Is the Guide Reborn?

The feeling of free falling was not pleasant. The wind whistled in the ears, and the Sentinel’s chest was scorching hot. From a distance of half a decimeter, Cen Zhen could hear Lian Yu’s steady and powerful heartbeat throbbing in his ears.

Lian Yu kicked and broke the glass window as they reached the 26th floor, then rolled into the room while protecting Cen Zhen. The smile on his lips remained unchanged, and he even laughed out loud when he saw Cen Zhen’s gloomy gaze.

The gentle laughter drilled into Cen Zhen’s ears, it felt a little crisp, a little numb, and a little itchy.

This is the first time Cen Zhen heard Lian Yu laughing like this, like a daring young man, without any worries, happy and open-hearted from the bottom of his heart.

He thought, maybe what he said earlier meant way more than he thought to Lian Yu, and had deeper importance.

They are currently in a random store room. Due to the intrusion of vandals, scattered broken glass and cartons were all over the floor. Lian Yu took Cen Zhen’s hand, glanced at the dirty bandage on his left leg, and couldn’t help laughing again.

“I want to mark you right now.” Lian Yu leaned close to Cen Zhen’s left neck and put his head on his shoulder, “The union is so annoying, why is it stipulated that every pair of Sentinel and Guide must first go register before permanently marking?” 

The second before, he was in a hurry to register as soon as possible, daring to jump off the 29th floor, but now he slowed down. Just wanted to get close to Cen Zhen in a small dark and messy room, pestering and talking.

“To prevent some Sentinel from forcing Guide to perform permanent marking and to protect the rights and interests of Guides, the union stipulates that, except for special circumstances, each pair of Sentinel and Guide must register before performing permanent marking.” Cen Zhen read from the “General Knowledge for Guides ” word by word in a low voice. Lian Yu’s smile immediately went down from him bursting the bubble. He was dissatisfied: “Do you think this is what I want to hear from you?”

“Then what do you want to hear?” Cen Zhen tried to push away Lian Yu’s lips biting on his neckband, “We’d better hurry up, my bandage and plaster haven’t been removed yet, and consider that the office closes at three o’clock…”

“What’s there to remove, you look good even when you’re crippling… I want to hear what you said earlier.” Lian Yu put his arms around Cen Zhen’s waist from behind, pressed his chin against his shoulder, and rubbed his lips vaguely at Cen Zhen’s palm, “Things like, I’m here for you, you live for me…”

“Are you sure you want to hear it here?” Cen Zhen gestured to the broken glass on the ground with his eyes. He meant that the police and onlookers would be here soon, and they still had to pay for the repair of the hospital’s windows, but Lian Yu obviously misunderstood. The Sentinel blinked his gray-green eyes twice, and said cheerfully: “It makes sense, let’s talk about it in bed tonight.”


Cen Zhen was caught by the wrist in silence, and Lian Yu carried him as he jumped his way down the stairs quickly. It only took him one step for each floor, and he ran to the main entrance of the hospital building within a minute.

Chen Wuyou was leaning against a pure white driverless share hover vehicle, chewing gum. Seeing them appear, he snapped his fingers slowly, and the rear door opened in response.

“I’ll transfer you another 50,000 tonight.” Lian Yu, who is rich and generous, was very satisfied with Dr. Chen’s thoughtful service, but Chen Wuyou hurriedly refused: “No, the previous 50,000 was enough to surprise me. I want to live a normal life in peace.”

Cen Zhen and Lian Yu got into the car together, and the vehicle left with a whiz, traveling smoothly all the way, and arrived in front of the Sentinel-Guide Unity Service Government Affairs Building ten minutes later.

The guiding service robot standing in the lobby warmly greeted them. It first handed over two pheromone suppressors. Many Sentinel-Guide pairs who came to register are in their heat, and this pair seems to be no exception. “Welcome, are you here for…” It seemed to have scanned Cen Zhen’s broken limbs, and its smart system voice glitched for a second, “Are you two here registering for permanent union?”

Lian Yu grabbed Cen Zhen’s arm, and leaned closer to Cen Zhen like a kitten, “Yes~”

Cen Zhen also nodded, “Yes.”

“…Follow me, please.” After they got a number in line, the robot led them to the vacant registration room No. 9, opened the door, and a young female Guide was sitting inside.

The scanning device fixed in front of the door has already transmitted the information of the two to the female Guide’s work terminal. She probably has already gone through the surprise of this physically disabled but mentally strong Sentinel-Guide couple who still came here even in this condition. At this time, she calmly smiled and said: “First of all, congratulations to you two. Next, our conversation will be videotaped throughout. You also need to sign the two registration documents and the joint certificate. Are you ready?”

“Yes.” Lian Yu held Cen Zhen’s hand, and Cen Zhen nodded silently.

“May I ask the Sentinel, Lian Yu, did you voluntarily register for a permanent union with the Guide Cen Zhen?”


“May I ask the Guide, Cen Zhen, did you voluntarily register for a permanent union with Sentinel Lian Yu?”


After the official question, the female Guide softened her tone and made some humane inquiries, the purpose of which was to give some Sentinel and Guide who hadn’t had a chance to think through the decision clearly to turn around: “I think you two are still very young, and both are still in the third grade. How did you come up with the idea of doing permanent marking now?”

Usually, the answer to this kind of question is love at first sight, something like he is the one, it’s true love, but the female Guide didn’t expect to get a different answer today. Lian Yu separated each of Cen Zhen’s fingers one by one, and put his fingers in between, “I told him that I would jump off a building if he didn’t mark me permanently, and he agreed.”

Female Guide: “……”

The female Guide frowned and said, “Sentinel Lian, please don’t joke like this, if this is the case…”

“He was talking nonsense.” Cen Zhen explained in a calm tone: “His brain got squished in between the door, so I need to mark him permanently and take care of him for the rest of his life.”

“Pfft…” Lian Yu laughed wildly, “Cen Zhen, you know how to joke hahahahahaha…”

Cen Zhen glanced at him and remained silent.

Female Guide: “……”

She rolled her eyes in her heart and thought that it was a relief that the two idiots were together, let them register quickly, and stop them from wasting others’ time. The female Guide finally received the registration documents handed over by the robot, checked the personal information of Cen Zhen and Lian Yu, and said, “Please show me the degree of compatibility.”

Hearing this, Cen Zhen and Lian Yu raised their hands at the same time, touched their wrists lightly, and the female Guide read the same congratulatory words to the interface that popped up on the terminal for the umpteenth time: “Then congratulations, you are now a couple with compatibility of…”

She paused strangely and said stiffly: “66.66%…Are you two really not going to give this a second thought? I have never seen a pair come to the registration with a compatibility lower than 70% in my career.”


Original Author’s Note: 

After the registration was over, I interviewed Catfish. What were you thinking about before today?

Lian Yu: How to get Cen Zhen

So what about after today?

Lian Yu: How to F Cen Zhen


Then, student Cen Zhen, are you prepared?

Cen Zhen: What is there for me to prepare? Wasn’t I born with what I needed?



Translator’s Note:

In case some readers forgot, the PinYin for catfish in Chinese is Lianyu. A word play used in the extra is that the words ‘get’ and ‘f’ in Chinese share a character (Gao/搞), which shows Lian Yu’s long-lasting wish.

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