It’s My First Time Being Loved

IMFTBL I Chapter 22

The duchy is a duchy. My parents planned around two weeks for this trip, but they were disappointed that they could only see half of the duchy.


“Are we mainly planning to go to the places that we didn’t go two years ago? So, Damian, do you remember anything?”


“Sure I do. It was only two years ago.”


My brother spoke as if it was even more strange to ask that, why he couldn’t remember. Then my sister suddenly became tearful.


“Lala… … You don’t remember Because Laurentia was a baby at the time.”


My older brother spoke to my older sister while stroking her head with a friendly face.


“Even my brother, I don’t remember anything when I was a baby what about you Anastasia.”


“Do you remember when you were a baby?”


“Well, everyone sees an answer to that like a book.”


It was understandable to be embarrassed, but my brother is after all my brother. Then, my sister’s face immediately brightened.


“Lala is smart I will remember that I met someone before, also remember manners don’t worry about not being able to say goodbye!”


“Do you remember that place?”


“huh! “


Then let’s be sad! I think Lala would be disappointed if all she knew was Lala.


“You’ll remember everything because you’re not a baby anymore Lala!”


My sister also became glum for her own reasons but then smiled happily again. Then she turned her head towards me and spoke as if I should trust only her.


“I’ll remember everything for Sasha! Because Sasha is a baby!”


Then didn’t forget to be considerate of me.


‘I will remember everything myself.’


But still, I had no intention of turning down that beautiful heart.

* * *


After a full day of traveling from the Duke’s residence, we arrived at a place with dense forests and a large river. As we passed the village entrance, the village chief and residents welcomed us.


“welcome. Duke, Madam, master, and the ladies.“


The village chief with a warm expression and a bright smile greeted us enthusiastically.


“It must have been a very hot day and is a lot hard to be out so why did everyone come out here and wait?”


Wow, the weather must be really hot. People’s faces were all red. But contrary to my worries, the village chief spoke as if it was nothing.


“It’s summer, so it’s natural for it to be hot. Besides, where did we wait in the scorching sun? Everyone rested and waited under the shade.”


It seems like that again. Perhaps because it was late afternoon, everyone was taking a moment to catch their breath and eat snacks in small groups.


“I guess we got the timing wrong.”


As my mother signed with a smile, the knights and servants hurriedly put down what they had brought. It was a block of ice with a preservation spell and various foods.


“How can we receive all these things they are so precious?”


The village chief’s mouth caught in his own thoughts. In particular, chunks of ice with preservation magic could last for about a couple of months without melting, making them extremely valuable and essential.


“I’m just so grateful every summer. Thanks to this, none of us collapses from heat stroke.”


“It’s natural. Because of you all, the duchy is also gaining.”


After that, my father and mother continued to check on the residents of the territory and carefully asked to see if they had any difficulties or needed anything.


‘You really look like a refreshing leader, lord.’


Among the lords I’ve seen so far, there are many who don’t even receive reports saying they’re a hassle, and just scrap remains of the taxes. These lords say that you don’t have to listen directly, saying that you are missing out on time just hearing notes.


Maybe that’s why the faces of all the residents were bright and they showed no signs of being troubled by the duke’s visit. I started looking for something to do in that cozy atmosphere.


‘You have to walk hard!’


It was a perfect practice environment. The Duke made everything was very organized at home. People should walk even in rough places! I thought that I was too full to complain because the environment was so good.


‘That may be why progress is slower.’


Both words and body. I thought it was a bit slower than before. Actually, in the past, I didn’t even count how many months it had been since I was born. But why do I feel some eyes keep following me… …?


When I looked up, the women gathered under the shade were smiling happily. No, not only the mouth but also the cheekbones seem to be sticking out a bit because of smiling…


“Wow, the youngest girl who was born last year is already walking.”


“Don’t you feel like there’s a pop-pong-pong sound coming from under your feet?  How can you not walk around with that?”


“Miss, come here. I’ll give you something delicious.”


Then he waved their hands and tempted me. Since I don’t know these people, I shouldn’t go.


‘My mother asked me to hear her teaching of precautions for us last time when all three of us were there together.’


She says you shouldn’t follow someone you don’t know. I didn’t want to worry my parents, so I tried to focus on walking again, but…


“Hoho, there are fruits and snacks here that babies like.”


“The youngest lady is still too young, so I don’t think I should give her any cookies?”


The ladies burst out laughing as they gestured towards me, leaving me wondering what was so exciting.


“Oh my, you look exactly like my wife.”


“Oh, look at those chubby cheeks. My youngest lady, can I touch your cheek just once?”


