Is the Guide Reborn?

“We can enter with a different type of identity. After all, only buyers need admission tickets, but sellers don’t.” Lian Yu held his chin with one hand and said as a matter of course: “Won’t that solve everything?”

“How possible sellers need don’t can it be? Anyone goes can doesn’t that mean to sell slaves?” En Fei felt that there were big loopholes in this market. Because he used a more complicated sentence structure, it took Cen Zhen a while to understand his meaning. 

“When he said changing identity, he didn’t mean changing from a slave buyer to a slave seller,” Cen Zhen drank a sip of brown refreshing juice. From the playful and wicked smile on Lian Yu’s face across from him, he knew that the Sentinel must have a shocking idea in mind. Following this line of thought, it was easy to guess what he wanted to do, “——but to become a slave.” 

En Fei: “……” 

En Fei was so shocked, that he raised his pitch high as his two thin wings spread out behind him: “Mr. Lian Yu, are you crazy?!” 

“Slaves also have the so-called ‘entrance tickets’. Once they get this ‘entrance ticket’, it will be difficult to get out of the slave market.” Jiu was calmer than En Fei, but he also maintained a disapproving attitude, “They will plant a chip in the body of every slave waiting to be sold, and that chip must be removed in a specific way, otherwise it will self-destruct and explode the implanted person into a blood clot. 

Low-level slave chips only have two functions: GPS and explosion. High-level slave chips have additional functions such as torture and punishment, as well as some specially customized functions. Once a slave tries to escape, resist, or present any situation that cannot be controlled, the administrator will use this chip to locate, punish, or even directly destroy the slave. ” 

“Of course, I have my way.” Lian Yu clasped his ten fingers and placed them on the table. When Cen Zhen’s eyes moved over, he saw him moving his fingers quickly and deftly, tapping the keyboard, implying that any problem involving code and program is not a problem for him. 

“I have my way” is supposed to be a pale and empty sentence without any refutation, but after hearing these few words, Jiu immediately closed his mouth now when he initially wanted to say something to further stress the seriousness of the matter. En Fei frowned and hesitated several times, but in the end, he did not say anything. 

The most indifferent person in the room was Cen Zhen. He quietly finished the juice in his glass and ate a few extra salty snacks in the middle of the table in a good mood. His unmoved attitude stopped En Fei from suggesting “You should persuade him quickly”. 

Perhaps their knowledge is still too limited. En Fei and Jiu looked at each other and conveyed such information to each other. They thought they had done a good job mentally preparing for what was coming next, but in reality, they underestimated the person in front of them. Besides, how much easier is it to break through the Zerg Royal Prison than the slave market? 

As Lian Yu’s Guide, Cen Zhen must know Lian Yu better than they do. Cen Zhen didn’t care, so why should they be anxious and afraid? 

After thinking it through, En Fei and Jiu followed Cen Zhen’s example and grabbed a snack. They waited for the big boss to show off with a calm attitude as if they were attending a tea party. Putting down the chopsticks and wiping the grease from the corners of his mouth, Cen Zhen officially joined the strategic deployment team meeting, where only Lian Yu was active on duty. “What are you going to do?” 

“It’s quite simple. The spacecraft will turn to the direction of 46 longitude and latitude 90×3.5y1.5 at about 1:10 am tomorrow, and change the itinerary to Whale Star.” 

“Whale Star?” Jiu had heard of this planet. He immediately opened the spacecraft’s scheduled navigation route table and began re-routing according to Lian Yu’s instructions. Dense data appeared before him, and his fingertips outlined a silver line connecting the two ends of the dark universe. 

Lian Yu opened the map of Whale Star. White lines form the skeleton of the planet, and there are text labels under each district. Except for the blue representing the ocean island, the whole planet was a bit exaggeratedly green. It was obviously an undeveloped primitive planet. 

These days, even the desert-covered Thorn Star has tenacious races taking root. If a known planet has low traces of humanoid activity, it can only prove that it is extremely unsuitable for living. 

“The spaceship would land in the southern hemisphere forest area. En Fei and Jiu, you stay near the spaceship and wait for orders. It’s high temperatures all year round there, with poisonous insects, snakes, and ants everywhere. Each one of them takes advantage of having no predators and grows as big as a small mountain. There are infectious sources everywhere. Basically, no other race can stay there except for your Zerg race, so safety is guaranteed. If you ignore these, the scenery is quite beautiful. You can travel during this period. When you are tired, return to the ship and make love to pass the time.” 

Jiu almost choked on the snack crumbs, and En Fei’s hands also trembled as his pupils shook. Their first reaction was that they closed the door too late last night, and some restricted scenes were seen. Lian Yu was teasing them because of this, but everyone present was a couple, who hadn’t made love before, what was there to mention? 

The two picked up their cups and drank water in unison. When they looked up, they saw that Lian Yu seemed to be unaware of his explosive remarks and continued to say seriously: “Cen Zhen and I will pretend to be interstellar wanderers who have escaped from crimes and visit the Beiliang Island, the only humanoid paradise on Whale Star.” 

