Is the Guide Reborn?

Nine days later, Cen Zhen saw the Jiao Princess again. At the main entrance of the White Tower, the Jiao Princess was back in her gorgeous and complicated court dress followed by a group of guards and maids. The motorcade was waiting outside the Tower, forming a long line in an imposing manner.

Zhou Qingchang, on behalf of the White Tower, led several members of the Student Union to see her off. The two of them talked respectfully and politely, then took a group photo. 

The Jiao Princess continuously glanced at the main entrance of the Tower unconsciously. Although it was still early, many Sentinels started doing morning exercises in the Tower. Unfortunately, none of them were the person she wanted to see. The princess was expressionless, but the hopefulness in her eyes was almost overflowing, and the disappointment gradually accumulated and condensed. 

Finally, when the bodyguard opened the car door and invited her in, a male voice cut through the silence of the morning sky. The Jiao princess looked up happily and saw HongXing throwing over a glass bottle from afar. She hurriedly caught it. The bottle was full of red, peach, and pink paper stars. When she looked up again, her eyes were red. Her pet snake poked its head out of her sleeve and spit out its tongue to comfort her. 

“Have a safe journey.” HongXing panted while speaking, he clearly had run here. He was so hot that sweat covered his forehead. He smiled with only one corner of his lip lifted, a little badass-looking, and his slightly torn collar was surprisingly sexy. 

Lian Yu held a cup of unsweetened soy milk to his mouth, shaking his head and clicking his tongue beside Cen Zhen, “Origami stars, so vulgar that I can’t bear to watch them, but little girls just love it. Look at the princess’s expression, she would die for the HongXing on the spot, let alone kidnap two insignificant ants.” 

“How good is your trick?” Cen Zhen also held a cup of soy milk, “Broadcast confession, disgusting and corny love words, threaten to jump off a building if I don’t agree.” 

Entitled Lian Yu is worthy of his entitlement. Faced with such blackmail of social death and being ruthlessly rejected, he can still say indifferently: “Who cares if it’s good or not, as long as it works. I’ll cry, make a fuss, and hang myself. Wola, didn’t the beauty come into my arms obediently?” 

The beauty sighed and nodded, “As long as you are happy.” 

Lian Yu was of course happy, and as the countdown to leaving the Tower approached, he became happier. Although Lian Yu voluntarily stayed in the Tower and was sure that he preferred the current calmness to the ups and downs of the past, the Dark Sentinel, who was used to freedom, always belonged to the free wind. These days of staying in the White Tower had made Lian Yu feel suffocated. Now that he finally had the opportunity to leave the Special Star, he was like a large dog rarely taken out for a walk by his owner. If he had a tail, he would definitely wag it more happily than the lion. 

Three days later, in the fourth game of the Close Combat winner group, Qu sat steadily on the chair in the preparation area, his eyebrows furrowed so hard that they could kill mosquitoes. His face was as dark as ink, and everyone in his eyes looked like the murderer of his father. After finishing the work of the Student Union, Zhou Qingzhang rushed to the competition venue. He notices the real low pressure around Qu, and couldn’t help laughing. He walked to his side and sat down, then asked with a smile: “What’s the matter? Ever since you were arranged in the winner’s group A with Cen Zhen and Lian Yu, you have been shouting that you would teach those two a lesson on the field. Why do you look so… ferocious now?” 

“Heh.” Qu sneered, and the mental link clearly told Zhou Qingzhang that he was in a worse mood because of what he just said. Zhou Qingzhang continued to add fuel to the fire with malicious intent, “Could it be that the dignified Student Union president of Tower is afraid of these two third-year kids after watching the juniors’ three consecutive victories these days? Then why don’t we admit defeat as soon as possible and save ourselves the trouble? I will be beaten up on the stage later, I can’t afford to lose this face.” 

Qu glanced at him impatiently, almost gnashing his teeth, and said: “We will definitely win this game.” 

“Huh?” Zhou Qingchang gradually put away his frivolous look, narrowed his eyes, and said seriously: “Qu, don’t underestimate the enemy. Aside from Lian Yu whose strength is hard to figure out, I have seen the progress of Cen Zhen recently. He…” 

“Qingchang.” Qu interrupted and emphasized his tone, “We will definitely win.” 

Zhou Qingchang was stunned for a moment, his face became more solemn, but Qu didn’t mean to explain to him. He had to think about the meaning of the other party’s words alone, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t figure out where Qu got the confidence to say the phrase “definitely win”. 

It wasn’t until three minutes before the game started, when Qu didn’t change into his combat uniform and went on stage in his black and red student union uniform, that Zhou Qingchang finally realized that Cen Zhen and Lian Yu did not come. The entire training hall was packed with people who had come to watch this match, destined to be wonderful. There were not enough seats, and even standing space was barely enough. The group of audiences stared at the ring eagerly, but until the moment the match started, no members of the other team showed up. 

The virtual referee had never encountered an absentee in the top 20 matches, not even in the top 50. He pronounced in disbelief: “Group A Team 4, players Lian Yu and Cen Zhen, were absent from the match without reason, therefore I ruled they lost. The winning team is Group A Team 1, Qu and Zhou Qingchang!” 

The whole audience was in an uproar. 

Zhou Qingchang hurriedly chased Qu off the stage and asked: “Did you know in advance that they would be absent? Why?… Qu, did you kill them?” 

“…” Qu stopped in annoyance, “Did Cen Zhen step on your brain? Don’t associate with them anymore in the future. They are not normal. I wish they would come to compete with me so that I can beat them and convince them to taste the taste of failure, but who knows what they are thinking?” 

