Is the Guide Reborn?

“Your Highness.” Chairman of the White Tower Student Council, Zhou Qingchang, bowed respectfully towards the visitor. He was wearing a white student council uniform, with delicate gold trim on the cuffs and hem. Another Guide wearing the same style of uniform beside him walked up and pushed open the door to the White Tower’s Shooting Competition Hall.

The Jiao Princess has a long green tail with durable and shiny scales that drag on the ground and zigzag as the princess moves. There are also faint light green scales at the corners of her eyes. Her eyes have typical snake-shaped vertical pupils, but the Jiao never blinks because they have no eyelids.

She held one hand flat in front of her belly, and around her arm was a golden snake, about the thickness of two fingers. It was Jiao Princess’s favorite pet that grew up with her from a young age.

“This is the audition venue for the shooting competition.” Zhou Qingchang introduced. The Jiaos nodded and looked down through the glass window. The noise level of Sentinels’ gatherings has always been inversely proportional to the number of people. The larger the number, the more quiet it would be. Apart from the sound of bullets hitting the target, there was only the mechanical sound of the virtual referee announcing the results.

“Hey.” Lian Yu turned sideways and patted the back of Cen Zhen’s hand, then raised his chin and motioned for him to look toward the observation deck above, “Here comes Yao Jin’s thorny gold rose.”

They had just finished today’s competition and ranked first in the group with the absolute advantage of a full score. Cen Zhen was wiping the game gun, preparing to return it. Hearing this, he answered lightly: “I already saw.”

“She looks surprisingly ok, huh? It’s just that she has a bad personality. The novel describes her as arrogant and fierce, not allowing any rejection, acts unreasonable and unscrupulous to get what she wants.”

“You like that?” Cen Zhen handed the gun to the staff robot that looked like a trash can with wheels. Lian Yu also threw his gun into the robot’s small basket and said with a smile: “Me? You know my type the best, don’t you?”

Cen Zhen did not respond to Lian Yu’s teasing. He straightened his rolled-up sleeves, and Lian Yu leaned into his ear and asked, “What are you going to do next?”

“Back to my room.” Cen Zhen answered matter-of-factly. He has no classes and the competition is over. What else should he do instead of going back to the dormitory, streaking?

“I have a suggestion.” Lian Yu stretched out his slender index finger and waved it in front of Cen Zhen’s eyes, “The next event on the Jiao’s schedule is to observe the Melee Competition Hall in the Tower, where they meet the male protagonist Yao Jin according to the plot. .”

“Yeah.” Cen Zhen took two bottles of mineral-free water from the museum’s self-service machine beside the wall and threw one to Lian Yu.

“I think we should prevent this from happening.” Lian Yu said, “Because the quadrennial Universe Expo will open on the Archipelago Star within the Giant Galaxy at the end of next month, and I want to attend it.”

Cen Zhen raised his head to take a sip of the water, and asked: “Is there any relationship between the two? Even if Yao Jin got taken away by the Jiao, you can still go to the Expo.”

“You think I don’t know you?” Lian Yu raised his eyebrows, “If Yao Jin was kidnapped by the Jiao people, and Pan had to chase after them thousands of miles away with a battleship to get his husband back. Before that, could he not come to you and cry? Then when he asked for your help in tears, how could you not go along to the Jiao Star and help him?”

“…” Cen Zhen imagined this scenario, “Let aside my reaction to this possibility, you in particular, a criminal leader who only worries about the world not being in chaos, would you ignore this opportunity? I predict that you would agree to help him before I get a chance to open my mouth, then actively help him come up with plans and start doing evil.”

Lian Yu thought about it and found that what Cen Zhen said actually made sense, “Then in order to avoid this all from happening, we must nip it in the cradle.”

“What are you going to do?” Cen Zhen stopped and looked at him leisurely. The next second, Lian Yu grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the running track in front of the Tower’s A-level training hall. An important plot would happen there, they must arrive before the Jiao people approach.

There are not many people on the track. After all, this is near the A-level hall. Most Sentinels only have B-level physicals, so they are too lazy to come here just to watch the group of talented Sentinels compete in pride. Thus, Cen Zhen easily spotted Yao Jin wiping his sweat in a corner. Along with Fan, who’s drinking water, and Hong Xing, who’s talking, next to him.

Fan was the first to notice Cen Zhen and Lian Yu approaching. However, the moment he discovered Cen Zhen, Fan’s reaction was exaggeratedly funny. He went from sitting on the ground with his head up drinking water to spitting a full-on water fountain in an instant. He stood up quickly and started coughing rapidly. Hong Xing and Yao Jin were stunned. Fan closed his water bottle and stuffed it into his backpack along with the towel. He casually said that he had to leave early, and then disappeared without a trace as if a dog was chasing after him.

Yao Jin and Hong Xing called after him twice, and then looked at each other, wondering what was wrong with Fan.

Lian Yu also hissed strangely and asked: “What did you do to Fan? Did you press him down on the bed forcefully?” Before Cen Zhen could refute, Lian Yu shook his head, “It’s impossible, you don’t even want to fuck me. How could you be interested in him?”

Cen Zhen really wanted to take out Lian Yu’s brain and run it through a strainer several times to filter out these random yellow wastes in his brain. However, he soon realized that if he did do that, there would likely be nothing left in Lian Yu’s brain afterward.

“Cen Zhen, Lian Yu.” Yao Jin finally saw them. He smiled and waved, “Lian Yu, why don’t you come to class again?” Hong Xing also nodded and asked, “I remember you also signed up for Shooting. How was your round?”

