Is the Guide Reborn?

After hearing the lies that Lian Yu made up, Pan looked at Cen Zhen with great joy, as if he was wagging a non-existent tail behind him, “That would be great!”

“Don’t your conscience hurt?” Cen Zhen walked over expressionlessly, and Lian Yu looked back confidently, “Everything I said is the truth!”

As soon as the primary level simulation training started, Cen Zhen was forced into the driving seat by three men mercilessly, the methods they used were so ‘cruel’ that he had never heard of them before.

“…Don’t regret it.” Cen Zhen put his hand on the joystick and warned. Lian Yu sat in the passenger seat, with a map overview and radar chart in front of him, smiling like a cat who successfully stole fish, Yao Jin and Pan sat side by side at the back end of the cockpit, and their main task was to stay still and not move.

“Why would we regret it?” Pan asked strangely. Yao Jin’s sixth sense as a Sentinel flashed vaguely. He hesitated for a few seconds and whispered to Pan to tighten his seat belt before the countdown ended.

Before he finished speaking, the battleship in the hands of ‘the piloting genius Cen’ was ejected, smashing the glass on the top of a tall building that was a hundred meters away, then scraping along the steel cables on the top of the cross-river bridge, and crashed into the unlucky group of wild geese migrating south. The series of collisions on the aerial track caused a huge traffic accident. In the end, they were forcibly intercepted by the aerial police in the middle of the track, points were deducted and they were eliminated.

Lian Yu breathed a sigh of relief excitedly: “So delightful!”

Pan, Yao Jin: “……”

The male protagonists are easy to trust others, putting it bluntly, they only see kindness in others, but they are not fools. There is no way they still haven’t noticed that Cen Zhen doesn’t know how to fly a battleship at all.

Cen Zhen got out of the driver’s seat calmly, as if he had just completed a perfect symphony performance, instead of being chased by the aerial police and ending miserably with 0 points.

Then Yao Jin was forced to step up as the temporary coach. The teachings of the gentle and sunny male protagonist were as before, comprehensive, meticulous, and easy to understand. Many small details and tips he provided were not mentioned in the textbooks. His driving was also stable and smooth, ten thousand times better than the exaggerated performance the villain put on to show off his skills.

Pan didn’t have time to remember it all, so he secretly activated the recording application. Yao Jin noticed his little move and smiled gently: “It’s all simple basics, no need to record it. Just ask me if you forgot something.”

Cen Zhen has good memory, and he can remember everything Yao Jin said after listening to it quietly once. Lian Yu shook his feet in boredom, turned around, and saw his focused look, and suddenly there was a rush of heat in his chest. He squeezed Cen Zhen’s arm unhappily and poked his waist.

“Huh?” Cen Zhen had to divide some attention to hold on to the flailing paw. The owner of the paw glared at him, “So attentive, huh?”

Possessiveness is a word that appears countless times in the “General Knowledge” textbook. From the time every Guide learns to read, they have been warned that the Sentinels are unreasonable creatures, and any of your actions may trigger their heartstrings. Possessiveness is deeply rooted in the Sentinel’s genes, which is in line with the evolutionary attributes of the race Special. Don’t dare to change it, all you can do is comfort it.

Just like now, Lian Yu’s dissatisfaction appeared unreasonable. As a human being, Cen Zhen’s inertial thinking made him confused for half a second. The next moment he stood in the position of a Guide and suddenly understood what Lian Yu was unhappy about.

“Can you please be reasonable?” Cen Zhen’s voice was very soft. “If you could teach like Yao Jin, would we still be here?”

“How do I know that simple basics like the thruster had to start slow and then pick up speed had to be explained in detail orally?” Lian Yu said shamelessly: “The operation I just performed is the real master. If you don’t believe me, put the battle records on the Star Network and ask the net, I’m sure there will be a lot of admirers.”

“Such a pity that I was so dizzy when the master was operating the ship and I didn’t see anything.”

“I don’t mind putting on another double show to demonstrate it to you.”

While talking, Yao Jin’s demonstration ended, and the main driver’s seat was replaced by the one who would operate the battleship for the first time. As expected, Pan replicated Yao Jin’s operation perfectly in the first lap, but due to nervousness, he pressed the wrong button and unloaded half a tank of engine oil. In the second lap, he was much more confident because of Yao Jin’s encouragement and the smoothness of the first round. Not only was he more proficient, but he also made some personal improvements and passed the test with full marks.