“Where are they now?” Zhou Qingchang asked. 

Qu turned around and continued to walk forward with an unhappy look on his face, “Who knows.” 

That night, the front page of the Tower and White Tower forum was once again boiling with two familiar names. Everyone was speculating whether Cen Zhen had a prolapsed anus due to Lian Yu’s f—ing and was being rescued in the hospital, so he missed the game. There were also a few voices in the middle, speculating that Lian Yu might be the one being suppressed in private, but the conclusion did not change much. It was nothing more than a different person who had a prolapsed anus. Anyway, one of them had to step up and be the one to have a prolapsed anus. 

No one knew that the two people at the center of attention were looking up at the stars in the cold wind in the suburbs right now. Naturally not for romantic reasons, but because the agreed spacecraft was delayed by two hours. 

Lian Yu handed Cen Zhen a cup of hot drink, stood beside him, and drank the hot water in his hand. Cen Zhen held the cup to warm his hands for a while, sipped some water, and then turned his head to look at Lian Yu’s profile. Dots of starlight sprinkled on the ends of his slightly curly hair, and his gray-green eyes stared steadily ahead. 

Cen Zhen was sure that it was not his illusion. The feeling that Lian Yu gave him now was completely different from that in the White Tower. He was still the same person, but his temperament suddenly changed, as if a boy had grown up overnight. Thoughts filled his eyes, and everything in the past weighed on his shoulders again. 

The one in the Tower was Lian Yu in his student days, and the one outside the Tower was Dark Sentinel 1802. 

But no matter which one it was, the attractiveness was fatal. 

As if noticing the Guide’s gaze, Lian Yu turned his head, took the paper cup in Cen Zhen’s hand, and drank the remaining water, “They’re here.” 

Hearing this, Cen Zhen raised his eyes, but there was still nothing in front of him. Lian Yu blocked him with one hand and protectively stepped back a few steps. In the next second, there was a sudden violent vibration under their feet, and virtual camouflage several meters high folded and disappeared in front of their eyes, revealing the huge monster underneath. 

Lian Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and praised the spaceship: “What a pretty little guy.” 

“Of course, you know how much this cost?” The spaceship door opened, and two tall men lined up in front of the door. They were both wearing slim white suits, a style between a ball suit and a military uniform, with ribbons on their shoulders, gemstone buttons on their cuffs, and exquisite golden brooches on their chests. Just standing there, they emit a strong aristocratic atmosphere. 

Without waiting for the stairs to drop, one jumped down from a height of four meters and the other followed. Cen Zhen’s pupils shrank slightly. Even though it only appeared briefly, he clearly saw the two thin wings behind their shoulders mid-air. 

The wings looked like dragonfly wings, but they were in the shape of butterfly wings. Cen Zhen immediately understood that the visitors were not citizens of the Special Star, but winged Zerg. 

Zerg are also divided into two categories, winged and wingless. Although both are referred to as Zerg, they are completely different races; even the planets they live on are far apart. Winged Zerg are female-dominant, and all rulers were female, so the ratio of male to female is relatively balanced; Wingless Zerg does not distinguish between male and female but is distinguished by the reproductive system. All members look exactly the same, but only ‘female’ insects can reproduce, and the ratio of ‘males’ to ‘females’ is extremely unequal. 

Cen Zhen remembered that Lian Yu had helped a Zerg escape from the Royal Prison, and later he was bold enough to kidnap a Zerg in public at a wedding. The party mentioned was a Winged Zerg. Lian Yu also listed this as one of his great achievements, boasting about it in his previous life. This Zerg was wrongly imprisoned, and he was stupid enough to actively reform in prison hoping to get a sentence reduction and be released as soon as possible without knowing his lover had been suppressed to the point of committing suicide… 

In his previous life, he had received favor from this Zerg, so in this life, he saw that the time he reborned was just right, and returned the favor. 

It was only after listening to Lian Yu’s explanation that Cen Zhen realized that he had completely misunderstood the World News based on his common sense. The Zerg in the prison was indeed a royal member, the son of the Duke. However, he initially thought it was the bride who Lian Yu kidnapped, but in fact, it was the groom who he kidnapped. 

The Duke’s son fell in love with the little prince, and under a female-dominant culture, this act is a kind of treasonous rebellion. To find an equivalent example on Earth, it would be that the legitimate daughter of a minister in the feudal period fell in love with a princess, and the emperor was so angry that he set a dead end for the legitimate daughter, causing her to be imprisoned for intentional homicide, and then recruited a son-in-law for the princess to marry quickly. 

In the previous life, the princess committed suicide in despair on the eve of her wedding, and in this life, the two were lucky to elope and be with each other in secret. Thinking of this, Cen Zhen suddenly realized something and tentatively called out to the two men who were slowly walking towards them: “Your Highness…?” 

This address made both Zergs stunned. They looked at each other, and then the one walking in front turned around and said with a smile: “My name is Jiu, his name is En Fei, just call us by our names, let the past be the past.” 

The little prince was the ninth in succession, and Cen Zhen nodded, “Jiu, En Fei, my name is Cen Zhen, and I am Lian Yu’s Guide.” 

Original Author’s Note: 

Jiu: Can you be more perfunctory in naming? I’m not a passerby who would only appear once!! 

Cen Zhen: Passersby are even more miserable. 

Jiu: … 

Translator’s Note:

Jiu is the PinYin for nine in Chinese 🙂

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  1. Carina Wandering Fujoshi says:

    It’s nice knowing you 9. 🤭🙃
    Thanks for the chapter!

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