Is the Guide Reborn?

Today’s opponents are two men. Compared with Ximu and Man Feifei’s dainty cuteness, these two have the word powerful brazenly written on their arms and thighs. They are tall and muscular, one is roughly 6’ and the other is 6’6”. Cen Zhen and Lian Yu on the other hand had slim figures despite their strong physique as always. When the four of them all stand on the stage, it feels like two bean sprouts were planted next to two watermelons.

The two muscular men have buff bodies, but their personalities are surprisingly gentle. The Guide man even smiled naively and greeted Cen Zhen from a distance: “I’m your fan! I was present when you beat the Sentinels in the B-level hall, and I cheered for you.”

“Don’t be fooled by him.” Lian Yu reminded in a low voice. In the competition field, the more naive the smile, the dirtier the tricks. If you think he is a big fool, you will die without knowing how you died.

Lian Yu’s words were heard by the Sentinel man, who turned around and repeated them to the Guide man. The Guide man immediately showed an extremely aggrieved expression, waved his strong arms, and shouted: “I followed the post about the hospital rooftop rapacious proposal in the forum from beginning to end and left messages, I am a real fan!”

Cen Zhen, Lian Yu: “……??”

In the first three minutes of the game, when browsing the opponent’s information, Cen Zhen didn’t even bother remembering the Guide’s name and defaulted to refer to him as a real fan. Unexpectedly, the real fan and Cen Zhen took the same path. Although his gender is a Guide, his mental strength is B, while his physical strength is A.

But it’s a pity that, unlike Cen Zhen, he can’t fight most Sentinels without giving his all. He does not have the truly top-tier strength Cen Zhen presents. His Sentinels aren’t born for Dark Sentinels like Lian Yu, which has a spiritual domain that gives him enough room to perform. Therefore such an ability that goes against a Guide’s natural talent can’t bring him any convenience, and instead is a burden.

The A-level physical of the real fan is very useless. He needs to concentrate fully to fight with most Sentinels. The price of doing so is to ignore his Sentinels, which is not worth the loss. But if he attacks the opponent Guides, the Guides will not give him any chance to get close with the help of the Sentinels.

The real fan said that Cen Zhen was his idol, which was indeed from the bottom of his heart. He could not replicate the magical and perfect combination of Cen Zhen and Lian Yu, so he could only envy them secretly.

Through logical guess, if the ability of the real fan is opposite to that of ordinary Guides, isn’t it highly likely that his Sentinels match him and are opposite to most Sentinels? For example, B-level physical fitness and A-level mental strength. However, the Sentinel man turned out very normal with A-level physical and B-level mental strength. Lian Yu sighed in disappointment.

Perhaps the regret in his eyes was too obvious. The Sentinel man couldn’t help explaining before the fight: “I met him when I was working out.” He then showed off his exaggerated biceps, squeezing his two pectoral muscles trembling.

Lian Yu immediately wanted to punch his chest muscles into the air.

Because they showed a legend of D-level defeating A-level in their last match, paired with the publicity department’s wonderful video editing, it created great hype. Many more students came to watch the game today. Even Man Feifei sat in the first row of the stands. Since she wasn’t participating, she wore a goose yellow neck band with lace edges, and occasionally the bruises caused by Cen Zhen’s hand-knife underneath became visible as she moved.

The reason for everyone coming to this match was obvious, they wanted to witness the wonder of the Sentinel passing through the body of the virtual referee again, but this time they were destined to be disappointed. After the match started, not only did the real fans not move, but Lian Yu also stood lazily in place, with his eyebrows raised, thinking about something. The only thing in action was something invisible to the naked eye. Cen Zhen’s mental tentacles attacked from a distance, and the real fans made a stern look, instantly protecting the Sentinel’s mental barrier like a steel wall.

If it weren’t for Zhou Qingchang’s straightforward suggestion, Cen Zhen still wouldn’t know that his attack method was wrong. In short, he was like an uneducated man who only knew how to use brute force, and his actions were counterproductive. The mental tentacles would always have only one action: whipping.

But there are so many words that can be used to describe its simulation, why is mental power called mental tentacles? Because this invisible and intangible thing is like the tentacles of an octopus or a plant, which are pervasive. If used properly, they can be powerful and violent, or soft and smooth, and can whip, entangle, squeeze, and do anything the Guides command.

Soon, the real fan showed a disbelieving expression. He couldn’t predict that he would face Cen Zhen and Lian Yu today, and he didn’t know whether this was fortunate or unfortunate, because Cen Zhen was his idol, he had been paying close attention to him since he challenged the Sentinels at the B-level hall. He rewatched all the available battle records of Cen Zhen and Lian Yu many times. After the last mixed melee match, he specifically went to Man Feifei to ask for combat experience and suggestions.

Man Feifei’s statement coincided with his expectations. Cen Zhen’s mental power control was at the entry level, like an underage Guide in school, who only knew how to force it on the opponent’s mental shield.

He feels like a downgraded version of Cen Zhen and is ashamed in front of the real one today, but he refuses to give up. The moment he found out that his opponent was Cen Zhen, the real fan decided that even if he would lose the match, he would show at least one thing better than Cen Zhen. The real fan thought so “confidently” and did just so. He found one thing better than Cen Zhen and acted on it, but he forgot that no one would stay in place forever.

A week later, Cen Zhen’s mental tentacles had changed their attack methods. He began to use his mental power correctly like a real third-year Guide, prying the shields of other Guides, feeling the mental power that did not belong to him gradually disintegrate, and then wantonly abusing the enemy Sentinel’s mental space, leaving traces of arrogance.

