Is the Guide Reborn?

Cen Zhen intuitively felt that something was wrong with Lian Yu’s mood. When they met for the first time, Lian Yu acted just like that. Under his ordinary appearance, there was destructive madness and hysteria hidden.

Maybe Lian Yu discovered something from the novel, Cen Zhen guessed. Lian Yu left too hastily, and he was purposely hiding something as he talked. Cen Zhen can’t think of anything other than information related to the spiritual black hole that might cause Lian Yu to act like this. 

But the scary thing is that he didn’t notice any sign of this when Lian Yu read the novel. His expression was relaxed and natural throughout, and he seemed to really only focus on the little dramas between Yao Jin and the Jiao Princess.

Cen Zhen has no connection with the optimistic and joyful Lian Yu in his first life. Ever since they met, this Sentinel has been baptized by endless spiritual black holes. The long torture has penetrated every inch of his skin and every blood vessel, making his temperament extreme. He became neurotic, perverse, and cruel.

Only when facing him, Lian Yu would temporarily hide his minions, suppress all the bad thoughts, and act like an ordinary Sentinel in the Tower who only needs to worry about courses, grades, and the Guide they have a crush on.

Lian Yu not only can pretend to be weak and coquettish on the surface, but during the brief long-distance conversation, Cen Zhen suddenly realizes that Lian Yu indeed is an excellent actor. From the moment the other party took the initiative to get close to him until they conducted permanent union a few days ago, Cen Zhen almost regarded the spoiled Sentinel who wouldn’t leave him alone anywhere in the Tower, the White Tower, and his dorm as Lian Yu’s true nature. Thus forgetting about how this ruthless villain in the book had caused countless troubles.

The one who would cut a Guide’s blood vessels and let them bleed to death. When Lian Yu talked about the method of torturing the doctor, he said it so casually and simply, so short that Cen Zhen couldn’t feel the bloodiness and cruelty involved.

Cen Zhen thinks of himself as a lock and he has been a very effective lock so far. As long as Lian Yu is by his side, all his darkness will disappear. Lian Yu feels redemption in him, although it seems that for the moment being, he will not give up the thought of revenge because of him.

But can he, the lock, last forever? Not long ago, on top of that ward building, when Cen Zhen was seriously considering whether to register permanent marking with Lian Yu, he had already realized that while he was satisfied with the feeling that he would be Lian Yu’s absolute only, he had also lost the privilege of making a choice forever. Betrayal is equivalent to death. The peaceful illusion now is only because Lian Yu is willing to let it be. If one day he doesn’t want to, it will definitely be a complete disaster.

Being too involved with such an extreme person is not a good choice. Cen Zhen believes that no matter who he is, any normal person will stop their losses immediately, and move as far away as they could from this lunatic ……

But unfortunately, Cen Zhen is not normal.

Abandoned by his parents since he was a child, he was raised by a professional assassin in the icy snowy range. He has been exposed to firearms since he was literate. When he was ten years old, he killed his first home invasion robber without change of expression. When he was twelve years old, he woke up to heat some milk in the middle of the night and saw a gangster who intended to do evil. He even helped his adopter clean the blood, dig a hole, and destroy the corpse. How could someone like him, who learns the world’s common ethics and morals for the first time after the age of fifteen, be normal?

If Lian Yu decides to let go, Cen Zhen has always been content with the status quo. Just like when he became an ordinary high/college student on earth, he adapted well; but if Lian Yu decides to not let go of his past, then he will definitely be his best accomplice.

At that time, Cen Zhen looked at the sobbing Sentinel standing on the top of the building and thought in surprise, is this my type? He then vaguely became aware of the reason for his transmigration. After all, in both worlds, except for Lian Yu, he would never find another person like this.

Pushing open the door of the school doctor’s office, because he was still thinking about things in his mind when he saw the person in front of him, he almost thought he had arrived at the Central Hospital, “Chen Wuyou?”

Chen Wuyou was holding a steaming cup of tea as usual and sitting behind the table. His hair was strangely messy and his collar was crooked. “Hey, isn’t this Cen Zhen? Why are you here in the school doctor’s office instead of being in class?”

“I should ask you this, what are you doing here at the White Tower instead of going to work?” Cen Zhen closed the door and said, “Get me some Sentinel pheromones.”

“You want that? Where is Lian Yu?” Chen Wuyou stood up and opened the cabinet on the right-hand side in a familiar manner. He took out a board of pheromones, “I’m off today, and my friend is on duty here in school, so I came to hang out with him because I got nothing to do.”

“Where is he?” Cen Zhen opened a tube of Sentinel pheromone and immediately felt relief. Chen Wuyou frowned and said, “A student was injured just now and he went out… Why don’t you go back to class?”

Cen Zhen was about to ask him about his compatibility with Lian Yu, but when he heard Chen Wuyou driving him away for the second time in just three minutes, he raised his eyes and glanced at Chen Wuyou intently, but just as Chen Wuyou’s limbs became stiff, Cen Zhen hummed lightly, “Then I’ll be leaving.”

“Okay, see you later.” Chen Wuyou picked up the teacup and covered half of his face. He breathed a sigh of relief visibly. Cen Zhen grabbed the remaining Sentinel pheromone and walked out of the school doctor’s office. He waited at the door for five seconds and then suddenly turned around and entered the room.

In the school doctor’s office, Fan was kneeling on a chair with one leg, his cheeks reddening, and grabbing Chen Wuyou’s neck with both hands, intending to kill Dr. Chen. Dr. Chen didn’t accept it as is and grabbed onto Fan’s neck in return. His hair and clothes became even more messier than before. 

