Is the Guide Reborn?

“The annual best combo ranking competition is about to begin. Are you two planning to sign up?” Lian Yu sat down next to Yao Jin and asked knowingly. He had also read the novel and knew that the male protagonists not only participated in the competition but also won good rankings.

One must know, this is an all-tower competition with no restrictions on grades or classes. There will be many strong teams and various S-levels who gathered to participate. In general, by the time of the semi-finals, there will be no participant below level A+.

The division of competition where Yao Jin and Pan earned a ranking was air combat. Although they were the goalkeeper who ranked last at the tenth place in the air combat competition, it was enough for these two young third-year students to become famous in the eyes of everyone. The author finally showed mercy and gave Pan, who had low self-esteem, a golden finger. The battleship operating lesson that caused the most headache for countless Guides was actually Pan’s specialty. His talent for navigating battleships was undoubtedly revealed in this competition. At the same time, it also laid the foundation for his future study in the direction of battleship conquering.

Parallel to this event, the princess of the Jiao tribe became more and more obsessed with the brilliant Yao Jin, so when she was about to return to her country, she simply kidnapped him without any hesitation.

Hearing Lian Yu’s voice, both Yao Jin and Pan were stunned for a moment. Especially when they saw Cen Zhen appearing with him and sitting leisurely and calmly opposite Lian Yu and beside Pan.

“You two…” Yao Jin hesitated, the word “embarrassed” was engraved on his forehead. He and Pan looked at each other, wishing they were both blind and deaf on the spot.

“A-na and I are truly in love with each other.” Lian Yu supported his chin with both hands and smiled like a sunflower, “A-na is my pet name for Cen Zhen. It is a little secret between us. You are not allowed to use it. “

Cen Zhen didn’t say anything, and Yao Jin and Pan didn’t know what to say. The situation was at a deadlock for a while until Lian Yu clicked his tongue and said, “You guys are really boring.” Then he told them about their plan to trick KaiMenJi after trimming some of the ins and outs of the story.

The more he spoke, the paler Pan’s face became, “But KaiMenJi looks like a good person…”

“How would his plan work if he showed his true color?” Lian Yu raised his eyebrows, and Yao Jin immediately said protectively: “You have no evidence, it’s just suspicion. KaiMenJi has done nothing so far.”

“Stay away from him.” Cen Zhen said to Pan, his tone was very calm. He seemed to always be this calm, and Pan couldn’t help but take Cen Zhen’s words into his heart, “…I haven’t seen him since that day. .”

Although one cannot judge someone’s true self based on other people’s word of mouth, Yao Jin was very happy to see Pan keeping his distance from a suspected love rival. He turned around and said with a smile: “It’s good to know that you agreed to the marking voluntarily. I was so confused when I heard Cen Zhen like me, that’s so sudden and out of place …Only a fool would believe it! Especially this little fool.”

Pan suddenly got called a little fool, but he didn’t know how to argue back. He blushed with anger, “I, I, you are the fool!”

“Don’t be angry.” Lian Yu’s gray-green eyes were still curved with a slight smile on his lips, “It’s all because Cen Zhen’s acting is so good. He deceived Pan with his great talent. How can Pan be considered a fool?”

Pan felt that what came out of Lian Yu’s mouth was not good words. He looked at Cen Zhen for help. The latter was connected to the library’s intranet and looking at the catalog of books. “When it comes to acting, who can beat the King of acting Yu?” ?”

Lian Yu just had the ability to accept all compliments naturally, “I shall become an actor after graduation.”

“Such waste of talent.”

Yao Jin quickly interrupted the two’s idiom show, “What are you going to do about KaiMenJi?” Lian Yu waved his hands indifferently: “Let’s observe first. After all, it’s just a suspicion. In comparison, I care more about the best combo competition.”

“Are you going to participate?” After the jumping incident, Pan vaguely realized that Lian Yu was not a D-level semi-disabled Sentinel at all. He could fight off six security personnel in an instant. This was not something that any weak and crying Sentinel could easily do.

“Of course,” Lian Yu opened up the registration form published on the Tower’s official website and the names of the four divisions suspended across the table. “I came to you today, first, to clarify the previous misunderstanding. Second, to give you some opinions on the competition.”

“Us?” Pan was surprised, “I won’t participate.”

“Yao Jin will definitely participate. Don’t you want to accompany him?” Lian Yu blinked quickly at the side. All the scenes of the series of confessions, “I like Yao Jin without asking for anything in return”, outside the hospital suddenly flashed through Pan’s mind. His cheeks blushed red again, even more serious than before, “I…I can’t do it.”

“Air combat is very suitable for you. You won’t suffer any losses even if you try.” Lian Yu said with great wisdom. He just loves to show off, and it was his idea to visit Yao Jin and Pan after learning about the plot. Lian Yu couldn’t wait to talk to the protagonists pretending to be an all-knowing master in front of them.

Pan was still hesitant, but Lian Yu said a few more pretentious nonsense such as destiny and providence, etc. Then he said that Cen Zhen was still in heat and was not in shape to stay out for long, then happily took Cen Zhen away.

“How bored are you…” After leaving the library, Cen Zhen couldn’t help but say softly. Lian Yu laughed instantly, “That was so fun, Cen Zhen. When I think of Pan and Yao Jin’s thoughtful expressions, as if they have received great advice, I almost couldn’t hold back my laughter. Hahahaha, why don’t you make good use of such a magical book? I will definitely study it in depth when I go back…”

The scene of Lian Yu and Cen Zhen walking side by side attracted the attention of almost everyone along the way. Even those who weren’t paying attention or didn’t know them would be immediately reminded by their friends around them.

“It’s really them…”

“No way… I can’t tell that the Guide was being forced.”

