Is the Guide Reborn?

After more than a dozen physical examinations, it was already dark outside, and the results were all excellent. After reviewing them, Chen Wuyou only came up with one suggestion: avoid emotional ups and downs during the heat period.

Lian Yu simply couldn’t imagine a situation that would make Cen Zhen’s emotions so up and down. He always felt that even if the sky was falling, the person next to him would accept to be crushed to death calmly and indifferently.

On the way back, they met a few Sentinels who were joking. These people were obviously bystanders of the previous heat-induced ‘suicide’ incident. They smelled the merging pheromones between the two that only happened after the permanent union, and all looked at Lian Yu with complicated eyes. The looks towards Cen Zhen were even more distorted, mixed with many strange emotions. Most of these emotions probably came from imagination or made up from assumption, Lian Yu figured.

Especially when one of them discovered the spiritual body beside Cen Zhen that he had not taken back. It would not be an exaggeration to describe it as he was staring like a stuck pig level dumbfounded. “You…yours,” the Sentinel tried very hard to smell the not-so-rich pheromones in the air to double check, “Student Cen Zhen, your spiritual body…”

“Yes, it has mutated.” Cen Zhen admitted frankly. He had already sent the mutation status and Chen Wuyou’s diagnosis as proof to the dean and was just waiting for it to be entered into the academic system.

The Sentinels were shocked. Cen Zhen felt that the surprise they showed had something more to it. Apart from the shock… they also seem to be filled with inexplicable pity, sorry, and indignation? ? ?

After Cen Zhen and Lian Yu left, Chen Wuyou was bored on the night shift and clicked open the forum post he read halfway during the day and closed due to the excessive nonsense. The latest reply was from ‘Informed Person’ No. 2. They first replied to the original post expressing shock with a row of scarlet exclamation marks, then denounced Lian Yu in eight hundred words for being ruthless and committing all kinds of evil. Finally, he said that he had witnessed Cen Zhen being forcibly marked by such a villain with his own eyes, and poor Cen Zhen went through so much emotional distress, he broke down to the point his spiritual animal mutated in a span of just half a day.

Chen Wuyou: “……”

Of course, Cen Zhen, who didn’t care about entertainment and gossip, wouldn’t know about these things. He and Lian Yu separated in front of the White Tower. As Cen Zhen walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower, he saw the Sentinel had already changed into pajamas and was lying on his bed with his eyes closed, asleep.

The buttons of his pajamas were not fastened properly, exposing most of his chest. The elastic band of his pajamas was stretched crookedly on his crotch, and the V-line of his abdomen was seductively visible in the open air. Cen Zhen covered Lian Yu with the quilt without even looking and left. Walk toward the mirror and look at the bite marks on his side neck.

The teeth marks have mostly disappeared, but the marks left by the two canine teeth piercing the glands are deeply engraved on the skin and will never disappear. This is a unique mark between the two of them.

The permanent mark between him and Lian Yu was too hasty. Lian Yu started it before Cen Zhen could react and ended it before he could react.

Other Sentinel and Guides would do a whole ritual of taking a bath, burning incense, fasting for three days, and then carefully choose a memorable time and place before the act if they have a chance to. They will also make a series of preparations and exchange many words before permanently marking. The marking process is long and slow. Accompanied by some erotic activity, indescribable preludes, or subsequent exercise.

When it comes to the two of them……Shall we start? Nope, it’s already over.

Lian Yu was on his edge and couldn’t wait for another demi-second. He had to bring Cen Zhen into his sphere of influence the moment all requirements were met and complete it as quickly as possible, so he could feel at ease.

He is afraid, afraid of changes.

Fortunately, Cen Zhen didn’t have any romantic feelings for ritual or commemoration. Otherwise, if a Guide were permanently marked in such a random place and the confession was in a taxi, they might fight Lian Yu to the death on the spot. He drank a cup of hot water, lifted the quilt, and lay down next to Lian Yu. He knew that the Sentinel had been waiting for him in the spiritual space for a long time.

