Instead of the Heroine, I Married the Male Lead

IHIMML Chapter 17


For the past two days, Philome has slept so deeply that anyone could have carried her away without her noticing.

Kaien came to visit three times a day at the same time and asked if Philome was awake. When Sophia got used to giving the same answer, Philome finally came out of her room.


“Indeed, people need to breathe fresh air.”


Philome stretched her arms towards the sky as she strolled through the duke’s garden.

Sophia followed closely behind her.


“Miss, I’m craving fruit juice.”

“Hmm, a lot?”

“Yes, very much.”


At those words, Philome finished her walk and went back inside. The phrase “I’m craving fruit juice” served as a code for her business.

As expected, Sophia delivered a letter from Harnen to Philome and then left the room.

As she read the letter, Philome rolled around on the bed.


“Should we just make a spirit scroll?”


After reading the important part, she sat up straight.

Harnen relayed Kaien’s message to Philome exactly as it was. Kaien proposed starting a new business venture and suggested that they should not hide the power of the spirits like they do now.

Harnen and Philome had also considered the idea of spirit scrolls. However, strangely enough, the people of this world considered moving spirits strange and scary.

While magicians were regarded as blessed beings, spirit summoners, who summoned “living and moving” spirits, were seen as anomalies.

Magic scrolls often encounter accidents. However, Harnen’s scrolls, which contain the power of spirits, had never experienced a single mishap.


[PS. My head is about to explode. Please, boss, come and think about it with me. The kids also miss you so much.]


After reading the last sentence, Philome burst out laughing and folded the letter.

By the way, the kids mentioned there were spirits that Harnen had made a contract with.

Though they had their own consciousness, it was unlikely they would miss Philome. It was clear that the one who missed her was Harnen, which made her smile.

Since I’m not there, it’s understandable that you’re struggling with it alone.’

If Philome and Harnen alone were to try selling spirit scrolls, they would surely fail. However, with Kaien, they could use the name Wintbell. With his power, money, and influence, the outcome seemed promisingly different.


‘Above all, it’s exciting.’


Expanding the magic scroll business had its limits. Moreover, using greater power carried the risk of revealing the power of the spirits. Because of this, they could only sell scrolls for minor uses, which meant they couldn’t raise prices any higher.


‘This won’t work. I have to go.’


Additionally, the letter mentioned that Kaien planned to visit the office today. Communicating through letters had its limitations and was frustrating, so meeting in person seemed better.

Philome quickly got out of bed, hid the letter well, and opened the door.


“Did you see everything?”


Philome smiled playfully at Sophia.


“Sophia, don’t you want some fruit juice?”

“Miss, your body hasn’t fully recovered yet!”

“I really have to go.”

“Sigh… I really can’t win against your stubbornness.”


Sophia raised her hands in surrender, and helped her get ready to go out.

Once they were ready, they immediately left the mansion, but surprisingly, Sebastian said nothing. Philome thought Sebastian would instruct the knights to accompany them due to her mother’s situation.


‘By any chance… they didn’t send someone to secretly follow me, right?’


Although she knew it was unlikely, Philome glanced around the square. There was no one suspicious in sight.

After confirming that no one was following her, she walked into the fruit juice shop.


“Uncle, I’ve come after a long ti…”


She greeted the man but stopped mid-sentence.


The parasol Sophia was holding fell to the ground.


“Oh, Miss.”


The shop was filled with the smell of blood. Philome and Sophia immediately ran toward the counter.

The area around the fallen man’s chest was soaked in red. Philome quickly applied pressure to stop the bleeding.


“Uncle! Can you hear me?”

“Ah, miss… up, up…”

“Miss! I’ll keep an eye on him, so hurry and go upstairs!”

“Got it!”


Philome rushed up the stairs without a moment’s pause.

Her breath was coming in ragged gasps, and her legs felt like they were about to give out, but she didn’t stop even once.

Upon reaching the top, Philome opened the partially open door.


“Hah… hah…”


The window was wide open, and there were bloodstains smeared across scattered papers. Signs of a fierce struggle were evident.

Philome’s heart pounded in her chest.

After seeing Harnen’s glasses lying broken on the floor, she slid back down the stairs.

Sophia, who had been tending to the man’s wound, spoke as soon as Philome came down.


“Miss. He said it’s the slave traders.”

“…Yeah, I figured.”


Those persistent individuals wouldn’t have easily given up on Harnen.

They had been relentlessly searching for him.


‘Think. I need to think of a way.’


A way to protect and save everyone without exposing our business to others.

Philome’s face was as pale as that of a man who had lost consciousness.

At that moment, she remembered Harnen’s letter.


[They said the Duke would come today, but I feel uncomfortable around him. I wish the boss would come, but I’m worried you’ll get caught, so I hope they don’t come. And annoyingly, they said he would arrive around 12, which is a really awkward time for lunch.] 


12 o’clock.

Philome checked her watch.

It was currently 11:50. Given Kaien’s personality, he would likely arrive about 10 minutes early.

That meant he’d be arriving soon.


“Sophia! You stay here!”


With her thoughts settled, Philome kicked the door open and rushed out of the shop. She headed straight for the square.




Just as she was about to exit the alley, Philome bumped her forehead against something and stumbled for a moment.




A familiar voice reached her ears. She felt more relieved by that than by the fact that someone had caught her and prevented her from falling.


“Why are you here, Milady? No, more importantly, what’s with this blood? Are you hurt?”

“Oh, no. It’s not my blood; it’s…”

“Then, who did you kill? Is there a need for cleanup?”



She had to say it.

She needed to ask for help.

However, perhaps due to the shock, her mouth wouldn’t cooperate.

Noticing Philome’s condition, Kaien narrowed his brows.


Philome’s eyes widened in surprise.

This was because Kaien had grabbed the back of her head and pulled her into an embrace. His large hand slowly swept down her back.

She could feel Kaien’s heart quietly beating through their pressed bodies.


“Shh. It’s okay. Calm down, Milady. You’re safe now.”


Her ragged breaths quickly began to stabilize. After a few dry swallows, Philome realized she could speak now.


“Please help. Harnen… Harnen has been recaptured by the slave traders.”



Kaien furrowed his brows.


“How do you know that half-elf?”


“Ugh, Milady. I was actually going to say this first. The contract states that infidelity is not allowed. Of course, since I said it first…”

“What are you talking about?”


Philome yelled abruptly.

Kaien and Gio behind him both widened their eyes in surprise.




Philome squeezed her eyes shut and spoke as if she were spitting it out.


“I am the owner of ‘Menen.’”

“…Could you explain the situation a bit more?”


Philome took a rough breath and spoke as quickly and clearly as she could.


“I heard that the Duke was coming, so I went to find Harnen. But when I arrived, the shop owner was injured, lying on the ground, and Harnen had already been caught and taken away. Since Harnen had initially run away from the slave traders, I had been prepared for this scenario, but…”

“Gio. Go inside the shop and check on the injured person.”


Upon hearing that someone was injured, Kaien instructed Gio to enter the shop.




As Kaien called out a name, someone in a black mask and clothing quietly appeared from somewhere.


“Go back to the mansion and get the knights ready.”

“Yes, understood.”

“D-Do you know where Harnen is?”


Philome urgently grabbed Kaien’s hand.


“I know the slave trader who deals with half-elves… I also know that an auction is being held today.”

“I’ll go with you.”


  1. Cathe says:


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