His movements were not skillful, but real fans knew that as long as Cen Zhen was given enough time, he would definitely break through his protective shield.

Mental power has never been inferior to physical power. God is fair. Sentinels have absolutely repressive physical, and Guides have the ability strong enough to alter minds.

In fact, Cen Zhen’s improvement was later than what the real fan imagined. Cen Zhen just got enlightened by the genius last night, and after a sleepless night, he finally made today’s progress.

In addition, he also discovered another wonderful thing about mental power. On top of direct whipping, Guides have another way of attack: controlling the five senses of Sentinels. After breaking through the mental barrier, Guides can easily make a Sentinel blind or deaf, or magnify everything and torture them with noise and strong light.

Cen Zhen tried to test it on Lian Yu. As soon as he mentioned this concept, the Sentinel’s face went pale as if he had seen a ghost, and he hugged the pillow and hid in the bed vigorously.

“If I didn’t know you were incapable, I would have thought you…” Lian Yu became evasive while glancing at Cen Zhen’s face cautiously, “Or you did mean it in that way?”

Cen Zhen thought Lian Yu was afraid of pain. Compared with other Sentinels whose spiritual space is often injured, and went through great damage and repair to finally be tempered into steel-like strength, Lian Yu’s spiritual space was a ‘virgin land’. Untouched until he broke in without any care not long ago, and it was now fragile and sensitive.

But there seems to be another meaning?

“What do you mean?” Cen Zhen asked blankly but eager to learn.

Lian Yu was immediately disappointed and deflated, “The behavior of controlling the five senses is applied in three scenarios. The first is to threaten the enemy, which is a punishment; the second is on the battlefield, as an act of auxiliary; the third…” Lian Yu deliberately paused, and Cen Zhen immediately had a bad premonition.

“It’s in bed, which is a way of ‘having fun’.”

Cen Zhen had a blank expression, and the suspicion in his heart was indeed correct.

Lian Yu likes Cen Zhen’s cold expression. It makes him want to peel off his calm and dignified surface and do all he can to make him show a different look, so he can taste the unique and delicious look that only belongs to him.

“Try to think about it,” Lian Yu lowered his voice and seduced in his sexiest voice: “You can control my eyes so that I can’t see anything, you can control my ears so that I can’t hear anything, then I can only cling to you powerlessly and follow your touch in fear. You can also amplify my perception, make me tremble from just a kiss, and scream out of control because of an insert.”

Cen Zhen didn’t speak, but his blue eyes looked at Lian Yu seriously, indicating he was listening. Lian Yu spoke excitedly as if he had a sense of the picture in front of him, but in the end, he ended with a sigh: “It’s a pity that it’s useless to say so much since you are incapable.”

Cen Zhen covered Lian Yu’s face with a quilt and sat back at the desk to continue studying.


Compared to how exciting the last match was, this one was boring. Everything was an invisible confrontation. Cen Zhen calmly used his mental power to pry open the mental shield of the real fans. When he pried it open, he would win.

Lian Yu did not move from beginning to end. Although his skills were not good enough in the wide universe full of ‘hidden dragons and crouching tigers’ – other than those overpowering S-level Sentinels seniors, there are also many races that could be called killing machines with the power to teach him how to behave, he had no rivals in the Tower, this stays true even against Yao Jin.

If he participates, the match will only end faster. It would be better to extend the game time a little and leave it for Cen Zhen to practice.

Although the opponent Sentinel’s idea of ​​staying put differs from Lian Yu’s, they have something in common. Cen Zhen is the idol of the real fans. He almost got calluses from listening to the real fans talking about Cen Zhen every day. The useless A-level physical has left the real fans in the fog until now——

Until Cen Zhen appeared, the real fans became visibly happier and optimistic, as if someone had fulfilled his dream that he could not fulfill. It was Cen Zhen who let him know what a Guide with a high physique could accomplish and how far he could go.

The top 50 is already the world of just S-level and A+-level abnormalities. If they are lucky, they can be the “goalkeeper” of the top 50, but the truth is, their luck is average. They are now facing the more abnormal D-level who can defeat the two double A-levels.

Only a fool would believe that he is D-level. The physical of this golden-haired Sentinel must be A+ if not S.

The Sentinel man has no regret losing here. He left enough time for the real fan and Cen Zhen to have a friendly exchange, but he wouldn’t admit defeat without trying. At the moment when the mental shield showed the first crack under Cen Zhen’s “prying”, the Sentinel sprinted and launched an attack.

The real fan felt the pressure brought by Cen Zhen suddenly ease, and his whole body shook as he raised his hand to support his sweaty forehead. Cen Zhen also breathed a sigh of relief, retracted his mental power, and retreated behind Lian Yu. Although he was mentally exhausted, his eyes were still clear and shining.


The author has something to say:

Lian Yu’s N-th attempt to sell himself “I’m great on the bed” failed

Cen Zhen: We need to hold hands, date, break up, reconcile, break up again, and reconcile again before we can proceed to the next step

Lian Yu: ……


Translator’s Note:

I have decided to replace the propaganda department with the publicity department starting now because I found it more suitable `v`

On a side note: hidden dragons and crouching tigers just mean all the low-profile, strong, talented, and capable individuals who might not be publicly known to the world.

Goalkeeper means the last place, which comes from the idea of being the last of all, they guard the position so no one else can enter the existing rank.

Lastly, I am so sorry for the delay 😭 I have no excuse, I am trying to pick myself back up and my goal is to finish this novel by the end of this year.

⬆️ Please consider supporting me on Ko-fi here 💕 Thank you so so much for picking up this novel! I hope you enjoy ^^


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