Killer Whale Baby


“Are we really going to open the top disciplinary committee to take down Bayan?”




Ruba, who was briefly taken aback, asked.


“Is there anything I can do to help?”




Of course not.


‘If I had to find something, maybe I’d want to ask if you can stand in for our father.’


It’s a ridiculous idea.


‘The father of a whale is a beluga. This is quite amusing.’


I shrugged off the random thought.


“Well then, I guess we’re done here. I hope Ruga and Ruba recover quickly.”


“The children will be happier if you visit them to wish them well.”


“I’ll consider it.”


With only Ruba’s handkerchief held tightly, I turned away, but then a subdued voice reached my ears.


“The beluga don’t forget kindness, Princess. I feel a headache coming on just thinking about our children insisting on repaying your kindness for a lifetime.”


I turned my head.


Contrary to the content of his words, the man was smiling gently.


“I’ll repay your kindness no matter what. I swear it on the sea’s name.”


“….Alright, whatever.”


To aquatic creatures, water and the sea were the source of life. Therefore, a vow made on the sea’s name was just as unbreakable as a vow made on the River Styx in Greek mythology.


“May I carry you on my back?”


“I don’t want that.”


I walked away without much care.


Ruba’s words had already moved to a distant corner of my mind.


“Oh, what should I do about summoning the parents? This is a mess.”


* * *


The elementary and intermediate institutions were turned upside down.


It was all because of Bayan Aquacadel’s actions.


Of course, the details of Bayan’s actions weren’t particularly unusual, as his behavior was widely known. However, a new person had become involved, and everyone was excited about the achievements that person had made.


“Hey, did you hear? There’s talk about a new princess!”


“Is she involved with Bayan?”


“Is that for real? I heard that all the students who went with her got expelled.”


“So who won in the end?”


“Obviously, it was Bayan! Are you kidding me?”


“Is the rumor really true? Isn’t it exaggerated?”


“No way! My cousin saw it… One of the guys who went with her came back with a broken arm!”


“Gasp, the Whale students?”


Especially the intermediate institutions, where language was more free, spread rumors even more freely and quickly.


Children were eager to spread this news even in the upper-class Whale schools, so the rumors circulated widely.


“But is the rumor true? Isn’t it exaggerated?”


“No! My cousin saw it… One of the guys who went with her came back with a broken arm!”


“Gasp, the Whale students?”


Most of the rumors were sensational in nature.


Even in the upper-class Whale schools, rumors spread quickly, and the top-ranked class, which represented the sixth grade, was no exception.


“No, but seriously, isn’t it an absurd story? A princess who attends only the elementary institution managed to win a fight against the Bayan and the gang. And on top of that, Bayan was there too?”


“That’s right! Hah, rumors tend to be exaggerated.”


“They’re saying that the inexperienced princess couldn’t even awaken the power of water?”


Since the top-ranked class mostly consisted of students who followed Bayan, there was a lot of gossip about Calypso.


Despite keeping their voices low, it was clear they were conscious of someone in their class.


Watching students, a boy scoffed.


“Hmm, look at those beluga. They’re so busy minding others’ business. It’s exhausting, seriously.”


He had dark gray hair overall, with a horn-like pattern protruding only in the middle of his head. He shrugged.


The boy was a beluga sea creature.


While discreetly observing our side, he turned his head, sneering internally at the beluga who wouldn’t stop gossiping.


“Hmm, if we summarize the rumor, it’s that a group with Bayan, and a princess attending the elementary institution, clashed. But the princess overwhelmed the fight. What do you think? Rumors tend to be exaggerated to begin with…”


The beluga boy poked the shoulders of the one who was lying down with determination.


“What do you think? Huh? You’re a party involved too, say something.”


After poking several times without a response, the person finally got up when the beluga boy poked him about ten times.


“Oh, you’re up? What do you think?”






“Want to die?”




His fiercely aggressive eyes, with red irises that seemed incredibly fierce, were directed at the beluga boy.


“I’m just asking you to say something. Speak up.”


No matter when he looked, the beluga boy seemed to be a stern opponent. He surrendered, taking on a submissive posture.