“Did he become convinced after just one night of sleep?”

“No matter how you look at it, they are a very close couple. It would be so scary if they were just pretending…”

Countless whispers floated into Lian Yu’s ears. He rubbed the side of his ears and hugged Cen Zhen’s arm. Suddenly, the surrounding was full of gasps.

Although he didn’t know what exactly happened and why such strange rumors were circulating in the Tower, Lian Yu was very satisfied with the series of reactions caused by his small actions.

Cen Zhen didn’t have the good hearing of a Sentinel. He looked at Lian Yu strangely and got two cute big eyes looking back at him. “…Why are you acting so weird again?”

“It’s nothing.” Lian Yu took the opportunity to hold him with both of his hands, “Your underwear is pinching my buttock, it’s so uncomfortable when I walk.”

Cen Zhen was stunned for a moment. In the blink of an eye, his first thought was why his underwear pinched Lian Yu, then remembered he had not lent Lian Yu any underwear last night, and even if he did, he would give him brand new ones instead of his. Then Cen Zhen wondered if Lian Yu had secretly put on his underwear while he was taking a shower. After half a second, he finally realized that Lian Yu was talking nonsense, which was meant for other people on the road.

“…”, Cen Zhen didn’t know what Lian Yu wanted to do. It wouldn’t be a good thing after all. He took out his arm and walked straight forward, but he heard Lian Yu shout: “Why are you in such a hurry to go back to bed? I haven’t had lunch yet…”

Cen Zhen: “…”

Cen Zhen now has the desire to kill.

He disconnected the mental link and prepared to give this extra horny Sentinel an ‘unforgettable memory’. Yet, at this moment, a shout suddenly came from the top of the seven-story library.


Cen Zhen didn’t hear clearly what the man was shouting. It might be Mule or Luoluo. He raised his head and saw a man in the school uniform. He had a loudspeaker on his collar and a ferocious snapping turtle next to him. The ferocious snapping turtle clung to the waist-high wall facing the wind. Judging from the spiritual animal, he should be a Sentinel.

“Luoluo! Luo! My Luo!!” The man howled three times in a row, as loudly as a pig dying.

Lian Yu walked to Cen Zhen, frowned, and said, “I have a bad feeling.”

“Are your premonitions generally effective?” Cen Zhen asked, and Lian Yu immediately replied: “If it’s good, it doesn’t work, but if it’s bad, it works.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the man shouted: “Luoluo, be my Guide! Otherwise, I will die for you!! If you don’t mark me permanently today, I will jump from here!!!”

Lian Yu: “………………”

Cen Zhen felt countless eyes wandering between him and the man. To be precise, they were looking back and forth between Lian Yu and the man ready to jump off the building. It was obvious that this Sentinel got the idea from Lian Yu and Cen Zhen’s previous incident. After discovering this new and problematic way of ‘pursuing’ a Guide, he is now putting it into practice.

After a long silence, Lian Yu pulled Cen Zhen’s shoulder over and said angrily: “Is this what I looked like yesterday? Impossible!”

Cen Zhen couldn’t bear to reply, and there was a hint of pity in his eyes. Lian Yu got even more annoyed: “How can this be!? Although I wanted to jump off the building yesterday because of my depression, I didn’t yell so stupidly, okay? I am alone and just being lonely on the top of the building…”



“You cried so hard that you kept choking.”


“While sobbing and saying I wanted to die, you were ‘scratching and attacking’ people with your ‘claws’.”


Lian Yu hesitated for a long time, racking his brains on how to fight back. Finally, he went with that universal expression and choked out a pretentious sentence: “Aw~ So annoying, A-na, you’re bullying me~”

“You win.” Cen Zhen praised Lian Yu’s thick face.

On the other hand, the protagonist of the Library Rebellion, Luoluo, seems to have arrived on the battlefield. She is a fast-moving long-haired girl, wearing a lace-trimmed white nightgown and bear slippers. A floppy rabbit is lying on her shoulders. She also has a loudspeaker clipped to her collar. She picked up the loudspeaker, and as soon as she reached the center of the crowd, she roared: “Get out, you idiot!! Don’t you have an idea of what Lian Yu looks like!? If I were Cen Zhen, I would agree too, but with your looks, why don’t you go pee and check yourself out. Jump if you truly have that courage, if you don’t die, I’ll kick you to death!”

The Sentinel yelled angrily: “F You, you are lucky I like you! You think your appearance, mental strength, and physical ability are the same as Cen Zhen?!”

“Even if I can’t compare with Cen Zhen, why did you still make vain confessions to me with a thick face!”


Three minutes later, the dean of students appeared out of thin air behind the man who tried to jump off the building. With just one look, the farce was resolved. The man who tried to jump off the building was taken to the office and punished to write a self-reflection. Cen Zhen asked Lian Yu: “Why didn’t you get punished?”

“I have the core code of the Tower and the White Tower’s academic system. Rounding it off, it’s the same as if I had bribed the dean.” Lian Yu said with a smile: “Besides, it’s not a big deal. The current principal was more rebellious than anyone when he was a student, so he won’t bother to take care of matters like this personally.”

Cen Zhen packed two lunches from a roadside mobile food truck because Lian Yu said he hated going to the canteen due to how noisy and smelly it was. What else could Cen Zhen do? Isn’t it just simpler to forgive him like an aged father.

After returning to the dormitory, Lian Yu took out two pairs of glasses like a magic trick, bent down behind Cen Zhen who was sitting at the dining table, breathed hot air into his round earlobes, and asked: “Come and experience the simulated air combat together?”


Original Author’s Note: 

Cen Shixian: You are so coquettish

Ai Yu: Since you want to pursue excitement, then follow through to the end.

Translator’s Note:

This is a meme referencing the drama Home Temptation

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