“If we touch each other once, you won’t lose any of your cheeks, right?”


Noo!, I just kept walking. Why are you so interested? furthermore…


‘I feel like  I’m going to be eaten.’


Everyone’s eyes were so intense that I hesitated and took a step back without even realizing it. But their eyes widened as I  wondered what was so good about that sight.


“The lady was scared.”


“I want you to stop acting like a scary. Miss, we don’t eat you. I’ll give you some fruit, here, here.”


It’s a bit weird to keep refusing. As I looked around, my mother who must have been watching nodded as if she was okay with it. If your mother says it’s okay, it’s probably okay! But why… Are you scared to approach?


Everyone had such nice expressions, but somehow it felt like I was approaching a wild beast that waited with its mouth open. I’m not shy or anything! for some reason, I cautiously approached them and held out my hand and they cheered as if they were amazed at what was so amazing.


“Did I just see it? The youngest lady seems to be different no matter what.”


“She is still so small, but can already say ‘please’?”


“If it’s given to my child I can’t even remember telling them to do that!”


“It’s here, just hold it tight and don’t swallow it all at once.”


I started to munch on the piece of watermelon that was given to me. It was sweet, refreshing and delicious.


‘Did I walk too hard?‘


It seems I was thirstier than I thought. I forgot their gaze for a moment and stood there, focusing on the watermelon.


“Wow, you’re eating well!”


“Oh my, look at those cheeks moving.”


“Oh, I want to keep watching. Would you like to live here with me?”


“This person has been saying dangerous things for a while now!”


After saying that, they all burst into laughter again.


“Now, shall I give you another one?”


“Miss, please take it from me again, please.”


I was conflicted for a moment. I was told  I shouldn’t eat too much fruit before eating… But those faces…


‘Everyone is looking forward to it, so I don’t think I should refuse it.’


Still, I was a little embarrassed.


Because they are praising me for extending my hand, which is nothing special. But I also don’t want to disappoint them with something trivial.


All you have to do is hold out your hand once more. As I tilted my head to one side and thought about it for a moment, for some reason I heard another small exclamation in my ear.


‘Yes, I like things like this even though they are nothing.’


I cautiously held out my hand towards them – I still felt like I was going to get eaten. Then, instead of watermelon, he washed his hands first.


“Now, let’s clean up and eat again.”


It will get dirty again.


Even though they knew that, they looked like they were happy to work hard twice. After that, he placed another cool, moist piece of watermelon in my hand.


“Oh, you’re eating well, but you’re only eating this far.”


“That’s right, if you eat too much, you’ll get full.”


“Oh my, how can you be so filthy…The duke will be full even without eating!”


I just ate watermelon. Laughter erupted again. I can’t believe that people who aren’t even my family members are happy about something that isn’t that big of a deal… … .


‘Have I really lived in strange places until now?’


If 99 out of 100 are the same of course the 1 would be strange. I somehow wanted to believe that 1 was normal. It was a bit burdensome, but the emotions they expressed were all bright and warm.


* * *


If I  go a little further into the village where we first arrived, there was a house with a quiet atmosphere.


It was made of logs and was neither fancy nor big, but it was enough for the family, the knights who came with them and the servants.


There was a river flowing right in front of the house surrounded by forests so we decided to spend about two days there.


“It’s summer for our babies, so it’s good for them to play in the water.”


“I even made a small boat so you can ride and play.”


Somehow my parents seem more excited…


“Our babies, how can they look so cute in their water play outfits?”


My mother looked satisfied with the three siblings looks.


“As expected, my wife’s taste is amazing. It makes me so happy to see my babies dressed in matching outfits like this.”


“Is that so? I was very worried. And the design of a hat for swimming.”


Each swimming cap had something resembling animal ears. My sister had rabbit ears, and my brother had a hat that looked like deer antlers.


And I… … ‘Why a tiger… … ?’


It was a hat that looked exactly like the pet doll my brother had given me. ‘Isn’t this set supposed to feature a cat or a dog?’ I was very puzzled though.


“Sasha is so cute, Sasha is a baby tiger.”


“Well, if Anastasia says something my brother will have to catch her.”


My sister and brother liked it so much that I thought it was okay.


To be honest, even if I wore water clothes, I thought I would just dip my legs and be done with it. but… … .


“Come on, my babies. Dad will take you on a playboat.”


I blinked at the boat floating on the river.


‘Where else can you find someone waste talent and money like this… .’


There was a boat floating on the river that looked like it was made for swimming clothes. These are very elaborately crafted sculpture boats in the shape of cute rabbits, deer, and tigers.


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