Is the Guide Reborn?

Lian Yu hesitated between his hairline and Cen Zhen’s passionate kiss for three seconds, and finally made up his mind to go for the kiss! What’s so important about hair, he and Cen Zhen have already completed permanent union. Even if he became fat, ugly, and bald with big bellies, he is Cen Zhen’s forever regardless of how disgusting he looks.

After entering Field 1, Cen Zhen immediately saw Hong Xing standing on the edge of the left arena doing preparatory exercises. Next to him stood a charming female Guide who was the one he had teamed with during the midterm exam. 

Cen Zhen and Lian Yu were also assigned to the left arena, but they were in the second round, which happened to be staggered from Hong Xing. However, because they were in the same venue, they inevitably met eyes.

The way Hong Xing looked at Cen Zhen was normal, the same as he was treating every Guide classmate he knew but not so familiar with, but when he met eyes with Lian Yu, a hint of meaning that was difficult to describe in words flashed through very quickly.

If one had to describe it, it was probably something like Brothel Frequenter 1 and Brothel Frequenter 2 who secretly agreed to seek fun the night of had coincidentally met each other during the day. They hinted at each other with a look.

It can be felt from the spiritual link that Brothel Frequenter 2 is in a high mood now; becoming hardened, wanting to show off his male glory on the spot. As if he has a grudge against his hairline or something.

Cen Zhen sat down at the place where the guiding butterfly disappeared. Immediately, staff members wearing white and gold uniforms of the White Tower Student Union came over to remind them that they should get near the stage and start prepping immediately after the first round started. However, Cen Zhen’s attention was drawn to the seat on the other side. To a girl who’s alone; the seats around her were all empty. She wore a small woolen felt hat and a pair of wide sunglasses, with only a part of her chin exposed. She dressed in a fluffy light-colored long skirt, the hem of the skirt touched the floor and covered the toes of her shoes. She sits in a very dignified posture, with her hands clasped in front of her knees.

“Hey, hey, did you hear that, little Cen Zhen?” The staff member’s tone was quite arrogant, and she even called out Cen Zhen’s name openly. Only then did Cen Zhen look up belatedly and find that the person standing in front of him turned out to be the senior Guide with wavy brown hair, who’s also the head of the Propaganda Department and Lian Yu’s immediate boss.

“Pardon, what did you just say?”

“She told us to lose quickly so that we could be free to work for the student union.” Lian Yu clicked his tongue twice, “That’s so vicious.”

“Hey, that’s not what I said at all, okay!” The slender index finger of the wavy-haired girl touched the tip of her nose lightly. She changed her nails to another style, and there happened to be a cute little pink strawberry painted on her index finger. Lian Yu’s eyes couldn’t help but linger on the strawberry for half a second, and then he said slowly: “About the same, it wasn’t something nice anyway.”

“You–” the minister snorted, “lack of ability to define good and bad. I came all the way here after spotting you just to cheer you up, and you have to arrange to slander me like this? Be careful, I will bribe the competition organizers and manipulate the drawing, purposely match you up with difficult opponents.”

A strong man Lian Yu knows how to be flexible, and immediately puts his hands together and begs for mercy: “I was wrong.”

“Acknowledge your mistakes proactively, but refuse to repent?”

During the conversation between the two, Cen Zhen couldn’t help but glance at the girl on the other side. He narrowed his eyes slightly and finally realized the identity of the person from the incongruity of her clothes. She’s the Jiao Princess! The long skirt, which was incompatible with the attire of the people around her, was meant to cover her tail.

After dealing with the Propaganda Minister, Lian Yu put his arm around Cen Zhen’s and whispered in his ear: “It’s the princess herself. Hong Xing is good at calculating people’s hearts. There’s no need for me at all.”

In order to prevent Yao Jin from being forcibly kidnapped by the princess, and fearing that Hong Xing, who was determined to climb high, might not be able to handle the princess, Lian Yu personally went out to do his best to promote the marriage between Hong Xing and the princess.

