Killer Whale Baby

“By the way, what can I do with this body? It’s so weak…”

Every time I regressed, I felt dissatisfied with my weak body.

No wonder.

“All those brothers above have inherited strong power and physical abilities from Dad, but why only me…!”

Those brothers above have inherited strong power and physical abilities from Dad, while I only inherited a frail body.

“Eeik, this cursed genetic lottery…”

Muttering to myself with determination, I headed towards the building where my room was located.

The room where I kept the baby killer whales was hardly maintained, but since Grandma had noticed it, it was inconvenient to leave it unattended in case she came looking for me.

“What a long distance it is.”

I let out a sigh.

“If only I could use the power of water at a time like this!”

The power of water was not only about manipulating water, but also the source of life for aquatic animals.

That’s why, by applying the power of water, even a young child like me could possess the strength of an adult aquatic being.

Among my older brothers, there was one who excelled in such applied abilities.

“I wonder if the second one is doing well…”

The brothers who defeated me in the previous life entered my room without saying a word and supervised me.

They were selfish individuals who did as they pleased…

In the end, they protected me and died.

Just like killer whales, they were humans who remained free-spirited until the end.

I suddenly wanted to see them, but it wasn’t the right time yet.

They are probably at the headquarters or educational institution now, and after all, it’s our first encounter since my current state.

“They’re breathing and living well, I guess.”

Anyway, since I have also assimilated into the characteristics of a killer whale, I had a sense of camaraderie but not sentimentality.

Usually, whale shapeshifters have a strong sense of camaraderie towards their own species.

But killer whales are different.

They were like a large gang, where they considered each other as comrades in need of protection, but they lacked affection and sentimentality towards their species, unlike dolphins or other whales.

If I were to compare, killer whales were like a massive ‘gang’ and considered each other as comrades planning the same operation.

‘I was able to awaken the power of water in the previous round. I wonder if I can do it this time?’

Unlike my brothers, I was the only one among Dad’s children who couldn’t awaken the power of water.

Thus, every round, I had to endure Grandma’s derogatory comments about being a worthless fish head.

I quickly became unpopular and sold out.

So, what I took and escaped with in the third round was the treasure called “Linias,” which appeared in the book.

It was originally a treasure that the male protagonist brought after a great adventure and gave to the female protagonist to use.

As a treasure with the setting of tears shed by a water dragon in ancient times, I was able to awaken the power of water with its help.

‘Do I have to go get it again this round?’

In the original story, the male protagonist presents it as a testament of devotion and love.

‘No, I can’t let that brat use it to fulfill love. It should be used for my sake again.’

On the other hand, I thought it would be best if I could use the treasure without having to find it.

With a hopeful heart, I tried tapping my fingers together, but it didn’t work.

‘Ah, what a pity…’

Once again, I decided to give up cleanly and move on, thinking of starting with Dad’s strategy.

“Hey, is this the right place? It feels like we’ve entered the wrong place.”

“Oh, it is here!”

When I turned my head, I saw some kids not far away.

They were probably around 9 to 12 years old.

‘Judging by the color of their heads, they must be killer whale cubs.’

Due to walking diligently, there were only a few buildings left to live in.

I tried to ignore it…

“Oh, this is really it! They said the newly born direct descendant girl is here! We have to make sure she can’t be used, right?”

I paused.

Direct descendant? Girl? There’s no one else but me.

“No, I understand, but why? Anyway, she’s just a worthless half-breed who can’t use the power of water and is going to be sold as a dragon’s bride?”

“No, the situation has changed! Don’t you know? She’s going to be recognized by the patriarch and the building will be relocated. To the main building!”


“Don’t you know? If we leave it as it is, it will harm Bayan, whom we serve! If he goes wrong, we all die together!”

As soon as I heard the name Bayan, I realized what the situation was.

‘Bayan… He’s the eldest son of the patriarch.’

The eldest son of my grandmother. My Uncle. The eldest son of that woman, Bayan.

He was also the first person I defeated in my previous life.

He was extremely greedy and ambitious.

Most of the killer whale lineage people choose a successor and offer themselves as their spirit guide.

Because unless they have exceptional abilities, they can’t survive otherwise.

These guys were also the ones who followed Bayan from a young age.

‘I recognize one of their faces.’

