Kneel, Your Grace!

Chapter 1

If you have ever worked, you likely have at least one superior you’d love to beat up.

And proud soldier of Ivannes, Chloe Ambroise, had such a superior.

Chloe muttered to herself.

“Is this really living…?”

Mid-summer, two in the afternoon. Under the blazing sun at the Ivannes Kingdom Royal Army’s Royal Guard training ground.

About forty Royal Guards had their heads buried in the dirt. Fully armed, carrying their firearms.

In other words, they were being disciplined. A few who were sweating while standing with their hands behind their backs grumbled quietly.

“Didn’t you know that life under Brigadier General Burke isn’t really living?”

“Damn it. I’m definitely leaving the Guard with the next personnel change.”

The Royal Guard was comprised of the most skilled and noble individuals among the knights. With both dignity and honor, how did these prestigious guards end up like this?

The reason was absurd.

Chloe Ambroise’s superior, Curtis Sean Burke, was a lunatic.

Originally, the Guard was supposed to be rehearsing for the upcoming ceremonial review with the Kingdom of Glintland. However, the problem was the constant bickering between the 1st and 2nd squads.

1st Squad Leader Georges and 2nd Squad Leader Ezra. Always at each other’s throats, they started nitpicking each other, and naturally,

“Undisciplined. Collective responsibility. Let’s have a service inspection.”

Curtis Sean Burke, their highest superior and Brigadier General, made the entire Guard bury their heads in the dirt with that one command.

That was just an hour ago.

There was rarely a valid reason for soldiers to be disciplined in the military, but Chloe felt particularly wronged.

Because today was supposed to be her day off.

She had no reason to come to work.

Moreover, she had been on duty overnight for the past two days due to the tasks assigned by the Brigadier General. She intended to submit the report she barely finished by lunchtime and go home.

But the Brigadier General, whom she thought would be at the training ground, wasn’t there. Furious, she found Georges and Ezra childishly arguing.

“Is the reason I can’t go home because the two of you are fighting? Can’t you get it together? Do you want to get chewed out by the Brigadier General again?”

She only meant to give them a scolding.

“Understood, Second Lieutenant Ambroise. You should join your colleagues in the service inspection.”

And just then, Brigadier General Burke appeared.

Now, an hour into the punishment and with her home time slipping away, Chloe’s vision blurred.


You crazy bastard.

Just let me go home….

No? Forget going home, just let me retire.

“Please, let me retire….”

It was a muttered plea that slipped out during the harsh discipline, not meant for anyone to hear. But surprisingly, someone responded.

“That’s unfortunate, Second Lieutenant Ambroise.”

Chloe’s eyes widened. A deep, familiar voice hit her like a hammer on her head. It was like someone had poured cold water over her foggy mind, making her shiver.

“Retirement is not an option.”

Chloe clenched her teeth. Someone please tell her this was a dream.

“Second Lieutenant Ambroise. Didn’t you hear me?”

The next moment, Chloe automatically sprang up like a puppet, saluted, and stood at attention.

“Loyalty. Chloe Ambroise, I have clearly heard Brigadier General Curtis Sean Burke’s words.”

The man standing arrogantly before her with his hands behind his back sneered.

Curtis Sean Burke.

The blond, handsome man who could make anyone swoon was the famous Brigadier General Burke, Chloe’s superior, and the Duke of Ivannes.

The current king’s half-brother and Ivannes’ proud hero who led about ten major battles to victory.


‘A crazy bastard.’

Of course, ‘crazy bastard’ was more like a term of endearment. The Royal Army soldiers under Brigadier General Burke would grit their teeth and affectionately call him that.

And that very crazy bastard was now smiling at Chloe.

Cold sweat trickled down her back.

‘When did he get here again? Can’t he at least make some noise when he arrives?’

There’s a saying new recruits hear when they first join the Royal Guard.