“I can’t believe it’s your first time doing simulated driving. You did a great job, much better than me before.” Yao Jin exclaimed. He opened his arms and gave Pan a big hug. The latter blushed so much that one could steam an egg on his face. “This is just the beginner level, and it’s mainly due to your good teaching…” As he said this, he was so shy that he got out of the driver’s seat in an evasive manner, and said to Cen Zhen, “Come and give it a try,” and then he hid in the corner like a little rabbit.

Yao Jin asked Cen Zhen if he wanted him to provide reminders on the side. Before Cen Zhen could answer, Lian Yu sat in the passenger seat and crossed his legs with a groan. Yao Jin couldn’t help but want to laugh, “Sorry, sorry, I seem to forget to congratulate you two for the permanent union, huh?”

Lian Yu snorted, the villain-holding-sway look he had on made him look more like a 14-year-old rather than 41 years old. However, according to his character and reincarnation experience, it is not scientific to calculate the age by simply adding up the years. His real mental age should still be in his twenties.

Soon, a new round of driving results for Cen Zhen came out, and he created another achievement besides being “eliminated due to imprisonment ” – perished completely with a landmark.

“Cen Zhen, are you too nervous?” Pan’s face turned pale. The value of simulation training lies in its authenticity. More than five minutes have passed, and the tension from the explosion and crash is still stimulating his heart. 

“…” Cen Zhen pursed his lips, showing a rare dissatisfaction. He started another game without waiting for Lian Yu and Yao Jin to say anything else. He chose the unobstructed ocean as the map. Seabirds in this map are flying low, so a crash wouldn’t have a chance of happening. Then, he took the battleship and the group of teammates and plunged into the depths of the ocean without looking back.

Yao Jin spent a long time arranging words, and finally wiped away the salty cold seawater on his face, forced a smile, and comforted: “It’s okay, my spiritual body is a killer whale, it can take us back to the shore…”

Cen Zhen took off his glasses with a headache. Lian Yu walked behind him and took the glasses, put them on the table, and kissed the back of Cen Zhen’s hand. “It’s okay. I can drive. As for the driving lesson, you can be exempted from exams with the privilege of the student union.”

“I never knew I had this weakness. But there was no way to find out before. I didn’t plan to drive.” Cen Zhen got up and went to the balcony to open the window. They spent the whole afternoon in the training hall. The cool evening breeze blew over the skin, blowing away the long and tense fatigue. The street lights were slowly turning on in the distance. The scenery inside the White Tower always pays attention to details. After the sky completely darkened, the street lights floating in the air seemed like a Milky Way on Earth illuminating the feet of students.

He suddenly thought of the paper lantern in Lian Yu’s mental space. When he went to take a look this morning, the lantern was missing. Lian Yu said that he had put it away. Cen Zhen wondered where in that mental space it could be stored.

Maybe he doesn’t like it? Cen Zhen didn’t think much about it. He stayed for five minutes and then went out to do his own thing.

The next day, the break for the midterm exam ended, and students had to go back to class regardless of whether they failed the class or not. When Cen Zhen got up at half past six, the body heat on the other side of the bed had already disappeared. Judging from the time, Lian Yu probably slipped away in the middle of the night.

Cen Zhen was never the type to sleep sweetly even within a thunderstorm, but the sound of Lian Yu’s movements was softer than that of a cat, almost like a ghost. As long as he wanted to, he could approach anyone silently.

What happened? Lian Yu had to leave at three or four in the morning. No way he left for class, right? Cen Zhen finished his breakfast and walked into the classroom after a long absence. The classmates all looked at him with surprise and strangeness. Cen Zhen could not understand why, so he didn’t pay much attention.

He vaguely felt that he had forgotten something, but he couldn’t remember it.

The class lasted for an hour, and Cen Zhen’s mind was filled with what Lian Yu had been doing and what he was currently doing. He closed the terminal impatiently. After class, he poured a glass of ice water and drank it in the tea room.

The Guide sitting next to him hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn’t help but say to him: “Cen Zhen, why don’t you ask for leave during your heat period? Where is your Sentinel?… Hurry up and go to the school doctor’s office to get some Sentinel pheromone. , I feel like you’re about to explode when I smell your pheromones.”

“…” Everything was so normal that he completely forgot that he was still in heat.

“Thank you. I’ll ask for leave from the professor I have the next class with.” After saying that, Cen Zhen hurried to the school doctor’s office. On the way, he dialed Lian Yu’s terminal. He waited for a long time before the other party answered, Lian Yu suspiciously refused the video request and put on a voice-only connection.