“It’s okay, how about you?” Lian Yu smiled very naturally. The smiles on the faces of the three Sentinels were each brighter than the other, so bright that bystanders had the illusion of their own face twitching. The only Guide present remained cold as he looked into mid-air not far away without saying a word. 

Just like there are often stray cats and dogs in universities on Earth, there are also many stray animals in the Tower and the White Tower. However, they are much more hard-core than cats and dogs. There are wild peacocks, sika deer, etc. in the forest. And because the lake is natural, there are more kinds of animals in the lakes, including wild swans, water birds, and various fishes. As for the sky, there are all kinds of strange things.

It seems that because the spiritual body is in the form of animals, the Sentinels and Guides have a natural attraction to real animals. Within the Tower and the White Tower in particular, as the novel mentions, an outside eagle broke into the Tower and scared Jiao Princess’s pet, causing the golden snake to flee from the princess’s arm and quickly hide in the jungle. In the end, it was captured by a very handsome Sentinel with red hair and red eyes and returned to its original owner.

The three Sentinels were still competing tirelessly to see whose smile was brighter. With a sharp look, Cen Zhen caught the eagle that shuttled between the lecture buildings. Knowing that time was tight, he gave a random excuse and planned to send the male protagonist away. “Yao Jin, Pan said he has something to ask you.” 

“Ask me?” Yao Jin subconsciously opened the terminal to check for messages. Lian Yu curled his lips at Cen Zhen, and the spiritual connection between the two fluctuated. The emotion of contempt spread from Lian Yu to Cen Zhen’s mind, Cen Zhen could guess what he was thinking, probably something like ‘your ability to make excuses is really weak’.

Cen Zhen was too lazy to pay attention to this Sentinel who had only been chatting all this time without doing anything serious. He continued to say to Yao Jin expressionlessly: “Yes, Pan just verbally conveyed it to me and Lian Yu, asking you to go to the White Tower to find him.”

“Huh?” Yao Jin made a face of ‘Are you joking?’. Hong Xing looked at Cen Zhen and then at Lian Yu, blinking in confusion.

However, at this moment, an eagle’s cry echoed from high in the sky. Three Sentinels wearing black and red Tower Student Council uniforms ran from a distance, and a slightly shrill female voice followed: “Make sure not to hurt Little Orange!”

Because Cen Zhen was familiar with the plot, he knew that the three Sentinels must be chasing Jiao Princess’s golden snake. The three Sentinels spotted the snake fleeing in panic on the running track at a glance, as well as the fierce eagle hovering high in the sky. 

Soon, Jiao Princess also broke into their sight. Standing next to her was Qu, the President of the Tower Student Council. His expression was not good, he must be unhappy about this accident.

Yao Jin and Hong Xing caught the golden snake in their sights at the same time. The latter quickly jumped out to help the Sentinels capture the golden snake and drive away the eagle. However, the former was suddenly pinched by the back collar and got taken away into the shadow without the right of refusal

“You should also avoid her.” Lian Yu warned Cen Zhen while restraining Yao Jin, “You are also good-looking, what if that Jiao isn’t picky and went after you because she couldn’t get Yao Jin?”

Yao Jin was completely confused, and a little angry at the same time. After being dragged a few steps, he shook off Lian Yu’s hand and asked: “What on earth are you doing? First, you tricked me into looking for Pan, and now where are you planning to drag me to? And what Jiao are you talking about? What does it have anything to do with me?”

Lian Yu gave a long hum, frowned, and said, “I was so preoccupied with trying to prevent you from meeting the Jiao that I forgot to make up an excuse to bluff you on the way.”

“Huh???” It was clear that what Lian Yu said was human language. Yao Jin knew every word separately, but together they made him completely confused. Yao Jin turned his head to look at Cen Zhen. In comparison to Lian Yu, he believed the stern Cen Zhen was more reliable, but as soon as he turned around, he found that Cen Zhen had raised his hand in a hand-knife shape as if he was going to knock him out on the back of the neck in the next second.

Yao Jin: “……”

Suddenly, he felt a chill from his back, but before he could react and protect his neck, Lian Yu understood and filled in the hand knife that Cen Zhen missed the opportunity to hit, and knocked Yao Jin unconscious.

“So rough.” Lian Yu caught Yao Jin’s body and let him slowly lie down on the ground. “I can’t imagine Yao Jin’s mental activities after waking up.”

“Then you should quickly think of a reason while he faints.” Cen Zhen slowly walked out of the corner shadows and looked at the center of the track not far away. The incident of the eagle catching the snake came to an end in just two minutes. Yao Jin, who was originally the lead actor, got rudely thrown to the ground, so the Sentinel who presented the golden snake to the Jiao Princess turned out to be Hong Xing.

Jiao Princess’s cheeks were flushed because of the intense running. She happily took her pet from Hong Xing. The golden snake immediately wrapped around her wrist, spitting its snake letter as if expressing its grievances to the owner.

“Thank you for saving Little Orange.” Jiao Princess said her words of thanks and extended her hand to Hong Xing gracefully.

In the novel, when Yao Jin sees Jiao Princess reaching out to him, he looks strangely to one side. The President of the Tower Student Council immediately made a gesture of kissing the back of his hand hinting.

This is the custom of the Jiao. At that time, Yao Jin held Jiao Princess’s hand but did not kiss her hand. Instead, he made a gesture in the air and immediately stepped back, rejecting the Jiao Princess’s invitation to have dinner together.

This time, Hong Xing also received this hint, but he carried out his kiss, stood up, and smiled: “It is my honor to serve a beautiful princess like you.”

Jiao Princess’s expression remained unchanged, but her ears turned red.


Original Author’s Note: 

Yao Jin: …(Smashing the script, I quit this show, WTF!)

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