Is the Guide Reborn?

What the female Guide said is not an exaggeration. Having 70% compatibility is seriously a very easy condition to meet. More than 80% of the couples coming to register for permanent union have a compatibility between 75% and 79%, and the remaining 19% are between 80% and 89%. The last percent are the ones who have above 90% or below 75% compatibility.

Compatibility starting with 6 is even rarer than the 90% compatibility.

“No need to reconsider, no need to reconsider.” Lian Yu urged impatiently: “66.66% is such an auspicious number. It might become 66.67% in the next second. Hurry up.”

Cen Zhen remained silent, letting his left hand sway under the influence of Lian Yu. His movement added a touch of indulgence and acquiescence to the silence at this moment.

“A permanent marking is a lifelong thing. Once you two are united, separation isn’t an option anymore. You must not act impulsively,” the female Guide advised earnestly. “The degree of compatibility is closely related to your spiritual connection, comfortability, and perception. 66% percent is way too low, and you won’t even be able to know whether the other person is happy or sad.”

“Should we just file a complaint?” Cen Zhen turned to look at Lian Yu, “Viciously delaying the time and hindering the normal union registration of citizens.”

“Oh, sure.” Lian Yu looked at the auxiliary robot, “I want to file a—”

“Fxxx…” The female Guide finally couldn’t help but swear. The feeling of her providing kindness but getting dumped into the trash is so indescribable, that she quickly entered 66.66% into the file, then pushed the page in front of Cen Zhen and Lian Yu cleanly without hesitation. Naturally, the two signed their name and the female Guide stamped the electronic seal with the time and date. The holographic interface turned into a small red envelope and disappeared in front of everyone.

The registration is successful.

The female Guide clapped helplessly, “Congratulations to the union of the Sentinel and Guide, whose compatibility is 66.66%. No matter what, I sincerely wish you a happy and harmonious life together.”

“Thank you.” Before Cen Zhen could finish his words, Lian Yu had already led him to the door. Lian Yu also thanked her loudly, and then quickly held Cen Zhen’s hand without looking back and walked toward a deserted corner.

“…” Cen Zhen didn’t know what Lian Yu was going to do, so he just followed him quietly. Suddenly, he was pushed against the wall by Lian Yu, and then Lian Yu’s coat which was still warm from his body heat was covered over Cen Zhen’s head.

He finally realized what Lian Yu was going to do! When Cen Zhen tried to stop him, his neck felt cold, and Lian Yu had his neckband in his hand. Lian Yu’s eyes completely darkened, and Cen Zhen could only feel the warm breath on his glands, which were already more sensitive than usual.

Accompanied by a stinging pain, Cen Zhen’s entire body suddenly became numb. He lost control of his body below his head. Soon, even his mind stopped functioning. His pupils went blank and out of focus, and he even forgot to breathe. He could only stare blankly, standing in place, keeping his hands on Lian Yu’s shoulders.

Lian Yu’s condition was not much better. He held his breath unconsciously and his whole body became stiff. Only his sharp teeth sank deeper and deeper, eager to penetrate the Guide’s glands.

After a long time, Cen Zhen and Lian Yu simultaneously came to their senses suddenly, separated from each other, and gasped for breath. Lian Yu put fresh air back into his almost dry lungs, while quickly stopping the bleeding for Cen Zhen, and then tied the neck strap back.

Cen Zhen threw off his coat and touched his neck. It felt a little painful, but the feeling of being numb and hot was greater. He said half angrily and half helplessly: “Are you this impatient!”

“Yes.” Lian Yu nodded excitedly. There were specks of blood hanging from the corners of his lips, and he licked it with the tip of his scarlet tongue as he spoke, “I can’t wait any longer, I can’t wait even just another minute… Cen Zhen, do you feel the spiritual connection between us, do you feel my excitement right now?!”

Cen Zhen snapped the spiritual link.

Lian Yu: “…….”

Lian Yu: “Hey, we are in our honeymoon phase, can’t you be more enthusiastic? You are like the kind of scumbag Guide who made a contract for his own benefit and ran away after taking advantage of me.”

“Is this the first time you met me, don’t you already know that I am such a scumbag Guide?” Cen Zhen walked out and called a taxi at the terminal. Lian Yu confidently hugged onto his arm, like a normal couple in love. He leaned close and said: “Then you haven’t ‘used’ my spirit and body yet. You can only run away after you have ‘eaten’ everything first.”

“Your spirit is so disgusting that I can’t bring myself to think of doing so…” Cen Zhen raised his eyes, his blue eyes rarely narrowed, and the corners of his lips also raised in a very gentle smile, “Your face and body barely reaches the standard of pretty and delicious.”

Lian Yu caught a trace of Cen Zhen’s joy from this smile. It was not indifferent, not resigned, not a sign of helplessness. Cen Zhen was also happy and relaxed about their union.

The tip of his nose felt hot, and he wished he could burst into tears at the spot.

After getting on the driverless hover car, Lian Yu immediately said: “Cen Zhen, did I forget to confess to you before the marking?”


“Cen Zhen, I like you, I like you very much!” Lian Yu loudly and passionately expressed his love. He threw himself into Cen Zhen’s arms, rubbed his cheek against the Guide’s muscular chest, and hugged him with both hands. Resting on Cen Zhen’s waist, he sighed contentedly.

Cen Zhen was stunned for a long time. This confession was beyond his expectations. Then he immediately asked the question: “Why do you want to confess to me?”

