rakshasa answered.
“I see.”
【It’s just the two of us, Master】
Rakshasa walked beside me and took my hand.
I felt her soft hand on my thin one.
Those eyes gazing at me passionately seemed to hold a mysterious light.
I sensed a spine-tingling allure emanating from her.
“… What’s with the sudden talk? Is that what you wanted to say?”
I frowned in response.
While looking straight into her eyes.
【Fufu, I was just teasing earlier】
She pressed close, still holding my hand.
Leaning in slightly, she whispered into my ear.
“Stop these games.”
【My apologies. Then let’s get to the main point】
Rakshasa bowed her head slightly.
【We’ll now go to [Hell], to receive the Key — the thing that will unleash all of your power, Master】
【The opportunity to enter [Qliphoth] may not come again for a long time. Let’s take it while we can】
Rakshasa turned to face me once more.
She slowly brought her face closer.
Those lips as if about to press against mine — her words came with warm breath.
【You’ll receive immense power, power that will help you exact your revenge】

hi guys, pls support me in my Kofi https://ko-fi.com/hannitrans


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