This also means that persuading the princess to come to the game must be a purposeful strategy. Cen Zhen guessed that it was not as simple as Hong Xing winning the game, taking off his clothes to show off his chest and abdominal muscles, and his masculinity as a Sentinel.

Soon, the first round of the match in Field 1 officially started. The left and right arenas started at the same time. The introduction of both sides was displayed three minutes before the game. Hong Xing’s opponent was also a combination of a male Sentinel and a female Guide. The Sentinel is a fourth-year and the Guide is a third-year. They are the most commonly seen, double B pair. Most of these combinations compete in melee matches purely for fun. Mainly to cultivate their relationship with each other, to accumulate experience in action, and not to expect anything else.

It stands to reason that Hong Xing, who has an A physical, could adopt a slightly more forceful strategy. Even if he did not push the opponent to the ground and beat them up, the game should be to his advantage. But the strange thing is that for the entire five minutes of the game, Hong Xing and his Guide could only defend. Of course, Hong Xing protected the lovely female Guide very well, and neither party was injured.

It can be clearly seen that there is some confusion in the expression of the cute Guide, but the rhythm of the melee match is in the hands of the Sentinels in most cases. So although the cute Guide feels strange, she still obediently cooperated with Hong Xing’s strategy.

In the tenth minute of the match, the situation on the right side of the ring became fierce. The two sides fought back and forth, and blood flowed everywhere. The crowd became furious. On the other hand, looking at the left ring, the enemy Sentinel finally caught him. When he got the chance, he punched towards the cute female Guide, but Hong Xing hugged her mightily, blocking the punch with his body, and straight on met the blow with his back. Then he held the Guide and quickly distanced themselves from the opponent.

Cen Zhen heard a cold snort, which was full of dissatisfaction and anger. He turned his head slightly and saw the Jiao Princess had stood up. Although most of her face was covered by sunglasses, the light was tilted from the bottom up. Her bad mood at the moment could be seen from the corner of her mouth. Even though she was extremely angry, as a princess, she still behaved gracefully. She held the corner of her skirt with both hands to avoid tripping over the floor-length skirt. Then she quickly left without looking back, not caring about the competition that was still going on on the stage.

The moment after the princess left, Hong Xing suddenly attacked and caught the opponent’s oversight. He pushed the opponent to the ground in the blink of an eye, and the battle ended within two minutes.

When they came off the stage, Cen Zhen and Lian Yu were led to the ring preparation area. Hong Xing stopped, smiled at them, and said, “Wish you victory.”

Lian Yu smiled back and said, “The effect is good.”

The reason why there are so many scumbags in the world is because too many girls fall for scumbags’ strategy. Hong Xing deliberately invited the Jiao Princess to watch the game and used the game as a legitimate reason to get close to other women, yet still kept a proper distance, showing an honest teammate friendship. The Jiao Princess felt uncomfortable, but she couldn’t say anything was wrong. So she can only be secretly jealous.

Hong Xing has made many preparations. If the princess only likes people who don’t give what she asks for, then he can package himself as the ‘elegant moonlight’, who is distant and graceful. But at present, it seems that the princess also has a soft spot for scumbag men.

“You will be struck by lightning if you cheat on people’s feelings.” Cen Zhen stood still in the preparation area. Lian Yu blinked and said, “It’s none of my business. I have a blank slate when it comes to relationships and I don’t know anything. You are my first love. You think I will cheat on you? Have I ever plotted against you? I only pursued you with sincerity, okay?

……All I did was warn Hong Xing that spoiling the princess blindly might not work. Before I could analyze with him how to pursue the princess, he confidently said that the princess would never escape from his grasp.

Also, to give Hong Xing more motivation, I hinted to him that Yao Jin is interested in the Jiao Princess too, so that he must not lose. Hong Xing is jealous of Yao Jin because he has always been inferior to Yao Jin ever since he entered the Tower. Being with the Jiao Princess in some sense shows he is better than Yao Jin. Maybe Hong Xing can dispel his resentment towards Yao Jin with this opportunity and avoid an interstellar kidnapping disaster. By pairing the two villains together, I’m doing justice to the people. “

Lian Yu talked non-stop, the information about the opponents was about to be announced, and he still couldn’t stop talking about his wonderful plan and contribution to society. Underestimating their opponent to the full extent.