The problem is that usually, those who serve such influential successors… their power becomes formidable.

To the point where they can disregard someone like me, a direct child with no power or protector.

“Who could Bayan be to give recognition? If she’s kept alive, she’ll be an obstacle to Bayan’s future.”

“…Did Bayan personally say that?”


Damn, they were watching. It seems like the fact that I received my grandmother’s recognition has already spread like wildfire.

Indeed, it was not an easy task to extract positive evaluations from my grandmother.

In the current competition among grandchildren regarding the succession, the appearance of a recognized direct descendant was not a pleasant news to the old-timers.

“I’m still living in that building. If it happens now, nobody would know if I killed her, right? They would think she just died like any ordinary child, unable to survive past the age of three.”

“Ah, I see!”

They were here to kill me.

*Sigh* If only I had the power of water, I could easily drive away these arrogant little brats with one hand.

Killer whales are outlaws of the sea, known as the gangsters of the sea.

That’s why the inherent psychotic violence of killer whales persists even when they become human.

They casually kill even such young ones, to the extent that it becomes a topic of conversation.

‘It’s frustrating, but I don’t have the power to resist them right now. I have to hide like this…’

As soon as I had that thought, I locked eyes with the boys, as if retreating behind would be a lie.

The black eyes of the boy who darted by quickly scanned my head.


Direct descendants are different from the main lineage even in hair color!

“Hey, that, that guy…!”

There wouldn’t have been much to hide anyway, but I immediately turned my body and ran.

‘Ah, geez, I’m not used to running yet!’

Whales are mammals by nature.

Animals born as babies grow slower than those born from eggs.

In addition to that, the bodies of whales, which are already slow in development, are fragile, so getting caught was an inevitable result.

The problem was that I hesitated and fell flat on my face when I saw the boy who easily outpaced me.

‘This is humiliating…’

I lifted my head quickly.

“Hey, look at this dirty brat. Ugh, filthy.”

“Ugh, covered in dirt. Is this really a direct descendant? Doesn’t look the part at all.”

“She doesn’t even know how to use the power of water.”

The two boys surrounded me as I lay there.

“So, that means we can kill her, too.”

I looked around, but there was no human who could help me.

“But how did she catch the eye of the matriarch without the power of water?”

Oh my you asked a good question.

“You guys, from the main lineage. Among them, the ones under that Bayan guy, right?”

The boys hesitated at my words.

One of them spoke with a bewildered expression.

“Hey, did she just say what I think she said? Did I hear it alone?”

“No, I heard it too… Well, I heard she’s not even 30 months old yet, but she can talk? Geez, it gave me chills. I didn’t start speaking until I turned eight…”

“Oh, how did you catch the matriarch’s eye without the power of water?”

One of the boys poked my head and chuckled.

“So, you think you’re exceptional?”

A sharp-toothed grin appeared, and a sense of evil emanated from his gaze.

“Of course… If we leave her alive, she’ll become a pest to Bayan.”

What? A pest?

‘A pest? Did you finish your sentence?.

I grabbed the finger that was hitting my head and bit down with all my strength.

“Aaaah! Crazy, are you crazy? Let go!”


He pushed me away forcefully, and although it hurt my rear end, I had something to say.

“If I’m a pest, then you’re a terrestrial animal, you primitive fish spawn! How dare you compare me to a terrestrial insect? I’ll swing this stick and make plankton noises right above your head, you little plankton!”


“…. What’s this kid saying?”

These rotten brats insulting each other by comparing aquatic animals to terrestrial animals.

“Well, she may have a good head, but he’s gone insane, hasn’t she? You know, there are kids like that. They’re so smart that they go crazy.”

“That makes sense. What’s the big deal? We just wanted to kill her… But maybe we shouldn’t leave her be.”

Even in the face of their brutal gaze, I didn’t flinch.

“You guys want to kill me? Do you know where I’ve just been?”

“This little brat talks too much. I’ll make sure she dies for biting my finger.”

The kicking continued.

Such kicks were nothing compared to what I’ve experienced in my past life!

I shouted at the top of my lungs.

“You!! I just met my dad right now!”

At that moment, the kicking came to a halt.


Translator Note:

This chapter was translated by Bree.

Next chapter will be released tomorrow. To read chapters in advance support us on Patreon!!


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