“She’s your younger sister, right? Atlan.”


Upon hearing this, the just-awakened Atlan’s forehead twitched.


Her jet-black hair, the distinctive white spot right there, seemed to be glaring.


Unexpectedly, her sharp and fierce gaze was fixed on the boy.


“What does it matter?”


Rather than an aggressive demeanor, Atlan simply closed her eyes, choosing not to provoke further.


“I don’t have a younger sister.”


He grumbled.


Although the beluga boy tried to push Atlan by protruding his lips, he didn’t dare to disturb her as she went back to sleep.


* * *


Meanwhile, as expected, rumors spread quite widely among the 9th graders, who were soon to become adults. However, they were generally well-behaved, considering they would soon reach adulthood.


Opinions on the matter revolved around why Bayan would engage in such immature behavior. Constructive debates were prevalent among the top-grade students, mostly consisting of scholarly beluga whales who didn’t belong to any particular faction and were likely to pursue research careers.


“What do you think?”


A boy who had been quietly reading a book turned his head in response to someone’s question.


He was a young boy in the same age group as the young man. With long, short-cropped hair and fair skin, he might be mistaken for a girl due to his appearance, but his overall features were undoubtedly those of a boy.




The white spot on his head, accompanied by increasingly prominent silver hair below, was a symbol of direct beluga lineage.


When Belrus’s icy gaze fixed on his companion, the one who had called him flinched.


“…If I committed a wrongdoing, I should be punished.”


“A wrongdoing? What wrongdoing are you talking about? Is there something that can be considered a wrongdoing here? Belrus, please explain a bit more.”


“Going against the rules is something Grandma hates the most.”




The companion tilted his head in puzzlement.


Since Belrus didn’t provide any further explanation, there was nothing more to be heard.


Losing interest, the companion left to find another conversation partner when Belrus, in a subdued voice, said, “The real problem isn’t Bayan.”


Meanwhile, Calypso, the protagonist and the central figure in all these rumors, was currently… bedridden and unable to get up due to her injuries.



The problem wasn’t that Bayan guy.


“Yeah, it wasn’t that jerk.”


I groaned under my blanket.


To be moaning like this after just one fight. This is embarrassing!


Of course, it was entirely my fault that I ended up like this, having trained even after that fight that day.


No, no, where is it my fault?


“It’s all that stinking Bayan’s fault!”


In any case, I ended up in the infirmary due to the fight.


Fortunately, Laila said I didn’t have to attend until the disciplinary hearing, which was a relief.


“All right. There are no perfect attendance awards in this world, but I’m aiming for something like that.”


I decided to shake off the pain with wild fantasies.


I’m not so weak that I’m reduced to muscle pain!


The building I managed to reach was where my father lived.




For some reason, my father, whom I hadn’t seen in a few days, seemed even more mafia-like this time.


He seemed to exude a presence that required dramatic music and smoke effects in the background.


I proudly shrugged my shoulders.


“I won the fight.”


It was a very proud story.


Moreover, Bayan himself was among the opponents.


“The leader of the opposing group was ridiculously strong, so we went with a one-on-one defeat strategy, but the results were better than expected, Teacher.”




“More than anything, my fist was effective even against those of his age. I think it’s thanks to my diligent training.”




“It’s all thanks to you, Teacher, that your student achieved such a remarkable feat. You’re the best, Teacher!”


I decided to calmly think for now.


Currently, I still had a looming parental summons ahead of me.


I’m not sure how to talk to my father about this, but for now, this was the beginning of my plan.


“First, let’s make Dad happy!”


In any case, I won, didn’t I?


No human dislikes winning against a beluga.


In any case, this was a situation where I had to say some unpleasant things, but before that, it might be less counterproductive to sweeten the person up a bit.


For a hastily conceived plan with a bit of a fuzzy head, it wasn’t a bad idea.


“But Dad, why aren’t you answering?”



Translator Note:


This chapter was translated by Bree.

If you like my work please support us in Patreon. Next post will be released on… Due to some medical problems we won’t be able to release as much chapters as we would like so this story will have just one chapter per week for the moment. We are sorry for the trouble this can cause. Next post will be released on October, 26.

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