The moment Cen Zhen reappeared, the world paused. Sounds disappeared, breaths disappeared, and the people…well, they wish they could. Fan’s face turned as pale as if he had seen a ghost. Chen Wuyou’s condition was slightly better. Although he was a little embarrassed, he quickly reacted and cursed: “Cen Zhen, why are you so cunning?”

“I originally thought you were so messy because you were having a secret affair with your lover in the school doctor’s office.” Cen Zhen pulled out a chair and sat down, “But before I opened the door to leave, I smelled a hint of Fan’s pheromones. He probably thought I was leaving, so he let down his guard and failed to restrain himself completely. So, I came back.”

“The situation… is not what you think.” Fan struggled to hold back a few words, his eyes full of despair, Dr. Chen patted his shoulder with compassion, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell Cen Zhen that you came to see me for impotence.”

Fan angrily tried to strangle Chen Wuyou’s neck again, but Chen Wuyou avoided it with quick eyesight and movement. Fan couldn’t kill him, so he could only explain in a hurry: “I skipped school and came to the White Tower to look for Lele, but who would have thought that I’d see this pervert halfway.”

“Pervert??” Chen Wuyou was shocked, “What have I done to become a pervert?”

“…” Fan gritted his teeth, turned around, and left angrily, “I got no time to talk nonsense with you, Lele has been waiting for me for a long time.”

Cen Zhen remembered that Lele was the Guide who teamed up with Fan during the mid-term exam, the cannon fodder ‘Cen Zhen’s’ biggest enemy, and the nameless passerby in his view.

“What did you do to him?” Cen Zhen asked, “Discard after having made use of him?” (1)

“It’s unjust.” Chen Wuyou shouted at the unfair statement, “He is the one who is pestering me, okay? He’s like a ghost that lingers around me all day long. Wherever I go I see him.”

The two looked at each other, and Cen Zhen took the lead in changing the topic. He briefly explained the situation between him and Lian Yu and asked whether mental space atrophy would affect compatibility.

“No.” Chen Wuyou said firmly, “But the speed of the increase in compatibility between the two of you is indeed extraordinary… Let’s do it this way, you can measure it at least once a week and report the data to me, so I can help you guys observe it.”

Cen Zhen thanked him and heard Chen Wuyou ask: “Isn’t the best combo ranking competition about to begin? What have you and Lian Yu signed up for?”

“…” Cen Zhen asked quickly: “How to cure the disease of crashing every time one drives a battleship?”

“There is no hope, just wait to die.”


That night, Lian Yu jumped into Cen Zhen’s dormitory under the night sky and was covered in moisture. At that time, Cen Zhen was making up for the classes he had not attended during the day. When he raised his head, he found that the ends of Lian Yu’s hair were still wet. He couldn’t even wait for his hair to dry after taking a shower and hurried over.

The snow leopard was playing with the toys that Cen Zhen bought for him on the carpet, but the lion abnormally did not appear immediately. This also confirmed Cen Zhen’s conjecture during the day. People can disguise themselves, but the spiritual body cannot. If the lion appears at this moment, it must be immersed in the murderous aura.

“Zhen~” Lian Yu reached out and grabbed the floating screen on the desktop, and the three interfaces immediately merged. He also took the opportunity to sit on Cen Zhen’s lap, “Have you missed me after not seeing me for a day?”


“Tsk.” Lian Yu untied Cen Zhen’s neckband and lowered his head towards him. He didn’t bite nor kiss him, but leaned against him gently, “Cen Zhen…”

“Huh?” Cen Zhen turned off the floating screen and put the neckband on the table. He felt Lian Yu rubbing against his shoulder, and his long wet hair spread on his body, bringing a little coolness.

“I feel so boring.” Lian Yu said aimlessly, “I used to feel very happy and relieved, but after today’s event, I suddenly felt a lack of interest, emptiness, and lack of energy.”

Cen Zhen roughly understood what Lian Yu meant. He raised his eyelashes, revealing the translucent and flawless blue eyes underneath. These eyes were almost unseemly pure but felt just right for Cen Zhen, as calm as the sky and the sea.

“Do as you wish.”

Lian Yu heard Cen Zhen say. Do as you wish, whatever you like, whatever you want.

He stared at these sapphire-glazed eyes as if there was a waveless spring in these eyes, and at this time, the spring water flowed into his body along the line of sight, bringing peace and tranquility.

“I have a notebook,” Lian Yu said suddenly, “I compiled it based on the memory of my previous lives. I originally thought that if I came back for the second time, I would definitely do better than the last life. Look how perfect I robbed the Zerg Prison. How beautifully I did it this time, all they knew was that it was probably a Sentinel, but no way they would come after me to the Special Star.”

“Actually, the only reason I do these things is to make people remember me. I hate the feeling of being forgotten. My first life was so miserable, and no one knew about it, and no one would discover it.”

“But now…” Lian Yu sat up straight, “I think the best combo ranking competition is more fun.”

Cen Zhen raised his lips, “So Dark Sentinel 1802 is going on strike?”

“I’m on strike. I’m quitting. It’s boring.” Lian Yu smiled slyly, “It’s not as interesting as watching A-na (aka Cen Chen) drive a battleship.”

“Then we can drive one all night today.”

“……Never mind.”


Original Author’s Note: 

Lian Yu: Let’s live a retirement life in advance

Cen Zhen: Forget about it, it’s impossible. What should the author write about if you retired? If you plan to do nothing, everything will come to you instead.

Lian Yu: Tsk! ! !

Fan: Listen to my explanation!

Chen Wuyou: I won’t listen, you’re just clinging to me, you’re despicable!



Translator’s Note:

(1) As a hidden meaning, this also means, broke up right after making out (///^///)

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