“If Brigadier General Burke is expressionless, you’re either doomed or not. If he’s annoyed, you’re doomed. But if he smiles, you’re definitely f***ed.”

They were definitely f***ed. The definitely f***ed Chloe tried to offer herself up for punishment.

“I will take responsibility for failing to show proper respect to Brigadier General and conduct a service inspection for an additional 30 minutes here!”

‘Service inspection’ meant she would take extra punishment.

‘I’d rather die today. If I get heatstroke and die here, at least my family will get a pension.’

Chloe shut her eyes tightly and bent down toward the ground again.

But just as she was about to bid farewell to the health of her scalp, her superior unexpectedly waved his hand dismissively.

“I understand your willingness to set an example for your subordinates. Get up.”

“Excuse me?”

Chloe, who was about to kneel, hesitated.

Curtis frowned. It meant, “Are you going to make me repeat myself?” Chloe flinched and stood up. As she straightened up, a whirlwind of thoughts raced through her mind.

‘Is he planning to hang me today as an example?’

Others might think Chloe was overreacting.

But anyone in the Royal Guard would agree that Chloe’s thoughts were justified.

Curtis Sean Burke was that kind of guy.

Obsessive-compulsive, workaholic, and utterly lacking in manners, he habitually punished his subordinates. Some days, it felt like they received more punishments than meals.

They couldn’t resist. In the military, rank was absolute, and that man was a Brigadier General and a Duke.

And that was precisely why Chloe became Curtis’s aide.

That damned man had gone through twenty aides in the year before Chloe joined. It was so bad that the navy-recruited Chloe came with a promise of 400% incentives.

‘But, God, could I possibly be the twenty-first aide he drives out?’

Impossible. The position vacated by twenty aides came with a contract. In exchange for the 400% incentives, Chloe had signed a clause committing her to ‘serve as Curtis Sean Burke’s aide for two years.’

They always say not to sign contracts recklessly.

“Second Lieutenant Ambroise.”

“Yes, sir. Please go ahead, Brigadier General.”

Without showing her desire to tear up the contract immediately, Chloe Ambroise answered her superior with a sharp, disciplined tone.

Brigadier General Burke gave a direct order.

“You will assist me at the royal diplomatic banquet today, where the Duke of Glintland will be present.”

“What? But today I…”

She almost said, “But today is my day off,” but bit her tongue reflexively and swallowed her words. She forced herself to reply again.

“Do you really think I am suitable to assist you at such an event, Brigadier General?”

A stern retort came flying back.

“Are you questioning your superior right now?”

“Didn’t hear you well?”

Curtis’s purple eyes narrowed at Chloe’s reflexive response. She hurriedly replied.

“Apologies, Your Excellency. But I don’t have a dress for the banquet…”

Curtis’s expression turned to one of exasperation.

“Where do you think you’ll wear a dress there? Have you lost your mind?”

She should have just said, “But today is my day off.”

“Are you planning to cook stew with your Royal Guard uniform?”

She could hear Georges and Ezra snickering quietly behind her. Those bastards. Chloe gritted her teeth and saluted with a bright smile.

“Loyalty. I will follow your orders.”

Curtis clicked his tongue.

“Come to my mansion in your Royal Guard uniform by 6 PM.”

“Yes, sir!”


He narrowed his eyes and extended his finger, brushing Chloe’s sweat-soaked forehead. As she flinched, he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his hand, speaking with annoyance.

“Luckily, you don’t smell.”

“Excuse me?”

“Make sure you wash before coming.”


Chloe responded a beat late, then bit her lip.

She wanted to hit that bastard just once.

Even if she had to sell her soul.

Of course, Chloe didn’t really think that was possible.

As mentioned before, in the military, rank was everything, and that man was a Duke.

However, life rarely went as one planned.

Thus, Chloe unexpectedly got the chance to smack her superior’s head.

That very evening.

Though she had no idea it would cost her her marriage.


  1. Suckerforshipping says:

    she has every reader’s sympathies 😔

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