After a few days of treatment, Lian Yu’s spiritual space has expanded much larger compared to his first visit. Although it is still a dark and desolate land, perhaps because of the change in the master’s mood, the decadent loneliness gradually disappears. Instead, there was a feeling of nirvana, a feeling of having a rebirth, that even Cen Zhen could not describe.

It seemed as if something was about to emerge from the ashes.

Cen Zhen’s hunch was not wrong. As soon as he came in, he found Lian Yu squatting not far away. Seeing him here, he waved excitedly, “Come here, come here.”

Cen Zhen walked over and saw a small green bud where Lian Yu was squatting. It was hard to tell what kind of plant it was. It was rooted in the cracked and dry land. It was ironically fresh and tender yet so naturally to be where it is.

When marking permanently, the Sentinel leaves two eternal teeth marks on the Guide, and it is only fair for the Guide to also leave an indelible imprint for the Sentinel in return. The former is a necessary physiological behavior for marking, while the latter is not a necessity. It is more for equality and mutuality, a custom that has been passed down for a long time.

Lian Yu liked this custom very much. He hurriedly took a bath, rushed to Cen Zhen’s dormitory, and had been waiting in his spiritual space for a long time. He looked at Cen Zhen eagerly and lost patience watching him stare at the bud for so long. He reminded him with dissatisfaction: “Stop looking, it’s time to leave something in my spiritual realm.”

The so-called imprint given by the Guide to the Sentinel means that the Guide can make changes to the spiritual space of the Sentinel after permanent marking. The extent of the change depends on the mental strength level of the Guide. If the mental strength of a Sentinel is high enough, he can also make changes to the spiritual space of his Guide. However, except for times like permanent marking, very few Guides are willing to make changes to their Sentinel’s spiritual space, because it is tiring, strenuous, drains mental energy, is not interesting, and lacks meaning.

The Guides may exhaust themselves to the point of total exhaustion just so they can create some dead grass in their Sentinel’s spiritual space. The Sentinel also has to praise them regardless for the sake of their lover, and express how much they appreciate them, such as saying, look how beautiful the withered grass is, it matches the soles of my shoes so well!

“What do you want?” Cen Zhen asked Lian Yu for his opinion. If the other party for real says whatever, he would probably create another green bud beside this one to keep it accompanied.

But Lian Yu has always been very assertive. He smiled and showed a mouth of shining white teeth. His canine teeth were still pointy, symbolizing he was still in heat. Cen Zhen suddenly felt that these kinds of heat stage characteristics were quite subtle. If it were to be compared to ordinary humans on Earth, doesn’t it basically mean they are sexually activated?

Lian Yu went all out and asked for something huge: “Cen Zhen, it’s too dark here, could you make me a sun?”

“……” Cen Zhen looked down at him, “Do you think I’m Kuafu?”


“A god who created the world.”

Lian Yu didn’t delve into the origin of this God. He said angrily: “If the sun isn’t possible, then I want the moon.”

“How is this different from the sun?”



“…This won’t work, that won’t work either, you’re so useless.”

Cen Zhen’s temples bulged, but he endured it. It was indeed dark in here, and it seemed that it would always be so dark. Even though the area was expanding, the sky showed no signs of getting brighter and having bright daylight seemed hopeless.

“The scorching sun, the bright full moon…” Cen Zhen said softly, he raised his head and looked at the vast and low-spirit sky, “Dense starlights…”

The wind blew the hem of his clothes, and at some point, the lion appeared on the cracked land and walked to Cen Zhen’s side. Lian Yu also followed his gaze and stood up.

“The things you want, there’s none I can do.” Cen Zhen’s voice was very soft, but the meaning behind his words was clear: Even a Guide with A+ mental strength is still a human being. If I create a sun for you, I’ll for sure splash into spring mud on the spot. 

