Killer Whale Baby

She tilted her head slightly and spat out.

“What research?”

The attendant lowered his head slightly.

“We will conduct an in-depth investigation of our predecessors.”

“Aha, okay? However… Does the investigation require witnesses? Well, only I can do that. This building has been occupied by myself for quite some time.”

The killer whale collateral child, who had been there for a while, was soon secretly taken away by his parents. Since that never happened, she was left alone. Oh, of course she brought up this story.

‘I’ll be the only witness, but if I don’t tell them to appear, they’ll bury me.’

She had no intention of actually researching it, just because she was good at answering now.

“Yeah, yes. I have to ask Calypso for help later…”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Other children may have been harmed.”

The maid had been around for a very long time before she came here. Then maybe she had something else.

‘A person who deliberately beats children should never be left alone.’

Suddenly, Karon passed through her mind, but the self-employed guy, thought, was quickly dispelled. She glanced at the attendant and lightly grabbed the hem of Massa’s robe. She originally wanted to hold his hand, but his height was out of reach.

“And like I said, the nanny will be this person. Can we just talk about this too?”


“It’s good that the main castle is investigating. I need to talk to my dad!”


The attendant returned with drooping shoulders.

‘It must be your role to keep an eye on this place. They should take responsibility for their negligence.’

* * *

Misa looked at the little Calypso holding the hem of her clothes with a bewildered expression. She was definitely a killer whale, so she had slightly raised eyebrows, but rather than that, her face was so large and round that it didn’t feel sharp at all. Besides, she had an exceptionally lovely appearance that made her wonder if she would ever see a child like this again in my life. But how well did she speak…?

‘They said she was a genius.’

How surprised she was when she saw this little princess talking to her on the first day. She noticed that the child was staring at her.

“It’s like this, so please take good care of me.”


Oddly enough, Misa looked up at herself and saw Calypso smiling, and she somehow thought that the Princess was acting like she had known her all along. But she soon brushed off her thoughts.

‘It must be an illusion.’

Where did someone who is only 3 years old meet her? Mass shook her head into hers.

“Yes, Princess. I will do my best to serve you.”

The important thing was that this little princess had chosen her. Mass decided to focus on this one. She was sent to this building because of her ideals and her own role was to take care of her young cetaceans, but she regretfully now has only one calypso in this building. Besides, she didn’t want to miss the opportunity to become the nanny of the lovely baby princess.

‘Hmm, as expected, she is quick-witted.’

Calypso judged that while Massa was good, she wasn’t the type to be blunt. It’s hard for her to survive in a war. In her previous life, she survived for a long time even though it was not her direct unit, so it can be said that her senses and manners are quite good. She didn’t intend to be the head of the household like she was in the previous episode, but she changed her mind today when she met the beluga twins.

‘I remembered. She said that if she had been helped by the beluga family in the previous episode, she would have been more comfortable.’

Among the cetaceans, the beluga whales were especially intelligent along with the dolphins. However, most of the beluga beasts died in a certain incident before Calypso returned to the family. The culprit was her father’s son Bai Yan. Because of this, all the surviving beluga whales left this land.

‘At least like in the previous episode, I don’t have to gather talent for the family or the war.’

She felt the need to keep her talent by her side until she was 10 years old when she left this place herself.

‘I’m just worried about one thing.’

The maids left behind by the servant today. They were people of decent nature. What if they were territorial towards Misa? In fact because of this, she was also there to designate Misa as her nanny, that was to say, her superior. But Calypso’s worries faded three minutes later.

“Kyaa, Lady Calypso is so cute!”

“Wow, your eyes are really big.”

“While I was working, I had already heard Lady Calypso’s story. I heard she’s really smart, but how can she talk so well…!”


“Kyaaak, your voice is so cute.”

“Oh my God, look at how cute your hands are.”

All of them with delicate silver hair never thought to stop talking. That’s why Calypso ‘will definitely be fussy’ and ‘territorial.’ She had to get these two things off the back of her head.

‘…what. I must have left school, but how does it feel to come back to my class?’

Moreover, it was a treat she had never received in her previous life, and she was even bewildered. It was only after a long and frantic admiration had passed that Calypso was able to learn their identity and name.


“Yes! We are herring fishermen.”

“This child and I are sisters.”

“I am a clan friend who was born and raised together.”

She thought that the hair color was similar, but they were all herring fishermen. It is one of the majority of aquatic animal beastmen, and the most common species. The people in the group were generally sincere, gentle and kind.

‘If this is real… I don’t think I need to worry about not being able to get along with Miss Love.’

She has just become the main character of a rumor and has attracted attention, but her reality is that he has no influence. Even so, wasn’t it really nice to see you smiling like this?

“Did you say you came from your hometown?”

Their names were Aya, Biyo, and Dede, respectively. Aya and Byo were sisters. Dede was a neighborhood friend of the two. The maids were amazed again.

“Wow, princess, you talk really well!”

“Are you really a genius?”

“Hey, how much did the rumors cost?”

Then the maids looked at each other.

“He is a great genius.”

“Yes, it was really surprising news even for prisoners like us. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen someone say that at the age of three.”

“That’s right. Aren’t Bellus and Atlan-nim also like this?”

“Right, right!”

She calmed them down as she thought the conversation would start again.

“Come on, I heard about this earlier, but Mass. She is my nanny.”

“Yes, princess! Are you someone who worked here? Nice to meet you. Ayy.”

“It’s Biyo!”

“It’s Dede.”

“Ah… It is Mass.”

“You’re a nanny, so be comfortable!”

“Ah, I was a maid too…”

The Herring sisters were so friendly that in less than a minute, Misa and the maids knew each other’s family ties.

‘Even now, they’re talking about what kind of fish they ate on the first birthday…’

Considering that it took less than two minutes to let go of the words, it was a really great affinity. Calypso felt fresh. These kind of maids in this desolate killer whale family. Even if he was hired as a special social worker, his ability was reliable.

“Then everyone is here. Oh, it’s fine if Mass shows the rooms and buildings to the three people who came today.”

“Hey, Princess, where are you going?”

“Shall we go together?”


Calypso shook her head resolutely.

“I am going to my father.”

Then the maids looked at each other and widened their eyes.

‘Oh my God, I heard you were talking with Pierre. I guess it was real!’

Were these rumors true? Calypso was dumbfounded that she could even read their facial expressions in such a short amount of time.

“Come back everyone.”

…still. She didn’t feel bad because she thought that the place where she came back would be a little noisy.

* * *

A few days later Returning from an elementary school, she seriously reflected on the past. No, her recent life wasn’t bad. Not really bad. However…

‘Can I live like this?’

She thought quietly as she looked at the clothes piled up like a mountain in front of her eyes. 

Today’s work was very simple. Once she went to an elementary educational institution. All education was over and they left school. After stopping by the house for a while, she ate snacks prepared by the maids and went to Pierre’s house.

It was the repetition of this daily routine.

‘Okay, more peaceful than any other episode! Calm down! Besides, I’m the best in my class!’

She was very satisfied with all of this.


Except for one thing.

“Hey, didn’t you live alone in this building?”

“So what?”

Her face frowned slightly. She didn’t understand it at all. That would be too.

“No, but where the hell did all these clothes come from?”

“There is a quota of maids and servants’ uniforms given by default to one building.”

“Is that what they are?”

The lack of an answer from Pierre meant mostly affirmation. Somehow, they all had a familiar shape and were black.

“Do I really wash all of this?”

…Since there was no answer this time, it was said to be positive.

‘How come, is it my imagination that the training seems to be going crazy?’


Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR.

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Next post will be released on July, 29.

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