I don’t know if it was Cen Zhen’s illusion, but Lian Yu’s voice was slightly distorted, “Lian Yu, where are you?”

“I’m outside, don’t you have class now?”

“…I’m in heat, and I can’t calm down without seeing you.” Cen Zhen said it directly. There is really nothing to hide about uncontrollable physiological phenomena.

There was a sudden silence at the other end of the communication, and then Lian Yu’s annoyed voice came through the current: “I forgot… you…”

“I know, my reaction was too normal when I was around you. I also forgot about it.” Listening to Lian Yu’s voice, Cen Zhen’s mood suddenly calmed down, as if he was immersed in a stream of warm sunlight. Generally speaking, the higher the compatibility between the Sentinel and the Guide, the stronger the soothing effect of each other’s pheromones during the heat period would be. Logically speaking, the 66.66% compatibility between them should be less effective than the artificial pheromones, but Lian Yu just has this ability to soothe Cen Zhen so effectively that the two parties involved totally forgot about their heat.

Maybe it’s necessary to consult Chen Wuyou about it?

“I’m on another planet. The soonest I can be back is before dinner.” Lian Yu’s side was very quiet, but there was a strange scratching sound like cloth rubbing against a door. It was hard to hear clearly. Cen Zhen suspiciously asks: “What are you doing?”


Just when Cen Zhen thought Lian Yu wouldn’t answer, the other party suddenly laughed briefly and said, “I’m making money, I’m afraid the 500 million won’t be enough.”

“…” Cen Zhen fell silent, and the only sounds left in his ears were Lian Yu’s calm and regular breathing, and the sound of him pacing on the rotten and broken wood. After a while, Cen Zhen asked: “Is there any danger? ?”

“Concerned about me?” Lian Yu continued to smile, a very frivolous smile, which seemed to be flirting, but also seemed very distant. After the laughter stopped, he was quiet for a very short time. When he spoke again, it was the person with the tone whom Cen Zhen was most familiar with: “Don’t worry, I’ll be just fine.”

“I haven’t asked you about the source of the 500 million.”

“I’ll tell you when I get back.”

“Well,” Cen Zhen stood in front of the school doctor’s office, “then I won’t disturb you.”

“See you later.” After saying that, Lian Yu took the initiative to hang up the communication. It took a few seconds for the blue light emitted by the terminal to dim, and the moldy shabby house suddenly became dark. He put the transparent voice changer the size of a fingernail back on his Adam’s apple. Then he casually opened a wooden door that was about to fall. As he entered, the person who was originally tied inside suddenly screamed and his eyes widened in horror.

But no matter how hard he opened his pupils, he could only see a hideous and terrifying mask and a pure black cloak covering his whole body.

Lian Yu hates darkness, but he is used to it and belongs to darkness. Dark Sentinel 1802 has always been accompanied by black shadows and has no chance of being in the light.

“I’ve let you live comfortably for two lifetimes, what else are you not satisfied with?” The voice of the man wearing the mask was stiff and mechanical. It didn’t sound like a normal human voice at first glance. In this dark and desolate scene, it seems even more terrifying.

The man on the ground had his mouth sealed and could only let out a low cry. He desperately wanted to say that he was rich, had a lot of money, and was willing to use it all to buy his life, but unfortunately, the man in front of him didn’t want to listen to anything he had to say.

“If it hadn’t been for that novel, I wouldn’t have discovered that you have something to do with all this; being the big benefactor behind everything.” The masked man continued to talk to himself, saying words that the man could not understand. He held a sharp knife in his hand. The dagger had cut non-fatal but extremely painful wounds on the man countless times before.

“That’s right. Otherwise, how could a doctor with the lowest position have the guts to openly defy trade union laws and secretly conduct research on human mental space? He also doesn’t have the ability to sustain my life for that long. Unfortunately, I can’t bear another moment after reincarnation and always kills him instantly.”

“Is it fun, rich young master? It’s just a small investment to satisfy your whims of curiosity.”

The masked man seemed to be laughing, and he was smiling happily, but through the voice changer, his laughter sounded more like the cold wind howling in the middle of the night, which was even worse than crying.

“I won’t torture you for too long…at least not longer than you tortured me.”


Original Author’s Note: 

Cen Zhen: …You schizophrenic?

Lian Yu:??? Watch the way you speak? I am the so-called tender on the inside but cold on the outside. This irony is the charm point, okay?

Translator: Yandere? 

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