Lian Yu laughed. Actually, he had already prepared all the sweet talk. He first asked for the sun, moon, and stars. Cen Zhen must not be able to do any. He then quickly follows up with: The sun is already there, the moon is already there, and the stars are also there. Then he hugged Cen Zhen and said ‘They are all in my arms’.

But before he could execute the sweet talk, a warm golden light suddenly illuminated Cen Zhen’s face. Lian Yu looked over and saw Cen Zhen slowly turning around. There was a square of light floating above his palm, it was a lantern covered with thin white paper. This gentle light, which seemed to have a motionless flame inside, immediately illuminated the small area between the two of them.

“But I am willing to light a lantern for you.” Cen Zhen let go of his hand, and the paper lantern slowly floated upward. It was so gently floating. Wherever it was, darkness had nowhere to hide. Finally, the paper lantern floated on Lian Yu’s shoulder, Cen Zhen’s most favored spot, “Although it cannot light up the entire space – I think that’s what you have to work hard for; to restore the original appearance of your spiritual space. You hate darkness, and the spiritual space reflects the personality of its owner, so it must have been bright before.”

“And during this period, this light can at least guide you on the way forward.”

“…” Lian Yu looked at Cen Zhen dumbly until the latter asked: “Don’t like the antique paper lanterns? Do you need me to add some patterns or change it to a more modern style?”

He suddenly woke up and wanted to look at the lamp on his shoulder, but he was afraid that the light would burn his eyes, even though the brightness of the paper lamp was very shallow.

“…I have something to tell you!”

“You have reminded me repeatedly before.” Cen Zhen was not surprised. He even guessed a little bit of what Lian Yu was going to say.

“Come out.” Before he finished speaking, Lian Yu had disappeared in place, but the paper lantern he lit for him did not move. It hung obediently in place, the only color in the world, and the buds stretched out in the light. Both of them are patiently waiting for the next arrival of their master.

Before leaving, Cen Zhen glanced at the lion who he had been ignoring since he came in. The other party’s attitude towards him was completely unrestrained after its master’s confession. As soon as Cen Zhen’s eyes fell on it, the lion rubbed against his legs like a coquettish cat.

Cen Zhen touched the lion’s head and said, “Your master needs me for something.” The lion roared with understanding, wagged its tail, and went to look at the paper lanterns. Cen Zhen activated his thoughts and returned to the real world. Lian Yu, who came out one step ahead of him, had already sat up, with his hands between his legs, his back slightly bent, showed a repenting attitude, and whispered: “I got something I have to confess…”

Hearing this tone of being ready to repent for something he had done wrong, Cen Zhen couldn’t help but want to laugh, “You know how to choose the right time. We have just completed the permanent marking. You stamped my body, and I left a mark on your spirit, so I have to accept whatever you confess.”

Cen Zhen wanted to laugh but didn’t, but Lian Yu actually made a sound of laughter, “Actually, you probably have guessed it.”


“I have been reborn. I have lived three lifetimes.”

“Reborn…” Cen Zhen chewed the word carefully. His situation can also be regarded as rebirth, but transmigration seems more appropriate. Compared with reborn, Cen Zhen cares more about the following words, “Three lifetimes?”

“Yes, this is my third 27th year.” Lian Yu just wanted to be honest with Cen Zhen, so he naturally told him everything. He answered Cen Zhen’s questions and took the initiative to tell the details Cen Zhen didn’t ask. “I lived for 30 years in my first life. Well, actually I don’t know how many years. After falling into spiritual blackhole, I have no concept of time. I feel that it is endless, but maybe it is only for a short time?”

“The second life was till when I was 29, the third life…” Lian Yu touched the back of Cen Zhen’s right hand. No matter if it was in the dark or the light, or when he was holding the lamp, this beautifully shaped hand with visible joints was…something he couldn’t look away from, “Maybe I can live for a very long time?”


Original Author’s Note: 

mua ~ There will be some minor updates in the next few days

I changed their ages again, my calculation was wrong before.

Translator’s Note:

I have no clue if the age is now correct, if anyone knows, please let me know. If it’s incorrect, I will go back and change it.

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