“Beiliang Island…” En Fei gulped. A well-known place in the universe for selling stolen goods and a paradise for interstellar pirates. Every inch of the land was stained with blood and violence. There was no logic or rule there. You might be killed by a bullet just walking on the road and never know the cause of death. Unless one is an extremely vicious criminal, who had nowhere else to go, no one would want to set foot there. 

Cen Zhen saw from En Fei’s fearful expression that Beiliang Island was not a good place. It was probably a lawless place where criminals gathered. They are spending these great difficulties to ‘scam’ the slave leader there.  

“The FallingCloudStar Pirates settled in Beiliang Island a few days ago.” Lian Yu tapped the floating screen. “The pirate leader, Man Yun, made his fortune in the slave trade, so he must have some chips left. I heard they caught a shallow-water mermaid this time and plan to make a fortune at the auction.” 

“Shallow-water mermaid?” Jiu was surprised. “Didn’t the entire tribe become extinct decades ago?” 

“That’s just what I heard.” Lian Yu saw Cen Zhen secretly searching for mermaids on the terminal. A picture of an ugly monster with fangs, scales on the corners of the eyes, and nails sharper than knives popped up on the interface. He smiled and said, “This is a deep-water mermaid. There are two types of mermaids. Shallow-water mermaids are a simple race with nothing but a good appearance. From old to young, none of them are ugly, but their intelligence is not high. Their only weapon is sound. The more powerful ones can cause hallucinations, but the majority of them can only help sleep, which is useless. Mermaids are mostly… Weak, will die of depression after leaving homeland for only ten years. A hundred years ago, the interstellar slave trade was much more rampant than it is now. They all got sold and died to extinction. ” 

“… Quite miserable.” 

“But shallow-water mermaids beautiful are especial.” En Fei said, “My family once had a shallow-water mermaid in specimens. I family Duke of Kafuo Mansion refers to, my full name Enfikeli Kafuo.” 

Jiu tried to endure repeatedly, but finally couldn’t help saying: “Don’t go anywhere during the days on Whale Star, you need to study Special’s language on the spacecraft humbly!” 

En Fei: “……” 

He timidly defended himself, “It’s unnecessary, good enough it is if understand it.” 

“There is basically no difference between Special’s language and the universal language. Learning it well will only benefit you and not harm.” Jiu was as strict as a tutor. En Fei grumbled a few words about being unable to learn it because he lacked talent at learning the language. Seeing Jiu was unmoved, he switched to the Zerg language to make a scene. 

En Fei’s learning attitude seems to be a chronic issue, the kind that never changes despite repeated teachings. Jiu apologized to Cen Zhen and Lian Yu and asked them to wait for them for a while. Then, with a cold face, Jiu took En Fei aside and communicated with him in the Zerg language. Lian Yu took advantage of the two bugs chattering and jumped over the table to Cen Zhen, “A-na…” 

“Where is your idol baggage?” 

Lian Yu pretended to be stupid: “What is that?” 

“… I’ll settle with you tonight.” Cen Zhen thought of the two buns on his head when he woke up, making him want to kill this big cat. Lian Yu was neither sad nor happy when he heard it, and even sneered: “You always talk as if you are about to give me a good fxxx, but in the end, it’s all just empty talk.” 

Cen Zhen didn’t know how to respond for a while, so he had to pretend to be serious and change the subject: “The FallingCloudStar Pirates and Man Yun have a big role in the novel.” 

“Oh? ” 

“After the protagonist group graduated, in an anti-bandit operation, Pan was captured by the FallingCloudStar Pirates, tortured and beaten, and then…” Cen Zhen paused, “Man Yun fell in love with him.” 

Lian Yu: “……” 

Lian Yu quickly opened the terminal flipping through the copy of the novel he scanned, and asked: “Fall in love with him, or fall in making love with him, there is a big difference here, please explain clearly.” 

“Fall in love, the original text is: The rotten and dirty heart that has been dusted for many years, beats for this young man as holy as a violet. His body was now pumped with fresh bright red blood, hot and boiling, just like his eyes looking at the young man, focused and full of deep affection that might not be discovered by anyone… Don’t look at me with such eyes, I didn’t write it, and I am also a victim. When the novel reached this plot, I didn’t even know how many meters high the grass on my grave was. ” 

“… You continue, I will try to digest the best I can.” 

“And it’s the kind of… giving up everything for him, disbanding the Interstellar pirate group to save him, and surrendering to be shot to see him for the last time.” 

“Go crazy and bang his head against the wall for him?” 

“……” Cen Zhen nodded, “Very lifelike.” 

Lian Yu showed a very subtle expression, “In my previous life, I met Man Yun in my early years. He is not the kind of person who is obsessed with love though? Interstellar pirates are all violent and wanton desperadoes, and Man Yun is the one sitting at the top of the pyramid of this kind of people. The Interstellar Pirates Group is his symbol and everything to him. You can say that he was betrayed and killed by a pirate more powerful than him and replaced him, but disband? Turn himself in? ” 

“Probably because the male protagonist has lowered his intelligence.” 


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  1. Carina Wandering Fujoshi says:

    Thanks for the chapter. 💓
    💊OG Plot sure is unhinged, perfectly proving protags ability of auto lower IQ+EQ for villains and cannonfoder.

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