However, he does have the capital to underestimate the opponent. He is the only double S in the school. Even looking at the entire union, he is unrivaled. The gap between each level is crushing. Unless they are unlucky enough to match with S level in the very beginning, otherwise the opponent will be point givers.

Three minutes before the game, the information about their first-round opponents of the melee audition was laid in front of them. They were two girls whose appearance was more on the harmless side, neither taller than 1.7 meters. Among them, the Sentinel girl was only 1.55 meters tall. She had her hair in a pair of bow-tie ponytails that could make Otakus’ self-control nonexistent. The Guide girl has bright pink hair with a white pom-pom hairpin.

In the eyes of Earth citizens, this game is just two 1.8 meter tall strong men bullying two cute girls. No matter how handsome the strong men are, they will still be blamed by the public. But Cen Zhen did not dare to look down on these two people. They were both fifth-year students, and they were also the rare four-A pair.

There are basically about 400 students in each grade. Students in the Tower and the White Tower combined are only about 800. The total number of Sentinels and Guides who are A and above will not exceed 50. Double A will be reduced by half. They are ‘lucky’. In the first game, they ran into the 2/25 possibilities.

“I remember this Guide. First.” Lian Yu suddenly said cryptically, and his voice was very low. ‘First’ means his first life, the most optimistic life. This is the code word that only Cen Zhen will understand, “Her name is Man Feifei, her mental strength is not only A, but A+, and her compatibility with me is the closest to 60%. I once bet my atrophy on her, but unfortunately, until… we didn’t break through the baseline.”

“Hm.” Cen Zhen frowned even more. He understood what Lian Yu meant. They have met the most difficult opponent they would ever encounter. For the two of them, this game’s opponent is even more tricky than the Double S that everyone else fears.

No matter how strong Cen Zhen has shown to be in the past few months, he is just a newbie Guide. In terms of physical ability, he can challenge B-class Sentinels due to his childhood training on Earth and his special physique. However, in terms of mental strength, he is completely a newbie, he knows nothing about how to protect a Sentinel’s mental space as a Guide, and how to break through a Guide’s protection on their Sentinel.

Although it was not said out loud, Cen Zhen and Lian Yu were confident of having a place in the rankings before today or even five minutes ago. For no other reason than their combination was a complete bug in melee matches.

Lian Yu’s mental domain is narrow, and ordinary Guides cannot launch any useful attack on his mental space, so he does not need Cen Zhen’s protection; Cen Zhen is physically strong, and even if his utilization of spiritual control is weak, he can completely outlast other Sentinels with his physique.

Sentinels and Guides need cooperation and hard work to overcome their weaknesses. Yet for them, it is not a problem at all. Cen Zhen and Lian Yu are like a pair of Sentinels with their personal Guide assistant. Naturally, they have more than just some advantage over ordinary teams.

But at this time Lian Yu told him that the Guide in front of him was very likely to cause damage to his mental space, and it would be difficult for Cen Zhen to deal with an A-level Sentinel alone. He must protect Lian Yu and cooperate with Lian Yu, just like every other Guide; using his spiritual power to assist his Sentinels.

What a coincidence… Could it be that the Propaganda Minister really did something to manipulate the pairing of the competition just to eliminate them in the first round? Cen Zhen turned around to look at the curly-haired Minister and unexpectedly discovered that two student union presidents had also arrived at Field 1 at some point, sitting next to the Propaganda Minister, ready to watch their game.

Zhou Qingchang noticed Cen Zhen’s gaze, smiled, and waved. Surprisingly, Qu beside him smiled too, crossing his arms across his chest, his smile full of meaning.

“……” Lian Yu lowered his face and gritted his teeth: “They did it on purpose!”


Original Author’s Note: 

First half: Yuyu would teach you how to capture the heart of the princess

Second half: The student union president would teach you how to entrap your employees

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