“Of course I have to confess that I like you.” Lian Yu was still smiling, his eyes and eyebrows were curved, and he was not embarrassed by Cen Zhen’s abnormal reaction.

“……You like me?”

“I like you.”

“…” Cen Zhen pursed his lower lip and reached out to touch Lian Yu’s long hair, “You actually like me… I always thought you approached me because of compatibility.” He paused and continued: ” Because the one and only compatibility between us that made me your only choice. In fact, I am very satisfied with this kind of relationship, which is more stable and long-lasting than illusory love.”

“Then you are doomed to be disappointed.” Lian Yu kissed Cen Zhen’s chin. Ever since Cen Zhen offered to permanently mark him, Lian Yu had never stopped doing this kind of little gesture, as if he wanted to so long long ago and can finally do so now. “Compatibility is just an opportunity for us to get to know each other. This opportunity can also be something like being in the same class, riding the same car, going to the same destination, where I met you, had an impression of you, and became interested in you, afterward, whatever this opportunity was, it no longer matters.”

“I took the initiative to approach you because of our compatibility, and I marked you permanently because… I like you. Believe it or not, I liked you the first time I saw you, so I feel even more regretful and fretful. Why can’t such a wonderful Guide show up in my life earlier? Why did I have to wait until now to meet you? I have missed you for so many years, and I regret every minute and every second of it…”

“…” Cen Zhen’s eyelashes trembled, and his fingertips touched the place where he had just been kissed, he pursed his lips again, and asked thoughtfully: “Then do I owe you a confession too?”

“There’s no rush.” Lian Yu quickly leaned forward and kissed Cen Zhen’s eyelids. The look of his eyelashes gently blinking just now really touched his heart, “It will happen.”

“…” After a while, Cen Zhen remained silent and reconnected their spiritual link.


The hover car had already arrived at the gate of the White Tower. Suddenly, Cen Zhen remembered something, turned the car around, and rushed back to the Central Hospital.

Chen Wuyou lazily opened the door of the office, looked at Cen Zhen and Lian Yu for half a second, and then slapped the door shut. Lian Yu made a tsk sound, pushed the door open, and walked in roundly. He openly distributed his pheromones wantonly, “Dr. Chen, it’s been a long time~”

“Didn’t I say that I don’t want to see you two for the next ten year-ish?” Chen Wuyou drank tea to calm his shock. Lian Yu flipped up his hair and said with a smile, “That’s not possible. I’m waiting for you to be the master of ceremonies for my and Zhen Zhen’s wedding.”

“Free me!”

Cen Zhen walked to his desk expressionlessly, pulled up his student information, and turned to Chen Wuyou, “I have something to trouble you with.”

“You still want to pretend ill? By the way, why haven’t you taken off your bandage yet? Does it look good with it tied up like this? Unless the Sentinel you were talking about is crazy, otherwise he will never come to attack you in this situation. To avoid trouble, hurry up and go find an excuse to recover from something like a miracle or magical possession…”

Cen Zhen summoned his snow leopard in the open space of the office, “Dr. Chen, my spiritual body…”

“…Huh?” Chen Wuyou took a sip of tea casually. Hearing that Cen Zhen suddenly became mute, he sat up straight strangely. Lian Yu and Cen Zhen looked at each other with a look of surprise on their faces.

In the open space, an adult snow leopard, more than one meter long, stretched out its forelimbs, stretched its body, yawned comfortably, and then slowly sat down on the spot, wrapping its four paws with its thick plush tail.

“What is it?” Chen Wuyou stood up, “Lian Yu, what happened to your spiritual body?”

Lian Yu shook his head happily, “This is Cen Zhen’s leopard. Every time you deepen the mark with me, the little leopard grows bigger… I am certain, I firmly believe that I am alive just for you.”

“Hey, it’s so disgusting. Why is the sweet talk between the two of you so different…” Chen Wuyou rubbed his arms, “You came to me because Cen Zhen’s spiritual body is a carnivore? This is not a big deal, and there is no legal regulation that a Guide’s spiritual body has to be a docile animal, It’s just a bit rare. How nice that you can brag about it…”

“No,” Cen Zhen clicked open his personal information, “My original spiritual body was a cat.”

“Cat…” Chen Wuyou’s expression suddenly changed, “Cat? Your spiritual body mutated?!”

Seeing that Chen Wuyou finally paid attention and jumped back to the office to apply for various examinations to Cen Zhen, Lian Yu put his arms around the shoulders of the person next to him and whispered: “Come back early. When we get back to the dormitory, I have something to tell you, a lot of things.”

Afraid that Cen Zhen would say something to bust the pink bubble, such as: It’s no different to say it here now, Lian Yu hurriedly added: “We must be alone in a quiet environment to discuss it secretly.”

The male lion jumped out of the spiritual space with high spirits. It found the grown-up snow leopard, which was licking its paws reservedly. The male lion walked over happily and gracefully, hooked the snow leopard’s tail with its tail, and then was satisfied as it laid down to sleep on the ground.

Chen Wuyou rolled his eyes behind the terminal interface, wishing he could castrate his superior Sentinel hearing. Then he viciously ordered five extra tests for Cen Zhen.


Original Author’s Note:

The next chapter is what’s in the synopsis.

Don’t expect too much, friends. There is no yellowness, not even a bit of it, there’s only my hot and passionate love (cough

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